What games are you playing atm? V2

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Kraken Guard
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Recently just hit 23 million dps on my Golem Arc Witch in PoE, red maps are pushovers at this point even at Awakener 8. Trying to push Grandmaster rank on Overwatch now just so i dont get PoE burnout.
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Son of Lucion
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new DLC gta online
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Prime_Evil wrote:Recently just hit 23 million dps on my Golem Arc Witch in PoE, red maps are pushovers at this point even at Awakener 8. Trying to push Grandmaster rank on Overwatch now just so i dont get PoE burnout.

Again, i must be doing something wrong but my damage on skill when mouse over it - shows 42k. I am dual wield spliting/lancing/shatering steel duelist. Following some sort of guide from internet. Just hit lvl 75 and done all acts + 3 lvls of labyrint. Atack skill is nice and build looks promising even with 3k hp and bad resistances. Will start farming maps now and collect currency for gears. But 23 mill ... kosmos.
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Oh friday already, just small weekly update.

1. Genshin Impact
After gearing up some of my support character to better level / weapon / artifact, finally i got 1 setup that i can beat level 90 artifact with ease. This open tons of option for me as artifact is major key source of power / strength in this game. Now I can slowly grind my way to prepare myself before next big hurdle which is AR50 (can level up character until last tier). Overall, it is a promising week.

2. Path of Exile
I think i will just share abit more story. Even though Im playing in trading league (because there was a plan to play with friends), I still find enjoying fun grinding the game SSF style slowly even though it wasnt efficient. Slowly discovering new stuff is what bring joy to my time. Especially now i have minimum at least several different system to study before im quitting the game (harvest, delirium, heist, maven, ritual) so i guess i still have thing to do for next 2 weeks minimum.

Of course there was always be a setback especially im hitting a huge wall, unable to survive even in simple white map. That also happened because I was still using tabula rasa and couple of mediocre unique, while ignoring my defensive stats. So I just took some times to relearn all the basic stuff against (i have a guide, but i dont follow strictly to it), so now the game is more bareable (I think I can survive simple tier 9 map at least now). If you follow discord, you shouldve seen my struggle with bloody uber izaro with many close call. Beating him finally, does bring joy like beating any tough dark souls boss.

3. Slay the Spire
Breeze through, now at ascension 12. As i said, silent is pretty a joy to play as mindless spamming cheap spell while I did also have a run that i give like few hundreds of poison on the boss (picture was in discord).

Game that Im looking forward to play once I finish either 1 of above game:
1. Metro Last Light - Revisit a game from a series where my pc cant run the 1st game properly.
2. Rage 2 - Avalanche studio, doom-like shooting, mindless open world with checkboxes, my alley
3. Borderlands 2 - It is my next go to coop games I wanted to play with a friend (Portal 2 didnt freaking work....)
4. Valkyria Chronicles 4 - Oh boy, this game required very specific mindset / free time before I can start enjoy this game. VC1 is still one of the best gaming moment I had (It still on my profile if you dont trust me : https://steamcommunity.com/id/iwansquall/

I forgot to add stuff about I said in my enjoyment of PoE despite playing inefficiently
This video I watched recently, it have some of neat idea about mmorpg in general.

I forgot that genshin will have 1 week of free 3x double resin / exp / gold farming with their leylines event. This will help a lot of player especially considering that I will focus all of my resin toward artifact (meaning i wont have resource to grind other important stuff)
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Y'all gotta play Valheim. It's absolutely the best game ive played in a long time.
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Friday already, my usual game update.

1. Genshin Impact
Finally pulled the trigger as I reach level 50 on battlepass. After playing a game with good battle pass system like destiny 2 and division 2, this battle pass feel like a joke especially you cant get any more exp after maxed level. But since they just buffed the battle pass with some fragile resin, i guess i dont mind paying them abit as I need some primogems for..... FINALLY I PULLED HU TAO which my first 5 star character banner. Not exactly exciting, as I feel very unlucky as it was close to max pity (and i already have 3 stacked fire characters like Diluc), so now im saving up for next stuff. Which probably 1 month away.

2. Path of Exile
Last week have been good progress. I finally tackled some of the bosses that i never beaten before (abyss lord & catarina from syndicate) while progressing slowly through atlas with more watchstones (i forgot that i need to go to ALL 4 map corner) and several more maven fights to make map more lucrative. My usual playstyles is always between 2 mode : suicide run & leveling run. Suicide run is usually when im at 0% exp and trying to clear as many challenging boss as usual so that I dont lose too much %exp (that poison conqueror is super dangerous).

Problem with the ritual league mechanic, despite it being super lucrative, in order to have enough currency to buy / defer item, you need to gather a lot of enemy into the ritual circle. As you cleared them, it get more dangerous as there will be more crowded with more enemy and you probably will be overrun if you undergeared (like me) and not having good AoE clear (like me). I wasted like 4 days (about 12 hours ish) just trying to level up from 88 to 89, but i always died to random stuff in the map, from this ritual thingy, other league mechanic like delirium and harvest, to fighting boss that i never met before. While I personally think I could clear T10 map easily, at end I just did simple blue T6 map so I can grind the safely, albeit more slowly.

Im expecting that I still stick with PoE for another 2 weeks (the season end in around 5 week-ish though)

3. Borderlands 2
Just after failed attempt to finish Trine2, Portal 2 & Path of Exile, finally i managed to convince my friend to start playing Borderlands 2 again. I already tried it last time with different set of friends, but it wasnt long until they decided to jump to Destiny 2 (I still hate that i spent too much time on it). So finally I can play this, hopefully until the end of normal playthrough (with all DLC). As usual, apparently gearbox managed to fk up steam version by adding buggy cross play between epic & steam, that lead to infinite loading.
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Kraken Guard
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i think i just crafted the best weapon in the game right now.

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Insert zizaran "best axe in game ... best faking axe in the game .. bank it" :)

Black desert is free in steam - downloading to check it out. Wotan, you still play it ?
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Anonymous: wrote:Black desert is free in steam - downloading to check it out.

You've probably noticed by now, but Black Desert Online is heavily focused around the cash shop. All the cool outfits are locked behind a cash gate, as are cool mounts. If you're feeling underpowered, you can shell out for temporary buffs - for PVP no less. Speaking of which, once you hit level 50 you are automatically added to the PVP environment, and there is no way to decline or turn this off.

If you want to carry a store with you, there's a cash shop item that does that. Want more inventory space? Cash shop. Want to level up faster? Cash shop. You get the idea. And none of these are permanent; you're renting them for one month. If you want to keep using them, you have to keep paying. Calling it "free" is really a misnomer.

Anyway, I've been playing Crosscode. It's a surprisingly well done indie JRPG set inside a VR-MMORPG on a distant planet in the far future. The combat flows well, the platforming is solid, the puzzles do get quite complex but that also makes them satisfying to complete. The environments are pretty varied, there is a wide variety of secrets to find, the art is good and compliments the graphics well, and the plot is interesting. There is also a wide variety of enemies to face, with their own attack patterns, idiosyncrasies, and weaknesses. You can customize your build in a lot of ways, with special attacks, equipment pieces, and occasionally cosmetics. And there is a free demo on both Steam and Gog, so you don't have to pay money to try it! Really, check it out, it's really cool.

I've also played Brigador. It's an isometric mech/tank/hovercraft shooter set in a dystopian future, in the metropolis of Solo Nobre. Great Leader, who used to run the place, is dead, and your employers, the Solo Nobre Concern, want to take the city for themselves. To do this, they're employing Brigadors like yourself with orders to strike at strategic targets to weaken the city's defenders. You have the edge of superior technology, represented as superior armour and shields, but you are badly outnumbered, forcing you to fight smart.

Against you are the city's defenders: the New People's Army with their mechanized divisions. The Corvid rebellion, built on disaffected youths and deserters from the NPA, which fields their own tank companies and mecha platoons. And the Spacers, a vicious band of pirates bent on burning and pillaging their way across the city in the confusion. There is a wide variety of weapons and vehicles to choose from, an even larger collection of pilots and maps to fight over, the graphics can occasionally get a bit murky but it's not so bad that you can't tell what's going on. Quite fun, as long as you don't mind being the bad guy - some of the weapons available are kind of horrifying in their effects, and your superiors will explicitly pay you good money for burning down apartment blocks and trampling civilians waving white flags under the feet of your mech.
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Apparently i forgot to give small update last week, so this will be BIG UPDATE.

Genshin Impact

Patch 1.4 is finally here, came with bloody boring hangout dating sim story. I know it already coming from the leak, but to see how it been implemented is such a let down. Basically you can choose your options which will lead to several good endings + photos taken. I dunno what couldve they done better, but since the cutscene is from 1st person perspective, i dunno why it felt... weird.

Finally reach adventure rank 50, which unlock the ascension for characters. Thankfully i farm enough materials that I have level up all 4 characters i have (including travelers, not focusing on her atm). This month will be super slow burn for me as Im not hyped to get venti or childe, and new 5 stars characters are at least 6 weeks away with patch 1.5). Seriously Im now reaching to point im super bored and only grind to use all resins once in the morning, and once at night.

Path of Exile
OH FREAKING BOY. You have no idea how happy I am. I started SSF in a trade league (because i was suppoed to be joined by my friends). My original plan was a spell totem build heirophant (which got buffed, then nerfed) in ritual league. After holy flame totem maxed & I reached level 92, it feel like Im reaching a ceiling where i can no longer joined. Especially now ritual how have harder challenges (red map + t16 required at least), thus slow progression really depressed.

After series of lucky self found, finally i got just enough stuff to start transitioning to freezing pulse totem build. I self found soul mantle, 2x kikazaru, self flageration jewel and 1 first snow (it was dropped today!). So I make a solid decision to run a new character (which i usually dont like to do whenever i play league) so i can get the threshold jewel in act 5 (took 4 hours). Now my build is pretty solid and Im super happy with it, even though it wasnt optimized (still have left over from fire spell & staff/2hand bonus).

Now Im on my way to tackle the last 7 challenges (still grindy & RNG)