Hello and welcome to my Holy Melee Paladin Guide.
This guide tries to give you the "default" holy melee paladin build, which is either two handed str or one handed dex full physical damage based build. I will talk about STR two handed version for the rest of the guide, and i made a seperate section for DEX version since it can only be made in endgame gear.
Introduction to Build
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So Holy Melee Paladin is a melee build that utilizes mostly physical damage(and some little amount of fire), while also being tanky and mobile. We get most of our damage from Dragon's Blessing (gives shit ton of stats and damage), Lionheart (boosts both our defenses and gives a lot of Enchanted Weapon Damage, which scales our insane flat weapon damage) and also most of our needed combat speeds from Spark of Hope. Some people have issues with this build because you might need to cast 8 second duration buff(Though you dont really "need" it, especially not in dex version). But me and other holy melee players counts this as "engaging" gameplay rather than clunky. It becomes a reflex so you dont have to fear about it at all.
So if you are looking for a tanky, good single target damage dealer, mediocre clear build, you are at the right place.
So if you are looking for a tanky, good single target damage dealer, mediocre clear build, you are at the right place.
Pros & Cons
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Good single target damage
Good mobility
Good survivability
Can do all content
Engaging gameplay
Manly build
Can do P8 Duncraig with only Cinadide set
Mediocre clear
Requires a bit of skill switching
You kinda run out of good skills to put points into in late game, so it doesnt scales as much as other builds
Melee build
Shit levelling until you get good TU's
Good mobility
Good survivability
Can do all content
Engaging gameplay
Manly build
Can do P8 Duncraig with only Cinadide set
Mediocre clear
Requires a bit of skill switching
You kinda run out of good skills to put points into in late game, so it doesnt scales as much as other builds
Melee build
Shit levelling until you get good TU's
Stat Distribution
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Strength: MAX
Dexterity: 0
Vitality: 0
Energy: 0
We max strength because we are using a two handed weapon for maximum physical damage and more strength gives us more damage in return. We dont need dexterity ever, because we dont have a shield to block, or need any attack rating thanks to Solar Flare/Scion. Vitality might be maxed for purify ubers such as void/witch/yshari fight. Energy is just unnecessary since your skills doesnt require much mana and you leech mana from your attacks anyway, so you dont run out of mana ever.
Dexterity: 0
Vitality: 0
Energy: 0
We max strength because we are using a two handed weapon for maximum physical damage and more strength gives us more damage in return. We dont need dexterity ever, because we dont have a shield to block, or need any attack rating thanks to Solar Flare/Scion. Vitality might be maxed for purify ubers such as void/witch/yshari fight. Energy is just unnecessary since your skills doesnt require much mana and you leech mana from your attacks anyway, so you dont run out of mana ever.
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Elemental Wisdom: 1 point to get to Spark of Hope.
Veneration of Justice: 1 point to get to Spark of Hope. Alternatively you can max this skill to get insane life with %50 uptime. If you max it and max Continuity in Mastery tree, you can get 9 seconds duration on it. This gives me 6.7k life on my current setup, and also gives %170 ewd. But you cant have it all the time and you also add more skills to your rotation which is annoying.
Spark of Hope: Enough points to get your max frames. Early/Mid game, you will probably max this since you wont have ias/fhr jewels in your socekts to get your frames. When you have those jewels, just put enough points to get your max frames. I would suggest putting at least 10 points for duration though. Movement speed bonus also caps at %75.
Retaliate: 1 point. This skill creates a nova of particles when you hit something. This skill becomes your main aoe skill throughout the game. You may try to max it later if you really want to improve your clear but i wouldnt recommend it, since it will not give much fire damage per point.
Counterattack: 4 points. This skill icnreases the fire damage your Retaliate does, so it gives us a bit more clear damage. I think its worth 4 points but you can also just skip this if you want.
Divine Judgement:: 1 point. You dont need to put any more points even though its our main skill, simply because it doesnt give much extra damage in return but increases the mana cost. This is the skill we use most and will probably go for your left click. It is a very good single target skill (Not much if its a moving target,
Consecration: 5 points. You max this to get rid of Divine Judgement cooldown.
Holy fire: 25 points. This skill gives decent amount of fire damage. Even though this skill gets kinda redundent later into game, we still max it for free damage.
Lionheart: 25 points. This skill is awasome, it gives you Defense, Life, and scales your physical damage. What else do you want?
Colosseum: 1 point early game, as much as your leftover points late game. This skill debuffs enemy damage, their armor and their physical resist. Its great for bosses that doesnt teleport around, and its also great for mobility while clearing. Essentially you can use both Colosseum and Divine Apparation for double teleport. Putting more points reduces cooldown which is good since duration of the debuff is 5 seconds and it has 7 second cooldown with 1 skill point. I would suggest at least getting it to 5 second cooldown lategame.
Dragon Jaws: 1 point to get to Solar Flare and Apex Predator
Solar Flare: 1 point. This skill debuffs enemies around you by reducing their damage and attack rating. It has 8 second duration and 5 second cooldown. You will need to recast this in early/mid game to get attack rating with Scion. Later on you can get %AR on charms and jewels, which lets you skip this skill. It's still good late game defensively since it debuffs enemies around you and gives you extra AR to get %95 hit chance on some bosses but you can skip this if you dont want to recast it every 8 seconds. Alternatively, if you really want to use it but dont wanna recast as much, you can put more points into it to increase duration. Continuity in Mastery tree would also help with that.
Scion: 4 points. This skill gives attack rating while Solar Flare is active. If you use solar flare, you need to max this skill.
Apex Predator: 4 points. Gives leech, it is good in all parts of the game.
Melee Devotion: 1 point. Since you are a melee build, you have no downsides to use this skill. Gives you free %20 damage reduction.
Endurance: 0 or 10 points. You should skip this skill on early/mid game and only put points into it at late game where you have spare points. It gives a bit of life.
Meditation: 0 or 3 points. You might wanna use this early game if you are having mana issues, dont put any points mid/late game.
Divine Apparation: 1 point. This skill gives us huge mobility by being a teleport skill that has a 3 second cooldown and freezes the nearby enemies when you teleport. You get this skill from your character charm which is at level 90. You can skip this skill if you have Void charm since they share cooldown.
Blessed Life: Enough points to get %50 Physical Resist. You kinda get a lot of free physical resist from your Mid/Late game gear so you might just put enough points to get %50 physical resist. This skill gives you the free flat Physical Resist, much needed percentage Physical Resist. You get this skill at level 115 from Black Road Charm, so you might feel a bit squishy at levels 100-115.
Dragon's Blessing: 15 points. Gives 1.5% stats per point and gives damage, max it.
Innate Skill
Vindicate: This skill gives us some amount of weapon damage and regen and only has 30 second duration. So you gotta put this skill into a hotkey that is close to Solar Flare so you can cast them at the same time and not think about it. It doesnt have as much importance as Solar Flare, but in the end it is still free damage, so you should have it at all times.
Elemental Wisdom: 1 point to get to Spark of Hope.
Veneration of Justice: 1 point to get to Spark of Hope. Alternatively you can max this skill to get insane life with %50 uptime. If you max it and max Continuity in Mastery tree, you can get 9 seconds duration on it. This gives me 6.7k life on my current setup, and also gives %170 ewd. But you cant have it all the time and you also add more skills to your rotation which is annoying.
Spark of Hope: Enough points to get your max frames. Early/Mid game, you will probably max this since you wont have ias/fhr jewels in your socekts to get your frames. When you have those jewels, just put enough points to get your max frames. I would suggest putting at least 10 points for duration though. Movement speed bonus also caps at %75.
Retaliate: 1 point. This skill creates a nova of particles when you hit something. This skill becomes your main aoe skill throughout the game. You may try to max it later if you really want to improve your clear but i wouldnt recommend it, since it will not give much fire damage per point.
Counterattack: 4 points. This skill icnreases the fire damage your Retaliate does, so it gives us a bit more clear damage. I think its worth 4 points but you can also just skip this if you want.
Divine Judgement:: 1 point. You dont need to put any more points even though its our main skill, simply because it doesnt give much extra damage in return but increases the mana cost. This is the skill we use most and will probably go for your left click. It is a very good single target skill (Not much if its a moving target,
Consecration: 5 points. You max this to get rid of Divine Judgement cooldown.
Holy fire: 25 points. This skill gives decent amount of fire damage. Even though this skill gets kinda redundent later into game, we still max it for free damage.
Lionheart: 25 points. This skill is awasome, it gives you Defense, Life, and scales your physical damage. What else do you want?
Colosseum: 1 point early game, as much as your leftover points late game. This skill debuffs enemy damage, their armor and their physical resist. Its great for bosses that doesnt teleport around, and its also great for mobility while clearing. Essentially you can use both Colosseum and Divine Apparation for double teleport. Putting more points reduces cooldown which is good since duration of the debuff is 5 seconds and it has 7 second cooldown with 1 skill point. I would suggest at least getting it to 5 second cooldown lategame.
Dragon Jaws: 1 point to get to Solar Flare and Apex Predator
Solar Flare: 1 point. This skill debuffs enemies around you by reducing their damage and attack rating. It has 8 second duration and 5 second cooldown. You will need to recast this in early/mid game to get attack rating with Scion. Later on you can get %AR on charms and jewels, which lets you skip this skill. It's still good late game defensively since it debuffs enemies around you and gives you extra AR to get %95 hit chance on some bosses but you can skip this if you dont want to recast it every 8 seconds. Alternatively, if you really want to use it but dont wanna recast as much, you can put more points into it to increase duration. Continuity in Mastery tree would also help with that.
Scion: 4 points. This skill gives attack rating while Solar Flare is active. If you use solar flare, you need to max this skill.
Apex Predator: 4 points. Gives leech, it is good in all parts of the game.
Melee Devotion: 1 point. Since you are a melee build, you have no downsides to use this skill. Gives you free %20 damage reduction.
Endurance: 0 or 10 points. You should skip this skill on early/mid game and only put points into it at late game where you have spare points. It gives a bit of life.
Meditation: 0 or 3 points. You might wanna use this early game if you are having mana issues, dont put any points mid/late game.
Divine Apparation: 1 point. This skill gives us huge mobility by being a teleport skill that has a 3 second cooldown and freezes the nearby enemies when you teleport. You get this skill from your character charm which is at level 90. You can skip this skill if you have Void charm since they share cooldown.
Blessed Life: Enough points to get %50 Physical Resist. You kinda get a lot of free physical resist from your Mid/Late game gear so you might just put enough points to get %50 physical resist. This skill gives you the free flat Physical Resist, much needed percentage Physical Resist. You get this skill at level 115 from Black Road Charm, so you might feel a bit squishy at levels 100-115.
Dragon's Blessing: 15 points. Gives 1.5% stats per point and gives damage, max it.
Innate Skill
Vindicate: This skill gives us some amount of weapon damage and regen and only has 30 second duration. So you gotta put this skill into a hotkey that is close to Solar Flare so you can cast them at the same time and not think about it. It doesnt have as much importance as Solar Flare, but in the end it is still free damage, so you should have it at all times.
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So Diablo 2 has a system that makes your character have certain amount of frames when taking an action. For example you spend 3 frames from recovering a hit from an enemy on late game setup. This frames are achievable by getting certain amount of combat speeds, such as Faster Hit Recovery or Increased Attack Speed. So if you have %10 increased attack speed on your weapon but you are not getting the next frame value, that mod on your weapon will be useless since you take same time hitting a target. Therefore you should know your breakpoints and build your char around them to have minimum amount of time taken to take a certain action. You can check these yourself with https://dev.median-xl.com/speedcalc/ but im giving the values anyway for convenience.
Increased Attack Speed values you need for Paladin with Hand of God:
Frame IAS
19 0
18 3
17 7
16 11
15 18
14 26
13 37
12 50
11 68
10 99
9 147
8 250
7 600
Faster Hit Recovery values you need for Paladin with Hand of God:
Frame FHR
13 0
12 3
11 7
10 13
9 20
8 32
7 48
6 75
5 129
4 280
On Early game you will feel a bit slow hitting and this is normal. Some early game gear will try to compensate this and since you are maxing your Spark of Hope on early game it should get a lot faster. After progressing through mid game try to get 250 IAS(600 is too hard to get), and this is very easy to do with charms and Spark of Hope.
Increased Attack Speed values you need for Paladin with Hand of God:
Frame IAS
19 0
18 3
17 7
16 11
15 18
14 26
13 37
12 50
11 68
10 99
9 147
8 250
7 600
Faster Hit Recovery values you need for Paladin with Hand of God:
Frame FHR
13 0
12 3
11 7
10 13
9 20
8 32
7 48
6 75
5 129
4 280
On Early game you will feel a bit slow hitting and this is normal. Some early game gear will try to compensate this and since you are maxing your Spark of Hope on early game it should get a lot faster. After progressing through mid game try to get 250 IAS(600 is too hard to get), and this is very easy to do with charms and Spark of Hope.
Gear Section
Early Game
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These are until you get to Hell Difficulty.
">" indicates better "= indicates same"
Lavadome gives good amount of life for early game and covers our fire resist needs.
Body armour:
Werecat gives us that needed physical resist before Blessed Life a decent proc, leech, stats and attack speed. All around best leveling armor for us. The other choice are there for the case if you dont wanna arcane crystals and you found one of them.
Featherclaw is better because we lack some %AR on early game.
Gives Stats life and mana, what else do you want? If you dont wanna farm Arcane Crystals you can just use whatever you feel like.
Deadfall gives str and lightning resist and a good proc.
Good but slow hitting levelling weapon.
You dont need unique rings at this point, if you happen to find them just use them but dont try to farm them since its very hard to find that needed unique ring.
Same as rings, you dont really need it but use it if you happen to find it. Dont try to farm it.
Mystic Orbs: Dont use them yet.
If you are having mana sustain issues, you might wanna mo your weapon with Mana on attack MO
Sockets: Skulls for weapon. Amber/Turquoise/Bloodstone/Onyx in your armor for resists. Diamonds for the spare sockets.
">" indicates better "= indicates same"

Helm (4)
Defense: (78 - 89) to (115 - 131)
Required Level: 4
Required Strength: 29
Item Level: 10
+(0 to 1) to All Skills
+(41 to 60)% Enhanced Defense
+15 to Vitality
(3 to 5)% to Vitality
+(81 to 120) to Life
Fire Resist +(11 to 30)%
Socketed (1)
Defense: (300 - 334) to (391 - 435)
Required Level: 22
Required Strength: 57
Item Level: 31
+1 to All Skills
+(71 to 90)% Enhanced Defense
+30 to Vitality
(6 to 10)% to Vitality
+(121 to 160) to Life
Fire Resist +(31 to 50)%
Socketed (3)
Defense: (753 - 825) to (970 - 1062)
Required Level: 39
Required Strength: 201
Item Level: 51
+(1 to 2) to All Skills
+(101 to 120)% Enhanced Defense
+45 to Vitality
(11 to 15)% to Vitality
+(161 to 200) to Life
Fire Resist +(51 to 70)%
Socketed (4)
Defense: (1191 - 1290) to (1519 - 1645)
Required Level: 48
Required Strength: 402
Item Level: 77
+2 to All Skills
+(131 to 150)% Enhanced Defense
+60 to Vitality
(16 to 20)% to Vitality
+(201 to 240) to Life
Fire Resist +(71 to 90)%
Socketed (4)
Helm (4)
Defense: (78 - 89) to (115 - 131)
Required Level: 4
Required Strength: 29
Item Level: 10
+(0 to 1) to All Skills
+(41 to 60)% Enhanced Defense
+15 to Vitality
(3 to 5)% to Vitality
+(81 to 120) to Life
Fire Resist +(11 to 30)%
Socketed (1)
Defense: (300 - 334) to (391 - 435)
Required Level: 22
Required Strength: 57
Item Level: 31
+1 to All Skills
+(71 to 90)% Enhanced Defense
+30 to Vitality
(6 to 10)% to Vitality
+(121 to 160) to Life
Fire Resist +(31 to 50)%
Socketed (3)
Defense: (753 - 825) to (970 - 1062)
Required Level: 39
Required Strength: 201
Item Level: 51
+(1 to 2) to All Skills
+(101 to 120)% Enhanced Defense
+45 to Vitality
(11 to 15)% to Vitality
+(161 to 200) to Life
Fire Resist +(51 to 70)%
Socketed (4)
Defense: (1191 - 1290) to (1519 - 1645)
Required Level: 48
Required Strength: 402
Item Level: 77
+2 to All Skills
+(131 to 150)% Enhanced Defense
+60 to Vitality
(16 to 20)% to Vitality
+(201 to 240) to Life
Fire Resist +(71 to 90)%
Socketed (4)
Lavadome gives good amount of life for early game and covers our fire resist needs.
Body armour:
Breast Plate (4)
Defense: (203 - 224) to (379 - 422)
Required Level: 5
Required Strength: 30
Item Level: 10
5% Chance to cast level 1 Claw Tornado on Melee Attack
15% Attack Speed
4% Life stolen per Hit
+(24 to 40)% Enhanced Defense
+(41 to 50) Defense
+(11 to 20) to all Attributes
Physical Resist 3%
Socketed (2)
Defense: (622 - 681) to (1100 - 1207)
Required Level: 23
Required Strength: 60
Item Level: 36
6% Chance to cast level 7 Claw Tornado on Melee Attack
30% Attack Speed
6% Life stolen per Hit
+(58 to 75)% Enhanced Defense
+(81 to 100) Defense
+(21 to 30) to all Attributes
Physical Resist 4%
Socketed (4)
Defense: (1471 - 1589) to (2563 - 2777)
Required Level: 40
Required Strength: 210
Item Level: 51
7% Chance to cast level 13 Claw Tornado on Melee Attack
45% Attack Speed
8% Life stolen per Hit
+(92 to 109)% Enhanced Defense
+(131 to 150) Defense
+(31 to 40) to all Attributes
Physical Resist 5%
Socketed (5)
Defense: (2168 - 2330) to (3757 - 4046)
Required Level: 50
Required Strength: 420
Item Level: 85
8% Chance to cast level 16 Claw Tornado on Melee Attack
60% Attack Speed
10% Life stolen per Hit
+(109 to 126)% Enhanced Defense
+(181 to 200) Defense
+(41 to 50) to all Attributes
Physical Resist 6%
Socketed (6)
Breast Plate (4)
Defense: (203 - 224) to (379 - 422)
Required Level: 5
Required Strength: 30
Item Level: 10
5% Chance to cast level 1 Claw Tornado on Melee Attack
15% Attack Speed
4% Life stolen per Hit
+(24 to 40)% Enhanced Defense
+(41 to 50) Defense
+(11 to 20) to all Attributes
Physical Resist 3%
Socketed (2)
Defense: (622 - 681) to (1100 - 1207)
Required Level: 23
Required Strength: 60
Item Level: 36
6% Chance to cast level 7 Claw Tornado on Melee Attack
30% Attack Speed
6% Life stolen per Hit
+(58 to 75)% Enhanced Defense
+(81 to 100) Defense
+(21 to 30) to all Attributes
Physical Resist 4%
Socketed (4)
Defense: (1471 - 1589) to (2563 - 2777)
Required Level: 40
Required Strength: 210
Item Level: 51
7% Chance to cast level 13 Claw Tornado on Melee Attack
45% Attack Speed
8% Life stolen per Hit
+(92 to 109)% Enhanced Defense
+(131 to 150) Defense
+(31 to 40) to all Attributes
Physical Resist 5%
Socketed (5)
Defense: (2168 - 2330) to (3757 - 4046)
Required Level: 50
Required Strength: 420
Item Level: 85
8% Chance to cast level 16 Claw Tornado on Melee Attack
60% Attack Speed
10% Life stolen per Hit
+(109 to 126)% Enhanced Defense
+(181 to 200) Defense
+(41 to 50) to all Attributes
Physical Resist 6%
Socketed (6)
Shroud Royal

Shroud Royal
Full Plate Mail (4)
Defense: (336 - 390) to (676 - 786)
Required Level: 11
Required Strength: 35
Item Level: 29
Additional Strength Damage Bonus: 0.01171875%
+(1 to 2) to Vanquish
+(35 to 57)% Enhanced Defense
(3 to 5)% to All Attributes
Physical Damage Reduced by (7 to 10)
(6 to 8)% Gold Find
(6 to 8)% Magic Find
Socketed (2)
Defense: (1082 - 1213) to (2067 - 2318)
Required Level: 28
Required Strength: 70
Item Level: 40
Additional Strength Damage Bonus: 0.015625%
+(5 to 6) to Vanquish
+(81 to 103)% Enhanced Defense
(9 to 11)% to All Attributes
Physical Damage Reduced by (15 to 18)
(10 to 12)% Gold Find
(10 to 12)% Magic Find
Socketed (4)
Defense: (2707 - 2983) to (5055 - 5570)
Required Level: 46
Required Strength: 245
Item Level: 67
Additional Strength Damage Bonus: 0.01953125%
+(9 to 10) to Vanquish
+(126 to 149)% Enhanced Defense
(15 to 17)% to All Attributes
Physical Damage Reduced by (23 to 26)
(14 to 16)% Gold Find
(14 to 16)% Magic Find
Socketed (5)
Defense: (4043 - 4401) to (7534 - 8200)
Required Level: 54
Required Strength: 490
Item Level: 85
Additional Strength Damage Bonus: 0.0234375%
+(11 to 12) to Vanquish
+(149 to 171)% Enhanced Defense
(18 to 20)% to All Attributes
Physical Damage Reduced by (27 to 30)
(18 to 20)% Gold Find
(18 to 20)% Magic Find
Socketed (6)
Full Plate Mail (4)
Defense: (336 - 390) to (676 - 786)
Required Level: 11
Required Strength: 35
Item Level: 29
Additional Strength Damage Bonus: 0.01171875%
+(1 to 2) to Vanquish
+(35 to 57)% Enhanced Defense
(3 to 5)% to All Attributes
Physical Damage Reduced by (7 to 10)
(6 to 8)% Gold Find
(6 to 8)% Magic Find
Socketed (2)
Defense: (1082 - 1213) to (2067 - 2318)
Required Level: 28
Required Strength: 70
Item Level: 40
Additional Strength Damage Bonus: 0.015625%
+(5 to 6) to Vanquish
+(81 to 103)% Enhanced Defense
(9 to 11)% to All Attributes
Physical Damage Reduced by (15 to 18)
(10 to 12)% Gold Find
(10 to 12)% Magic Find
Socketed (4)
Defense: (2707 - 2983) to (5055 - 5570)
Required Level: 46
Required Strength: 245
Item Level: 67
Additional Strength Damage Bonus: 0.01953125%
+(9 to 10) to Vanquish
+(126 to 149)% Enhanced Defense
(15 to 17)% to All Attributes
Physical Damage Reduced by (23 to 26)
(14 to 16)% Gold Find
(14 to 16)% Magic Find
Socketed (5)
Defense: (4043 - 4401) to (7534 - 8200)
Required Level: 54
Required Strength: 490
Item Level: 85
Additional Strength Damage Bonus: 0.0234375%
+(11 to 12) to Vanquish
+(149 to 171)% Enhanced Defense
(18 to 20)% to All Attributes
Physical Damage Reduced by (27 to 30)
(18 to 20)% Gold Find
(18 to 20)% Magic Find
Socketed (6)
Werecat gives us that needed physical resist before Blessed Life a decent proc, leech, stats and attack speed. All around best leveling armor for us. The other choice are there for the case if you dont wanna arcane crystals and you found one of them.
Featherclaw is better because we lack some %AR on early game.

Chain Boots (4)
Defense: (49 - 54) to (71 - 78)
Required Level: 4
Required Strength: 29
Item Level: 10
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
+(18 to 29)% Enhanced Defense
+(7 to 10) to all Attributes
+(31 to 50) to Life
+(16 to 25) to Mana
(3 to 5)% Bonus to Defense
10% Gold Find
Socketed (1)
Defense: (203 - 218) to (267 - 288)
Required Level: 22
Required Strength: 58
Item Level: 31
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
+(41 to 52)% Enhanced Defense
+(15 to 18) to all Attributes
+(71 to 90) to Life
+(36 to 45) to Mana
(9 to 11)% Bonus to Defense
15% Gold Find
Socketed (2)
Defense: (519 - 554) to (667 - 712)
Required Level: 39
Required Strength: 202
Item Level: 51
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
+(64 to 75)% Enhanced Defense
+(23 to 26) to all Attributes
+(111 to 130) to Life
+(56 to 65) to Mana
(15 to 17)% Bonus to Defense
20% Gold Find
Socketed (3)
Defense: (759 - 807) to (974 - 1036)
Required Level: 48
Required Strength: 403
Item Level: 77
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
+(75 to 86)% Enhanced Defense
+(31 to 35) to all Attributes
+(131 to 150) to Life
+(66 to 75) to Mana
(18 to 20)% Bonus to Defense
25% Gold Find
Socketed (4)
Chain Boots (4)
Defense: (49 - 54) to (71 - 78)
Required Level: 4
Required Strength: 29
Item Level: 10
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
+(18 to 29)% Enhanced Defense
+(7 to 10) to all Attributes
+(31 to 50) to Life
+(16 to 25) to Mana
(3 to 5)% Bonus to Defense
10% Gold Find
Socketed (1)
Defense: (203 - 218) to (267 - 288)
Required Level: 22
Required Strength: 58
Item Level: 31
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
+(41 to 52)% Enhanced Defense
+(15 to 18) to all Attributes
+(71 to 90) to Life
+(36 to 45) to Mana
(9 to 11)% Bonus to Defense
15% Gold Find
Socketed (2)
Defense: (519 - 554) to (667 - 712)
Required Level: 39
Required Strength: 202
Item Level: 51
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
+(64 to 75)% Enhanced Defense
+(23 to 26) to all Attributes
+(111 to 130) to Life
+(56 to 65) to Mana
(15 to 17)% Bonus to Defense
20% Gold Find
Socketed (3)
Defense: (759 - 807) to (974 - 1036)
Required Level: 48
Required Strength: 403
Item Level: 77
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
+(75 to 86)% Enhanced Defense
+(31 to 35) to all Attributes
+(131 to 150) to Life
+(66 to 75) to Mana
(18 to 20)% Bonus to Defense
25% Gold Find
Socketed (4)
Gives Stats life and mana, what else do you want? If you dont wanna farm Arcane Crystals you can just use whatever you feel like.

Heavy Belt (4)
Defense: (135 - 159) to (178 - 210)
Required Level: 7
Required Strength: 36
Item Level: 19
2% Chance to cast level 2 Shower of Rocks on Kill
1% Chance of Crushing Blow
+(24 to 46)% Enhanced Defense
+(16 to 25) to Strength
Lightning Resist +(11 to 15)%
Socketed (1)
Defense: (485 - 551) to (616 - 700)
Required Level: 24
Required Strength: 62
Item Level: 36
2% Chance to cast level 4 Shower of Rocks on Kill
2% Chance of Crushing Blow
+(69 to 92)% Enhanced Defense
+(36 to 45) to Strength
Lightning Resist +(21 to 25)%
Socketed (2)
Defense: (1270 - 1400) to (1595 - 1758)
Required Level: 41
Required Strength: 218
Item Level: 51
2% Chance to cast level 8 Shower of Rocks on Kill
3% Chance of Crushing Blow
+(115 to 137)% Enhanced Defense
+(56 to 65) to Strength
Lightning Resist +(31 to 35)%
Socketed (2)
Defense: (1918 - 2095) to (2403 - 2626)
Required Level: 50
Required Strength: 436
Item Level: 85
2% Chance to cast level 12 Shower of Rocks on Kill
4% Chance of Crushing Blow
+(138 to 160)% Enhanced Defense
+(66 to 75) to Strength
Lightning Resist +(36 to 40)%
Socketed (2)
Heavy Belt (4)
Defense: (135 - 159) to (178 - 210)
Required Level: 7
Required Strength: 36
Item Level: 19
2% Chance to cast level 2 Shower of Rocks on Kill
1% Chance of Crushing Blow
+(24 to 46)% Enhanced Defense
+(16 to 25) to Strength
Lightning Resist +(11 to 15)%
Socketed (1)
Defense: (485 - 551) to (616 - 700)
Required Level: 24
Required Strength: 62
Item Level: 36
2% Chance to cast level 4 Shower of Rocks on Kill
2% Chance of Crushing Blow
+(69 to 92)% Enhanced Defense
+(36 to 45) to Strength
Lightning Resist +(21 to 25)%
Socketed (2)
Defense: (1270 - 1400) to (1595 - 1758)
Required Level: 41
Required Strength: 218
Item Level: 51
2% Chance to cast level 8 Shower of Rocks on Kill
3% Chance of Crushing Blow
+(115 to 137)% Enhanced Defense
+(56 to 65) to Strength
Lightning Resist +(31 to 35)%
Socketed (2)
Defense: (1918 - 2095) to (2403 - 2626)
Required Level: 50
Required Strength: 436
Item Level: 85
2% Chance to cast level 12 Shower of Rocks on Kill
4% Chance of Crushing Blow
+(138 to 160)% Enhanced Defense
+(66 to 75) to Strength
Lightning Resist +(36 to 40)%
Socketed (2)
Deadfall gives str and lightning resist and a good proc.

Hand of God (4)
Two-Hand Damage: (16 - 18) to (25 - 36)
(Paladin Only)
Required Level: 12
Required Strength: 76
Item Level: 19
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.16 per Strength)%
Amazing Grace
3% Chance to cast level 4 Thunder Slam on Melee Attack
+(6 to 13) to Maximum Damage
+(31 to 60)% Damage to Demons
Stun Attack
+(24 to 46)% Enhanced Damage
+(16 to 25) to Strength
Fire Resist +(16 to 25)%
Cold Resist +(16 to 25)%
Socketed (2)
Two-Hand Damage: (50 - 57) to (80 - 95)
(Paladin Only)
Required Level: 30
Required Strength: 109
Item Level: 36
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.16 per Strength)%
Amazing Grace
4% Chance to cast level 12 Thunder Slam on Melee Attack
+(21 to 28) to Maximum Damage
+(91 to 120)% Damage to Demons
Stun Attack
+(69 to 92)% Enhanced Damage
+(36 to 45) to Strength
Fire Resist +(36 to 45)%
Cold Resist +(36 to 45)%
Socketed (4)
Two-Hand Damage: (120 - 132) to (175 - 197)
(Paladin Only)
Required Level: 49
Required Strength: 211
Item Level: 59
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.16 per Strength)%
Amazing Grace
5% Chance to cast level 20 Thunder Slam on Melee Attack
+(36 to 43) to Maximum Damage
+(151 to 180)% Damage to Demons
Stun Attack
+(115 to 137)% Enhanced Damage
+(56 to 65) to Strength
Fire Resist +(56 to 65)%
Cold Resist +(56 to 65)%
Socketed (5)
Two-Hand Damage: (142 - 156) to (238 - 263)
(Paladin Only)
Required Level: 56
Required Strength: 466
Item Level: 85
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.16 per Strength)%
Amazing Grace
5% Chance to cast level 24 Thunder Slam on Melee Attack
+(43 to 50) to Maximum Damage
+(181 to 210)% Damage to Demons
Stun Attack
+(138 to 160)% Enhanced Damage
+(66 to 75) to Strength
Fire Resist +(66 to 75)%
Cold Resist +(66 to 75)%
Socketed (6)
Hand of God (4)
Two-Hand Damage: (16 - 18) to (25 - 36)
(Paladin Only)
Required Level: 12
Required Strength: 76
Item Level: 19
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.16 per Strength)%
Amazing Grace
3% Chance to cast level 4 Thunder Slam on Melee Attack
+(6 to 13) to Maximum Damage
+(31 to 60)% Damage to Demons
Stun Attack
+(24 to 46)% Enhanced Damage
+(16 to 25) to Strength
Fire Resist +(16 to 25)%
Cold Resist +(16 to 25)%
Socketed (2)
Two-Hand Damage: (50 - 57) to (80 - 95)
(Paladin Only)
Required Level: 30
Required Strength: 109
Item Level: 36
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.16 per Strength)%
Amazing Grace
4% Chance to cast level 12 Thunder Slam on Melee Attack
+(21 to 28) to Maximum Damage
+(91 to 120)% Damage to Demons
Stun Attack
+(69 to 92)% Enhanced Damage
+(36 to 45) to Strength
Fire Resist +(36 to 45)%
Cold Resist +(36 to 45)%
Socketed (4)
Two-Hand Damage: (120 - 132) to (175 - 197)
(Paladin Only)
Required Level: 49
Required Strength: 211
Item Level: 59
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.16 per Strength)%
Amazing Grace
5% Chance to cast level 20 Thunder Slam on Melee Attack
+(36 to 43) to Maximum Damage
+(151 to 180)% Damage to Demons
Stun Attack
+(115 to 137)% Enhanced Damage
+(56 to 65) to Strength
Fire Resist +(56 to 65)%
Cold Resist +(56 to 65)%
Socketed (5)
Two-Hand Damage: (142 - 156) to (238 - 263)
(Paladin Only)
Required Level: 56
Required Strength: 466
Item Level: 85
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.16 per Strength)%
Amazing Grace
5% Chance to cast level 24 Thunder Slam on Melee Attack
+(43 to 50) to Maximum Damage
+(181 to 210)% Damage to Demons
Stun Attack
+(138 to 160)% Enhanced Damage
+(66 to 75) to Strength
Fire Resist +(66 to 75)%
Cold Resist +(66 to 75)%
Socketed (6)
Good but slow hitting levelling weapon.
> Rare ring with any useful stats like life, flat damage, experience gained
Required Level: 60
Item Level: 60
+0.5625 to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level)
+20 Life on Melee Attack
Required Level: 60
Item Level: 60
+0.5625 to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level)
+20 Life on Melee Attack
You dont need unique rings at this point, if you happen to find them just use them but dont try to farm them since its very hard to find that needed unique ring.
Angel Heart
> Rare amulet with good stats
Angel Heart
Required Level: 40
Item Level: 40
+(1 to 2) to All Skills
(5 to 10)% to Strength
(5 to 10)% to Dexterity
(15 to 25)% Bonus to Defense
+(3 to 5) to Light Radius
Required Level: 40
Item Level: 40
+(1 to 2) to All Skills
(5 to 10)% to Strength
(5 to 10)% to Dexterity
(15 to 25)% Bonus to Defense
+(3 to 5) to Light Radius
Same as rings, you dont really need it but use it if you happen to find it. Dont try to farm it.
Mystic Orbs: Dont use them yet.
If you are having mana sustain issues, you might wanna mo your weapon with Mana on attack MO
Sockets: Skulls for weapon. Amber/Turquoise/Bloodstone/Onyx in your armor for resists. Diamonds for the spare sockets.
Mid Game
► Show Spoiler
These items are until you get better sacred uniques.
">" indicates better "= indicates same"
Cinadide set is an absolute beast to skip. If you are playing on multiplayer try to trade it and it will probably enable you to do everything you do with endgame gear. The helm itself gives insane amount of flat damage, IAS, FHR, EWD, STR. What else do you want? If you dont have it, try Witchhunter's hood. This godlike item gives the stats you want, while simultaneously giving physical resist and all maximum resist.
Body Armour:
Erewan gives us the complementary physical resist to cap it while also giving shit ton of stats and defense. I would recommend this until you get to end game gear. Celestia gives damage instead of physical resist, so you can put more points into blessed life and get damage instead. Marchosias is also a decent option.
Gloves itself is not great but the set bonus is too good to pass. If you dont have the set you might want to use Featherclaw for your attack rating issues.
These are the best boots for the end game as well so there is no reason to not make them at this stage. It gives insane amount of str and vit which we always want to have more of.
Belt is best in slot for end game as well, so you might want to just buy or find one. Celestial is a good substitue if you happen to find one. If you are unlucky with the set drops you can go with Truce.
Cinadide weapon is not the most impressive on its own but it is insane with other pieces. If you dont have the set, use Brahman, which will also give you bear stance which is kinda needed between levels 100-115 since you will not have access to Blessed Life yet.
Ripstar is best in slot for both mid and end game. Assur's bane quest ring we get from Duncraig gives good amount of life, and damage and its a guaranteed drop. One big downside is that you can't actually mo these rings so if you need that extra resist from rings, you might wanna go with rare rings with flat damage, life, experience gained.
You can craft an angel heart or might get lucky and find a rare amulet. Wasting resources trying to craft Angel Heart might be a bad idea, so you can just stick to a rare one until your end game amulet.
Mystic Orbs: For weapons Enchanted Damage until %200 and %Attack rating for your hit chance. Deadly strike, EWD or maximum damage if you have more space. For armors Encanted defense until %200, total character defense, maximum damage or strength or faster hit recovery on armor pieces. Resistences, flat physical resist or poison length reduction on jewellery.
Sockets: 6 jah runes for weapon, use Perfect Skulls until you find them. Resist gems and runes for armor pieces if you still need them (you shouldn't), and rest should be filled with crafted jewels If you are lacking the arcane crystals, you can fill the rest with perfect diamonds or Ko runes until you do so.
Crafted Jewels: You can start crafting jewels at this point using Amn or Ohn rune. You are looking for %str or %all attiributes, good +str or maximum damage roll, life, minimum/maximum damage and most importantly IAS and FHR. You need to craft jewels and try to get your maximum breakpoints using them. So in ideal case you should have jewels like: "50 life, %15 increased attack speed/Faster Hit Recovery, %2 str, +5 all attiributes/4 maximum damage". You should also luck these jewels before inserting them in to get that possible extra +2 stat points.
">" indicates better "= indicates same"
Cinadide's Bellows
Cinadide's Craft
(Paladin Honor Set)
Cinadide's Bellows
Hundsgugel (Sacred)
Defense: (2661 - 2994) to (2947 - 3315)
(Paladin Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 500
Item Level: 1
40% Attack Speed
20% Hit Recovery
Adds 25-50 Damage
Adds 50-100 Fire Damage
Weapon Physical Damage +(19 to 30)%
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
+(41 to 60) to Strength
Socketed (4)
Hundsgugel (Sacred)
Defense: (2661 - 2994) to (2947 - 3315)
(Paladin Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 500
Item Level: 1
40% Attack Speed
20% Hit Recovery
Adds 25-50 Damage
Adds 50-100 Fire Damage
Weapon Physical Damage +(19 to 30)%
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
+(41 to 60) to Strength
Socketed (4)
Cinadide's Craft
(Paladin Honor Set)
Witchhunter's Hood
Witchhunter's Attire
(Assassin Claw Set)

Witchhunter's Hood
Cap (Sacred)
Defense: (2136 - 2611) to (2161 - 2642)
Required Level: 90
Required Strength: 250
Item Level: 1
+(80 to 120)% Enhanced Defense
10% to Strength
10% to Dexterity
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
Elemental Resists +(31 to 40)%
Physical Resist 5%
(16 to 20)% Bonus to Defense
Requirements -50%
Socketed (4)
Cap (Sacred)
Defense: (2136 - 2611) to (2161 - 2642)
Required Level: 90
Required Strength: 250
Item Level: 1
+(80 to 120)% Enhanced Defense
10% to Strength
10% to Dexterity
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
Elemental Resists +(31 to 40)%
Physical Resist 5%
(16 to 20)% Bonus to Defense
Requirements -50%
Socketed (4)
Witchhunter's Attire
(Assassin Claw Set)
Cinadide set is an absolute beast to skip. If you are playing on multiplayer try to trade it and it will probably enable you to do everything you do with endgame gear. The helm itself gives insane amount of flat damage, IAS, FHR, EWD, STR. What else do you want? If you dont have it, try Witchhunter's hood. This godlike item gives the stats you want, while simultaneously giving physical resist and all maximum resist.
Body Armour:


Body Armors
Runeword Level: 83
15% Combat Speeds
5% Chance of Crushing Blow
+(144 to 171)% Enhanced Defense
(27 to 30)% to Strength
(27 to 30)% to Vitality
Physical Resist (13 to 15)%
(15 to 20)% Bonus to Defense
Body Armors
Runeword Level: 83
15% Combat Speeds
5% Chance of Crushing Blow
+(144 to 171)% Enhanced Defense
(27 to 30)% to Strength
(27 to 30)% to Vitality
Physical Resist (13 to 15)%
(15 to 20)% Bonus to Defense
Celestia's Wings
Celestia's Myth
(Amazon Spear Set)
Celestia's Wings
Gothic Plate (Sacred)
Defense: (7708 - 8628) to (9275 - 10391)
Required Level: 90
Required Strength: 675
Item Level: 1
+1 to Amazon Skill Levels
Adds 25-38 Damage
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
+350 Defense
(21 to 25)% to Strength
+(31 to 50) to Dexterity
(21 to 25)% to Vitality
Elemental Resists +(21 to 25)%
Socketed (6)
Gothic Plate (Sacred)
Defense: (7708 - 8628) to (9275 - 10391)
Required Level: 90
Required Strength: 675
Item Level: 1
+1 to Amazon Skill Levels
Adds 25-38 Damage
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
+350 Defense
(21 to 25)% to Strength
+(31 to 50) to Dexterity
(21 to 25)% to Vitality
Elemental Resists +(21 to 25)%
Socketed (6)
Celestia's Myth
(Amazon Spear Set)
Marchosias' Might
Marchosias' Essence
(Druid Werewolf Set)

Marchosias' Might
Full Plate Mail (Sacred)
Defense: (8595 - 9436) to (10308 - 11338)
Required Level: 90
Required Strength: 1400
Item Level: 1
5% Chance to cast level 3 Bladestorm on Melee Attack
+50 to Maximum Damage
+(144 to 171)% Enhanced Defense
+1000 Defense
+(151 to 200) to Strength
(6 to 10)% to Strength
Requirements +100%
Socketed (6)
Full Plate Mail (Sacred)
Defense: (8595 - 9436) to (10308 - 11338)
Required Level: 90
Required Strength: 1400
Item Level: 1
5% Chance to cast level 3 Bladestorm on Melee Attack
+50 to Maximum Damage
+(144 to 171)% Enhanced Defense
+1000 Defense
+(151 to 200) to Strength
(6 to 10)% to Strength
Requirements +100%
Socketed (6)
Marchosias' Essence
(Druid Werewolf Set)
Erewan gives us the complementary physical resist to cap it while also giving shit ton of stats and defense. I would recommend this until you get to end game gear. Celestia gives damage instead of physical resist, so you can put more points into blessed life and get damage instead. Marchosias is also a decent option.
Cinadide's Bender
Cinadide's Craft
(Paladin Honor Set)
Cinadide's Bender
Gauntlets (Sacred)
Defense: (1339 - 1506) to (1567 - 1763)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 1
20% Attack Speed
40% Hit Recovery
Adds 35-70 Magic Damage
Adds 50-100 Fire Damage
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
+(31 to 50) to Strength
(16 to 25)% Magic Find
Socketed (4)
Gauntlets (Sacred)
Defense: (1339 - 1506) to (1567 - 1763)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 1
20% Attack Speed
40% Hit Recovery
Adds 35-70 Magic Damage
Adds 50-100 Fire Damage
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
+(31 to 50) to Strength
(16 to 25)% Magic Find
Socketed (4)
Cinadide's Craft
(Paladin Honor Set)
Gloves itself is not great but the set bonus is too good to pass. If you dont have the set you might want to use Featherclaw for your attack rating issues.

Runeword Level: 85
+(144 to 171)% Enhanced Defense
+150 Defense
+50 to Strength
(21 to 25)% to Strength
+50 to Vitality
(21 to 25)% to Vitality
Cold Resist +25%
+15 Life after each Kill
Runeword Level: 85
+(144 to 171)% Enhanced Defense
+150 Defense
+50 to Strength
(21 to 25)% to Strength
+50 to Vitality
(21 to 25)% to Vitality
Cold Resist +25%
+15 Life after each Kill
These are the best boots for the end game as well so there is no reason to not make them at this stage. It gives insane amount of str and vit which we always want to have more of.
Cinadide's Anvil
Cinadide's Craft
(Paladin Honor Set)
Cinadide's Anvil
Plated Belt (Sacred)
Defense: (3271 - 3680) to (3583 - 4031)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 337
Item Level: 1
+1 to Paladin Skill Levels
Adds 13-25 Damage
Adds 50-100 Fire Damage
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
(21 to 25)% to Strength
Requirements -50%
Socketed (2)
Plated Belt (Sacred)
Defense: (3271 - 3680) to (3583 - 4031)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 337
Item Level: 1
+1 to Paladin Skill Levels
Adds 13-25 Damage
Adds 50-100 Fire Damage
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
(21 to 25)% to Strength
Requirements -50%
Socketed (2)
Cinadide's Craft
(Paladin Honor Set)
Celestia's Ribbon
Celestia's Myth
(Amazon Spear Set)
Celestia's Ribbon
Plated Belt (Sacred)
Defense: (3271 - 3680) to (3583 - 4031)
Required Level: 90
Required Strength: 675
Item Level: 1
+1 to Amazon Skill Levels
15% Attack Speed
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
(11 to 15)% to Strength
+(31 to 50) to Dexterity
Physical Resist 5%
Socketed (2)
Plated Belt (Sacred)
Defense: (3271 - 3680) to (3583 - 4031)
Required Level: 90
Required Strength: 675
Item Level: 1
+1 to Amazon Skill Levels
15% Attack Speed
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
(11 to 15)% to Strength
+(31 to 50) to Dexterity
Physical Resist 5%
Socketed (2)
Celestia's Myth
(Amazon Spear Set)

Runeword Level: 80
5% Combat Speeds
Stun Attack
Slows Attacker by 5%
+(172 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
Physical Resist 10%
Runeword Level: 80
5% Combat Speeds
Stun Attack
Slows Attacker by 5%
+(172 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
Physical Resist 10%
Belt is best in slot for end game as well, so you might want to just buy or find one. Celestial is a good substitue if you happen to find one. If you are unlucky with the set drops you can go with Truce.
Cinadide's Malus
Cinadide's Craft
(Paladin Honor Set)
Cinadide's Malus
Hand of God (Sacred)
Two-Hand Damage: (324 - 355) to (377 - 408)
(Paladin Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 832
Item Level: 1
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.16 per Strength)%
Amazing Grace
Adds 75-125 Damage
Adds 100-200 Fire Damage
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Damage
(6 to 10)% Chance of Crushing Blow
Elemental Resists +(31 to 40)%
Socketed (6)
Hand of God (Sacred)
Two-Hand Damage: (324 - 355) to (377 - 408)
(Paladin Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 832
Item Level: 1
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.16 per Strength)%
Amazing Grace
Adds 75-125 Damage
Adds 100-200 Fire Damage
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Damage
(6 to 10)% Chance of Crushing Blow
Elemental Resists +(31 to 40)%
Socketed (6)
Cinadide's Craft
(Paladin Honor Set)

Paladin Clubs, Paladin Maces, Paladin Hammers
Runeword Level: 80
Level 1 Bear Stance
Physical Resist 20%
12% Bonus to Defense
20% Attack Speed
100% Hit Recovery
+(66 to 99) to Maximum Damage
+(159 to 186)% Enhanced Damage
+(3 to 5) to Mountain King
+1000 Defense
5% to Strength
(30 to 40)% Gold Find
Paladin Clubs, Paladin Maces, Paladin Hammers
Runeword Level: 80
Level 1 Bear Stance
Physical Resist 20%
12% Bonus to Defense
20% Attack Speed
100% Hit Recovery
+(66 to 99) to Maximum Damage
+(159 to 186)% Enhanced Damage
+(3 to 5) to Mountain King
+1000 Defense
5% to Strength
(30 to 40)% Gold Find
Cinadide weapon is not the most impressive on its own but it is insane with other pieces. If you dont have the set, use Brahman, which will also give you bear stance which is kinda needed between levels 100-115 since you will not have access to Blessed Life yet.
> Assur's Bane > Rare rings
Required Level: 60
Item Level: 60
+0.5625 to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level)
+20 Life on Melee Attack
Required Level: 60
Item Level: 60
+0.5625 to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level)
+20 Life on Melee Attack
Ripstar is best in slot for both mid and end game. Assur's bane quest ring we get from Duncraig gives good amount of life, and damage and its a guaranteed drop. One big downside is that you can't actually mo these rings so if you need that extra resist from rings, you might wanna go with rare rings with flat damage, life, experience gained.
Angel Heart
= Rare amulet with Good mods (Such as all skills, minimum or maximum damage, life, experience gained)
Angel Heart
Required Level: 40
Item Level: 40
+(1 to 2) to All Skills
(5 to 10)% to Strength
(5 to 10)% to Dexterity
(15 to 25)% Bonus to Defense
+(3 to 5) to Light Radius
Required Level: 40
Item Level: 40
+(1 to 2) to All Skills
(5 to 10)% to Strength
(5 to 10)% to Dexterity
(15 to 25)% Bonus to Defense
+(3 to 5) to Light Radius
You can craft an angel heart or might get lucky and find a rare amulet. Wasting resources trying to craft Angel Heart might be a bad idea, so you can just stick to a rare one until your end game amulet.
Mystic Orbs: For weapons Enchanted Damage until %200 and %Attack rating for your hit chance. Deadly strike, EWD or maximum damage if you have more space. For armors Encanted defense until %200, total character defense, maximum damage or strength or faster hit recovery on armor pieces. Resistences, flat physical resist or poison length reduction on jewellery.
Sockets: 6 jah runes for weapon, use Perfect Skulls until you find them. Resist gems and runes for armor pieces if you still need them (you shouldn't), and rest should be filled with crafted jewels If you are lacking the arcane crystals, you can fill the rest with perfect diamonds or Ko runes until you do so.
Crafted Jewels: You can start crafting jewels at this point using Amn or Ohn rune. You are looking for %str or %all attiributes, good +str or maximum damage roll, life, minimum/maximum damage and most importantly IAS and FHR. You need to craft jewels and try to get your maximum breakpoints using them. So in ideal case you should have jewels like: "50 life, %15 increased attack speed/Faster Hit Recovery, %2 str, +5 all attiributes/4 maximum damage". You should also luck these jewels before inserting them in to get that possible extra +2 stat points.
End Game
► Show Spoiler
These are the best in slot items you can gear up with. If you have the full cinadide set, you can consider yourself as end game
">" indicates better "= indicates same"
Cinadide helm is best in slot even without the set if you are using
Body Armor:
Khazra is best in slot but since its a very rare and expensive item, you might wanna go with Erawan for more life or Rebel for more damage. Why Khazra so good you might ask? Because it gives %max life, %deadly strike(which is %more damage on avarage), shit ton of str and vit and also physical resist. Its like everything we need is on this chest so definitely go for it if you happen to have one. Rebel, Erawan or Candlewake is second best with huge amount of str and ewd they give. SBS might be another option though its very rare as well.
Use Cinadide gloves if you have full set. Savage and Mercy gives a lot of damage and stats if you dont have the set.
Nephilim is just so good that i couldn't find any end game item that changes this. Akarat's Trek is a good alternative if you are planning to do labyrinth, since you will need sockets in your gear for perfect gems.
Same case as Nephilim, here we see lower rarity item beating sacred uniques and high runewords. Cinadide belt is just too good skip because it gives huge amount of str, flat damage damage and some paladin skills. And since Fuse and black void is kinda expensive i see no reason to go for them. Celestia is a decent option as well if you dont have cinadide belt.
Cinadide set is best. If you dont have the set you can go with a 1 handed setup. This setup gives almost as much damage as cinadide but also gives a lot of defensive stats such as %15 avoid, and even without putting any points into DEX, you still get around %10 block. Other options are Gotterdammerung, which is huge damage and good procs. Otherwise you can go with Malleus but since it give so much mana cost to DJ i dont know if its good enough. It might be good option for clear with the proc and the points into Retaliate. You can also make these weapons Ethereal with
Ripstar gives us most damage and has a lot of MO space so i consider it best in slot. You can look for lotteried one with +1 all skills as well. Giant's Knuckles gives physical res which lets us put less points into Blessed Life, and it also gives deadly strike. SotNK and Ouroboros gives tons of stats for damage and life, and Assur's bane gives some damage and life as well.
BOTSQ is hands down best in slot amulet for us. flat damage, percentage str is all we are looking for. A good rolled Dyer's eve might be second best with al that flat damage and physical resist. Some rare amulets can spawn both minimum and maximum damage which can go up to like 25-30 flat damage. So if you get so lucky that you find a rare amulet with +3-4 all skills, 20-30 flat damage, maybe life, a good proc and stats, you can also use it. It would be probably better than BOTSQ, but the probability of finding such an amulet would be considerably low.
Weapon Swap:
You can use Felblood for a little bit more defence from Lionheart and a little bit more speed from Spark of Life. Shamanka gives us bloodlust which is more damage.
Mystic Orbs: For weapons Enchanted Damage until %200 > %AR > %DS = %EWD > Maximum Damage. For Armors FHR/Strength/Maximum damage. and lastly Flat Physical Resist, elemental resist and poison length reduction for jewellery.
Sockets: Jah runes for Weapon (If you are rich you can also use enchanted Jah), All crafted jewels on rest of the gear.
">" indicates better "= indicates same"
Cinadide's Bellows
Cinadide's Craft
(Paladin Honor Set)
Cinadide's Bellows
Hundsgugel (Sacred)
Defense: (2661 - 2994) to (2947 - 3315)
(Paladin Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 500
Item Level: 1
40% Attack Speed
20% Hit Recovery
Adds 25-50 Damage
Adds 50-100 Fire Damage
Weapon Physical Damage +(19 to 30)%
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
+(41 to 60) to Strength
Socketed (4)
Hundsgugel (Sacred)
Defense: (2661 - 2994) to (2947 - 3315)
(Paladin Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 500
Item Level: 1
40% Attack Speed
20% Hit Recovery
Adds 25-50 Damage
Adds 50-100 Fire Damage
Weapon Physical Damage +(19 to 30)%
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
+(41 to 60) to Strength
Socketed (4)
Cinadide's Craft
(Paladin Honor Set)
Barghest's Howl
Barghest's Howl
Hundsgugel (Sacred)
Defense: 5327 to 5684
(Paladin Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 500
Item Level: 105
Level 1 Wolf Stance
28% Attack Speed
40% Movement Speed
28% Hit Recovery
10% Crushing Blow
10% Weapon Physical Damage
5% Chance to cast level 23 Bloodlust on Melee Attack
(15 to 20)% Life stolen per Hit
Hit Causes Monster to Flee +1%
Slow Target 5%
+200% Enhanced Defense
+2000 Defense
+50 to Strength
+100 Life Regenerated per Second
3% Reanimate as: Random Monster
-2 to Light Radius
Socketed (4)
Hundsgugel (Sacred)
Defense: 5327 to 5684
(Paladin Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 500
Item Level: 105
Level 1 Wolf Stance
28% Attack Speed
40% Movement Speed
28% Hit Recovery
10% Crushing Blow
10% Weapon Physical Damage
5% Chance to cast level 23 Bloodlust on Melee Attack
(15 to 20)% Life stolen per Hit
Hit Causes Monster to Flee +1%
Slow Target 5%
+200% Enhanced Defense
+2000 Defense
+50 to Strength
+100 Life Regenerated per Second
3% Reanimate as: Random Monster
-2 to Light Radius
Socketed (4)
Battle Rage


Battle Rage
Paladin Helms
Runeword Level: 115
+1 to Paladin Skill Levels
25% Attack Speed
Adds 45-70 Damage
(10 to 20)% Life stolen per Hit
+(171 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
Regenerate Mana +10%
Maximum Fire Resist +2%
Elemental Resists +(20 to 25)%
Physical Resist 10%
Paladin Helms
Runeword Level: 115
+1 to Paladin Skill Levels
25% Attack Speed
Adds 45-70 Damage
(10 to 20)% Life stolen per Hit
+(171 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
Regenerate Mana +10%
Maximum Fire Resist +2%
Elemental Resists +(20 to 25)%
Physical Resist 10%
Witchhunter's Hood
Witchhunter's Attire
(Assassin Claw Set)

Witchhunter's Hood
Cap (Sacred)
Defense: (2136 - 2611) to (2161 - 2642)
Required Level: 90
Required Strength: 250
Item Level: 1
+(80 to 120)% Enhanced Defense
10% to Strength
10% to Dexterity
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
Elemental Resists +(31 to 40)%
Physical Resist 5%
(16 to 20)% Bonus to Defense
Requirements -50%
Socketed (4)
Cap (Sacred)
Defense: (2136 - 2611) to (2161 - 2642)
Required Level: 90
Required Strength: 250
Item Level: 1
+(80 to 120)% Enhanced Defense
10% to Strength
10% to Dexterity
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
Elemental Resists +(31 to 40)%
Physical Resist 5%
(16 to 20)% Bonus to Defense
Requirements -50%
Socketed (4)
Witchhunter's Attire
(Assassin Claw Set)
Cinadide helm is best in slot even without the set if you are using
Cinadide's Anvil
Cinadide's Craft
(Paladin Honor Set)
. If you dont have the belt you can look at other options. Barghest is good for free bloodlust proc, life leech, some amount of slow and str, but most importantly wolf stance. This gives us huge amount of combat speed and ewd. This helm is also pretty common and cheap on market so its not that hard to get it. Battle Rage is another good helmet with shit ton of good stats. Since the stats on Hood, is just too good, you can keep using that as well. That all maximum resistences gonna be a huge difference especially in late game grinds such as Dimensional Labyrinth.
Cinadide's Anvil
Plated Belt (Sacred)
Defense: (3271 - 3680) to (3583 - 4031)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 337
Item Level: 1
+1 to Paladin Skill Levels
Adds 13-25 Damage
Adds 50-100 Fire Damage
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
(21 to 25)% to Strength
Requirements -50%
Socketed (2)
Plated Belt (Sacred)
Defense: (3271 - 3680) to (3583 - 4031)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 337
Item Level: 1
+1 to Paladin Skill Levels
Adds 13-25 Damage
Adds 50-100 Fire Damage
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
(21 to 25)% to Strength
Requirements -50%
Socketed (2)
Cinadide's Craft
(Paladin Honor Set)
Body Armor:
Khazra Plate
Khazra Plate
Ancient Armor (Sacred)
Defense: (8603 - 9489) to (10651 - 11748)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 2310
Item Level: 120
Demon Blood Aura
You and Undead Minions: Maximum Life +6%
26.6 Yard Radius
+60% Damage to Demons
5% Chance of Crushing Blow
10% Deadly Strike
+(172 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
(20 to 25)% to Strength
(20 to 25)% to Vitality
Physical Resist 10%
Requirements +200%
Socketed (6)
Ancient Armor (Sacred)
Defense: (8603 - 9489) to (10651 - 11748)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 2310
Item Level: 120
Demon Blood Aura
You and Undead Minions: Maximum Life +6%
26.6 Yard Radius
+60% Damage to Demons
5% Chance of Crushing Blow
10% Deadly Strike
+(172 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
(20 to 25)% to Strength
(20 to 25)% to Vitality
Physical Resist 10%
Requirements +200%
Socketed (6)


Body Armors
Runeword Level: 83
15% Combat Speeds
5% Chance of Crushing Blow
+(144 to 171)% Enhanced Defense
(27 to 30)% to Strength
(27 to 30)% to Vitality
Physical Resist (13 to 15)%
(15 to 20)% Bonus to Defense
Body Armors
Runeword Level: 83
15% Combat Speeds
5% Chance of Crushing Blow
+(144 to 171)% Enhanced Defense
(27 to 30)% to Strength
(27 to 30)% to Vitality
Physical Resist (13 to 15)%
(15 to 20)% Bonus to Defense
Rebel (Xis)
= Candlewake
Splint Mail (Sacred)
Defense: (8032 - 9339) to (11077 - 12593)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 600
Item Level: 105
-2% Base Block Chance
Additional Strength Damage Bonus: 0.0390625%
-(11 to 15)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
+(150 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
+(1500 to 3500) Defense
(10 to 25)% to Strength
(50 to 100)% Bonus to Defense
Cannot Be Frozen (1/2 chance to appear)
Socketed (6)
Splint Mail (Sacred)
Defense: (8032 - 9339) to (11077 - 12593)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 600
Item Level: 105
-2% Base Block Chance
Additional Strength Damage Bonus: 0.0390625%
-(11 to 15)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
+(150 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
+(1500 to 3500) Defense
(10 to 25)% to Strength
(50 to 100)% Bonus to Defense
Cannot Be Frozen (1/2 chance to appear)
Socketed (6)
Strength Beyond Strength

Strength Beyond Strength
Gothic Plate (Sacred)
Defense: (8339 - 9198) to (10115 - 11157)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 675
Item Level: 120
Adds 25-40 Damage
150% Bonus to Attack Rating
+50% Damage to Demons
25% Life stolen per Hit
10% Deadly Strike
+(172 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
1% Reanimate as: Random Monster
-5 to Light Radius
Socketed (6)
Gothic Plate (Sacred)
Defense: (8339 - 9198) to (10115 - 11157)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 675
Item Level: 120
Adds 25-40 Damage
150% Bonus to Attack Rating
+50% Damage to Demons
25% Life stolen per Hit
10% Deadly Strike
+(172 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
1% Reanimate as: Random Monster
-5 to Light Radius
Socketed (6)
Khazra is best in slot but since its a very rare and expensive item, you might wanna go with Erawan for more life or Rebel for more damage. Why Khazra so good you might ask? Because it gives %max life, %deadly strike(which is %more damage on avarage), shit ton of str and vit and also physical resist. Its like everything we need is on this chest so definitely go for it if you happen to have one. Rebel, Erawan or Candlewake is second best with huge amount of str and ewd they give. SBS might be another option though its very rare as well.
Cinadide's Bender
Cinadide's Craft
(Paladin Honor Set)
Cinadide's Bender
Gauntlets (Sacred)
Defense: (1339 - 1506) to (1567 - 1763)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 1
20% Attack Speed
40% Hit Recovery
Adds 35-70 Magic Damage
Adds 50-100 Fire Damage
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
+(31 to 50) to Strength
(16 to 25)% Magic Find
Socketed (4)
Gauntlets (Sacred)
Defense: (1339 - 1506) to (1567 - 1763)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 1
20% Attack Speed
40% Hit Recovery
Adds 35-70 Magic Damage
Adds 50-100 Fire Damage
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
+(31 to 50) to Strength
(16 to 25)% Magic Find
Socketed (4)
Cinadide's Craft
(Paladin Honor Set)


Runeword Level: 110
+1% Weapon Physical Damage per 50 Strength or Dexterity
(Whichever is Higher)
75% Attack Speed
+10 Damage
+200% Enhanced Defense
+(10 to 40) to all Attributes
10% to Strength
10% to Dexterity
Maximum Cold Resist +1%
Cold Resist +25%
10% Magic Find
Runeword Level: 110
+1% Weapon Physical Damage per 50 Strength or Dexterity
(Whichever is Higher)
75% Attack Speed
+10 Damage
+200% Enhanced Defense
+(10 to 40) to all Attributes
10% to Strength
10% to Dexterity
Maximum Cold Resist +1%
Cold Resist +25%
10% Magic Find
Mercy (Xis)
Use Cinadide gloves if you have full set. Savage and Mercy gives a lot of damage and stats if you dont have the set.


Runeword Level: 85
+(144 to 171)% Enhanced Defense
+150 Defense
+50 to Strength
(21 to 25)% to Strength
+50 to Vitality
(21 to 25)% to Vitality
Cold Resist +25%
+15 Life after each Kill
Runeword Level: 85
+(144 to 171)% Enhanced Defense
+150 Defense
+50 to Strength
(21 to 25)% to Strength
+50 to Vitality
(21 to 25)% to Vitality
Cold Resist +25%
+15 Life after each Kill
Akarat's Trek

Akarat's Trek
Light Plated Boots (Sacred)
Defense: (1960 - 2352) to (2170 - 2604)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 120
2% Chance to cast level 30 Hammertime on Melee Attack
2% Chance to cast level 30 Thunder Wave on Melee Attack
2% Chance to cast level 30 Thunder Hammer Nova on Melee Attack
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
+(15 to 20) to Charged Strike
Weapon Physical Damage +(60 to 90)%
+(150 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
10% to All Attributes
+10 to Light Radius
Socketed (4)
Light Plated Boots (Sacred)
Defense: (1960 - 2352) to (2170 - 2604)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 120
2% Chance to cast level 30 Hammertime on Melee Attack
2% Chance to cast level 30 Thunder Wave on Melee Attack
2% Chance to cast level 30 Thunder Hammer Nova on Melee Attack
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
+(15 to 20) to Charged Strike
Weapon Physical Damage +(60 to 90)%
+(150 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
10% to All Attributes
+10 to Light Radius
Socketed (4)
Nephilim is just so good that i couldn't find any end game item that changes this. Akarat's Trek is a good alternative if you are planning to do labyrinth, since you will need sockets in your gear for perfect gems.
Cinadide's Anvil
Cinadide's Craft
(Paladin Honor Set)
Cinadide's Anvil
Plated Belt (Sacred)
Defense: (3271 - 3680) to (3583 - 4031)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 337
Item Level: 1
+1 to Paladin Skill Levels
Adds 13-25 Damage
Adds 50-100 Fire Damage
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
(21 to 25)% to Strength
Requirements -50%
Socketed (2)
Plated Belt (Sacred)
Defense: (3271 - 3680) to (3583 - 4031)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 337
Item Level: 1
+1 to Paladin Skill Levels
Adds 13-25 Damage
Adds 50-100 Fire Damage
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
(21 to 25)% to Strength
Requirements -50%
Socketed (2)
Cinadide's Craft
(Paladin Honor Set)
Black Void
Black Void
Heavy Belt (Sacred)
Defense: (3060 - 3442) to (3304 - 3717)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 120
20% Attack Speed
Adds 10-15 Damage
(10 to 15)% Life stolen per Hit
Slow Target 10%
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
10% to Strength
10% to Dexterity
Target Takes Additional Damage of (25 to 50)
30% Magic Find
Socketed (2)
Heavy Belt (Sacred)
Defense: (3060 - 3442) to (3304 - 3717)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 120
20% Attack Speed
Adds 10-15 Damage
(10 to 15)% Life stolen per Hit
Slow Target 10%
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
10% to Strength
10% to Dexterity
Target Takes Additional Damage of (25 to 50)
30% Magic Find
Socketed (2)
Celestia's Ribbon
Celestia's Myth
(Amazon Spear Set)
Celestia's Ribbon
Plated Belt (Sacred)
Defense: (3271 - 3680) to (3583 - 4031)
Required Level: 90
Required Strength: 675
Item Level: 1
+1 to Amazon Skill Levels
15% Attack Speed
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
(11 to 15)% to Strength
+(31 to 50) to Dexterity
Physical Resist 5%
Socketed (2)
Plated Belt (Sacred)
Defense: (3271 - 3680) to (3583 - 4031)
Required Level: 90
Required Strength: 675
Item Level: 1
+1 to Amazon Skill Levels
15% Attack Speed
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
(11 to 15)% to Strength
+(31 to 50) to Dexterity
Physical Resist 5%
Socketed (2)
Celestia's Myth
(Amazon Spear Set)

Runeword Level: 110
20% Chance to cast level 28 Ignis Fatuus when Struck
Adds 38-113 Fire Damage
0.375% to Fire Spell Damage (Based on Character Level)
+(7 to 12) to Path of Flames
+(143 to 171)% Enhanced Defense
5% to All Attributes
Fire Resist +(75 to 100)%
Level 5 Blast Wave (40/40 Charges)
Runeword Level: 110
20% Chance to cast level 28 Ignis Fatuus when Struck
Adds 38-113 Fire Damage
0.375% to Fire Spell Damage (Based on Character Level)
+(7 to 12) to Path of Flames
+(143 to 171)% Enhanced Defense
5% to All Attributes
Fire Resist +(75 to 100)%
Level 5 Blast Wave (40/40 Charges)
Same case as Nephilim, here we see lower rarity item beating sacred uniques and high runewords. Cinadide belt is just too good skip because it gives huge amount of str, flat damage damage and some paladin skills. And since Fuse and black void is kinda expensive i see no reason to go for them. Celestia is a decent option as well if you dont have cinadide belt.
Cinadide's Malus
Cinadide's Craft
(Paladin Honor Set)
Cinadide's Malus
Hand of God (Sacred)
Two-Hand Damage: (324 - 355) to (377 - 408)
(Paladin Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 832
Item Level: 1
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.16 per Strength)%
Amazing Grace
Adds 75-125 Damage
Adds 100-200 Fire Damage
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Damage
(6 to 10)% Chance of Crushing Blow
Elemental Resists +(31 to 40)%
Socketed (6)
Hand of God (Sacred)
Two-Hand Damage: (324 - 355) to (377 - 408)
(Paladin Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 832
Item Level: 1
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.16 per Strength)%
Amazing Grace
Adds 75-125 Damage
Adds 100-200 Fire Damage
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Damage
(6 to 10)% Chance of Crushing Blow
Elemental Resists +(31 to 40)%
Socketed (6)
Cinadide's Craft
(Paladin Honor Set)

in ETH Angel Star and 

Paladin Clubs, Paladin Maces, Paladin Hammers
Runeword Level: 100
Additional Dexterity Damage Bonus: 0.078125%
80% Attack Speed
+(111 to 140) to Maximum Damage
Adds 400-500 Magic Damage
-(30 to 35)% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+(172 to 200)% Enhanced Damage
5% Deadly Strike
Slow Target 10%
+200 to Strength
+200 to Dexterity
+15 Life after each Kill
Paladin Clubs, Paladin Maces, Paladin Hammers
Runeword Level: 100
Additional Dexterity Damage Bonus: 0.078125%
80% Attack Speed
+(111 to 140) to Maximum Damage
Adds 400-500 Magic Damage
-(30 to 35)% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+(172 to 200)% Enhanced Damage
5% Deadly Strike
Slow Target 10%
+200 to Strength
+200 to Dexterity
+15 Life after each Kill


Paladin Shields
Runeword Level: 110
80% Attack Speed
Adds 3-5 Damage
+(75 to 95) to Maximum Damage
+(18 to 21) to Cherubim
Slows Attacker by 20%
+200% Enhanced Defense
10% to All Attributes
(10 to 15)% Chance to Avoid Damage
-10% to All Vendor Prices
Paladin Shields
Runeword Level: 110
80% Attack Speed
Adds 3-5 Damage
+(75 to 95) to Maximum Damage
+(18 to 21) to Cherubim
Slows Attacker by 20%
+200% Enhanced Defense
10% to All Attributes
(10 to 15)% Chance to Avoid Damage
-10% to All Vendor Prices
Great Axe (Sacred)
Two-Hand Damage: 496 to 673
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 5400
Item Level: 120
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.16 per Strength)%
Mega Impact
Area Effect Attack
50% Attack Speed
Adds 250-400 Damage
+200% Enhanced Damage
Requirements +800%
Ragh nar Rook
Socketed (6)
Great Axe (Sacred)
Two-Hand Damage: 496 to 673
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 5400
Item Level: 120
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.16 per Strength)%
Mega Impact
Area Effect Attack
50% Attack Speed
Adds 250-400 Damage
+200% Enhanced Damage
Requirements +800%
Ragh nar Rook
Socketed (6)
Malleus Maleficarum

Malleus Maleficarum
Hand of God (Sacred)
Two-Hand Damage: (260 - 312) to (577 - 740)
(Paladin Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 832
Item Level: 120
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.16 per Strength)%
Amazing Grace
If you have at least 450% Damage to Demons
+10% Fire Absorb
+10% Cold Absorb
+10% Lightning Absorb
+25% Deadly Strike
6% Chance to cast level 20 Widowmaker on Melee Attack
20% Chance to cast level 10 Thunder Hammer Nova on Melee Attack
+(315 to 425) to Maximum Damage
(100 to 200)% Bonus to Attack Rating
15% Life stolen per Hit
+(150 to 200)% Enhanced Damage
15% Chance of Crushing Blow
+1000 Defense
+100 Mana on Melee Attack
Fear No Evil
Socketed (6)
Hand of God (Sacred)
Two-Hand Damage: (260 - 312) to (577 - 740)
(Paladin Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 832
Item Level: 120
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.16 per Strength)%
Amazing Grace
If you have at least 450% Damage to Demons
+10% Fire Absorb
+10% Cold Absorb
+10% Lightning Absorb
+25% Deadly Strike
6% Chance to cast level 20 Widowmaker on Melee Attack
20% Chance to cast level 10 Thunder Hammer Nova on Melee Attack
+(315 to 425) to Maximum Damage
(100 to 200)% Bonus to Attack Rating
15% Life stolen per Hit
+(150 to 200)% Enhanced Damage
15% Chance of Crushing Blow
+1000 Defense
+100 Mana on Melee Attack
Fear No Evil
Socketed (6)
Cinadide set is best. If you dont have the set you can go with a 1 handed setup. This setup gives almost as much damage as cinadide but also gives a lot of defensive stats such as %15 avoid, and even without putting any points into DEX, you still get around %10 block. Other options are Gotterdammerung, which is huge damage and good procs. Otherwise you can go with Malleus but since it give so much mana cost to DJ i dont know if its good enough. It might be good option for clear with the proc and the points into Retaliate. You can also make these weapons Ethereal with
Empyrean Touch
for even more damage.
Empyrean Touch
Occult Effigy
Cube Reagent
Cube with Any Weapon/Armor to Add Bonus
Item Becomes Ethereal
+10 Required Level
Occult Effigy
Cube Reagent
Cube with Any Weapon/Armor to Add Bonus
Item Becomes Ethereal
+10 Required Level
Required Level: 60
Item Level: 60
+0.5625 to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level)
+20 Life on Melee Attack
Required Level: 60
Item Level: 60
+0.5625 to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level)
+20 Life on Melee Attack
Empyrean Glory
Empyrean Glory
Required Level: 50
Item Level: 120
1% Chance to cast level 40 Singularity on Kill
(6 to 10)% to All Attributes
Maximum Life +5%
Maximum Mana +15%
15% Gold Find
Required Level: 50
Item Level: 120
1% Chance to cast level 40 Singularity on Kill
(6 to 10)% to All Attributes
Maximum Life +5%
Maximum Mana +15%
15% Gold Find
Giant's Knuckle
Giant's Knuckle
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 120
20% Attack Speed
Adds 10-15 Damage
(5 to 10)% Life stolen per Hit
5% Deadly Strike
+25 Life Regenerated per Second
Physical Resist 5%
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 120
20% Attack Speed
Adds 10-15 Damage
(5 to 10)% Life stolen per Hit
5% Deadly Strike
+25 Life Regenerated per Second
Physical Resist 5%
Seal of the Nephalem Kings
= %20 + str and vit 
Seal of the Nephalem Kings
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 120
+(1 to 2) to All Skills
(10 to 15)% to Strength
(10 to 15)% to Vitality
(10 to 15)% Bonus to Defense
(10 to 20)% Gold Find
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 120
+(1 to 2) to All Skills
(10 to 15)% to Strength
(10 to 15)% to Vitality
(10 to 15)% Bonus to Defense
(10 to 20)% Gold Find
= Assur's Bane
Required Level: 110
Item Level: 120
+1 to All Skills
(-15 to 25)% to Strength
(-15 to 25)% to Dexterity
(-15 to 25)% to Vitality
(-15 to 25)% to Energy
Required Level: 110
Item Level: 120
+1 to All Skills
(-15 to 25)% to Strength
(-15 to 25)% to Dexterity
(-15 to 25)% to Vitality
(-15 to 25)% to Energy
Ripstar gives us most damage and has a lot of MO space so i consider it best in slot. You can look for lotteried one with +1 all skills as well. Giant's Knuckles gives physical res which lets us put less points into Blessed Life, and it also gives deadly strike. SotNK and Ouroboros gives tons of stats for damage and life, and Assur's bane gives some damage and life as well.
Beads of the Snake Queen
Beads of the Snake Queen
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 120
4% Chance to cast level 33 Scorpion Blade on Kill
Adds 5-10 Damage
Stun Attack
+(200 to 500) Defense
(20 to 25)% to Strength
(20 to 25)% to Dexterity
+100 Life after each Kill
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 120
4% Chance to cast level 33 Scorpion Blade on Kill
Adds 5-10 Damage
Stun Attack
+(200 to 500) Defense
(20 to 25)% to Strength
(20 to 25)% to Dexterity
+100 Life after each Kill
Dyers Eve
> Rare Amulet
Dyers Eve
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 120
5% Chance to cast level 5 Time Strike on Striking
+2 to All Skills
Adds 15-20 Damage
5% Life stolen per Hit
Elemental Resists +10%
Physical Resist (1 to 10)%
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 120
5% Chance to cast level 5 Time Strike on Striking
+2 to All Skills
Adds 15-20 Damage
5% Life stolen per Hit
Elemental Resists +10%
Physical Resist (1 to 10)%
BOTSQ is hands down best in slot amulet for us. flat damage, percentage str is all we are looking for. A good rolled Dyer's eve might be second best with al that flat damage and physical resist. Some rare amulets can spawn both minimum and maximum damage which can go up to like 25-30 flat damage. So if you get so lucky that you find a rare amulet with +3-4 all skills, 20-30 flat damage, maybe life, a good proc and stats, you can also use it. It would be probably better than BOTSQ, but the probability of finding such an amulet would be considerably low.
Weapon Swap:
Required Level: 10
Item Level: 1
Metal Solace: Also Regenerates Totem Life
+(1 to 2) to Necromancer Skill Levels
5% Life stolen per Hit
+4 to Life (Based on Character Level)
3% Reanimate as: Random Monster
Required Level: 10
Item Level: 1
Metal Solace: Also Regenerates Totem Life
+(1 to 2) to Necromancer Skill Levels
5% Life stolen per Hit
+4 to Life (Based on Character Level)
3% Reanimate as: Random Monster

Long Staff (Sacred)
Two-Hand Damage: 56 to 58
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 203
Item Level: 105
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.15 per Dexterity)%
+(3 to 6) to Sorceress Skill Levels
45% Cast Speed
45% Hit Recovery
+(21 to 25)% to Fire Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Cold Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Poison Spell Damage
+(6 to 16) to Bloodlust
Maximum Life +(10 to 13)%
Fire Resist +(50 to 70)%
Lightning Resist +(50 to 70)%
Socketed (4)
Long Staff (Sacred)
Two-Hand Damage: 56 to 58
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 203
Item Level: 105
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.15 per Dexterity)%
+(3 to 6) to Sorceress Skill Levels
45% Cast Speed
45% Hit Recovery
+(21 to 25)% to Fire Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Cold Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Poison Spell Damage
+(6 to 16) to Bloodlust
Maximum Life +(10 to 13)%
Fire Resist +(50 to 70)%
Lightning Resist +(50 to 70)%
Socketed (4)
You can use Felblood for a little bit more defence from Lionheart and a little bit more speed from Spark of Life. Shamanka gives us bloodlust which is more damage.
Mystic Orbs: For weapons Enchanted Damage until %200 > %AR > %DS = %EWD > Maximum Damage. For Armors FHR/Strength/Maximum damage. and lastly Flat Physical Resist, elemental resist and poison length reduction for jewellery.
Sockets: Jah runes for Weapon (If you are rich you can also use enchanted Jah), All crafted jewels on rest of the gear.
Dex Version
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This a high budget option but its certainly strong since it has 50% block chance while still maintaining high damage output and even higher defence. This build is especially good for people that doesnt like rebuffing every 10 seconds and wants a less button heavy build. This is due to not having to cast solar flare for extra AR, since you are already AR capped by putting points into DEX.
There arent many good non-class spesific (Or paladin spesific) dex weapon bases for us to use. So to have good damage we either have to go with samael sword or Oriflamme which is hybrid scaling weapon.
Angelhost is very good since it gives huge amount of damage, gives +2 max elemental resist which is extra good for Dimensional Labyrinth, and also gives huge amount of dexterity so we can cap our block chance. Zohar on the other hand gives even more damage and also gives us an alternative way to play this build. You can just skip retaliate and farm with the Cherubim oskill on the shield.
Body Armour:
There are other good body armor options that scales dexterity, but this build has a lot of %dex from charms and skills but doesnt have enough flat dex to go with it. And rebel fixes exactly that. Huge amount of flat dex for damage and block, huge amount of str so you can equip your gear and ewd for extra damage. You can make this into an Ancient Armor since you will have bunch of Strength anyway to be able to equip it.
Savage gives more damage than Rogue, but if you somehow cant cap your physical resist (%60 for labs), Rogue is also a good option.
Wind runner is really good damage wise, but it gives you no socket options so if you are planning to do Dimensional Labyrinth its not really a good option. Akarat's Trek is a decent secondary option for dex purposes.
Same thing as boots, battlerage is insane amount of damage but if you are planning to do Labs, you better get the alternative for max resist while still having %dex.
There are probably better options but it seemed like the best option to me for now. It has slow, damage and leech which is the affixes you want on your item.
These 2 goes head to head in terms of damage. Ripstar is cheaper and you can get a lotteried one, on the other hand giant's knuckle gives %5 physical resist, which you might need with your labyrinth setup (need %60 physical resist).
Just all around good amulet with damage and huge amount of %dex. Cant find a better one.
Weapon Swap:
Tyrannical Blade
One-Hand Damage: 399 to 450
Required Level: 125
Item Level: 110
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.13 per Dexterity)%
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.14 per Strength)%
1% Chance to cast level 20 Orb of Annihilation on Striking
+200% Enhanced Damage
+50 to Harbinger
Lightning Resist -100%
(1 to 5)% Chance to Avoid Damage
+3% to Experience Gained
Tyrannical Blade
One-Hand Damage: 399 to 450
Required Level: 125
Item Level: 110
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.13 per Dexterity)%
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.14 per Strength)%
1% Chance to cast level 20 Orb of Annihilation on Striking
+200% Enhanced Damage
+50 to Harbinger
Lightning Resist -100%
(1 to 5)% Chance to Avoid Damage
+3% to Experience Gained

in ETH Angel Star

Paladin Clubs, Paladin Maces, Paladin Hammers
Runeword Level: 100
Additional Dexterity Damage Bonus: 0.078125%
80% Attack Speed
+(111 to 140) to Maximum Damage
Adds 400-500 Magic Damage
-(30 to 35)% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+(172 to 200)% Enhanced Damage
5% Deadly Strike
Slow Target 10%
+200 to Strength
+200 to Dexterity
+15 Life after each Kill
Paladin Clubs, Paladin Maces, Paladin Hammers
Runeword Level: 100
Additional Dexterity Damage Bonus: 0.078125%
80% Attack Speed
+(111 to 140) to Maximum Damage
Adds 400-500 Magic Damage
-(30 to 35)% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+(172 to 200)% Enhanced Damage
5% Deadly Strike
Slow Target 10%
+200 to Strength
+200 to Dexterity
+15 Life after each Kill
There arent many good non-class spesific (Or paladin spesific) dex weapon bases for us to use. So to have good damage we either have to go with samael sword or Oriflamme which is hybrid scaling weapon.
Crown Shield (Sacred)
Defense: 10634 to 11780
Chance to Block: 4%
(Paladin Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 447
Item Level: 120
30% Chance to cast level 20 Cherubim on Melee Attack
2% Base Block Chance
Adds 20-100 Damage
+200% Enhanced Defense
+5000 Defense
-30% to Strength
20% to Dexterity
Maximum Elemental Resists +2%
+200 Life on Melee Attack
Socketed (4)
Crown Shield (Sacred)
Defense: 10634 to 11780
Chance to Block: 4%
(Paladin Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 447
Item Level: 120
30% Chance to cast level 20 Cherubim on Melee Attack
2% Base Block Chance
Adds 20-100 Damage
+200% Enhanced Defense
+5000 Defense
-30% to Strength
20% to Dexterity
Maximum Elemental Resists +2%
+200 Life on Melee Attack
Socketed (4)

Paladin Shields
Runeword Level: 110
80% Attack Speed
Adds 3-5 Damage
+(75 to 95) to Maximum Damage
+(18 to 21) to Cherubim
Slows Attacker by 20%
+200% Enhanced Defense
10% to All Attributes
(10 to 15)% Chance to Avoid Damage
-10% to All Vendor Prices
Paladin Shields
Runeword Level: 110
80% Attack Speed
Adds 3-5 Damage
+(75 to 95) to Maximum Damage
+(18 to 21) to Cherubim
Slows Attacker by 20%
+200% Enhanced Defense
10% to All Attributes
(10 to 15)% Chance to Avoid Damage
-10% to All Vendor Prices
Angelhost is very good since it gives huge amount of damage, gives +2 max elemental resist which is extra good for Dimensional Labyrinth, and also gives huge amount of dexterity so we can cap our block chance. Zohar on the other hand gives even more damage and also gives us an alternative way to play this build. You can just skip retaliate and farm with the Cherubim oskill on the shield.
Body Armour:

Body Armors
Runeword Level: 100
15% Combat Speeds
Adds 6-10 Damage
Weapon Physical Damage +(80 to 100)%
+(172 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
+(151 to 200) to Strength
+(151 to 200) to Dexterity
-75 to Vitality
-75 to Energy
+60 to Mana
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
Elemental Resists +(40 to 50)%
Body Armors
Runeword Level: 100
15% Combat Speeds
Adds 6-10 Damage
Weapon Physical Damage +(80 to 100)%
+(172 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
+(151 to 200) to Strength
+(151 to 200) to Dexterity
-75 to Vitality
-75 to Energy
+60 to Mana
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
Elemental Resists +(40 to 50)%
There are other good body armor options that scales dexterity, but this build has a lot of %dex from charms and skills but doesnt have enough flat dex to go with it. And rebel fixes exactly that. Huge amount of flat dex for damage and block, huge amount of str so you can equip your gear and ewd for extra damage. You can make this into an Ancient Armor since you will have bunch of Strength anyway to be able to equip it.


Runeword Level: 110
+1% Weapon Physical Damage per 50 Strength or Dexterity
(Whichever is Higher)
75% Attack Speed
+10 Damage
+200% Enhanced Defense
+(10 to 40) to all Attributes
10% to Strength
10% to Dexterity
Maximum Cold Resist +1%
Cold Resist +25%
10% Magic Find
Runeword Level: 110
+1% Weapon Physical Damage per 50 Strength or Dexterity
(Whichever is Higher)
75% Attack Speed
+10 Damage
+200% Enhanced Defense
+(10 to 40) to all Attributes
10% to Strength
10% to Dexterity
Maximum Cold Resist +1%
Cold Resist +25%
10% Magic Find
Rogue Foresight

Rogue Foresight
Heavy Gloves (Sacred)
Defense: 492 to 522
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 525
Item Level: 120
+1 to All Skills
5% Deadly Strike
-10% to Strength
20% to Dexterity
Physical Resist 5%
Socketed (4)
Heavy Gloves (Sacred)
Defense: 492 to 522
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 525
Item Level: 120
+1 to All Skills
5% Deadly Strike
-10% to Strength
20% to Dexterity
Physical Resist 5%
Socketed (4)
Savage gives more damage than Rogue, but if you somehow cant cap your physical resist (%60 for labs), Rogue is also a good option.
Wind Runner


Wind Runner
Runeword Level: 100
+(0 to 1) to All Skills
50% Attack Speed
10% Movement Speed
Adds 25-68 Damage
250% Bonus to Attack Rating
(12 to 15)% Life stolen per Hit
+(171 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
Runeword Level: 100
+(0 to 1) to All Skills
50% Attack Speed
10% Movement Speed
Adds 25-68 Damage
250% Bonus to Attack Rating
(12 to 15)% Life stolen per Hit
+(171 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
Akarat's Trek

Akarat's Trek
Light Plated Boots (Sacred)
Defense: (1960 - 2352) to (2170 - 2604)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 120
2% Chance to cast level 30 Hammertime on Melee Attack
2% Chance to cast level 30 Thunder Wave on Melee Attack
2% Chance to cast level 30 Thunder Hammer Nova on Melee Attack
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
+(15 to 20) to Charged Strike
Weapon Physical Damage +(60 to 90)%
+(150 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
10% to All Attributes
+10 to Light Radius
Socketed (4)
Light Plated Boots (Sacred)
Defense: (1960 - 2352) to (2170 - 2604)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 120
2% Chance to cast level 30 Hammertime on Melee Attack
2% Chance to cast level 30 Thunder Wave on Melee Attack
2% Chance to cast level 30 Thunder Hammer Nova on Melee Attack
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
+(15 to 20) to Charged Strike
Weapon Physical Damage +(60 to 90)%
+(150 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
10% to All Attributes
+10 to Light Radius
Socketed (4)
Wind runner is really good damage wise, but it gives you no socket options so if you are planning to do Dimensional Labyrinth its not really a good option. Akarat's Trek is a decent secondary option for dex purposes.
Battle Rage


Battle Rage
Paladin Helms
Runeword Level: 115
+1 to Paladin Skill Levels
25% Attack Speed
Adds 45-70 Damage
(10 to 20)% Life stolen per Hit
+(171 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
Regenerate Mana +10%
Maximum Fire Resist +2%
Elemental Resists +(20 to 25)%
Physical Resist 10%
Paladin Helms
Runeword Level: 115
+1 to Paladin Skill Levels
25% Attack Speed
Adds 45-70 Damage
(10 to 20)% Life stolen per Hit
+(171 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
Regenerate Mana +10%
Maximum Fire Resist +2%
Elemental Resists +(20 to 25)%
Physical Resist 10%
Witchhunter's Hood
Witchhunter's Attire
(Assassin Claw Set)

Witchhunter's Hood
Cap (Sacred)
Defense: (2136 - 2611) to (2161 - 2642)
Required Level: 90
Required Strength: 250
Item Level: 1
+(80 to 120)% Enhanced Defense
10% to Strength
10% to Dexterity
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
Elemental Resists +(31 to 40)%
Physical Resist 5%
(16 to 20)% Bonus to Defense
Requirements -50%
Socketed (4)
Cap (Sacred)
Defense: (2136 - 2611) to (2161 - 2642)
Required Level: 90
Required Strength: 250
Item Level: 1
+(80 to 120)% Enhanced Defense
10% to Strength
10% to Dexterity
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
Elemental Resists +(31 to 40)%
Physical Resist 5%
(16 to 20)% Bonus to Defense
Requirements -50%
Socketed (4)
Witchhunter's Attire
(Assassin Claw Set)
Same thing as boots, battlerage is insane amount of damage but if you are planning to do Labs, you better get the alternative for max resist while still having %dex.
Black Void

Black Void
Heavy Belt (Sacred)
Defense: (3060 - 3442) to (3304 - 3717)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 120
20% Attack Speed
Adds 10-15 Damage
(10 to 15)% Life stolen per Hit
Slow Target 10%
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
10% to Strength
10% to Dexterity
Target Takes Additional Damage of (25 to 50)
30% Magic Find
Socketed (2)
Heavy Belt (Sacred)
Defense: (3060 - 3442) to (3304 - 3717)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 120
20% Attack Speed
Adds 10-15 Damage
(10 to 15)% Life stolen per Hit
Slow Target 10%
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
10% to Strength
10% to Dexterity
Target Takes Additional Damage of (25 to 50)
30% Magic Find
Socketed (2)
There are probably better options but it seemed like the best option to me for now. It has slow, damage and leech which is the affixes you want on your item.
Giant's Knuckle
Giant's Knuckle
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 120
20% Attack Speed
Adds 10-15 Damage
(5 to 10)% Life stolen per Hit
5% Deadly Strike
+25 Life Regenerated per Second
Physical Resist 5%
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 120
20% Attack Speed
Adds 10-15 Damage
(5 to 10)% Life stolen per Hit
5% Deadly Strike
+25 Life Regenerated per Second
Physical Resist 5%

Required Level: 60
Item Level: 60
+0.5625 to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level)
+20 Life on Melee Attack
Required Level: 60
Item Level: 60
+0.5625 to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level)
+20 Life on Melee Attack
These 2 goes head to head in terms of damage. Ripstar is cheaper and you can get a lotteried one, on the other hand giant's knuckle gives %5 physical resist, which you might need with your labyrinth setup (need %60 physical resist).
Beads of the Snake Queen

Beads of the Snake Queen
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 120
4% Chance to cast level 33 Scorpion Blade on Kill
Adds 5-10 Damage
Stun Attack
+(200 to 500) Defense
(20 to 25)% to Strength
(20 to 25)% to Dexterity
+100 Life after each Kill
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 120
4% Chance to cast level 33 Scorpion Blade on Kill
Adds 5-10 Damage
Stun Attack
+(200 to 500) Defense
(20 to 25)% to Strength
(20 to 25)% to Dexterity
+100 Life after each Kill
Just all around good amulet with damage and huge amount of %dex. Cant find a better one.
Weapon Swap:

Long Staff (Sacred)
Two-Hand Damage: 56 to 58
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 203
Item Level: 105
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.15 per Dexterity)%
+(3 to 6) to Sorceress Skill Levels
45% Cast Speed
45% Hit Recovery
+(21 to 25)% to Fire Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Cold Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Poison Spell Damage
+(6 to 16) to Bloodlust
Maximum Life +(10 to 13)%
Fire Resist +(50 to 70)%
Lightning Resist +(50 to 70)%
Socketed (4)
Long Staff (Sacred)
Two-Hand Damage: 56 to 58
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 203
Item Level: 105
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.15 per Dexterity)%
+(3 to 6) to Sorceress Skill Levels
45% Cast Speed
45% Hit Recovery
+(21 to 25)% to Fire Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Cold Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Poison Spell Damage
+(6 to 16) to Bloodlust
Maximum Life +(10 to 13)%
Fire Resist +(50 to 70)%
Lightning Resist +(50 to 70)%
Socketed (4)
Mercenary Guide
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Mercs are decent in terms of utility they provide so you might wanna use them. For more information check out this link https://docs.median-xl.com/doc/class/hirelings .I would not suggest buying a merc until mid/late game since and them will die a lot. Also keep in mind that you can buff your mercenaries with your Spark of Hope. My suggestion would be Ranger as a mercenary:
Act 1 Ranger
This merc gives us Dark power for extra damage and attack speed. It also deals decent damage if you gear her properly. Act 1 mercs get huge life regen and damage from stacking dex, so we are gonna focus on that.
Body Armor:
Sockets: Jah Runes for Bow, Amethyst or Fal runes for the rest. You can also socket resist gems if she is not capped or crafted jewels.
MO: For weapon %enchanted damage until %200, increased attack speed to reach max frames, then %ewd. For armor faster hit recovery to reach max frames, then dexterity and maximum damage for rest. You can also MO amulet for resist/physical damage reduction/reduced length of poison.
Act 1 Ranger
This merc gives us Dark power for extra damage and attack speed. It also deals decent damage if you gear her properly. Act 1 mercs get huge life regen and damage from stacking dex, so we are gonna focus on that.
(Amazon Bow Set)

Reflex Bow (Sacred)
Two-Hand Damage: (159 - 192) to (200 - 237)
(Amazon Only)
Required Level: 80
Required Dexterity: 680
Item Level: 1
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.15 per Dexterity)%
5% Chance to cast level 1 Arrow on Striking
Adds 25-50 Damage
+150 to Maximum Fire Damage
+150 to Maximum Lightning Damage
+150 to Maximum Cold Damage
+(100 to 150)% Enhanced Damage
Socketed (6)
Reflex Bow (Sacred)
Two-Hand Damage: (159 - 192) to (200 - 237)
(Amazon Only)
Required Level: 80
Required Dexterity: 680
Item Level: 1
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.15 per Dexterity)%
5% Chance to cast level 1 Arrow on Striking
Adds 25-50 Damage
+150 to Maximum Fire Damage
+150 to Maximum Lightning Damage
+150 to Maximum Cold Damage
+(100 to 150)% Enhanced Damage
Socketed (6)
(Amazon Bow Set)
Body Armor:
(Amazon Bow Set)

Chain Mail (Sacred)
Defense: (5050 - 6312) to (5712 - 7140)
Required Level: 80
Required Strength: 402
Item Level: 1
15% Hit Recovery
Adds 13-25 Damage
(3 to 6)% Life stolen per Hit
+(100 to 150)% Enhanced Defense
(16 to 20)% to Dexterity
Lightning Resist +(31 to 50)%
Requirements -33%
Socketed (6)
Chain Mail (Sacred)
Defense: (5050 - 6312) to (5712 - 7140)
Required Level: 80
Required Strength: 402
Item Level: 1
15% Hit Recovery
Adds 13-25 Damage
(3 to 6)% Life stolen per Hit
+(100 to 150)% Enhanced Defense
(16 to 20)% to Dexterity
Lightning Resist +(31 to 50)%
Requirements -33%
Socketed (6)
(Amazon Bow Set)
(Amazon Bow Set)

Leather Gloves (Sacred)
Defense: (940 - 1175) to (954 - 1192)
Required Level: 80
Required Strength: 335
Item Level: 1
+(100 to 150)% Enhanced Defense
(11 to 15)% to Strength
(11 to 15)% to Dexterity
Fire Resist +(31 to 50)%
(13 to 19)% Gold Find
Requirements -33%
Socketed (4)
Leather Gloves (Sacred)
Defense: (940 - 1175) to (954 - 1192)
Required Level: 80
Required Strength: 335
Item Level: 1
+(100 to 150)% Enhanced Defense
(11 to 15)% to Strength
(11 to 15)% to Dexterity
Fire Resist +(31 to 50)%
(13 to 19)% Gold Find
Requirements -33%
Socketed (4)
(Amazon Bow Set)
(Amazon Bow Set)

Boots (Sacred)
Defense: (1302 - 1627) to (1342 - 1677)
Required Level: 80
Required Strength: 335
Item Level: 1
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
30% Hit Recovery
+(100 to 150)% Enhanced Defense
(11 to 15)% to Strength
(11 to 15)% to Dexterity
Cold Resist +(31 to 50)%
(11 to 13)% Magic Find
Requirements -33%
Socketed (4)
Boots (Sacred)
Defense: (1302 - 1627) to (1342 - 1677)
Required Level: 80
Required Strength: 335
Item Level: 1
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
30% Hit Recovery
+(100 to 150)% Enhanced Defense
(11 to 15)% to Strength
(11 to 15)% to Dexterity
Cold Resist +(31 to 50)%
(11 to 13)% Magic Find
Requirements -33%
Socketed (4)
(Amazon Bow Set)
Witchhunter's Hood
Witchhunter's Attire
(Assassin Claw Set)

Witchhunter's Hood
Cap (Sacred)
Defense: (2136 - 2611) to (2161 - 2642)
Required Level: 90
Required Strength: 250
Item Level: 1
+(80 to 120)% Enhanced Defense
10% to Strength
10% to Dexterity
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
Elemental Resists +(31 to 40)%
Physical Resist 5%
(16 to 20)% Bonus to Defense
Requirements -50%
Socketed (4)
Cap (Sacred)
Defense: (2136 - 2611) to (2161 - 2642)
Required Level: 90
Required Strength: 250
Item Level: 1
+(80 to 120)% Enhanced Defense
10% to Strength
10% to Dexterity
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
Elemental Resists +(31 to 40)%
Physical Resist 5%
(16 to 20)% Bonus to Defense
Requirements -50%
Socketed (4)
Witchhunter's Attire
(Assassin Claw Set)
Serpent's Coil
The Snake Pit
(Assassin Naginata Set)

Serpent's Coil
Belt (Sacred)
Defense: (2374 - 2967) to (2520 - 3150)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 345
Item Level: 1
+1 to Assassin Skill Levels
15% Attack Speed
30% Hit Recovery
+(100 to 150)% Enhanced Defense
(11 to 15)% to Dexterity
Requirements -40%
Socketed (2)
Belt (Sacred)
Defense: (2374 - 2967) to (2520 - 3150)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 345
Item Level: 1
+1 to Assassin Skill Levels
15% Attack Speed
30% Hit Recovery
+(100 to 150)% Enhanced Defense
(11 to 15)% to Dexterity
Requirements -40%
Socketed (2)
The Snake Pit
(Assassin Naginata Set)
Angel Heart
or Some random rare with good stats.
Angel Heart
Required Level: 40
Item Level: 40
+(1 to 2) to All Skills
(5 to 10)% to Strength
(5 to 10)% to Dexterity
(15 to 25)% Bonus to Defense
+(3 to 5) to Light Radius
Required Level: 40
Item Level: 40
+(1 to 2) to All Skills
(5 to 10)% to Strength
(5 to 10)% to Dexterity
(15 to 25)% Bonus to Defense
+(3 to 5) to Light Radius
Sockets: Jah Runes for Bow, Amethyst or Fal runes for the rest. You can also socket resist gems if she is not capped or crafted jewels.
MO: For weapon %enchanted damage until %200, increased attack speed to reach max frames, then %ewd. For armor faster hit recovery to reach max frames, then dexterity and maximum damage for rest. You can also MO amulet for resist/physical damage reduction/reduced length of poison.
Challenges and Sigs
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These are the Challanges you have to complete. You can get further info about general structure of these encounters from here: https://docs.median-xl.com/doc/quests/challenges
Level Challange: EASY , You have enough defense from Lionheart, to deal with their damage. But beware that Divine Judgement will not be as good here simply because the bosses moves a lot, and dont stand in the DJ rain, also since density is low, you might wanna use Retaliate.
Ennead Challange: EASY , You should have enough survivability at this point to have no troubles here. Try to skip te resistant mobs and Colosseum into the crystal balls, so you dont have to deal with the resistance aura.
Sigs: If you dont know, every char in this mod has the capability to consume signet of learnings up to 400 of them. These signets gives 1 stat point per consume and these can be obtained by using catalyst of learning with set and sacred unique items. The catalyst will destroy the items and give you signets with the same numbers of items it destroyed. Since this is kind of a slow way of obtaining these, there is another way. On Nightmare difficulty, in act 5 Nithalak boss drops 1 signet of learning per kill, on Hell difficulty its 2 per kill. Killing Nithalak is super easy considering the layout has small amount of variations and there is not much threat in the zone to get you killed. I would recommend farming Hell Nithalak since it gives double the amount. If you can farm him as early as 105-115 levels, you can still get experience from the area, get some early sacred uniques, high end runes, sacred bases for your runewords, some tiered uniques which can be turned into arcane crystals for the mid game jewelcraft and get 2 signets of learning per run. Each run should take about 1.5 minutes max so you can complete this hideous but necessary task within 5 hours or so. Of course you dont have to do it all at once, you can just farm it couple of times, go farm somewhere else to not get bored and repeat the process. Getting 400 sigs will significantly increase your damage and survivability.
Level Challange: EASY , You have enough defense from Lionheart, to deal with their damage. But beware that Divine Judgement will not be as good here simply because the bosses moves a lot, and dont stand in the DJ rain, also since density is low, you might wanna use Retaliate.
Ennead Challange: EASY , You should have enough survivability at this point to have no troubles here. Try to skip te resistant mobs and Colosseum into the crystal balls, so you dont have to deal with the resistance aura.
Sigs: If you dont know, every char in this mod has the capability to consume signet of learnings up to 400 of them. These signets gives 1 stat point per consume and these can be obtained by using catalyst of learning with set and sacred unique items. The catalyst will destroy the items and give you signets with the same numbers of items it destroyed. Since this is kind of a slow way of obtaining these, there is another way. On Nightmare difficulty, in act 5 Nithalak boss drops 1 signet of learning per kill, on Hell difficulty its 2 per kill. Killing Nithalak is super easy considering the layout has small amount of variations and there is not much threat in the zone to get you killed. I would recommend farming Hell Nithalak since it gives double the amount. If you can farm him as early as 105-115 levels, you can still get experience from the area, get some early sacred uniques, high end runes, sacred bases for your runewords, some tiered uniques which can be turned into arcane crystals for the mid game jewelcraft and get 2 signets of learning per run. Each run should take about 1.5 minutes max so you can complete this hideous but necessary task within 5 hours or so. Of course you dont have to do it all at once, you can just farm it couple of times, go farm somewhere else to not get bored and repeat the process. Getting 400 sigs will significantly increase your damage and survivability.
► Show Spoiler
For further information about these dungeon's locations check: https://docs.median-xl.com/doc/quests/dungeons .
HORROR UNDER TRISTRAM: EASY: You just go in and kill him.
INVASION: EASY: Go in and just attack the boss, as simple as it gets. The delayed lightning circle attack might kill you, so dont stand in it.
DEATH PROJECTOR: EASY: Try to lure some of the mobs away so you can have easier time hitting the boss. You need at least 1 of them or the boss will become immune to damage. Be careful not to die to his beam, it even continues for 1 more cycle after it dies.
INFERNAL MACHINE: EASY: Go in, try to lure some monsters away, or try to clear some of them. Then go for the boss.
THE BINDING OF BAAL: EASY: Just kill all the mobs before you you attack tal rasha.
HORAZON'S SANCTUM: EASY: You just go in and kill the boss. He spawns portals that spawns more monsters but it is not big of a deal.
AKARAT: EASY: You just go in and kill the boss. She becomes vulnerable when you kill one of his followers near her, which she has a lot of them around.
ASSAULT ON MOUNT ARREAT: EASY: Same as Binding of Baal, but easier. You don't have to kill all the shamans around, the boss is already vulnerable to damage, but it is advised to claer some of them so they dont stunlock you to death when you are hitting the boss.
LORD ALDRIC JITAN: EASY: You just go in and kill the boss. Be careful about the towers(Fortress) he spawns, they hit hard. Try to lure some mobs before you deal with the boss so you have an easier time.
INQUISITOR OF THE TRIUNE: EASY: Just go in and kill him.
BULL PRINCE RODEO: EASY: He is pretty annoying to deal with. He just pushes us back and his cows hits hard. Try to go between walls and the boss, which when he pushes you back your back will be at the wall so it will not work. You also cannot use teleport skills in this area so only use Colosseum when you are near the boss, he will still get the debuff.
RATHMA SQUARE: EASY: When you kill the little frogs, they will respawn after 10 seconds, so just rush the boss. When you kill the boss it also kills the mobs near him, so should be easy.
BLACK ROAD: EASY: The boss only gets damaged when he is in the fire circle. Just lure him there and kill him.
LEGACY OF BLOOD: EASY: The boss only becomes vulnerable to damage if he uses a certain spell. Try to time your teleport skills when he uses it, and kill him. When he dies every mob in the room explodes and it deals shit ton of damage. So when you kill him, pick up the charm and get the fuck out of there, or you will most likely die.
THE VEILED PROPHET: EASY: Enter the room but dont move until the the beam disappears, then Colosseum into the crystall ball and kill it. When the actual boss spawns try to go towards the portal and kill him there since there are 2 other minibosses on the other side of the map.
HEART OF SIN: EASY: Just skip the mobs until you get to boss and drop portal at the boss. He uses a delayed fire skill that comes from above, it might kill you, so dont stay on him for too long.
INVASION II: EASY: This uber is inside Azmodan's maps. Go towards the northen section and there will be a portal for it. You need to kill the boss without getting hit by the electric circles. just Colosseum and hit the boss, when the circles spawn under you, move away, and Colosseum into boss when it disappears. Repeat until he dies, then cube the charm with the thing that drops to ugprade the charm, and then cube it again to ge tthe "challange".
JUDGEMENT DAY: EASY: You should do Malthael first(The left one), simply because the fight takes longer. Just Colosseum into him and hit him, if your health gets low, teleport away and repeat. After the boss dies, pick up charm and put it inside the cube, go to the other boss and kill him as soon as possible, then cube the charm for the upgrade.
TWIN SEAS: EASY: Just Colosseum into her and attack her, she will teleport a lot, so you just gotta chase and attack her.
QUOV TSIN: EASY: Just Colosseum and attack him. If you are taking too much damage from his trinity beam try to get more maximum resist from your sockets with perfect bloodstone/onyx/amber/turquoise. Also mo your rings and amulet with phyiscal damage reduction. After you get those, he will deal no damage.
KINGDOM OF SHADOW: EASY: Fill your belt with potions and go after the portal in quov tsin zone. When you enter the area you will see 4 shrines around you. If you get posion or stamina shrine take it and go towards the direction of the flaming arrow on ground. When you enter the actual uber, you will see untargattable zombies chasing you, so just keep running to the left, and then you hug the wall and go down, and at first chance you go left. When you encounter another wall, you will teleport over and it will be a long corridor to the boss. Just teleport and chug potions as you go. When you get to the boss Colosseum into him and kill him. If you struggle with the zombies try to get socket Perfect Turquoise on your gear.
EVE OF DESTRUCTION: EASY: Just follow and attack him. Dont try to attack him when his minions are around, focus them first. Try to lure away the mini bosses he spawns so you can have easier time killing them. He has an annoying mana drain attack so few mana potions might be good to bring. He has a chance to spawn minion or bosses on attack, sometimes you might get unlucky and he migth spawn a lot, if this happens just make another game and try again.
BANISHER OF LIGHT: EASY: Just Colosseum and attack him, when he uses the delayed poison skill that comes from above, teleport away and Colosseum again. There are also 5 other small sections around the map. Kill the tower in the middle, It will spawn a miniboss with mobs around. Kill every mob to make boss vulnerable, and then kill the boss. Do this for all 5 towers so you can upgrade your Black Road Charm to get into Fautz.
LORD OF LIES: MODERATE: Belial has couple of tanky clones that deals small amount of damage, and he himself looks like the clones until he takes damage. When he takes damage he will turn into a small rat and will run around a lot. Best synergy is to just spot belial through the illusions and hold attack on him. Your char will follow him around and hit him. If your health gets low just teleport away and hold attack into him again. You can spot belial by his white wave attack since he uses that attack lot more than his clones.
INVASION III: MODERATE: Socket in some Perfect Ambers and Onyx. The entrance to this boss is on the south part of the Belial Map. Just Colosseum and hit him until he dies. Be careful of the frost mobs he spawns, kill them as soon as possible as well. Sometimes he will become immune to damage, this means he will cast an aoe attack, stay close to him when this happens to avoid this attack. To get the upgrade you need to dodge all the lightning circles and kill the boss while there is a frost mob alive in the arena. Just kill all frost mobs and dodge all circles until boss is %1-2 hp. Then wait for him to spawn a frost mob and then kill him. Cube the charm before you get out because i think you lose the bonus when you leave the area.
GHOSTS OF OLD BREMMTOWN: EASY: You have to go into this area and kill the dragon before 1 minute and 30 seconds. When you kill the boss, pick up the charm and cube it.
XAZAX: EASY: Just Colosseum into him and hit him. He will occasionally spawn golems which might deal bit of damage. He also casts a meteor attack that might kill you. Just hit him until his meteor attack comes, and then teleport away. Repeat this until he dies.
ASTROGHA: MODERATE: This boss is very annoying because you cant really do it without dying. Astrogha constantly spawns towers that when gets killed by you, curses you to get 1 shotted by any attack. He also casts a frozen orb skill if you get into melee range which deals a lot of damage. Dont use Colosseum since when he teleports away he will remove the debuff. Just follow him around and hit him, you will die a lot but he does not have much hp so shouldnt take long.
NYMYR'S LIGHT: MODERATE:You might wanna craft some vitality gear before attempting this uber. She does a pounce attack which might one shot you so you gotta have as much life and regen as possible. I respecced into neutraldin for this uber with full vit on stats. Maxing Veneration of Justice and Ward of Fate will give you huge amount of regen and life, so you just run around and purify the boss down until she dies.
SPIRIT WORLD: HARD:: This fight i would suggest using
YSHARI SANCTUM: EASY: Even though this uber is very easy to do, it is probably the uber that takes most time out of all. First you need to go into seat of hatred through Caldeum and collect all pieces of yshari set. The bosses are pretty easy and straightforward. Use the following map to find your way:

The map is a bit outdated, the 4th(Duriel) zone exit is not there, you just go left after killing duriel, no need to go back to the entrance. The 5th zone(Baal), there is no boss at the bottom side, there is just baal at the top side. After you kill all bosses, you get the full yshari set. Equip it and go into yshari uber in Caldeum. Spawn the boss by killing the statue in the middle. The boss spawns minions when he is close to you(Melee range) and you can only use the skills granted by the set, when there are those minions near you. So bind the clear skill to your left mouse button and bind holy bolt skil to your right. The aim is to clear most of the minions and only having 1-2 following you, then you need to circle around the boss and holy bolt him to death. He dies in 25 shots so it doesnt take much time(max 10 minutes). He pounces on you every 5-6 seconds, and if you are not running fast enough he will spawn more minions, which then you need to clear most of them again. Best strategy is to purify 2 times and than sprint around him so that he misses he pounce and doesnt spawn any minions, and you can just keep the 1-2 minions following you to purify him.
THE VOID: MODERATE: You enter the portal through cathedral boss, first boss is Sloth. You keep killing him until he drops a scroll. On the next zone you kill Gluttony, he keeps healing so you gotta kill him with pure dps. Next one is Greed. When he sees you he uses a curse that reduces your mana to 0, so you gotta instantly teleport and Colosseum into him and kill him before that happens. Next one is lust, you gotta kill her and ignore her followers. Next one is Wrath, you just gett let him damage you and he will kill himself. Next one is Envy, he likes to teleport around a lot, just chase him and kill him. Next one is Pride, let his summons attack you to kill him. Cube all 7 scrolls to make the ring, equip it then enter last portal. Use the granted skill near the totem in the center. It will spwan Inarius and Lilith. Lilith will summon red circles in which you should lure inarius into and hit him. Inarius will spawn frozen orbs which explodes after a while. You need to touch these before they explode if they are near Lilith. You gotta protect Lilith until you kill Inarius. So just repeat luring him into circles and protecting lilith, when you kill Inarius you get the charm.
NEPHALEM'S SACRIFICE: MODERATE: You start this uber by killing the "Visions" of Uldyssian, they are just bosses you faced in Acts and Ubers, in some weaker form. Beat them easily by using Divine Judgement and get to the last arena.The main enemy in this uberboss is the edyrems he spawns, they have fire damage on them so stacking perfect bloodstones on your gear until you have %90 fire resist is a good idea. In the actual fight, try to chase down uldy and focus on him while trying to dodge the skill he uses that comes from sky and goes into 4-5 different directions. This skill gets casted when the screen shakes 2 times, so you have a clear idea when you gotta teleport away. If the edyrems gets too many, lure them away from the boss, because he will just spawn more if you fight them in front of him. Kill the edyrems elsewhere and try focusing on Uldy again.
HERALD OF THE END: HARD: Haven't done yet.
DEIMOSS: HARD: Haven't done yet.
HORROR UNDER TRISTRAM: EASY: You just go in and kill him.
INVASION: EASY: Go in and just attack the boss, as simple as it gets. The delayed lightning circle attack might kill you, so dont stand in it.
DEATH PROJECTOR: EASY: Try to lure some of the mobs away so you can have easier time hitting the boss. You need at least 1 of them or the boss will become immune to damage. Be careful not to die to his beam, it even continues for 1 more cycle after it dies.
INFERNAL MACHINE: EASY: Go in, try to lure some monsters away, or try to clear some of them. Then go for the boss.
THE BINDING OF BAAL: EASY: Just kill all the mobs before you you attack tal rasha.
HORAZON'S SANCTUM: EASY: You just go in and kill the boss. He spawns portals that spawns more monsters but it is not big of a deal.
AKARAT: EASY: You just go in and kill the boss. She becomes vulnerable when you kill one of his followers near her, which she has a lot of them around.
ASSAULT ON MOUNT ARREAT: EASY: Same as Binding of Baal, but easier. You don't have to kill all the shamans around, the boss is already vulnerable to damage, but it is advised to claer some of them so they dont stunlock you to death when you are hitting the boss.
LORD ALDRIC JITAN: EASY: You just go in and kill the boss. Be careful about the towers(Fortress) he spawns, they hit hard. Try to lure some mobs before you deal with the boss so you have an easier time.
INQUISITOR OF THE TRIUNE: EASY: Just go in and kill him.
BULL PRINCE RODEO: EASY: He is pretty annoying to deal with. He just pushes us back and his cows hits hard. Try to go between walls and the boss, which when he pushes you back your back will be at the wall so it will not work. You also cannot use teleport skills in this area so only use Colosseum when you are near the boss, he will still get the debuff.
RATHMA SQUARE: EASY: When you kill the little frogs, they will respawn after 10 seconds, so just rush the boss. When you kill the boss it also kills the mobs near him, so should be easy.
BLACK ROAD: EASY: The boss only gets damaged when he is in the fire circle. Just lure him there and kill him.
LEGACY OF BLOOD: EASY: The boss only becomes vulnerable to damage if he uses a certain spell. Try to time your teleport skills when he uses it, and kill him. When he dies every mob in the room explodes and it deals shit ton of damage. So when you kill him, pick up the charm and get the fuck out of there, or you will most likely die.
THE VEILED PROPHET: EASY: Enter the room but dont move until the the beam disappears, then Colosseum into the crystall ball and kill it. When the actual boss spawns try to go towards the portal and kill him there since there are 2 other minibosses on the other side of the map.
HEART OF SIN: EASY: Just skip the mobs until you get to boss and drop portal at the boss. He uses a delayed fire skill that comes from above, it might kill you, so dont stay on him for too long.
INVASION II: EASY: This uber is inside Azmodan's maps. Go towards the northen section and there will be a portal for it. You need to kill the boss without getting hit by the electric circles. just Colosseum and hit the boss, when the circles spawn under you, move away, and Colosseum into boss when it disappears. Repeat until he dies, then cube the charm with the thing that drops to ugprade the charm, and then cube it again to ge tthe "challange".
JUDGEMENT DAY: EASY: You should do Malthael first(The left one), simply because the fight takes longer. Just Colosseum into him and hit him, if your health gets low, teleport away and repeat. After the boss dies, pick up charm and put it inside the cube, go to the other boss and kill him as soon as possible, then cube the charm for the upgrade.
TWIN SEAS: EASY: Just Colosseum into her and attack her, she will teleport a lot, so you just gotta chase and attack her.
QUOV TSIN: EASY: Just Colosseum and attack him. If you are taking too much damage from his trinity beam try to get more maximum resist from your sockets with perfect bloodstone/onyx/amber/turquoise. Also mo your rings and amulet with phyiscal damage reduction. After you get those, he will deal no damage.
KINGDOM OF SHADOW: EASY: Fill your belt with potions and go after the portal in quov tsin zone. When you enter the area you will see 4 shrines around you. If you get posion or stamina shrine take it and go towards the direction of the flaming arrow on ground. When you enter the actual uber, you will see untargattable zombies chasing you, so just keep running to the left, and then you hug the wall and go down, and at first chance you go left. When you encounter another wall, you will teleport over and it will be a long corridor to the boss. Just teleport and chug potions as you go. When you get to the boss Colosseum into him and kill him. If you struggle with the zombies try to get socket Perfect Turquoise on your gear.
EVE OF DESTRUCTION: EASY: Just follow and attack him. Dont try to attack him when his minions are around, focus them first. Try to lure away the mini bosses he spawns so you can have easier time killing them. He has an annoying mana drain attack so few mana potions might be good to bring. He has a chance to spawn minion or bosses on attack, sometimes you might get unlucky and he migth spawn a lot, if this happens just make another game and try again.
BANISHER OF LIGHT: EASY: Just Colosseum and attack him, when he uses the delayed poison skill that comes from above, teleport away and Colosseum again. There are also 5 other small sections around the map. Kill the tower in the middle, It will spawn a miniboss with mobs around. Kill every mob to make boss vulnerable, and then kill the boss. Do this for all 5 towers so you can upgrade your Black Road Charm to get into Fautz.
LORD OF LIES: MODERATE: Belial has couple of tanky clones that deals small amount of damage, and he himself looks like the clones until he takes damage. When he takes damage he will turn into a small rat and will run around a lot. Best synergy is to just spot belial through the illusions and hold attack on him. Your char will follow him around and hit him. If your health gets low just teleport away and hold attack into him again. You can spot belial by his white wave attack since he uses that attack lot more than his clones.
INVASION III: MODERATE: Socket in some Perfect Ambers and Onyx. The entrance to this boss is on the south part of the Belial Map. Just Colosseum and hit him until he dies. Be careful of the frost mobs he spawns, kill them as soon as possible as well. Sometimes he will become immune to damage, this means he will cast an aoe attack, stay close to him when this happens to avoid this attack. To get the upgrade you need to dodge all the lightning circles and kill the boss while there is a frost mob alive in the arena. Just kill all frost mobs and dodge all circles until boss is %1-2 hp. Then wait for him to spawn a frost mob and then kill him. Cube the charm before you get out because i think you lose the bonus when you leave the area.
GHOSTS OF OLD BREMMTOWN: EASY: You have to go into this area and kill the dragon before 1 minute and 30 seconds. When you kill the boss, pick up the charm and cube it.
XAZAX: EASY: Just Colosseum into him and hit him. He will occasionally spawn golems which might deal bit of damage. He also casts a meteor attack that might kill you. Just hit him until his meteor attack comes, and then teleport away. Repeat this until he dies.
ASTROGHA: MODERATE: This boss is very annoying because you cant really do it without dying. Astrogha constantly spawns towers that when gets killed by you, curses you to get 1 shotted by any attack. He also casts a frozen orb skill if you get into melee range which deals a lot of damage. Dont use Colosseum since when he teleports away he will remove the debuff. Just follow him around and hit him, you will die a lot but he does not have much hp so shouldnt take long.
NYMYR'S LIGHT: MODERATE:You might wanna craft some vitality gear before attempting this uber. She does a pounce attack which might one shot you so you gotta have as much life and regen as possible. I respecced into neutraldin for this uber with full vit on stats. Maxing Veneration of Justice and Ward of Fate will give you huge amount of regen and life, so you just run around and purify the boss down until she dies.
SPIRIT WORLD: HARD:: This fight i would suggest using


Paladin Clubs, Paladin Maces, Paladin Hammers
Runeword Level: 100
Additional Dexterity Damage Bonus: 0.078125%
80% Attack Speed
+(111 to 140) to Maximum Damage
Adds 400-500 Magic Damage
-(30 to 35)% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+(172 to 200)% Enhanced Damage
5% Deadly Strike
Slow Target 10%
+200 to Strength
+200 to Dexterity
+15 Life after each Kill
Paladin Clubs, Paladin Maces, Paladin Hammers
Runeword Level: 100
Additional Dexterity Damage Bonus: 0.078125%
80% Attack Speed
+(111 to 140) to Maximum Damage
Adds 400-500 Magic Damage
-(30 to 35)% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+(172 to 200)% Enhanced Damage
5% Deadly Strike
Slow Target 10%
+200 to Strength
+200 to Dexterity
+15 Life after each Kill

, because boss runs a lot but you dont have to. Just enter zone bind a key to purify, kill few ghosts around the zone you want to kill the boss in and then go. Keep attacking her until he summons a next that gives her immunity, and instantly purify it. purify goes through boss and untargattable spirits i think, so you dont have to worry about much. Just keep hitting the boss and keep killing the nests. 

Paladin Shields
Runeword Level: 110
80% Attack Speed
Adds 3-5 Damage
+(75 to 95) to Maximum Damage
+(18 to 21) to Cherubim
Slows Attacker by 20%
+200% Enhanced Defense
10% to All Attributes
(10 to 15)% Chance to Avoid Damage
-10% to All Vendor Prices
Paladin Shields
Runeword Level: 110
80% Attack Speed
Adds 3-5 Damage
+(75 to 95) to Maximum Damage
+(18 to 21) to Cherubim
Slows Attacker by 20%
+200% Enhanced Defense
10% to All Attributes
(10 to 15)% Chance to Avoid Damage
-10% to All Vendor Prices
YSHARI SANCTUM: EASY: Even though this uber is very easy to do, it is probably the uber that takes most time out of all. First you need to go into seat of hatred through Caldeum and collect all pieces of yshari set. The bosses are pretty easy and straightforward. Use the following map to find your way:

The map is a bit outdated, the 4th(Duriel) zone exit is not there, you just go left after killing duriel, no need to go back to the entrance. The 5th zone(Baal), there is no boss at the bottom side, there is just baal at the top side. After you kill all bosses, you get the full yshari set. Equip it and go into yshari uber in Caldeum. Spawn the boss by killing the statue in the middle. The boss spawns minions when he is close to you(Melee range) and you can only use the skills granted by the set, when there are those minions near you. So bind the clear skill to your left mouse button and bind holy bolt skil to your right. The aim is to clear most of the minions and only having 1-2 following you, then you need to circle around the boss and holy bolt him to death. He dies in 25 shots so it doesnt take much time(max 10 minutes). He pounces on you every 5-6 seconds, and if you are not running fast enough he will spawn more minions, which then you need to clear most of them again. Best strategy is to purify 2 times and than sprint around him so that he misses he pounce and doesnt spawn any minions, and you can just keep the 1-2 minions following you to purify him.
THE VOID: MODERATE: You enter the portal through cathedral boss, first boss is Sloth. You keep killing him until he drops a scroll. On the next zone you kill Gluttony, he keeps healing so you gotta kill him with pure dps. Next one is Greed. When he sees you he uses a curse that reduces your mana to 0, so you gotta instantly teleport and Colosseum into him and kill him before that happens. Next one is lust, you gotta kill her and ignore her followers. Next one is Wrath, you just gett let him damage you and he will kill himself. Next one is Envy, he likes to teleport around a lot, just chase him and kill him. Next one is Pride, let his summons attack you to kill him. Cube all 7 scrolls to make the ring, equip it then enter last portal. Use the granted skill near the totem in the center. It will spwan Inarius and Lilith. Lilith will summon red circles in which you should lure inarius into and hit him. Inarius will spawn frozen orbs which explodes after a while. You need to touch these before they explode if they are near Lilith. You gotta protect Lilith until you kill Inarius. So just repeat luring him into circles and protecting lilith, when you kill Inarius you get the charm.
NEPHALEM'S SACRIFICE: MODERATE: You start this uber by killing the "Visions" of Uldyssian, they are just bosses you faced in Acts and Ubers, in some weaker form. Beat them easily by using Divine Judgement and get to the last arena.The main enemy in this uberboss is the edyrems he spawns, they have fire damage on them so stacking perfect bloodstones on your gear until you have %90 fire resist is a good idea. In the actual fight, try to chase down uldy and focus on him while trying to dodge the skill he uses that comes from sky and goes into 4-5 different directions. This skill gets casted when the screen shakes 2 times, so you have a clear idea when you gotta teleport away. If the edyrems gets too many, lure them away from the boss, because he will just spawn more if you fight them in front of him. Kill the edyrems elsewhere and try focusing on Uldy again.
HERALD OF THE END: HARD: Haven't done yet.
DEIMOSS: HARD: Haven't done yet.
► Show Spoiler
Check https://docs.median-xl.com/doc/quests/rifts for locations and extra information.
ISLAND OF THE SUNLESS SEA: EASY: The mobs here are mostly invisible. Use Retaliate for mobs and use Divine Judgement for the bosses. Since this is an early rift, your gear might be crap, and you might die couple of times, this is normal. You will stomp this area when you have better gear. Kill all angels and cube their bags to get the charm. Also cube the sunless bird with the charm for extra stats(Not a guaranteed drop). This area also grants best gold drop in the game. So if you need gold, you might wanna farm this area.
THE SECRET COW LEVEL: EASY: You can easily clear this area with Retaliate thanks to your high physical resist and defence. Killing Cow King drops the other leg which opens portal to Bull Prince Rodeo. Even though this area doesnt have a charm, it is the best place to farm until 115. The cows gives amazing exp, and they drop a lot of gold which you will need at that point for your crafts, and mo's.
TORAJAN JUNGLES: EASY: I dont like this area because the treewarden mobs are too tanky to waste time, and the mosquito mobs drain your mana, which is pretty annoying. Only farm this area if you feel like you cant farm cows. Mobs also have a high chance to drop signets.
KURAST 3000 BA: EASY: You can kill mobs without killing towers if you use Divine Judgement. But it is advised to use Retaliate and kill towers with Divine Judgement, simply because it takes less time. This area has good exp on the way to 120, and has better set drop rates than other areas. So you might wanna farm this area a couple of times. The necromancer's has a chance to drop their charm and they are super easy to kill.
HIGH HEAVENS: EASY: There are few angels scattered around in the area, and they have a chance to drop their charm. They become vulnerable when you kill the mobs around them. Just run around and kill angels until you get the charm.
TRAN ATHULUA: EASY: We have high amount of defense to deal with this area. Use Retaliate for mobs and Divine Judgement for bosses. Kill 3 bosses and cube their respective drop to get the charm. This area also has excellent trophy, so you might wanna farm this area until you get the trophy, while also going for level 120. It is also lot easier to clear than K3K, and has greater chance to drop unique items. Which might be a useful Sacred Unique or a Tiered unique to disenchant. Don't forget to open the waypoint at the bottom left side of the map and top right side of the map, which we will need later.
TEGANZE: MODERATE: Stack as much maximum resist as possible. This guys hurts a lot but their projectile is quite slow, so you can basically teleport all around to dodge it. The problem is that this build does not have fast clear to farm this place for runes, in other words it takes much longer for you to clear this place compared to other builds. So i wouldnt recommend farming it apart from getting your Umbaru Tresure full. Alternatively you can kill the boss to fill your chest since he has a high chance to drop an essence when he dies. Just Colosseum and kill him. He becomes invulnerable in bat form but it does not matter either way.
THE TRIUNE: MODERATE The zone is not that bad, only real threat is the meteor towers which will one shot you. So try to clear them as soon as possible and dodge the meteors. For the boss, just lure Lucion out and try to hug them with Malic, and then repedeatly charm Lucion. The point of the uber is to let Malic kill Lucion. Malic will ocassionally teleport him around if it is under your possession, so it is kinda annoying to deal with. It might take 5 minutes or so for your first try, but when you get used to the mechanic you can actually farm the boss for the 2 guaranteed cycle it drops.
DUNCRAIG: EASY: The zone is super easy for us to farm. You can even farm p8 this place for better drops and exp(Even though exp bonus is capped at p5), but you need to use Divine Judgement if you decide to do so. Use your Retaliate otherwise to clear the mobs, teleport away when there is a barrel nearby. The boss requires you to kill all 5 minibosses scattered around the map, which drops a sigil. Mobs also drop a unique item called "Ring of the Five", which is a random drop and cube these 6 together. It will turn the ring into "Assur's Bane" which is a really good mid-game ring and it contains the oskill "Purify". You need to purify the Assur to death(Which takes 2 purify shots in p1). The boss deals heavy fire damage so try to stack as much maximum fire resist as you can. Once you have enough fire res the boss is super easy. You can farm this place until you are 125, since it also has increased unique drop rate and gives very good amount of exp.
TORAJA: EASY: Summon Edyrems with your Judgement Day Charm, go into zone, go into Lilith's area and try to Colosseum into her. When 1 of the Edyrems hit her, she will drop her immunity and you can pretty much kill her under 2 second. Pick up the charm and get the fuck out.
VIZ-JUN: EASY: We have good amount of defense to deal with this zone. Bind your purify skill that you get from Duncraig ring(Assur's Bane) and just run/teleport to the boss. When you get the boss, clear some of the monsters and purify the boss once. Pick up the charm and leave.
FAUZTINVILLE: EASY: This area has no charms in it but is a good end game farming area. Sadly our build is not a very good farmer in this place because necrobots are physical resistant and will tank most of our damage, the harpies also runs away from us so they are kinda annoying. The other mobs just die instantly so you can just try to avoid necrobots and clear the rest if you want to clear this place so much.
ISLAND OF THE SUNLESS SEA: EASY: The mobs here are mostly invisible. Use Retaliate for mobs and use Divine Judgement for the bosses. Since this is an early rift, your gear might be crap, and you might die couple of times, this is normal. You will stomp this area when you have better gear. Kill all angels and cube their bags to get the charm. Also cube the sunless bird with the charm for extra stats(Not a guaranteed drop). This area also grants best gold drop in the game. So if you need gold, you might wanna farm this area.
THE SECRET COW LEVEL: EASY: You can easily clear this area with Retaliate thanks to your high physical resist and defence. Killing Cow King drops the other leg which opens portal to Bull Prince Rodeo. Even though this area doesnt have a charm, it is the best place to farm until 115. The cows gives amazing exp, and they drop a lot of gold which you will need at that point for your crafts, and mo's.
TORAJAN JUNGLES: EASY: I dont like this area because the treewarden mobs are too tanky to waste time, and the mosquito mobs drain your mana, which is pretty annoying. Only farm this area if you feel like you cant farm cows. Mobs also have a high chance to drop signets.
KURAST 3000 BA: EASY: You can kill mobs without killing towers if you use Divine Judgement. But it is advised to use Retaliate and kill towers with Divine Judgement, simply because it takes less time. This area has good exp on the way to 120, and has better set drop rates than other areas. So you might wanna farm this area a couple of times. The necromancer's has a chance to drop their charm and they are super easy to kill.
HIGH HEAVENS: EASY: There are few angels scattered around in the area, and they have a chance to drop their charm. They become vulnerable when you kill the mobs around them. Just run around and kill angels until you get the charm.
TRAN ATHULUA: EASY: We have high amount of defense to deal with this area. Use Retaliate for mobs and Divine Judgement for bosses. Kill 3 bosses and cube their respective drop to get the charm. This area also has excellent trophy, so you might wanna farm this area until you get the trophy, while also going for level 120. It is also lot easier to clear than K3K, and has greater chance to drop unique items. Which might be a useful Sacred Unique or a Tiered unique to disenchant. Don't forget to open the waypoint at the bottom left side of the map and top right side of the map, which we will need later.
TEGANZE: MODERATE: Stack as much maximum resist as possible. This guys hurts a lot but their projectile is quite slow, so you can basically teleport all around to dodge it. The problem is that this build does not have fast clear to farm this place for runes, in other words it takes much longer for you to clear this place compared to other builds. So i wouldnt recommend farming it apart from getting your Umbaru Tresure full. Alternatively you can kill the boss to fill your chest since he has a high chance to drop an essence when he dies. Just Colosseum and kill him. He becomes invulnerable in bat form but it does not matter either way.
THE TRIUNE: MODERATE The zone is not that bad, only real threat is the meteor towers which will one shot you. So try to clear them as soon as possible and dodge the meteors. For the boss, just lure Lucion out and try to hug them with Malic, and then repedeatly charm Lucion. The point of the uber is to let Malic kill Lucion. Malic will ocassionally teleport him around if it is under your possession, so it is kinda annoying to deal with. It might take 5 minutes or so for your first try, but when you get used to the mechanic you can actually farm the boss for the 2 guaranteed cycle it drops.
DUNCRAIG: EASY: The zone is super easy for us to farm. You can even farm p8 this place for better drops and exp(Even though exp bonus is capped at p5), but you need to use Divine Judgement if you decide to do so. Use your Retaliate otherwise to clear the mobs, teleport away when there is a barrel nearby. The boss requires you to kill all 5 minibosses scattered around the map, which drops a sigil. Mobs also drop a unique item called "Ring of the Five", which is a random drop and cube these 6 together. It will turn the ring into "Assur's Bane" which is a really good mid-game ring and it contains the oskill "Purify". You need to purify the Assur to death(Which takes 2 purify shots in p1). The boss deals heavy fire damage so try to stack as much maximum fire resist as you can. Once you have enough fire res the boss is super easy. You can farm this place until you are 125, since it also has increased unique drop rate and gives very good amount of exp.
TORAJA: EASY: Summon Edyrems with your Judgement Day Charm, go into zone, go into Lilith's area and try to Colosseum into her. When 1 of the Edyrems hit her, she will drop her immunity and you can pretty much kill her under 2 second. Pick up the charm and get the fuck out.
VIZ-JUN: EASY: We have good amount of defense to deal with this zone. Bind your purify skill that you get from Duncraig ring(Assur's Bane) and just run/teleport to the boss. When you get the boss, clear some of the monsters and purify the boss once. Pick up the charm and leave.
FAUZTINVILLE: EASY: This area has no charms in it but is a good end game farming area. Sadly our build is not a very good farmer in this place because necrobots are physical resistant and will tank most of our damage, the harpies also runs away from us so they are kinda annoying. The other mobs just die instantly so you can just try to avoid necrobots and clear the rest if you want to clear this place so much.
Final Words
Thanks for reading my guide, all critisizm or feedback is welcomed. You can message me about the guide on discord or on forums. My discord username in Median XL discord is Ertu#4801.