Milkshake wrote:someone make a black ice build ty
uthilien wrote:Hello gamers,
Trying out some builds in 2.7 and found myself a zkt. Was wondering, in the end game build list of zkt, you are showing two of the same build pictures while talking about two different builds (farm vs bossing). Is this on purpose? Since lets for example u are talking about hades gate while the builds shown dont have a point in it? I get it, 1 builds had anathema and the other dont but the rest is identical
To add to this, was wondering if i should go max hades gate and zero points broadside for a farming set up or if you get proper items, is 1 point hades gate enough to farm? Playing ssf so cant relocate my skills/attributes that often, thats why im askingalso English is not my native language so bear with me
Cheers, awesome builds nonetheless
fobosollo wrote:New nagi is nuts /125 content with ez.
Tryed both ele with zul and ed fryst - felt really good.
altoiddealer wrote:Quick comment from me, and note I’ve been playing nagi sin for the past 5 seasons and only now discovered this (no one seems to have noticed this, or at least hasn’t talked about it).
The #1 best thing we can do, any nagi build, is to craft a nagi with the -3 sec Broadside CD affix, and ideally also with + assassin skills (max roll is +10). Now, put this in your offhand…. yes, now your eyebrows might have raised up a bit. Your goal now is to become very comfortable with swapping from your main weapon to this one, casting broadside and swapping back. You’ll only save 1 second with ZKT but for any other build you now have double your Broadsides.
When you cast Broadside, only the number of knives (duration) and the CD are snapshotted - all damage, procs, etc - are calculated in real-time per knife as they are generated. There are potentially many shenanigans to be had, but the Laserblade bonus is very tough to beat if swapping to anything besides another nagi.