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By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet!

Terraria is kinda weird history with me. I played it long time ago (pirated) with my friend, but some sort the difficulty curved in hardmode turned me of completely with the game. I dont remember much, but i pretty stopped abruptly back then.

Now roughly 8++ years later, I finally decide to buy 4 packs and give this game to my friends. The challenge is either they can enjoyed the pixel art 2d style or not. Knowing now the game have a proper true ending + credit, I know i can reach satisfied conclusion at least. And it was a blast to play from beginning to the end. Just take note i played roughly in "3 playthrough", 2 with my friend server and one on my own. The ability for you to get absurdly powerful is what i enjoyed with the game. Things like digging through ground which tough in early game, became like hot knife cutting butter.

However the game arent perfect. The UI take some time to get used to. Despite the game have tons of quality of life improvement, there are still questionable / feature that Im curious why it is not added. Mostly the game are still relying on you have wiki / documentation on your 2nd monitor while modern crafting survival game will put some recipe ingredient in the game. The sheer amount of stuffs you can grab also overwhelmed my friends that he obssessively kept everything in chest while not necessary. As for my problem, some bosses required me to grind some times before finally i beaten them (mecha boss, cultist)

Terraria is fun game. Perhaps as one great game i played this year. Despite the challenges / problems, i think the sheer amount of stuff you can do in the game alone made it excellent for any type of players. Im hooked that I will try to 100% achievement the game next, and maybe beat the some other optional bosses.
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Good luck with those fishing quests for achievement on steam. I have close to 200 hours played and really thankfull to friends who recommended to play it. I have 93/104 achievements done and what is left - mostly fishing and some random stuff. But that is very boring and no value except if you want to craft that cell phone.
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Kraken Guard
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PoE new league first impressions. Good things but a lot of bad.

Good things : Game is a lot more challenging at early game especially when youre not using powerlevel gear like tabula or goldrim+wanderlust. Mistakes are heavy punished, and if youre a melee build you're gonna be feeling that even harder. Some would say this is a bad aspect of this build but i didn't find it very awful, just inconvenient.

The bad stuff...

Movement overall has been nerfed, that includes movement skills having their CD recovery increased drastically. Also all utility pots have been nerfed. Campaign feels like youre running maps with "Reduced flask charges gained". Quicksilver flask as utility? Yea, get ready to spend it once and having to kill twice as many monsters to get a single % of charge back. Imagine having a fast flow on your supposedly meant to be fast flow action rpg game. Crazy right? This feels very bad for the pacing of the game, and it's a retarded change to make the game last longer because the devs are salty people make godlike builds that erase their content. So because of those people (namely big named streamers who get everything handed to them by viewers) everyone else leaves this getting fucked.

Most skills feel like i'm hitting the monsters with a wet noodle. Lackluster, and bad. On that note , Chris said on the livestream that the new Reaper minion should feel like "a single uber ultimate minion that wont make you spam vaal skeletons anymore as a minion build" ; Reaper is garbage. Literally worst minion in the game. Tested it on standard with scaling on gear so its lvl 28 gem with 5 other awakened supports, and Minotaur died in 40 seconds. This skill is BAD. And that's just one example. I heard Absolution is also garbage, but haven't gotten around to test it myself so it is what it is.

This league is wack. These patch notes are hands down the worst state PoE has ever been. But on the upside that means we all just have to adapt to this. I see where they were going with this but they failed on the execution. Also there's this weird bug where characters T-Pose while expedition detonations are going off. That was pretty funny to watch.

"Lion's Roar" ? More like Lion's Meow now.
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Crucified chars AND mobs in act 2 - yes, i loved it :D gave this dark souls ? vibe. It took me two and a half hours to do act1, no refarming just slow progress. But Oak dropped that unique helmet with resists which is nice. And i got first chaos :)

Forbidden rite skill any good ?
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Kraken Guard
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Anonymous: wrote:Crucified chars AND mobs in act 2 - yes, i loved it :D gave this dark souls ? vibe. It took me two and a half hours to do act1, no refarming just slow progress. But Oak dropped that unique helmet with resists which is nice. And i got first chaos :)

Forbidden rite skill any good ?

FR Totems is incredibly good once you scale totem life and totem chaos res. It like Dark Pact Totems, except with more purple explosions going off. Takes a while to get it done but once it starts going it's pretty damn good. You really do need chaos res for totems tho or they will shoot once or twice and die and having to recast them ever 2 seconds is a pain in the zhopa.
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Road to 100% wasnt fun. Mostly because I was lucky to get Zenith quite early, so most of the optional content have become a joke and meaningless. The most tedious part was getting to low % chance to get some item and to spawn super rare enemy. I spent hours just grinding them. All of optional content are just snoozefest for me to clear out check list, but albeit with small RNG factor.

Biggest burnout is definitely the stupid fishing quest. It remind of 100 days survived achievement from raft earlier. I tried to do legit in between, but i already scratched 100 hours with only 70/200. I could create multiple mule + keeping quest fish in portable storage, even that felt tedious. So i resorted to speedhack, even that also not good enough, as each day / night cycle might take 3 minute (instead of 12 minute when sleeping). At the end, i just used the method of creating backup save file & reload just send fish quickly.

Now Im installing The Surge 2, hopefully I can have fun again.
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Kraken Guard
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Running maps on a bane occultist in PoE, bane is so gutted compared to Synthesis league but so far its still a one shot kill all trash skill with 2 curses linked. Will be 3 curses whenever i uber lab. Also Bane is considered a Hex and not a Curse anymore , that means i can't use those unique gloves that trigger curse gems socketed in it whenever i cast a curse, which is a huge nerf to Bane as well.

A few buffs came by with this latest patch. It's a small change and doesn't address the glaring issues this league has, but it's a good start. GGG posted a roadmap for consecutive patches to implement later on so it's looking better.

Besides that, if i get time i just grind pvp on my mage on a WoW private TBC server. You're not getting subscription money from me, daddy Kotick.
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Walked through 10 acts with a speed of turtle. Was so lazy to think and adapt, so just used bane all the way with lvl 3x gears. Took me about 30 deaths to do that and most of them against kitavas, because i still have no idea how to properly do that fight and don't really care - die, respawn, do dmg, die, repeat. Amazing huh.
New mechanics - not a fan really, but got this thing out of it and might try new build with it item drops are kinda better this league for me:Image
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Kitava : get out of his slams, get to the opposite corner where he starts spewing fire (fire wont reach you there), dont get hit by his read circle aoes when he spams them (duh), try not to get hit by the corrupted blood projectiles or if you cant just throw a golem on its way to tank it for you. Besides that just nuke the heart and avoid adds if you dont need flask charges that much, if you do kill them. ezpz

so close.

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How is that bloody roots skill (exsanguinate something) this league ? Still viable ?
Currently ED trickster is too squishy and looking at that totem build - i get a feeling that it will again be same situation - a period between you do action and then pause after which mob takes damage. Which is ok if you are a tanky, but none if these two look like super tanks for me.