Bat Lady Guide (SSF, Summoner, VIT assassin)

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Bone Archer
74 | 7
Oh no you can't relly on single charge of a 3-charge ability to cheese all the content up to 125lvl by clicking an enemy once every 30s, what a shame. :coolstorybob:

This character was never meant to be used as an afk kill simulator. The bats were supposed to be a meathsield so that you can have a safe opening for your attacks. Assuming that Claw assassin deals good damage on her own (which is hard to tell rn due to the reworked batstrike), reading those patch notes only make me happy that Claw won't be braindead anymore.
Dark Huntress
12 | 0
TTraw wrote:Oh no you can't relly on single charge of a 3-charge ability to cheese all the content up to 125lvl by clicking an enemy once every 30s, what a shame. :coolstorybob:

This character was never meant to be used as an afk kill simulator. The bats were supposed to be a meathsield so that you can have a safe opening for your attacks. Assuming that Claw assassin deals good damage on her own (which is hard to tell rn due to the reworked batstrike), reading those patch notes only make me happy that Claw won't be braindead anymore.

Absolutely correct. Instead they can click once a second with some minions that deal phys damage or reduced physical.

Or respec and spam click a skill to clear all content up to 125. :microwave:

Keep Assuming.
Rust Claw
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Testing new asa, doing some hybrid build - phys (maxed) + light. Looks good so far, at least from tankyness pos.
But looks like no suitable ultimate skill at all:
  • Beacon dmg is meh and no speed buff, so buff just for making noise - bit meh
  • Doom won't work with melee mastery
  • Phase bomb? But also won't work with melee mastery?
Any ideas?
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i think phase bomb works with melee devotion
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ABeLina wrote:Testing new asa, doing some hybrid build - phys (maxed) + light. Looks good so far, at least from tankyness pos.
But looks like no suitable ultimate skill at all:
  • Beacon dmg is meh and no speed buff, so buff just for making noise - bit meh
  • Doom won't work with melee mastery
  • Phase bomb? But also won't work with melee mastery?
Any ideas?

Doom, 100%, and it works with melee mastery :) (I'm using it, and also the melee mastery tooltip says you can use buffs/debuffs :)
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Is anyone else crashing whenever they summon bats on realm with goetia, I think it's an issue from minion % dmg going over like 55%
I almost always get a crash or disconnect. When I don't, I still get like a 3 second lag.
Rust Claw
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OK, so now my asa is unplayable (crashes every time i summon bats), will respec, so just tell my idea.
Anyone remember judgesin? In old median times it was sin with "Judge" runeword (key stat - ctc hammer on striking) and wyrd. Add old "Ligeia" RW to mix and you would never need to go melee, cast wyrd, move, cast, move - everyone will be killed by hammer spam and HG proc will move you around.

Wyrd is not castable with melee mastery, but whirlpool (which also appears on crafted head/body) is. I also go melee when casting bats, so why not - blink, batstrike, whirlpool, run away. Evemy is surrounded by bats and hammer procs bombing him from far away, repeat if needed.
Damage is not over-top, but def. playable, SSF too - and there are nice tanks to hold everyone in place, while you can run around proccing hammers - safe enough.

But in current state bats are so bugged. First i got crashes from crafted circlet with psicrown oskill. I do not cast psicrown, but i wear it - game crashed every minute.
Disposed circlet, was ok for another hour or so, but suddenly any bat summon (blink + batstrike) ended up with instant crash. Other chars are fine, if i don't summon - too, but hey, it was meant batsin from beginning.
So, good in theory, but can't go late game and check how this works due to game limitations - if someone can try and comment how this works with late game bosses - go on! ;-)
Stone Warrior
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I tested bats. They worked kind of okay day 1, but now whenever I summon them they hard crash the game. Seems to be bugged.
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Same here, waiting on bats to be fixed and playing an alt meanwhile, then ill come back and hopefully do something+edit the guide :)
But as it is right now it's literally unplayable
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Got to hell as bat now the struggle is real.