"The utter futility of playing Median XL in Hardcore"

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Level 55+ Spearazon (~1900 hit points, supermax resists, 15K+ defense), killed by Normal Baal AFTER BAAL WAS ALREADY DEAD (see screen shot) :


Pounced on top of him (had full Pounce "Fury" bonus on), stabbed him with "Great Hunt", he went down in about a second and a half, was just about to talk to Tyrael when his black pool of death appeared beneath my feet and one-shotted me far too quickly to drink a potion, to move or to do anything. This was AFTER Baal was clearly dead and his corpse lay splattered beneath the pillar that you see in the above screen shot.

Ironically, after I hit "Escape", it presented me with the following congratulatory screen :


So let's consider this, Median players : you can be one-shotted by a boss monster even after you have killed him, despite the fact that (unlike, for example, Andariel's Meteor Shower) he did not appear to initiate any attack on you prior to being killed.

In Median, even dead monsters can kill you without warning.

Nothing "unfairly hard" about THIS game... right, folks?
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don't stand in ground effects
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Mr_Bill wrote:In Median, even dead monsters can kill you without warning.

I guess the black ground effect that lingers on the ground for like 3 seconds before the spell hits is not warning enough.
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Pit Knight
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Never stand in crap...
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Like you say, there's really very little if anything about median that's unfair. It's not an easy game like LoD, it's meant to be a challenge. The mechanic you're referring to has an extremely avoidable warning. Practice more my guy, maybe not in HC yet as even the most experienced players struggle with HC in MXL.
Son of Lucion
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Its not futility, what he did on you is Fatality
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Lava Lord
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The pillar blocks the visual of the effect so always consider moving just in case.
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cant blame you but if you die on norm Baal just avoid hc on median like I do, you're not ready for this
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Don't worry bro, it's just a small mistake, we all do them - once i died on nightmare baal, was fun :) but it was stunlock + guano on the floor. Everything is just expereince. Still, what I have is not HUGE stuff on HC. I have so much to learn. So many oneshoots to get. So much rage to aquire!
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As was said, there are many things that have after-kill effects. If you die on norm Baal you shouldn't play HC at all.