How to survive hardcore Scosglen/Lab with tanky softcore characters (Updated 25/8/22)

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How to survive hardcore Scosglen/Lab with tanky softcore characters

TSW Commands -Hardcore starter friendly builds - Bossing Tips for new players - Extra Information for Bossing - Important Mechanics
Amazon - Assassin - Barbarian - Druid - Necromancer - Paladin - Sorceress

(Click on the links above for quick access: will take you back to the top, will take you to the top of the section)

If you have any hardcore or high survival softcore build recommendations, I am more than happy to add more builds ( in replies: add gear list, ideally a link to the char or skill tree stat points and anything else you wish to add or message me in pms or discord). This is a collection of other peoples builds and their gear suggestions from hardcore or softcore players or builds that I think are viable on hardcore. The intention is to keep these builds as simple as possible and give a preview of what the current meta looks like that can reach endgame here. If you are interested in their specific build you can check them up on tsw. Although their build might have changed since i first took the screenshot. I wont be including SSSU,UMO, relic dependent builds here. (Note: Some non meta builds may require a lot of min/maxing to be able to do Labyrinths and Scosglen.)

TSW Commands
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Hardcore starter friendly builds
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Tips for New Players on Bossing
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Bossing additional information
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Important Mechanics

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Edited by midknight 1 year.
Rust Claw
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My balls are too small for HC but this is an amazing guide regardless.
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On the veiled prophet you can also leave an re-enter the room as son as you go in to finish early the lighting attack wich makes the fight way easier for new players
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Blood Golem
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Rare oils: a5 duplicates a3 (spider forest)
For runewords may be added that you can disjunk runes if it's NOT successful made runeword (so if you add runes in wrong order - you can re-make.. but it's the only case of disjunk)

PS: Some additions:
Butcher: Cast his bloodlust on successful melee hit on watever

Binding of Baal: Mages pierce 30% and Tal Rasha 40% of ele res (for easier count of how much stacked res you need)
Akarat: Add note that he heals very fast when low on hp
Ass on mount Areat: minions also cast Trap that emis throwing axes in all direction (can be tough phys damage... possibly stunlock in Diablo morph). Koth himself cast Fortress which are both dreadful for low-def chars.
Inquisitor; He is not randomly become immune - it's 2-3 seconds before he will cast poison nova.
Torajan jungle: Actually not needed 75 all res. only some phys res/avoid if possible/ def and phys res. And poison res to counter spiders

Rathma square: Frogs only have a chance to respawn (high enough but still). It's possible to kill them all.... even tho it's very time consuming. chronofield reducing phys/mag resist.... since there's no 'feedback resist' as a type of element.
BPR: The Stampeding Herd deals physical damage if there are too many cows, enter a tp and return (all the cows will disappear)... not sure but since it's a timed cast - you need also wait some time until it ends. otherwise all you will get is invisible cows still spawning and acidental RIP
....Hoof Stomp nova deals some fire damage and will also knock you back - and sometimes he spam it like mad. Most annoying thing on this boss. Also it's not fire damage AFAIK- pure phys WDM.
Edited by Scalewinged 2 years.
Pit Knight
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thanks all updated
Edited by midknight 2 years.
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Blood Golem
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midknight wrote:thanks i will change all the info later when in its the guide section

added some more :roll:
Pit Knight
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Updated: 30/5/22
Added updates to extra information for bossing: Links to Deimoss builds/information, links to Sam Builds/information, erinyes info.
Added updates to new players for bossing: Eternal bone piles tip, lazarus tip links, 3rd riftwalker abilites link.
Added section hardcore starter friendly builds.

Updated 25/8/ 22
Added Stormzon build
Added Scorpsin build
Added Clawsin build
Added Owl druid build
Edited by midknight 2 years.
Pit Knight
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Edited by midknight 2 years.
Pit Knight
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Edited by midknight 2 years.
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UHM Lemures:

Important: Only 1 skill in stormlord (it's shit for hard points) + use chemistry for 30 in lemures, as few in spark of hope as you can stand for QOL. Rest in Grim pressence.

I would still advise Nuetraldin for 1-125 in HC due to low risk of death. Skylord and 125 is point for swap (UHM dies in Dunc with shit gear; alot)

Skylord (Obv)
Crafted hat: +4, Ignus, Rest doesn't matter but 15%Cold sd >spellbind > everything else (due to crafted jewels vs zann esu; +1max all res is worth roughly 4%SD + 60sf +jewel mods so endless is way worse than craft + more zann stones in sockets vs craft jewels).
Robe of steel (Ice tomb is also good but high roll robe better)
Tezzeract amulet (Cold pierce is max off passive, only SD matters. +1 skill is worth roughly 5.25% cold SD at lemures base 30 on 130+ char in end game gear and Cold spell dmg is our infinitely scaling stat; makes tezz the BIS (unless warp field from samael amulet is better)].
Lamha: Crazy glove
Rings: Vita caps on damage at 2100, so SD is all that matters: I think Adrenaline rush is BIS: move speed is underrated since 1.10 LOD in 2003; +1 max is very good. Maybe perfect rare cold SD and vamp icon rings are better but I dont know.
Switch: Shamanaka.
Relics: No contest: Blood fury is #1, Raven heart #2. #3 might just be 10% SD relic or something else.

Belt is complicated: Lunar is amazing: +2 +60sf +15%sd (100life and 215res is ok but not important cos all vita). Crafted belt is +10 lvl of MO space, +2 paladin skills, 15% cold spell damage + 4-16% from shrine + bless + craft mods + can roll cold spell proc (havent tested proc).

Boots: Binding treads very good and cheap so can buy +2 skill + 20%ish SD and corrupt till you get +1max or +10% cold SD%; once you orb 5x cold sd% you have extra +10% and +20 lvls. Alternative is honorific: +20% +50% (lodestones) for lvl req 135
Edited by Enigma 2 years.