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Dark Huntress
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You’re really trying to insult my intelligence , look in your video starting at 0:20 when you position cherubim to be on top of him he takes 5 hits and deals huge but you can position it even better for full 7 hits and rape him i will prove you’re trying to hide it soon by making a video.
Core Lord
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did I say I've never played with stacked relics? yes 83k voidstar was untheical, it could do deim 100% easily, super comfortably and fast.
And I've also played voidstar casters without those stacked relics many times, it was one of my favourite builds.
I have enough experience in lab with the skill, both with relics and without relics. So I said non-relic voidstar has superior clear than cherubim builds.
What's the problem? or do you just look for somebody to blame, as you always did?
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mania666 wrote:You’re really trying to insult my intelligence , look in your video starting at 0:20 when you position cherubim to be on top of him he takes 5 hits and deals huge but you can position it even better for full 7 hits and rape him i will prove you’re trying to hide it soon by making a video.

pfff.... still not all the projectiles land on her. You can obviously see it. Cherubim projectiles don't pierce.
and that was 0% at difficulty, with zero opened shrines. with all 6 shrines deactivated. Don't try to fool me please.

You have 5fpa due to -50 on wsm, not different from end-geared superbeast pally. Maybe even worse inside her mist
suppose that you can actually land all 4 projectiles it's 840% x 4 =3,360% wdm every 5 frame = 16,800% wdm per sec = 3,024k cold damage per sec
deimoss has absorb, iirc she had 50% in 1.8. so the real dps on her is 1,512k/sec
Deimoss regenerates 1.5% of her hp per sec iirc at 100% difficulty, so you have to outdps her regen by damaging 190% of her hp in a minute
The highst dps in the vid can't even reach the level as you can see. What if she casts the mist on your ideal position? then gg.
Also you have to deal with adds, cherubim builds lose huge dps when adds spawn.

Now let's look at Tantrum. Tantrum with 5sec duration hits min. 120 times. So the total wdm is at least 7,800% wdm, and you can easily have 8k elem damage on your weapon (actually 10-11k is possible even after spending all your points into vit). so you have 3,120k dps from the tri-elem source.
You also have 5fpa on pal with enough umos and full trophies.
If you add 50lv screaming eagle to the build from relic, or barb, it becomes significantly easier because it'll give you 1,000k+ dps.

now prove your 20sec kill please.
Edited by snowbird 2 years.
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n-gave13 wrote:Ok but why some bulids classes can't do all the content? Maybe i like play amazon? Why i can't do lvl 10llvl lab with her? I must to play paladin ?

I will not discuss balance issues. They have always been and always will be in ALL games. Given the size of the team, it's a sin to complain.

But who told you that any build or any character should cover all content? Respec in this game it's a part of gameplay. Do you want to kill Baal on the summoner? You can, but you better not. Some character can kill Quov Tsin while practically naked, but yours isn't? This is fine. Can't get past the lab on Amazon? I’m sure it’s possible. Need a better gear. Hard? Expensive? Perhaps. But this is not the problem of the guy who has 20k tg. And not a problem with relics that you don't have. Want to easily cover all content? Play on meta builds and not ssf. The game is difficult and unfair. And that's how it should be.
Dark Huntress
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snowbird wrote:
mania666 wrote:You’re really trying to insult my intelligence , look in your video starting at 0:20 when you position cherubim to be on top of him he takes 5 hits and deals huge but you can position it even better for full 7 hits and rape him i will prove you’re trying to hide it soon by making a video.

pfff.... still not all the projectiles land on her. You can obviously see it. Cherubim projectiles don't pierce.
and that was 0% at difficulty, with zero opened shrines. with all 6 shrines deactivated. Don't try to fool me please.

You have 5fpa due to -50 on wsm, not different from end-geared superbeast pally. Maybe even worse inside her mist
suppose that you can actually land all 4 projectiles it's 840% x 4 =3,360% wdm every 5 frame = 16,800% wdm per sec = 3,024k cold damage per sec
deimoss has absorb, iirc she had 50% in 1.8. so the real dps on her is 1,512k/sec
Deimoss regenerates 1.5% of her hp per sec iirc at 100% difficulty, so you have to melt down her within

Now let's look at Tantrum. Tantrum with 5sec duration hits min. 120 times. So the total wdm is at least 7,800% wdm, and you can easily have 8k elem damage on your weapon (actually 10-11k is possible even after spending all your points into vit). so you have 3,120k dps from the tri-elem source.
You also have 5fpa on pal with enough umos and full trophies.
If you add 50lv screaming eagle to the build from relic, or barb, it becomes significantly easier because it'll give you 1,000k+ dps.

now prove your 20sec kill please.

I dont have to prove anything to you i will show it to devs and then it will get nerfed in the end , and with that i will finish my conversation with you , this post was made for devs anyway not for people to show their frustration lol .
Core Lord
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mania666 wrote:
snowbird wrote:
mania666 wrote:You’re really trying to insult my intelligence , look in your video starting at 0:20 when you position cherubim to be on top of him he takes 5 hits and deals huge but you can position it even better for full 7 hits and rape him i will prove you’re trying to hide it soon by making a video.

pfff.... still not all the projectiles land on her. You can obviously see it. Cherubim projectiles don't pierce.
and that was 0% at difficulty, with zero opened shrines. with all 6 shrines deactivated. Don't try to fool me please.

You have 5fpa due to -50 on wsm, not different from end-geared superbeast pally. Maybe even worse inside her mist
suppose that you can actually land all 4 projectiles it's 840% x 4 =3,360% wdm every 5 frame = 16,800% wdm per sec = 3,024k cold damage per sec
deimoss has absorb, iirc she had 50% in 1.8. so the real dps on her is 1,512k/sec
Deimoss regenerates 1.5% of her hp per sec iirc at 100% difficulty, so you have to melt down her within

Now let's look at Tantrum. Tantrum with 5sec duration hits min. 120 times. So the total wdm is at least 7,800% wdm, and you can easily have 8k elem damage on your weapon (actually 10-11k is possible even after spending all your points into vit). so you have 3,120k dps from the tri-elem source.
You also have 5fpa on pal with enough umos and full trophies.
If you add 50lv screaming eagle to the build from relic, or barb, it becomes significantly easier because it'll give you 1,000k+ dps.

now prove your 20sec kill please.

I dont have to prove anything to you i will show it to devs and then it will get nerfed in the end , and with that i will finish my conversation with you , this post was made for devs anyway not for people to show their frustration lol .

why don't you show it to me first then. Just open it here as I did, people will tell who was right.
I think devs will laugh at you if they can look into my game logs.
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Not sure I really understand the problem. Is farming lab in the most effient way possible the only thing the game is to you? Even if you believe so, the fact that players good enough to earn tg and use it efficiently (don't believe anyone with money can do everything easily) can get to showoff for 2 special contents only, that are samael and high labs, doesn't sound absurd to me.
I do agree that some relics are too much, to me the one I can think of is eagle stance. But I see no point in making a rant thread about it. Just do a post in the feedback thread describing the relics that you believe to be too absurd would be good enough.
Dark Huntress
10 | 0
Lynderika wrote:Not sure I really understand the problem. Is farming lab in the most effient way possible the only thing the game is to you? Even if you believe so, the fact that players good enough to earn tg and use it efficiently (don't believe anyone with money can do everything easily) can get to showoff for 2 special contents only, that are samael and high labs, doesn't sound absurd to me.
I do agree that some relics are too much, to me the one I can think of is eagle stance. But I see no point in making a rant thread about it. Just do a post in the feedback thread describing the relics that you believe to be too absurd would be good enough.

Thats because people end up using oskills in the endgame most of the times and you cant do that without alot of tg investment which pretty much is what devs tried to get rid of by nerfing umos in the last 2 years which umo stacking is somewhat balanced now , some relics suddenly increase your character power by a lot .