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clear mind

Cain's Heirloom with lower MR. The status is very far from optimizing, I assume you could easily hit 1400k top-end sheet with better jewels / crafts.

T10 with lab gears, capped max res, focused on tank. 7 UMO slots left unused.

Leah's Vision turned out to be a big bait cause sorc didn't really need more tank with stacked vitality.
Dreamflange is damagewise not ideal, but it eases capping defensive aspects by a lot.
For more budget build, I recommend Bulwark of the Archon (Breast Plate SU) and Wake of Destruction or a pair of crafted boots.

guess this can do deimoss 100% as well, with better optimizing and high slvl singularity. Unique scaling, unique playstyle (mostly hit and run)
I'd say it's indeed a build that's worth trying if you already got bored with havoc.
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snowbird wrote:clear mind

Cain's Heirloom with lower MR. The status is very far from optimizing, I assume you could easily hit 1400k top-end sheet with better jewels / crafts.

T10 with lab gears, capped max res, focused on tank. 7 UMO slots left unused.

Leah's Vision turned out to be a big bait cause sorc didn't really need more tank with stacked vitality.
Dreamflange is damagewise not ideal, but it eases capping defensive aspects by a lot.
For more budget build, I recommend Bulwark of the Archon (Breast Plate SU) and Wake of Destruction or a pair of crafted boots.

guess this can do deimoss 100% as well, with better optimizing and high slvl singularity. Unique scaling, unique playstyle (mostly hit and run)
I'd say it's indeed a build that's worth trying if you already got bored with havoc.

What skill is this ? Insane speed !
314 | 10
absolutly balanced :mrgreen: :D :D :mrgreen:
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Onyx Knight
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Berkabus1 wrote:What skill is this ? Insane speed !

Patch notes wrote:Blood of Creation (Sorceress):
Reworked, now grants a new skill: Clear Mind
Clear Mind deals magic damage in small novas around the target for a duration
Skill scales with regular spell damage stats, but additionally gains exponentially more damage per unspent skill point available
Also gains increased radius and hit rate for every 25 unspent skill points available
Bone Archer
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Awesome Sam kill
Son of Lucion
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Awesome vids. Any method to aiming that skill? It looks like it hits random areas.