OK, so now my asa is unplayable (crashes every time i summon bats), will respec, so just tell my idea.
Anyone remember judgesin? In old median times it was sin with "Judge" runeword (key stat - ctc hammer on striking) and wyrd. Add old "Ligeia" RW to mix and you would never need to go melee, cast wyrd, move, cast, move - everyone will be killed by hammer spam and HG proc will move you around.
Wyrd is not castable with melee mastery, but whirlpool (which also appears on crafted head/body) is. I also go melee when casting bats, so why not - blink, batstrike, whirlpool, run away. Evemy is surrounded by bats and hammer procs bombing him from far away, repeat if needed.
Damage is not over-top, but def. playable, SSF too - and there are nice tanks to hold everyone in place, while you can run around proccing hammers - safe enough.
But in current state bats are so bugged. First i got crashes from crafted circlet with psicrown oskill. I do not cast psicrown, but i wear it - game crashed every minute.
Disposed circlet, was ok for another hour or so, but suddenly any bat summon (blink + batstrike) ended up with instant crash. Other chars are fine, if i don't summon - too, but hey, it was meant batsin from beginning.
So, good in theory, but can't go late game and check how this works due to game limitations - if someone can try and comment how this works with late game bosses - go on!