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Wait, that is illegal...

To understand this anime, you need to know its full time, which is : Osamake: Romcom Where The Childhood Friend Won't Lose which is a trope in harem anime that childhood girl friend will never win.

So what is the gimmick in this series? EVERY GIRLS is childhood friend. Our protagonist was prodigy child actor who met alot of people when he was younger. Now in middle school, he suddenly surrounded by girls who wanted to get close to him for various reason. The joke in this anime is that every girls is trying to scheme to beat other girls, while the MC who cant make decision will left it at status quo (because story have go on). The enjoyment i have with this anime peak at episodes 3, which is sad to see what this series have become.

The problem is, I know it will be trashy anime. So i put super duper low expectation. And yet, the first 3 episodes was interesting with simple plot of getting revenge especially related to getting a proper confession. Lets just it resolved stupidly to prolong the series, thus we get this problem romcom for whole 12 episodes. At the end, it is typical romcom anime that I didnt enjoy much. There are many weird twist and turn made me wonder if the story was planned out properly or not.

Despite MAL around 6.1, it was review bombed hard. I treat this anime as average, mostly because there are some part i enjoyed, but it was major disappointment especially after episodes 3. Even by normal low harem standard, this did have some good merit, but low flat execution.
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DotA Dragon's Blood

Darkish generic fantasy done rock solid right. Won't win any awards for originality but doesn't have to.

Good characters, non-annoying MCs, absolutely no bs or filler (every episode is all about the main plot), even the opening is fantastic, plus there's no cheap let's cry in a group for 5 minutes ala japanese shounen garbage. Almost guarantee you'll binge it. Can't honestly think of any relevant negatives to say about it. Well ok, the villains could've been better.

Waiting for season 2.
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Hey babe, wanna chill & ride?

I watching random spring anime. I didnt put much expectation. I know from video thumbnail that it will be some sort motorcycle anime. Either it will be hectic mechanic or some sort sports-ish anime.

Turned out I was wrong. This anime is probably one of the slowest pace anime I watch recently. If I wanted to put it, it is probably very close pace to iyashikei (healing) anime that is super chill. The anime have a lot of empty background scene, followed with soothing music. The anime also thrown in some motorcycle maintenance knowledge as well as simple stuff like route planning, riding through mountain or snow. She met with another friend who drive old motorcycle that who she traveled alot with.

As for problem, actually despite I love slice of life anime, the pacing is way too slow for me. There are much what I considered that I can awe with like scenery or background view. Despite moving through many different area, mostly are just a simple slow ride. Our protagonist despite changed a lot from beginning to the end, it is just her personality that feel like kinda dull or boring. Although the artstyle is what i considered "realistic", the CGI on motorcycle and character design.

While the anime is decent / slightly above average, I doubt this is suitable for everyone because of problems i mentioned. I thought I would like it more, but I just get bored because of slow pacing.
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I remember watching 1st season of Log Horizon and thinking i like it from how well it depicts MMOs and their terms.

So i decided to watch 1st and 2nd season recently. My opinion still holds on the 1st season. It's pretty good for what it is. 2nd season tho it's pretty garbo. Focuses WAYYYYYYYYYYYYY too much on the noobs and not nearly enough on the story arc with the main characters. There's a 3rd season and maybe that'll pick up the slack by then but i just dropped it after the first 2 eps of filler and like 4 or 5 eps dedicated only to the noobs in the guild.
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Redo of healer, female version.

If you read the title, and you know the recent anime trend, you probably make an assumption like myself that this anime will be probably isekai with OP character that will be typical trope of using power to beat all the enemy to smithreen.

Turned out my assumption is wrong. This anime is mostly a fantasy otome anime where our protagonist have somewhat hidden magical potential inside her. She at beginning start working as alchemist to create healing potions, then finally became a full fledge magician that have capability to cast powerful healing spell. Watch through her journey in daily life from being royal escort, involved in some politic, learning about the world as well as being a thoughtful girl who try to find best way to move forward. Despite coming from our world, that knowledge not really utilized here.

As i said before, I set quite low expectation from this anime, especially when I saw Diomedea studio who well known some atrocious anime recently. Since it is isekai anime, I also kinda set that this will be mindless fun anime but it was exactly opposite of it. Although I will say that this is typical otome anime, so you should expect a lot of cool looking dude interacting with her. There is another girls in the anime, but sadly it is not fully utilized as I expected since they can be used as different type of perspective. Also, treat this anime as slice of life, or you will be disappointed with lack of antagonist.

I highly recommend this, but only if you can stand shoujo genre. I have enjoyed several type anime before, and they probably among decent good ones. But again set your expectation accordlingly, dont expect something grand.
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Pedobear distance cousin.

Random anime from youtube playlist, I like the thumbnails, I figured why not I just watched it while I playing Sigma 2.0. I know this anime kinda have low average score, so I put the kinda low expectation.

The story is simple, our protagonist is a young girl who have been working as priestess & mascot for her rural village. With cute bear that she grew up with, she being protected and live in sheltered lives. The story revolved around situation that forced her into weird (sometimes perverted) & in front of other people. Being someone with social anxiety she have been struggled, to a point of break down. Additionally, there are tons of slice of life & comedy in many episodes, which i truly enjoyed.

Problems with the series is probably the focus. At one point you have slice of life & comedy, but with protagonist that acting innocent and must be protected, it is kinda depressing story, especially in the last 2 episodes. Apparently on MAL, this is such controversy especially when the anime production making mockery of anxiety disorder. I personally disappointed because I liked the anime production & the comedy, but i just disappointing because it lacked of focus.

Even i like some part of it, i still treat the anime as average. I doubt any of you might find the anime enjoyable like i did (kinda borderline). Most of the characters are annoying in their own way.
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I will brief to say that this is another random anime. Turned out I missed several entries from the series which is a movie and some OVA. Regardless, I try to watch this as I tried to remember the plots from previous entries.

The story pretty much continuation from first 2 series. As they became closer to each other, you will be able to see how they have fun with eachother. Watch from they doing the brave test by walking through haunting area, involved in school cultural festival which is pretty running a cafe similar what they have worked before, and going to eat lunch together. The cute artstyle cute feel consistent with with s1 & s2, which fluffy colour & relaxing background music.

As for bad stuff, it is pretty niche stuff. As you all know Im ok with moe + slice of life stuff, I dont think everyone should watch unless you are big fan of the genre. The comedy is mostly miss for me, as I dont find anything funny aside from couple of adorable moments. Personally I feel like s1 and s2 at least have plots with characters trying to adapt to new environments and meeting new people, thus this season feel like flat to me. Sure it is fun & chill, but for me it is a bit boring.

MAL users gave pretty high score for this anime although personally I think it just above average. Sure, it is cute & heartwarming, but I feel it wasnt memorable like many other anime series. Watch only if you are depressed or something.
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I will solve all problems.... with my cuteness!

It might seem Im watching cute anime back to back, but actually i made a mistake watching summer anime that apparently havent ended yet. Thus I have to wait for another 2 weeks for their conclusions. And there are 2 ongoing series im watching atm.

Another series that I went in blind. Aside from cute artstyle, I dont know anything about it. At beginning, it was interesting since it is the typical isekai introduction where our protagonist get caught into a video game. She started to learn about her power, as well as helping town people via solving quests via adventure guild. As she became more famous, more people request for her help specifically and she became friend with more people from town. She used her power for good, while expecting nothing in return.

There isnt much negative to say about series except it feel like just another moe slice of life series. The character was interesting, but i have problem with the story which forget that she was from a real world. There isnt much game mechanic and her power are just limitless as typical isekai protagonist. While there are monster and battle, the animation are pretty much barebones and nothing interesting. Problems are generally solved within 1 episode, thus you wont see much supporting or returning character.

If you want to chill with slice of life / OP isekai character, go ahead and watch this. Score on MAL is seem on slightly average score, which understandable because of lacking in many department. Thankfully the protagonist is enjoyable.
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iwansquall wrote:
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Let me tell you, I read the manga. And the story goes only downwards. From the important stuff more and more down to the lesser important stuff, that's really not worth reading.
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Adventure of weirdos & terrible people.

I watch this before earlier, but get bored and watch other anime. It took time for me to get used to the anime since the anime first impression is pretty bad for me. Regardless, there is some reason why that the case.

Anime started very fast with story straight to action without establish our characters first. One thing for sure, he was sent by his organization to scout & annihilate any potential threat. Together with trustful android, they met the humankind in the planet they are landed, which apparently involved in wars with other races. He then joined by several other girls, each from specific races and together they went for adventure to discover more info about the planet. Despite being weird, somehow they managed to stay together as a team.

One thing you need to know is that this anime was based from writer who wrote KonoSuba, which an anime I dont enjoy mostly the style of the comedy. It is usually obnoxious & loud, but my problem is comedic timing. Thus the comedy in this anime is pretty much miss for me, as I dont even grin or laugh when watching this. My biggest problem is probably the quality of the anime production, this felt like barebone average from artstyle, animation, soundtrack, voice acting etc.

If you like konosuba, probably you like this. For me, it is just average anime with no merit. Combined with freaking annoying characters in the anime, it just huge turned off for me. Give couple of episodes a go, and see if you can enjoy the comedy or not.