TSW Commands -Hardcore starter friendly builds - Bossing Tips for new players - Extra Information for Bossing - Important Mechanics
Amazon - Assassin - Barbarian - Druid - Necromancer - Paladin - Sorceress
(Click on the links above for quick access: will take you back to the top, will take you to the top of the section)
If you have any hardcore or high survival softcore build recommendations, I am more than happy to add more builds ( in replies: add gear list, ideally a link to the char or skill tree stat points and anything else you wish to add or message me in pms or discord). This is a collection of other peoples builds and their gear suggestions from hardcore or softcore players or builds that I think are viable on hardcore. The intention is to keep these builds as simple as possible and give a preview of what the current meta looks like that can reach endgame here. If you are interested in their specific build you can check them up on tsw. Although their build might have changed since i first took the screenshot. I wont be including SSSU,UMO, relic dependent builds here. (Note: Some non meta builds may require a lot of min/maxing to be able to do Labyrinths and Scosglen.)
TSW Commands
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Useful Commands (Thanks to Aahz for updating):
/q 105

/q 110 ...etc
/q todo you can see what charms you are missing here

At the top of the page you can seaech for HC items for trade

At the bottom of the page you can add your HC items for trade

You can see the list of HC Boss kills here: https://tsw.vn.cz/kills/boss.php?schc=hc

You can look at other HC players characters here https://tsw.vn.cz/hc/index.php

/q 105

/q 110 ...etc
/q todo you can see what charms you are missing here

At the top of the page you can seaech for HC items for trade

At the bottom of the page you can add your HC items for trade

You can see the list of HC Boss kills here: https://tsw.vn.cz/kills/boss.php?schc=hc

You can look at other HC players characters here https://tsw.vn.cz/hc/index.php

Hardcore starter friendly builds
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Some builds that I recommend that have good survability from 1-120 for new players on hardcore. Guides are highly recommended for new players. These builds are NOT necessarily good for farming. Check their pros and cons to see if you would like the build. If you want to have a look at builds in action you can check Lynderika's A1-A3 youtube videos.
(Note: There are other builds that are faster but were not included due to low survability or a lack of a useful guide)
Assasin - Claw sin Neyhanis's Clawsin guide (2.2)
Amazon - Javazon Fuppy's Javazon guide (2.2)
Druid - Physical Bear
Necromancer - Summoner Zartok's Summoner guide (2.2)
Paladin -Lemures Siosilvar's Lemures guide (2.2)
Sorceress - Melee Sorceress Solfege's Melee sorc guide (2.2)
(Note: There are other builds that are faster but were not included due to low survability or a lack of a useful guide)
Assasin - Claw sin Neyhanis's Clawsin guide (2.2)
Amazon - Javazon Fuppy's Javazon guide (2.2)
Druid - Physical Bear
Necromancer - Summoner Zartok's Summoner guide (2.2)
Paladin -Lemures Siosilvar's Lemures guide (2.2)
Sorceress - Melee Sorceress Solfege's Melee sorc guide (2.2)
Tips for New Players on Bossing
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- A lot of Median XL early boss fights are knowledge checks <120. 125 Bosses are a typically a combination of gear (dps)/knowledge checks. 130 bosses are a combination of dps/ knowledge/ survival checks. For example, Phoboss pierces maximum cold resist (if your cold maximum resist is 90 in a tier 6 lab it gets reduced to 88).
- Different builds have different viablility versus specific bosses. Melee, casters and builds with summons have contrasting times against specific bosses.(E.g The Void 130 boss is much harder with summons because they kill Lilith too fast.)
- Assur has 100 fire pierce, so you need 300 stacked fire resistance to be fire resistance capped.
- Usually although not always a very strong single target build lack a strong aoe (area of effect) and vice versa.
- Scosglen/ labs require significantly more defensive layering. Typically high maximum resistance is recommended especially for Labyrinths 17k plus life and some kind of sustainance.
- Solfege's Melee sorc guide - If you have any problems with bossing I recommend looking at Solfege's excellent guide. Even though its for melee sorc it explains a lot of the mechanics and boss fights very clearly.
- It is typical for new players to struggle on specific boss fights. You can always come back to them after getting better gear or more levels (Essentially overleveling means a higher defense so less chance to be hit).
- Eternal Bone Pilecan be tough for new players on TSW due to desync. A few ways to help that can help are: teleporting frequently, walking with high defense, high poison resist 85+, poison shrines to set poison duration to 0 seconds and physical resist 25%+ (40%+ recommended).Eternal Bone Pile
Required Level: 120
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
+(1 to 2) to Sorceress Skill Levels
+(1 to 2) to Paladin Skill Levels
+(1 to 2) to Necromancer Skill Levels
+(1 to 2) to Druid Skill Levels
+(1 to 2) to Barbarian Skill Levels
+(1 to 2) to Assassin Skill Levels
+(1 to 2) to Amazon Skill Levels
10% Movement Speed - Lilith casts a blood circle (red) which debuffs Inarius and you for 200 pierce if you stand in it. You need to keep Lilith alive to cast blood circle otherwise you cannot kill Inarius (Supercoolgeezer tip)
- 3rd Riftwalker show icon on head for next move. Teleport on top of the frozen shambler when aura turns red otherwise he casts retaliate for high fire damage. (Supercoolgeezer tip)
- 3rd Riftwalker tips (Source: Lynderika Ascendant Riftwalkers abilities)
- Lazarus tips (1) (Source: Maart Lazarus tips )
- Lazarus tips (2) (Source: Wil https://tsw.vn.cz/hc/tips.php )
- Prebuff Testament of the Apesfor Tainted bloodTestament of the Apes
(Ape Set)
Set Bonus with 2 or more set items:
250% Bonus to Attack Rating
+50 to Strength
Set Bonus with 3 or more set items:
Weapon Physical Damage +120%
+75 to Strength
Set Bonus with complete set:
5% Chance to cast level 3 Thunder Slam on Kill
10% Chance to cast level 18 Tainted Blood when Struck by a Missile
+18 to Deathstrike
+10 to Silver Dart
25% Chance of Crushing Blow
50% to All Attributes
Physical Resist 20%
Bossing additional information
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- Scosglen has a constant Blizzard in the North-East area that deals cold damage.
- MIRV mines in Vizjun does poison and fire damage. (source: Solfege melee sorc guide)
- Uldyssian has a debuff/chill effect that reduces weapon speed modifier by -30. (attack speed modifier on base items) (source: Siosilvar discord hardcore) https://www.median-xl.com/tools.php
- Max Cold Resist Reduction: Phoboss reduces maximum cold resist by 2 in Tier 6 Labyrinths and and additional 1 cold resist for each additional tier. (source: Siosilvar discord)
- High labs are immune to curses not debuffs. (source: Siosilvar discord general)
- Phoboss has a chill effect that reduces weapons speed modifier by -20. (attack speed modifier on base items) (source: Siosilvar discord hardcore)
- Phoboss ctc frost novas on striking.
- Erinyes can cast a curse that reduces your PR by 10% or elemental resists by 30% depending on whether your life or mana is higher. (Source: Siosilvar in general discussion Erinyes curse)
- Samael (135 boss) has 99 elemental resistance, 55 physical resistance, 13 675 hp per second, 30 damage divisor Samael fight information (Source: Some of the information is outdated Swineflu in Samael, Descendant of MNX in general discussion)
- Deimoss (135 boss) has 90 elemental resistance, 55 physical resistance, 800k hp, 0.75% regen per second, 140 damage divisor (source:TL on discord general shared from players doing high level content) (Link builds are outdated)
- Deimoss fight information/builds (Source: Snowbird in Deimoss guide? in general discussion)
Important Mechanics
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Basic Median XL Mechanics: Guide on Basic Median XL mechanics
Breakpoints: Faster Cast Rate, Faster Hit Recovery. Faster Block Rate, Increased Attack Speed https://dev.median-xl.com/speedcalc/
Sustainance: Life on melee attack (LOMA), Mana on melee attack (MOMA), Life regeneration, Life steal (subject to penalty), Life on kill, Life regeneration via skills and Life Spark (instant 1% of max life restored per skill level)
Classic Lord of Destruction Mechanics: e.g. Absorb %, Cannot Be Frozen (CBF), Magic Find
Avoid: Avoid is to dodge all types of damage (Weapon Damage and Spell Damage). The way it works is the same as Block but without Shield and without Fast Block. Avoid including 3 types of evasion. Dodge - the ability to avoid melee while standing still, Avoid - ability to avoid range attack while standing still, Evade - ability to avoid melee & range while moving.Link
Curse Length Reduction: Maximum is 100% in hell so if you reach 100% you are cursed for 1 frame.
Maximum Resistance: Lightning, Fire, Cold, Poison are capped at 90% (Recommended: High fire resistance 88%+ for labbing, High cold resistance 88%+ for Scosglen)
Stacked Resistance: Tier 9, 10 Labyrinths has 100 pierce. 260% Stacked Resists to be res capped.

Courtesy of SioSilvar
Breakpoints: Faster Cast Rate, Faster Hit Recovery. Faster Block Rate, Increased Attack Speed https://dev.median-xl.com/speedcalc/
Sustainance: Life on melee attack (LOMA), Mana on melee attack (MOMA), Life regeneration, Life steal (subject to penalty), Life on kill, Life regeneration via skills and Life Spark (instant 1% of max life restored per skill level)
Classic Lord of Destruction Mechanics: e.g. Absorb %, Cannot Be Frozen (CBF), Magic Find
Avoid: Avoid is to dodge all types of damage (Weapon Damage and Spell Damage). The way it works is the same as Block but without Shield and without Fast Block. Avoid including 3 types of evasion. Dodge - the ability to avoid melee while standing still, Avoid - ability to avoid range attack while standing still, Evade - ability to avoid melee & range while moving.Link
Curse Length Reduction: Maximum is 100% in hell so if you reach 100% you are cursed for 1 frame.
Maximum Resistance: Lightning, Fire, Cold, Poison are capped at 90% (Recommended: High fire resistance 88%+ for labbing, High cold resistance 88%+ for Scosglen)
Stacked Resistance: Tier 9, 10 Labyrinths has 100 pierce. 260% Stacked Resists to be res capped.

Courtesy of SioSilvar
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Scosglen and Labyrinth 7 viable
Javazon guide (2.2)
- Weapon: ThrillseekerorThrillseeker
Throwing Spear (Sacred)
Throw Damage: (192 - 222) to (244 - 282)
One-Hand Damage: (124 - 144) to (145 - 168)
(Amazon Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 530
Item Level: 120
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.11 per Dexterity)%
+2 to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level)
10% Life stolen per Hit
+(160 to 200)% Enhanced Damage
+(5 to 10) to APF-20 'Maelstrom' MkI
(15 to 25)% to Dexterity
+(250 to 500) to Life
5% Chance to Avoid Damage
Socketed (4)Titan's RevengeTitan's Revenge
Maiden Javelin (Sacred)
Throw Damage: 263 to (364 - 439)
One-Hand Damage: 188 to (262 - 337)
(Amazon Only)
Required Level: 120
Required Strength: 697 to 930
Required Dexterity: 1350 to 1800
Item Level: 120
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.13 per Dexterity)%
Shieldmaiden: +15% Weapon Physical Damage per character level above 120
10% Chance to cast level 1 Javelin on Striking
+4 to Amazon Skill Levels
Adds 50-(100 to 175) Damage
(15 to 20)% Life stolen per Hit
+200% Enhanced Damage
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
Requirements +(125 to 200)%
Socketed (3) - Shield: HammerfallHammerfall
Setzschild (Sacred)
Defense: 14322 to 17124
Chance to Block: 4%
(Amazon Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 770
Item Level: 120
Deal No Lightning Damage
50% Chance to cast level 30 Thunder Hammer Nova on Melee Attack
40% Movement Speed
Adds 25-75 Damage
20% Life stolen per Hit
Weapon Physical Damage +(120 to 180)%
+200% Enhanced Defense
Elemental Resists -25%
Socketed (6) - Helmet: HelepolisHelepolis
Spangenhelm (Sacred)
Defense: (2894 - 3192) to (3206 - 3537)
(Amazon Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 675
Item Level: 105
+38 to Maximum Damage
+(14 to 24) to Guard Tower
10% Chance of Crushing Blow
+(172 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
(21 to 30)% to Strength
Physical Resist 20%
(31 to 50)% Bonus to Defense
Socketed (4) - Armor: Strength Beyond StrengthorStrength Beyond Strength
Gothic Plate (Sacred)
Defense: (8339 - 9198) to (10115 - 11157)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 675
Item Level: 120
Adds 25-40 Damage
150% Bonus to Attack Rating
+50% Damage to Demons
25% Life stolen per Hit
10% Deadly Strike
+(172 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
1% Reanimate as: Random Monster
-5 to Light Radius
Socketed (6)ArroganceArrogance
Gothic Plate (Sacred)
Defense: (8308 - 9198) to (10078 - 11157)
Required Level: 120
Required Strength: 1350
Item Level: 130
(Based on Restore Percentage)
+50% Combat Speeds
Physical Resist +15%
Maximum Life +7%
Cube with Heavenly Soul: Restore +4%
25% Movement Speed
Adds 15-25 Damage
+(18 to 32) to Stormlord
5% Deadly Strike
+(171 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
+(40 to 50) to all Attributes
Requirements +100%
Socketed (6) - Belt: The Endless LooporThe Endless Loop
Light Belt (Sacred)
Defense: 1101 to 1143
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 550
Item Level: 105
40% Combat Speeds
+(10 to 19) to Charged Strike
Slow Target 10%
+50 to all Attributes
+75 Life Regenerated per Second
+(0 to 1) Mana on Striking
Socketed (2)Black Void→ HonorificBlack Void
Heavy Belt (Sacred)
Defense: (3060 - 3442) to (3304 - 3717)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 120
20% Attack Speed
Adds 10-15 Damage
(10 to 15)% Life stolen per Hit
Slow Target 10%
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
10% to Strength
10% to Dexterity
Target Takes Additional Damage of (25 to 50)
30% Magic Find
Socketed (2) - Gloves: Hammerfist→ HonorificHammerfist
Gauntlets (Sacred)
Defense: (1227 - 1450) to (1436 - 1697)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 105
Adds (1 to 15)-(20 to 30) Damage
5% Life stolen per Hit
+(15 to 25) to Spiral Dance
5% Chance of Crushing Blow
Weapon Physical Damage +(30 to 60)%
+(120 to 160)% Enhanced Defense
Elemental Resists +15%
Socketed (4) - Boots: LifecrusherLifecrusher
Runeword Level: 110
30% Hit Recovery
0.125% Chance of Crushing Blow (Based on Character Level)
+(171 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
(5 to 10)% to All Attributes
Maximum Life +(7 to 10)%
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
Elemental Resists +(15 to 25)%
Swap - Weapon:Qarak's WillQarak's Will
Giant Sword (Sacred)
One-Hand Damage: (150 - 163) to (233 - 246)
Two-Hand Damage: (206 - 225) to (285 - 305)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 480
Item Level: 105
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.16 per Strength)%
15% Chance to cast level 34 Spike Nova on Melee Attack
6% Chance to cast level 40 Pentagram on Melee Attack
10% Chance to cast level 36 Bloodlust on Kill
+(30 to 60)% Bonus Damage to Bloodlust
Adds 50-125 Damage
Adds 84-167 Fire Damage
+(26 to 38)% to Fire Spell Damage
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Damage
+(100 to 250) Life after each Kill
5% Reanimate as: Random Monster
Socketed (4) - Weapon:ShamankaShamanka
Long Staff (Sacred)
Two-Hand Damage: 56 to 58
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 203
Item Level: 105
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.15 per Dexterity)%
+(3 to 6) to Sorceress Skill Levels
45% Cast Speed
45% Hit Recovery
+(21 to 25)% to Fire Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Cold Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Poison Spell Damage
+(6 to 16) to Bloodlust
Maximum Life +(10 to 13)%
Fire Resist +(50 to 70)%
Lightning Resist +(50 to 70)%
Socketed (4)
- Amulet: Athulua's Oracle→Athulua's Oracle
Required Level: 60
Item Level: 60
+(1 to 2) to All Skills
40% Attack Speed
(150 to 250)% Bonus to Attack Rating
Cannot Be FrozenDyers EveDyers Eve
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 120
5% Chance to cast level 5 Time Strike on Striking
+2 to All Skills
Adds 15-20 Damage
5% Life stolen per Hit
Elemental Resists +10%
Physical Resist (1 to 10)% - Ring: Ripstar/Ripstar
Required Level: 60
Item Level: 60
+0.5625 to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level)
+20 Life on Melee AttackGiant's KnuckleGiant's Knuckle
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 120
20% Attack Speed
Adds 10-15 Damage
(5 to 10)% Life stolen per Hit
5% Deadly Strike
+25 Life Regenerated per Second
Physical Resist 5%

Scosglen and Labyrinth 5 viable
Stormzon guide (2.3)
- Weapon: Solar ScionSolar Scion
Scepter (Sacred)
One-Hand Damage: 29 to 34
Required Level: 110
Required Dexterity: 404
Item Level: 120
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.11 per Dexterity)%
Conductivity: Chance to Cast Doubled
+(5 to 7) to Amazon Skill Levels
2% Base Block Chance
+(100 to 200) Spell Focus
+33% to Spell Damage
(15 to 20)% to Strength
(15 to 20)% to Energy
+(100 to 150) Life Regenerated per Second
Maximum Mana +10%
Socketed (3) - Shield: Golden ChariotorGolden Chariot
Setzschild (Sacred)
Defense: (11002 - 13867) to (14557 - 17982)
Chance to Block: 4%
(Amazon Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 770
Item Level: 105
(Bonus for each Socketed Great/Elemental Rune)
+250 to Life
+0.5% to Maximum Elemental Resistances
15% Chance to cast level 1 Mythal on Melee Attack
+(2 to 3) to Amazon Skill Levels
+(120 to 180)% Enhanced Defense
+(500 to 2000) Defense
Physical Resist 10%
+(25 to 100) Life after each Kill
Socketed (6)A Perfect StormA Perfect Storm
Amazon Shields
Runeword Level: 100
+(3 to 4) to Amazon Skill Levels
1% Base Block Chance
+(40 to 60) Spell Focus
40% Block Speed
40% Hit Recovery
+(30 to 40)% to Lightning Spell Damage
-(10 to 15)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+(121 to 150)% Enhanced Defense
(10 to 15)% to Energy
Maximum Lightning Resist +1%
Maximum Cold Resist +1%
Lightning Resist +30%
Cold Resist +30%
Physical Resist 5% - Helmet: IndigoorIndigo
Runeword Level: 110
+2 to All Skills
+100 Spell Focus
50% Cast Speed
-(15 to 20)% to Enemy Elemental Resistances
-500 Defense
Maximum Elemental Resists +2%
Elemental Resists +(13 to 15)%
Requirements -100%Griffon's EyeGriffon's Eye
Diadem (Sacred)
Defense: 870 to 983
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 524
Item Level: 120
20% of Lightning Resistance Added as Lightning Spell Damage
+(2 to 3) to All Skills
40% Cast Speed
-(20 to 30)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
Lightning Absorb 10%
Socketed (4) - Armor: Robe of Steel→Robe of Steel
Full Plate Mail (Sacred)
Defense: (6692 - 7471) to (8202 - 9156)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 469
Item Level: 105
+(11 to 20)% Bonus to Spell Focus
25% Cast Speed
+(21 to 30)% to Spell Damage
+(115 to 140)% Enhanced Defense
+100 to Strength
+100 to Energy
Elemental Resists +20%
+250 Life after each Demon Kill
50% Bonus to Defense
Requirements -33%
Socketed (6)Hide of the BasiliskHide of the Basilisk
Chain Mail (Sacred)
Defense: (5807 - 6817) to (6568 - 7711)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 600
Item Level: 120
+(1 to 2) to All Skills
30% Cast Speed
+(25 to 38)% to Lightning Spell Damage
-35% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+(13 to 16) to Thunderstone
+(130 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
+250 to Mana
Maximum Lightning Resist +4%
Physical Resist 15%
1% Reanimate as: Random Monster
Socketed (6) - Gloves: Lamha Na DraoitheorLamha Na Draoithe
Gauntlets (Sacred)
Defense: (1339 - 1506) to (1567 - 1763)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 120
+2 to All Skills
+150 Spell Focus
30% Cast Speed
+(16 to 20)% to Spell Damage
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
+75 to Strength
-100 to Life
Elemental Resists +15%
Socketed (4)LorekeeperLorekeeper
Light Gauntlets (Sacred)
Defense: (1018 - 1179) to (1159 - 1342)
Required Level: 80
Required Strength: 300
Item Level: 120
+3 to All Skills
20% Combat Speeds
+(5 to 10) to Firedance
+(90 to 120)% Enhanced Defense
Regenerate Mana +(40 to 60)%
Requirements -50%
Socketed (4) - Belt: Lunar EclipseorLunar Eclipse
Light Belt (Sacred)
Defense: (2091 - 2422) to (2171 - 2514)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 550
Item Level: 120
+2 to All Skills
+(51 to 60) Spell Focus
25% Cast Speed
30% Hit Recovery
+(10 to 15)% to Spell Damage
+(90 to 120)% Enhanced Defense
+(40 to 50) to Energy
+100 to Life
Elemental Resists +15%
+5 to Light Radius
Socketed (2)DementiaorDementia
Belt (Sacred)
Defense: (3111 - 3348) to (3272 - 3524)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 690
Item Level: 120
-(15 to 20)% to Enemy Elemental Resistances
+(15 to 25) to Fowl Fight
Slow Target 5%
+(120 to 140)% Enhanced Defense
+500 Defense
Maximum Life +2%
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
Physical Resist 5%
Requirements +20%
Socketed (2)Doomcloud SpineDoomcloud Spine
Plated Belt (Sacred)
Defense: 4089 to 4479
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 675
Item Level: 120
Adds 100-150 Lightning Damage
+25% to Lightning Spell Damage
-15% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+200% Enhanced Defense
+50 to Vitality
15% to Vitality
Maximum Lightning Resist +2%
+5 Lightning Absorb
Socketed (2)
Henchmen Trophies
(Legendary Set) - Boots: Spirit WalkerorSpirit Walker
Heavy Boots (Sacred)
Defense: 696 to 737
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 550
Item Level: 120
+1% Physical Resist per 18% Mana Regeneration
+2 to All Skills
+(50 to 100) Spell Focus
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
Jitan's Gate Cooldown Reduced by 1 seconds
+35% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
-15% to Enemy Elemental Resistances
Socketed (4)VisionVision
Runeword Level: 120
10% of Total Energy Gained as Life
+1 to All Skills
+15 Spell Focus
+10% Bonus to Spell Focus
-(10 to 15)% to Enemy Elemental Resistances
+(141 to 171)% Enhanced Defense
+10 to all Attributes
Maximum Life and Mana +(1 to 5)%
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
Physical Damage Reduced by (10 to 20)
Swap - ShamankaShamanka
Long Staff (Sacred)
Two-Hand Damage: 56 to 58
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 203
Item Level: 105
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.15 per Dexterity)%
+(3 to 6) to Sorceress Skill Levels
45% Cast Speed
45% Hit Recovery
+(21 to 25)% to Fire Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Cold Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Poison Spell Damage
+(6 to 16) to Bloodlust
Maximum Life +(10 to 13)%
Fire Resist +(50 to 70)%
Lightning Resist +(50 to 70)%
Socketed (4)
- Amulet: Black Dwarf→Black Dwarf
Required Level: 110
Item Level: 105
+2 to All Skills
20% Cast Speed
20% Hit Recovery
+(15 to 25)% to Lightning Spell Damage
-(5 to 20)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+(15 to 25)% to Cold Spell Damage
-(5 to 20)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
+(21 to 29) to Supernova
(30 to 40)% Bonus to Defense
-5 to Light RadiusThe TesseractThe Tesseract
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 105
+2 to All Skills
25% Cast Speed
+(1 to 30)% to Fire Spell Damage
-(1 to 20)% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+(1 to 30)% to Lightning Spell Damage
-(1 to 20)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+(1 to 30)% to Cold Spell Damage
-(1 to 20)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
+(1 to 30)% to Poison Spell Damage
-(1 to 20)% to Enemy Poison Resistance - Ring: Rares → Empyrean GloryEmpyrean Glory
Required Level: 50
Item Level: 120
1% Chance to cast level 40 Singularity on Kill
(6 to 10)% to All Attributes
Maximum Life +5%
Maximum Mana +15%
15% Gold Find

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Scosglen and Labyrinth 6 viable
Neyhanis's Clawsin guide (2.2)
- Weapon: Witchhunter's Crucifix→Witchhunter's Crucifix
Wrist Blade (Sacred)
(Assassin Only)
Required Level: 90
Required Dexterity: 341
Item Level: 1
Innate Lightning Damage: (52.0% of Dexterity)
Adds 223-500 Lightning Damage
-20% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
(15 to 25)% to Dexterity
+25 Mana on Melee Attack
+100 Life after each Kill
Socketed (3)
Witchhunter's Attire
(Assassin Claw Set)Dark Maiden's Talonsin a superior wrist bladeDark Maiden's Talons
Assassin Claws
Runeword Level: 110
Enemy Fire Resistance is Reduced by Lightning Pierce at 25% Efficiency
(75 to 125)% Bonus to Attack Rating
+750 Fire Damage
Adds 450-300 Lightning Damage
+(30 to 40)% to Fire Spell Damage
-(15 to 20)% to Enemy Elemental Resistances
(11 to 15)% to All Attributes
Maximum Lightning Resist +1%
+(150 to 200) Life on Melee Attack - Shield: Witchhunter's Ire→Witchhunter's Ire
Parma (Sacred)
Defense: (3000 - 3375) to (3372 - 3793)
Chance to Block: 5%
(Assassin Only)
Required Level: 90
Required Strength: 315
Required Dexterity: 317
Item Level: 1
1% Base Block Chance
Adds 125-250 Fire Damage
Adds 125-250 Lightning Damage
Adds 125-250 Cold Damage
+250 Poison Damage over 2 seconds
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
(15 to 25)% to Dexterity
Requirements -40%
Socketed (4)
Witchhunter's Attire
(Assassin Claw Set)Zayl's TemptationZayl's Temptation
Bladed Shield (Sacred)
Defense: (2035 - 2181) to (2430 - 2604)
Chance to Block: 5%
(Assassin Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 1100
Item Level: 120
Regens 15% Life Over 5 Seconds Upon Taking Weapon Damage
+(4 to 6) to Assassin Skill Levels
1% Base Block Chance
-(11 to 15)% to Enemy Elemental Resistances
Slow Target (15 to 25)%
+(180 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
Maximum Block Chance +10%
Requirements +100%
Socketed (6) - Helmet: Witchhunter's Hood→Witchhunter's Hood
Cap (Sacred)
Defense: (2136 - 2611) to (2161 - 2642)
Required Level: 90
Required Strength: 250
Item Level: 1
+(80 to 120)% Enhanced Defense
10% to Strength
10% to Dexterity
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
Elemental Resists +(31 to 40)%
Physical Resist 5%
(16 to 20)% Bonus to Defense
Requirements -50%
Socketed (4)
Witchhunter's Attire
(Assassin Claw Set)Lacuni CowlLacuni Cowl
Skull Cap (Sacred)
Defense: (2865 - 3115) to (2964 - 3222)
Required Level: 90
Required Strength: 550
Item Level: 105
Orb Effects Applied to this Item are Doubled
Adds 200-300 Fire Damage
Adds 200-300 Lightning Damage
-(15 to 25)% to Enemy Fire Resistance
-(15 to 25)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+(130 to 150)% Enhanced Defense
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
2% Reanimate as: Random Monster
Socketed (4) - Armor: Witchhunter's Faith→Witchhunter's Faith
Quilted Armor (Sacred)
Defense: 6789 to 6993
Required Level: 90
Required Strength: 250
Item Level: 1
+2 to Assassin Skill Levels
+200% Enhanced Defense
+(41 to 50) to Dexterity
10% to Dexterity
+200 Life Regenerated per Second
Maximum Mana +10%
Requirements -50%
Socketed (6)
Witchhunter's Attire
(Assassin Claw Set)Hellfire PlateHellfire Plate
Body Armors
Runeword Level: 115
+1% Innate Elemental Damage per 250 Strength and Dexterity
15% Chance to cast level 9 Life Spark on Melee Attack
20% Attack Speed
+250 Fire Damage
-(11 to 15)% to Enemy Elemental Resistances
+(171 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
Maximum Life +(3 to 5)%
Maximum Elemental Resists +(1 to 2)%
Fire Resist +(10 to 20)%
Lightning Resist +(10 to 20)%
Cold Resist +(10 to 20)%
Poison Resist +(10 to 20)%
Physical Resist (7 to 10)% - Gloves: Blackjade's LegacyBlackjade's Legacy
Leather Gloves (Sacred)
Defense: 470 to 477
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 250
Item Level: 105
Shadow Refuge: -1% to Enemy Fire, Cold and Lightning Resists per Base Level
+(0 to 2) to Assassin Skill Levels
+(100 to 250) to Life
+(50 to 150) Life on Melee Attack
Requirements -50%
Socketed (4) - Belt: Doomcloud SpineorDoomcloud Spine
Plated Belt (Sacred)
Defense: 4089 to 4479
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 675
Item Level: 120
Adds 100-150 Lightning Damage
+25% to Lightning Spell Damage
-15% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+200% Enhanced Defense
+50 to Vitality
15% to Vitality
Maximum Lightning Resist +2%
+5 Lightning Absorb
Socketed (2)
Henchmen Trophies
(Legendary Set)The Endless LoopThe Endless Loop
Light Belt (Sacred)
Defense: 1101 to 1143
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 550
Item Level: 105
40% Combat Speeds
+(10 to 19) to Charged Strike
Slow Target 10%
+50 to all Attributes
+75 Life Regenerated per Second
+(0 to 1) Mana on Striking
Socketed (2) - Boots: Crafted Abandoned blessed → Honorific
- Amulet: Quov Tsin's TalismanQuov Tsin's Talisman
Required Level: 110
Item Level: 110
15% Innate Elemental Damage
-(20 to 30)% to Enemy Elemental Resistances - Ring: Bad MoodorBad Mood
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 120
-20% Cast Speed
Adds 50-100 Fire Damage
Adds 50-100 Lightning Damage
Adds 50-100 Cold Damage
-(5 to 20)% to Enemy Fire Resistance
-(5 to 20)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
-(5 to 20)% to Enemy Cold ResistanceOuroborosorOuroboros
Required Level: 110
Item Level: 120
+1 to All Skills
(-15 to 25)% to Strength
(-15 to 25)% to Dexterity
(-15 to 25)% to Vitality
(-15 to 25)% to EnergyEmpyrean GloryEmpyrean Glory
Required Level: 50
Item Level: 120
1% Chance to cast level 40 Singularity on Kill
(6 to 10)% to All Attributes
Maximum Life +5%
Maximum Mana +15%
15% Gold Find

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zr0xfXf ... oltenTankU (long video)
Physical Naginata
Scosglen and Labyrinth 7 viable
Physical Naginata guide (2.2)
- Weapon: FrysturgardFrysturgard
Naginata (Sacred)
Two-Hand Damage: (374 - 403) to (526 - 560)
(Assassin Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 558
Item Level: 105
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.15 per Dexterity)%
Area Effect Attack
15% Chance to cast level 12 Fortress on Melee Attack
5% Chance to cast level 18 Glacial Nova on Kill
+(5 to 7) to Assassin Skill Levels
Adds 100-200 Damage
+(172 to 200)% Enhanced Damage
10% Chance of Crushing Blow
Weapon Physical Damage +90%
(21 to 25)% to Strength
(21 to 25)% to Dexterity
Socketed (6) - Helmet: Witchhunter's Hood→Witchhunter's Hood
Cap (Sacred)
Defense: (2136 - 2611) to (2161 - 2642)
Required Level: 90
Required Strength: 250
Item Level: 1
+(80 to 120)% Enhanced Defense
10% to Strength
10% to Dexterity
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
Elemental Resists +(31 to 40)%
Physical Resist 5%
(16 to 20)% Bonus to Defense
Requirements -50%
Socketed (4)
Witchhunter's Attire
(Assassin Claw Set)Endless PrideEndless Pride
Cap (Sacred)
Defense: 1187 to 1201
Required Level: 120
Required Strength: 500
Item Level: 130
(Based on Restore Percentage)
+2 to All Skills
+50% Bonus to Defense
Maximum Elemental Resists +3%
Cube with Heavenly Soul: Restore +20%
+4 to Life (Based on Character Level)
+2 to Mana (Based on Character Level)
Elemental Resists +10%
(1 to 50)% Magic Find
Socketed (4) - Armor: Eternal(with Disco Inferno RelicEternal
Median 2005-2012
Thanks everyone!
Body Armors
Runeword Level: 110
+4 to All Skills
+15 Spell Focus
+10 to Maximum Damage
-(10 to 15)% to Enemy Elemental Resistances
+1 to Disco Inferno
5% Deadly Strike
+(172 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
10% to All Attributes
+2 Life on StrikingStrength Beyond Strengthor Crafted Abandoned blessed )Strength Beyond Strength
Gothic Plate (Sacred)
Defense: (8339 - 9198) to (10115 - 11157)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 675
Item Level: 120
Adds 25-40 Damage
150% Bonus to Attack Rating
+50% Damage to Demons
25% Life stolen per Hit
10% Deadly Strike
+(172 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
1% Reanimate as: Random Monster
-5 to Light Radius
Socketed (6) - Gloves: SavageSavage
Runeword Level: 110
+1% Weapon Physical Damage per 50 Strength or Dexterity
(Whichever is Higher)
75% Attack Speed
+10 Damage
+200% Enhanced Defense
+(10 to 40) to all Attributes
10% to Strength
10% to Dexterity
Maximum Cold Resist +1%
Cold Resist +25%
10% Magic Find - Belt: The Endless LoopThe Endless Loop
Light Belt (Sacred)
Defense: 1101 to 1143
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 550
Item Level: 105
40% Combat Speeds
+(10 to 19) to Charged Strike
Slow Target 10%
+50 to all Attributes
+75 Life Regenerated per Second
+(0 to 1) Mana on Striking
Socketed (2) - Boots: Lifecrusher(For labs)Lifecrusher
Runeword Level: 110
30% Hit Recovery
0.125% Chance of Crushing Blow (Based on Character Level)
+(171 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
(5 to 10)% to All Attributes
Maximum Life +(7 to 10)%
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
Elemental Resists +(15 to 25)%Wind Runner(For scosglen better leech)Wind Runner
Runeword Level: 100
+(0 to 1) to All Skills
50% Attack Speed
10% Movement Speed
Adds 25-68 Damage
250% Bonus to Attack Rating
(12 to 15)% Life stolen per Hit
+(171 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
Swap - Shamanka→ Crafted + skills bloodlust Assassin clawsShamanka
Long Staff (Sacred)
Two-Hand Damage: 56 to 58
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 203
Item Level: 105
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.15 per Dexterity)%
+(3 to 6) to Sorceress Skill Levels
45% Cast Speed
45% Hit Recovery
+(21 to 25)% to Fire Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Cold Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Poison Spell Damage
+(6 to 16) to Bloodlust
Maximum Life +(10 to 13)%
Fire Resist +(50 to 70)%
Lightning Resist +(50 to 70)%
Socketed (4)
- Amulet: Dyers Eve→ Rare withDyers Eve
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 120
5% Chance to cast level 5 Time Strike on Striking
+2 to All Skills
Adds 15-20 Damage
5% Life stolen per Hit
Elemental Resists +10%
Physical Resist (1 to 10)%Path of BrutalityPath of Brutality
Occult Effigy
Cube Reagent
Cube with Unique Ring/Amulet to Add Bonus
Transforms every +1 to All Skills to +3% Deadly Strike
Item Becomes (Your Class Only)
+10 Required Level - Ring: Empyrean GloryEmpyrean Glory
Required Level: 50
Item Level: 120
1% Chance to cast level 40 Singularity on Kill
(6 to 10)% to All Attributes
Maximum Life +5%
Maximum Mana +15%
15% Gold FindGiant's KnuckleGiant's Knuckle
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 120
20% Attack Speed
Adds 10-15 Damage
(5 to 10)% Life stolen per Hit
5% Deadly Strike
+25 Life Regenerated per Second
Physical Resist 5%

Psionic Assassin
Scosglen and Labyrinth 6 viable
Psionic Assassin 2.2 build
- Weapon: Mind RakeMind Rake
Claws (Sacred)
One-Hand Damage: 42 to 44
(Assassin Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 400
Item Level: 120
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.13 per Dexterity)%
10% Chance to cast level 60 Doom on Death Blow
+(3 to 5) to Assassin Skill Levels
-50% Cast Speed
+(51 to 70)% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
Regenerate Mana +33%
Physical Damage Reduced by 50
+100 Life after each Kill
1% Reanimate as: Random Monster
Socketed (3) - Shield: Ligeia(in a bladed shield) →Ligeia
Assassin Shields
Runeword Level: 115
+6 Life per Cognition
+4 to Assassin Skill Levels
-4% Base Block Chance
50% Hit Recovery
+(20 to 30)% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
+150% Enhanced Defense
+5000 Defense
(7 to 10)% to All Attributes
+(130 to 150) to Energy
Elemental Resists +(20 to 25)%
Physical Resist 5%The CollectorThe Collector
Bone Shield (Sacred)
Defense: 965 to 1119
Chance to Block: Class%
Required Level: 110
Required Dexterity: 527
Item Level: 120
(Bonus for each Socketed Great/Elemental Rune)
+1 to All Skills
+10 Life after each Kill
+25% Bonus to Defense
+8% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
Orb Effects Applied to this Item are Doubled
Socketed (6) - Helmet: Black MasqueradeBlack Masquerade
Bone Helm (Sacred)
Defense: (2420 - 2904) to (2622 - 3147)
Required Level: 80
Item Level: 120
+100 Spell Focus
+100% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
+(150 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
+200 Life Regenerated per Second
Physical Resist (0 to 10)%
Requirements -100%
Socketed (4) - Armor: Robe of Steel→ Enchanted Shrine craftRobe of Steel
Full Plate Mail (Sacred)
Defense: (6692 - 7471) to (8202 - 9156)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 469
Item Level: 105
+(11 to 20)% Bonus to Spell Focus
25% Cast Speed
+(21 to 30)% to Spell Damage
+(115 to 140)% Enhanced Defense
+100 to Strength
+100 to Energy
Elemental Resists +20%
+250 Life after each Demon Kill
50% Bonus to Defense
Requirements -33%
Socketed (6) - Gloves: Lamha Na DraoitheLamha Na Draoithe
Gauntlets (Sacred)
Defense: (1339 - 1506) to (1567 - 1763)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 120
+2 to All Skills
+150 Spell Focus
30% Cast Speed
+(16 to 20)% to Spell Damage
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
+75 to Strength
-100 to Life
Elemental Resists +15%
Socketed (4) - Belt: TreacheryTreachery
Runeword Level: 110
+1 to All Skills
+(5 to 10)% Bonus to Spell Focus
10% Hit Recovery
+(15 to 20)% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
+(12 to 15) to Singularity
(15 to 20)% to Energy
+(150 to 250) to Mana
Physical Resist 5%
+(100 to 200) Life when Struck by an Enemy - Boots: Wake of DestructionorWake of Destruction
Greaves (4)
Defense: (90 - 102) to (135 - 152)
Required Level: 9
Required Strength: 17
Item Level: 19
+(4 to 6)% Bonus to Spell Focus
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
+(11 to 13)% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
+(6 to 8)% to Fire Spell Damage
+(6 to 8)% to Poison Spell Damage
+(24 to 40)% Enhanced Defense
+(21 to 25) to Energy
Requirements -20%
Socketed (1)
Defense: (333 - 369) to (462 - 512)
Required Level: 27
Required Strength: 33
Item Level: 36
+(7 to 9)% Bonus to Spell Focus
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
+(15 to 17)% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
+(10 to 12)% to Fire Spell Damage
+(10 to 12)% to Poison Spell Damage
+(58 to 75)% Enhanced Defense
+(26 to 30) to Energy
Requirements -25%
Socketed (2)
Defense: (854 - 930) to (1152 - 1254)
Required Level: 44
Required Strength: 158
Item Level: 59
+(10 to 12)% Bonus to Spell Focus
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
+(19 to 21)% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
+(14 to 16)% to Fire Spell Damage
+(14 to 16)% to Poison Spell Damage
+(92 to 109)% Enhanced Defense
+(31 to 35) to Energy
Requirements -30%
Socketed (3)
Defense: (1274 - 1378) to (1713 - 1853)
Required Level: 52
Required Strength: 272
Item Level: 85
+(13 to 15)% Bonus to Spell Focus
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
+(23 to 25)% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
+(18 to 20)% to Fire Spell Damage
+(18 to 20)% to Poison Spell Damage
+(109 to 126)% Enhanced Defense
+(36 to 40) to Energy
Requirements -40%
Socketed (4)Clockwork SlippersClockwork Slippers
Boots (Sacred)
Defense: 651 to 671
Required Level: 80
Required Strength: 500
Item Level: 105
Incineration Trap Radius Reduced by 50%
Catalyst Trap Cooldown Reduced by 10 seconds
+1 to Assassin Skill Levels
20% Cast Speed
(20 to 50)% Movement Speed
+(5 to 30)% to Spell Damage
Socketed (4)
Swap - Shamanka→ Crafted + skills bloodlust Assassin clawsShamanka
Long Staff (Sacred)
Two-Hand Damage: 56 to 58
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 203
Item Level: 105
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.15 per Dexterity)%
+(3 to 6) to Sorceress Skill Levels
45% Cast Speed
45% Hit Recovery
+(21 to 25)% to Fire Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Cold Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Poison Spell Damage
+(6 to 16) to Bloodlust
Maximum Life +(10 to 13)%
Fire Resist +(50 to 70)%
Lightning Resist +(50 to 70)%
Socketed (4)
- Amulet: Vizjerei's NecklaceVizjerei's Necklace
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 105
+(1 to 3) to All Skills
+(20 to 30)% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
(10 to 20)% to Energy
Maximum Mana +10%
+(25 to 50) Life after each Kill - Ring: Rares → Adrenaline RushAdrenaline Rush
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 120
+1 to All Skills
40% Combat Speeds
40% Movement Speed
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%

Scorp sin
Scosglen and Labyrinth 10 viable
- Weapon: Warshrike→Warshrike
Flying Knife (Sacred)
Throw Damage: (151 - 166) to (171 - 186)
One-Hand Damage: (106 - 116) to (123 - 133)
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 473
Item Level: 105
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.11 per Dexterity)%
1% Chance to cast level 40 Punisher Barrage on Kill
+1 to All Skills
1% Base Block Chance
Adds 25-40 Damage
+(115 to 140)% Enhanced Damage
-40% to Enemy Poison Resistance
+(7 to 10) to Way of the Spider (Assassin Only)
+(16 to 32) to Balance
Elemental Resists +20%
+(75 to 100) Life after each Kill
Socketed (2)Piranha SwarmPiranha Swarm
Flying Knife (Sacred)
Throw Damage: 59 to 61
One-Hand Damage: 38 to 39
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 473
Item Level: 120
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.11 per Dexterity)%
Scorpion Blade: Always Explodes, Max Range -25%
+(4 to 7) to Assassin Skill Levels
+99% to Poison Spell Damage
Regenerate Mana +50%
Maximum Elemental Resists +2%
+150 Life after each Kill
50% Magic Find
Socketed (2) - Shield: Zayl's Temptationor CraftZayl's Temptation
Bladed Shield (Sacred)
Defense: (2035 - 2181) to (2430 - 2604)
Chance to Block: 5%
(Assassin Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 1100
Item Level: 120
Regens 15% Life Over 5 Seconds Upon Taking Weapon Damage
+(4 to 6) to Assassin Skill Levels
1% Base Block Chance
-(11 to 15)% to Enemy Elemental Resistances
Slow Target (15 to 25)%
+(180 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
Maximum Block Chance +10%
Requirements +100%
Socketed (6) - Helmet: Crown of the Black RoseCrown of the Black Rose
Diadem (Sacred)
Defense: 870 to 983
Required Level: 110
Required Dexterity: 524
Item Level: 105
Orb Effects Applied to this Item are Doubled
+(2 to 3) to All Skills
+(20 to 30)% to Poison Spell Damage
-(10 to 15)% to Enemy Poison Resistance
+(14 to 20) to Black Lotus Strike
+(90 to 150) Life Regenerated per Second
Maximum Poison Resist +(2 to 3)%
(25 to 50)% Bonus to Defense
Cannot Be Frozen
Socketed (4) - Armor: Scales of the Drakeor CraftScales of the Drake
Ring Mail (Sacred)
Defense: (5239 - 5921) to (5764 - 6514)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 550
Item Level: 120
+(1 to 2) to All Skills
30% Cast Speed
+(25 to 38)% to Poison Spell Damage
-35% to Enemy Poison Resistance
+(14 to 18) to Lorenado
+(115 to 143)% Enhanced Defense
+300 to Life
Maximum Poison Resist +5%
Physical Resist (5 to 10)%
Socketed (6) - Gloves: Lamha Na DraoitheorLamha Na Draoithe
Gauntlets (Sacred)
Defense: (1339 - 1506) to (1567 - 1763)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 120
+2 to All Skills
+150 Spell Focus
30% Cast Speed
+(16 to 20)% to Spell Damage
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
+75 to Strength
-100 to Life
Elemental Resists +15%
Socketed (4)LorekeeperLorekeeper
Light Gauntlets (Sacred)
Defense: (1018 - 1179) to (1159 - 1342)
Required Level: 80
Required Strength: 300
Item Level: 120
+3 to All Skills
20% Combat Speeds
+(5 to 10) to Firedance
+(90 to 120)% Enhanced Defense
Regenerate Mana +(40 to 60)%
Requirements -50%
Socketed (4) - Belt: Viper SkinViper Skin
Belt (Sacred)
Defense: (2860 - 3204) to (3036 - 3402)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 385
Item Level: 115
30% Attack Speed
(51 to 75)% Bonus to Attack Rating
-(11 to 20)% to Enemy Poison Resistance
Slow Target (3 to 8)%
+(141 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
Requirements -33%
Socketed (2)
Astrogha's Moon
(Wyrd Set) - Boots: DarklingDarkling
Heavy Boots (Sacred)
Defense: (1677 - 1879) to (1776 - 1989)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 550
Item Level: 115
+(0 to 1) to All Skills
(15 to 45)% Movement Speed
(7 to 12)% Life stolen per Hit
+(6 to 15)% to Poison Spell Damage
-(6 to 15)% to Enemy Poison Resistance
+(141 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
-100 to Life
Socketed (4)
Astrogha's Moon
(Wyrd Set)
Swap - Shamanka→ Crafted + skills bloodlust Assassin clawsShamanka
Long Staff (Sacred)
Two-Hand Damage: 56 to 58
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 203
Item Level: 105
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.15 per Dexterity)%
+(3 to 6) to Sorceress Skill Levels
45% Cast Speed
45% Hit Recovery
+(21 to 25)% to Fire Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Cold Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Poison Spell Damage
+(6 to 16) to Bloodlust
Maximum Life +(10 to 13)%
Fire Resist +(50 to 70)%
Lightning Resist +(50 to 70)%
Socketed (4)
- Amulet: Angel of DeathAngel of Death
Required Level: 90
Item Level: 123
2% Chance to cast level 33 Punisher Bolt on Striking
+(0 to 2) to All Skills
+(11 to 30)% to Poison Spell Damage
-(6 to 15)% to Enemy Poison Resistance
Astrogha's Moon
(Wyrd Set) - Ring: WitchcraftorWitchcraft
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 120
+2 to All Skills
20% Cast Speed
-5% to Enemy Elemental Resistances
Maximum Mana (-5 to 5)%
20% Bonus to DefenseEmpyrean Gloryor RaresEmpyrean Glory
Required Level: 50
Item Level: 120
1% Chance to cast level 40 Singularity on Kill
(6 to 10)% to All Attributes
Maximum Life +5%
Maximum Mana +15%
15% Gold Find

Trapsin by Chimericsoul
Scosglen and Labyrinth 7 viable
Trapsin guide (2.1)
- Weapon: Implement V.IIImplement V.II
Claws (Sacred)
One-Hand Damage: 42 to 44
(Assassin Only)
Required Level: 120
Required Dexterity: 400
Item Level: 105
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.13 per Dexterity)%
-25% to Enemy Elemental Resistances for Your Traps
+5 to Assassin Skill Levels
25% Block Speed
15% Life stolen per Hit
Fire Absorb 1%
Lightning Absorb 1%
+(300 to 400) Life on Melee Attack
Socketed (3) - Weapon: AnarchyorAnarchy
Assassin Claws
Runeword Level: 83
+(3 to 4) to Assassin Skill Levels
40% Cast Speed
+(21 to 25)% to Fire Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Lightning Spell Damage
Maximum Life +5%
+(61 to 75) to Mana
Maximum Mana +20%
+(26 to 30) Mana after each KillSagittariusorSagittarius
Cestus (Sacred)
One-Hand Damage: 41 to 43
(Assassin Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 349
Item Level: 120
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.13 per Dexterity)%
Vessel of Judgement: +3 Targets
+7 to Assassin Skill Levels
+100% Damage to Vessel of Justice
+100% Damage to Vessel of Retribution
+(50 to 60) to Vessel of Judgement
+(100 to 150) to Energy
+(300 to 400) to Life
Maximum Mana +(20 to 25)%
Physical Resist 5%
Socketed (3)DreamweaverDreamweaver
Wrist Blade (Sacred)
(Assassin Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 341
Item Level: 105
Innate Lightning Damage: (52.0% of Dexterity)
Queen of Blades: +2500 Lightning Damage
20% Chance to cast level 12 Charged Strike on Melee Attack
+(4 to 6) to Assassin Skill Levels
Adds 160-250 Lightning Damage
-(15 to 25)% to Enemy Fire Resistance
-(15 to 25)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+100 to Strength
+100 to Vitality
Maximum Fire Resist +1%
Maximum Lightning Resist +1%
Socketed (3) - Helmet: Arcane ProtectionorArcane Protection
Runeword Level: 100
Psicrown Now Explodes Upon Impact
+(1 to 2) to All Skills
+(5 to 10)% Bonus to Spell Focus
+(15 to 20)% to Spell Damage
+(6 to 9) to Psicrown
+(400 to 600) Defense
Regenerate Mana +(20 to 25)%
Physical Resist (5 to 10)%
Elemental/Magic Damage Reduced by (15 to 25)
+(20 to 30) Life after each Kill
+(20 to 30) Mana after each Kill
(20 to 30)% Magic FindLavadomeLavadome
Helm (4)
Defense: (78 - 89) to (115 - 131)
Required Level: 4
Required Strength: 29
Item Level: 10
+(0 to 1) to All Skills
+(41 to 60)% Enhanced Defense
+15 to Vitality
(3 to 5)% to Vitality
+(81 to 120) to Life
Fire Resist +(11 to 30)%
Socketed (1)
Defense: (300 - 334) to (391 - 435)
Required Level: 22
Required Strength: 57
Item Level: 31
+1 to All Skills
+(71 to 90)% Enhanced Defense
+30 to Vitality
(6 to 10)% to Vitality
+(121 to 160) to Life
Fire Resist +(31 to 50)%
Socketed (3)
Defense: (753 - 825) to (970 - 1062)
Required Level: 39
Required Strength: 201
Item Level: 51
+(1 to 2) to All Skills
+(101 to 120)% Enhanced Defense
+45 to Vitality
(11 to 15)% to Vitality
+(161 to 200) to Life
Fire Resist +(51 to 70)%
Socketed (4)
Defense: (1191 - 1290) to (1519 - 1645)
Required Level: 48
Required Strength: 402
Item Level: 77
+2 to All Skills
+(131 to 150)% Enhanced Defense
+60 to Vitality
(16 to 20)% to Vitality
+(201 to 240) to Life
Fire Resist +(71 to 90)%
Socketed (4) - Armor: Robe of Steel→Robe of Steel
Full Plate Mail (Sacred)
Defense: (6692 - 7471) to (8202 - 9156)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 469
Item Level: 105
+(11 to 20)% Bonus to Spell Focus
25% Cast Speed
+(21 to 30)% to Spell Damage
+(115 to 140)% Enhanced Defense
+100 to Strength
+100 to Energy
Elemental Resists +20%
+250 Life after each Demon Kill
50% Bonus to Defense
Requirements -33%
Socketed (6)Elemental Discipleor CraftElemental Disciple
Light Plate (Sacred)
Defense: (6034 - 7131) to (7246 - 8564)
Required Level: 80
Required Strength: 650
Item Level: 105
+(1 to 4) to Paladin Skill Levels
+(1 to 4) to Assassin Skill Levels
+(1 to 4) to Druid Skill Levels
1% Base Block Chance
+(15 to 35)% to Fire Spell Damage
-15% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+(15 to 35)% to Lightning Spell Damage
-15% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+(120 to 160)% Enhanced Defense
Regenerate Mana +30%
20% Gold Find
Socketed (6) - Gloves: Lamha Na DraoitheorLamha Na Draoithe
Gauntlets (Sacred)
Defense: (1339 - 1506) to (1567 - 1763)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 120
+2 to All Skills
+150 Spell Focus
30% Cast Speed
+(16 to 20)% to Spell Damage
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
+75 to Strength
-100 to Life
Elemental Resists +15%
Socketed (4)LorekeeperLorekeeper
Light Gauntlets (Sacred)
Defense: (1018 - 1179) to (1159 - 1342)
Required Level: 80
Required Strength: 300
Item Level: 120
+3 to All Skills
20% Combat Speeds
+(5 to 10) to Firedance
+(90 to 120)% Enhanced Defense
Regenerate Mana +(40 to 60)%
Requirements -50%
Socketed (4) - Belt: Lunar EclipseLunar Eclipse
Light Belt (Sacred)
Defense: (2091 - 2422) to (2171 - 2514)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 550
Item Level: 120
+2 to All Skills
+(51 to 60) Spell Focus
25% Cast Speed
30% Hit Recovery
+(10 to 15)% to Spell Damage
+(90 to 120)% Enhanced Defense
+(40 to 50) to Energy
+100 to Life
Elemental Resists +15%
+5 to Light Radius
Socketed (2) - Boots: Rabbit's Foot→Rabbit's Foot
Boots (4)
Defense: 8 to 14
Required Level: 1
Required Strength: 21
Item Level: 1
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
+10% to Spell Damage
+5 Maximum Stamina
(1 to 5)% Gold Find
(1 to 5)% Magic Find
Requirements -15%
Socketed (1)
Defense: 75 to 88
Required Level: 17
Required Strength: 35
Item Level: 31
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
+12% to Spell Damage
+10 Maximum Stamina
(5 to 10)% Gold Find
(5 to 10)% Magic Find
Requirements -30%
Socketed (2)
Defense: 184 to 215
Required Level: 34
Required Strength: 96
Item Level: 51
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
+16% to Spell Damage
+15 Maximum Stamina
(15 to 20)% Gold Find
(15 to 20)% Magic Find
Requirements -45%
Socketed (3)
Defense: 258 to 296
Required Level: 43
Required Strength: 140
Item Level: 77
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
+20% to Spell Damage
+20 Maximum Stamina
(25 to 30)% Gold Find
(25 to 30)% Magic Find
Requirements -60%
Socketed (4)Clockwork SlippersClockwork Slippers
Boots (Sacred)
Defense: 651 to 671
Required Level: 80
Required Strength: 500
Item Level: 105
Incineration Trap Radius Reduced by 50%
Catalyst Trap Cooldown Reduced by 10 seconds
+1 to Assassin Skill Levels
20% Cast Speed
(20 to 50)% Movement Speed
+(5 to 30)% to Spell Damage
Socketed (4)
Swap - Shamanka→ Crafted + skills bloodlust Assassin clawsShamanka
Long Staff (Sacred)
Two-Hand Damage: 56 to 58
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 203
Item Level: 105
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.15 per Dexterity)%
+(3 to 6) to Sorceress Skill Levels
45% Cast Speed
45% Hit Recovery
+(21 to 25)% to Fire Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Cold Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Poison Spell Damage
+(6 to 16) to Bloodlust
Maximum Life +(10 to 13)%
Fire Resist +(50 to 70)%
Lightning Resist +(50 to 70)%
Socketed (4)
- Amulet: WitchmoonorWitchmoon
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 100
1% Chance to cast level 17 Mana Sweep on Death Blow
+(1 to 3) to All Skills
+(10 to 20) Spell Focus
+(10 to 20)% to Spell Damage
Maximum Mana +(30 to 40)%Idol of FortuneIdol of Fortune
Required Level: 120
Item Level: 130
+(1 to 2) to All Skills
-1% Base Block Chance
25% Combat Speeds
+(11 to 30)% to Spell Damage
Weapon Physical Damage +(25 to 48)%
Maximum Life +3%
Maximum Mana +10%
Trophy Hunter
(Trophy Set) - Ring: Ring of Reghaor RaresRing of Regha
Item Level: 1
Adds 3-5 Damage
+5% to Spell Damage
+(5 to 15) to Strength
+(5 to 15) to Dexterity
Elemental Resists +10%
(Notes from Chimeric soul for 2.2: For tencity u can move its pts to perfect being since shadow does a good pr but it depends on player style mostly. The fire trap should be maxed at begining of late game only 15. For subterfuge 8 mid game 1 late game.

Scosglen and Labyrinth 9 viable
Racerx Showcase
- Weapon: SagittariusSagittarius
Cestus (Sacred)
One-Hand Damage: 41 to 43
(Assassin Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 349
Item Level: 120
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.13 per Dexterity)%
Vessel of Judgement: +3 Targets
+7 to Assassin Skill Levels
+100% Damage to Vessel of Justice
+100% Damage to Vessel of Retribution
+(50 to 60) to Vessel of Judgement
+(100 to 150) to Energy
+(300 to 400) to Life
Maximum Mana +(20 to 25)%
Physical Resist 5%
Socketed (3) - Weapon: SagittariusSagittarius
Cestus (Sacred)
One-Hand Damage: 41 to 43
(Assassin Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 349
Item Level: 120
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.13 per Dexterity)%
Vessel of Judgement: +3 Targets
+7 to Assassin Skill Levels
+100% Damage to Vessel of Justice
+100% Damage to Vessel of Retribution
+(50 to 60) to Vessel of Judgement
+(100 to 150) to Energy
+(300 to 400) to Life
Maximum Mana +(20 to 25)%
Physical Resist 5%
Socketed (3) - Helmet: Black MasqueradeBlack Masquerade
Bone Helm (Sacred)
Defense: (2420 - 2904) to (2622 - 3147)
Required Level: 80
Item Level: 120
+100 Spell Focus
+100% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
+(150 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
+200 Life Regenerated per Second
Physical Resist (0 to 10)%
Requirements -100%
Socketed (4) - Armor: Robe of SteelRobe of Steel
Full Plate Mail (Sacred)
Defense: (6692 - 7471) to (8202 - 9156)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 469
Item Level: 105
+(11 to 20)% Bonus to Spell Focus
25% Cast Speed
+(21 to 30)% to Spell Damage
+(115 to 140)% Enhanced Defense
+100 to Strength
+100 to Energy
Elemental Resists +20%
+250 Life after each Demon Kill
50% Bonus to Defense
Requirements -33%
Socketed (6) - Gloves: Lamha Na DraoitheLamha Na Draoithe
Gauntlets (Sacred)
Defense: (1339 - 1506) to (1567 - 1763)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 120
+2 to All Skills
+150 Spell Focus
30% Cast Speed
+(16 to 20)% to Spell Damage
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
+75 to Strength
-100 to Life
Elemental Resists +15%
Socketed (4) - Belt: TreacheryTreachery
Runeword Level: 110
+1 to All Skills
+(5 to 10)% Bonus to Spell Focus
10% Hit Recovery
+(15 to 20)% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
+(12 to 15) to Singularity
(15 to 20)% to Energy
+(150 to 250) to Mana
Physical Resist 5%
+(100 to 200) Life when Struck by an Enemy - Boots: Wake of DestructionWake of Destruction
Greaves (4)
Defense: (90 - 102) to (135 - 152)
Required Level: 9
Required Strength: 17
Item Level: 19
+(4 to 6)% Bonus to Spell Focus
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
+(11 to 13)% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
+(6 to 8)% to Fire Spell Damage
+(6 to 8)% to Poison Spell Damage
+(24 to 40)% Enhanced Defense
+(21 to 25) to Energy
Requirements -20%
Socketed (1)
Defense: (333 - 369) to (462 - 512)
Required Level: 27
Required Strength: 33
Item Level: 36
+(7 to 9)% Bonus to Spell Focus
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
+(15 to 17)% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
+(10 to 12)% to Fire Spell Damage
+(10 to 12)% to Poison Spell Damage
+(58 to 75)% Enhanced Defense
+(26 to 30) to Energy
Requirements -25%
Socketed (2)
Defense: (854 - 930) to (1152 - 1254)
Required Level: 44
Required Strength: 158
Item Level: 59
+(10 to 12)% Bonus to Spell Focus
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
+(19 to 21)% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
+(14 to 16)% to Fire Spell Damage
+(14 to 16)% to Poison Spell Damage
+(92 to 109)% Enhanced Defense
+(31 to 35) to Energy
Requirements -30%
Socketed (3)
Defense: (1274 - 1378) to (1713 - 1853)
Required Level: 52
Required Strength: 272
Item Level: 85
+(13 to 15)% Bonus to Spell Focus
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
+(23 to 25)% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
+(18 to 20)% to Fire Spell Damage
+(18 to 20)% to Poison Spell Damage
+(109 to 126)% Enhanced Defense
+(36 to 40) to Energy
Requirements -40%
Socketed (4)
Swap - Shamanka→ Crafted + skills bloodlust Assassin clawsShamanka
Long Staff (Sacred)
Two-Hand Damage: 56 to 58
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 203
Item Level: 105
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.15 per Dexterity)%
+(3 to 6) to Sorceress Skill Levels
45% Cast Speed
45% Hit Recovery
+(21 to 25)% to Fire Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Cold Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Poison Spell Damage
+(6 to 16) to Bloodlust
Maximum Life +(10 to 13)%
Fire Resist +(50 to 70)%
Lightning Resist +(50 to 70)%
Socketed (4)
- Amulet: Vizjerei's NecklaceVizjerei's Necklace
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 105
+(1 to 3) to All Skills
+(20 to 30)% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
(10 to 20)% to Energy
Maximum Mana +10%
+(25 to 50) Life after each Kill - Ring: Rares Empyrean GloryEmpyrean Glory
Required Level: 50
Item Level: 120
1% Chance to cast level 40 Singularity on Kill
(6 to 10)% to All Attributes
Maximum Life +5%
Maximum Mana +15%
15% Gold FindAdrenaline RushAdrenaline Rush
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 120
+1 to All Skills
40% Combat Speeds
40% Movement Speed
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%

► Show Spoiler
Fire Guard Tower
Scosglen speed farming variant
Guard Tower guide (2.2)
- Weapon: Antediluvianin a Mammen axeAntediluvian
Barbarian One-Handed Axes
Except Barbarian Two-Handed Axes
Runeword Level: 120
+2.5% Innate Elemental Damage per Wolf Stance Base Level
+1 to All Skills
20% Base Block Chance
Adds 1200-1550 Fire Damage
-50% to Enemy Fire Resistance
100% to Strength
Maximum Block Chance -20%
Physical Resist (15 to 20)% - Shield: Crafted Creepy lvl 16 Guard Tower Gilded Shield→ (Tonatiuhin a Gilded Shield with Guard Tower relic)Tonatiuh
Barbarian Shields
Runeword Level: 100
20% Chance to cast level 36 Flamefront on Melee Attack
+2 to Barbarian Skill Levels
Adds 63-438 Fire Damage
-(25 to 35)% to Enemy Fire Resistance
2% Deadly Strike
Weapon Physical Damage +(30 to 50)%
+(115 to 143)% Enhanced Defense
5% Chance to Avoid Damage - Helmet: Blackskull's HornsBlackskull's Horns
Crown (Sacred)
Defense: 4437 to 4914
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 675
Item Level: 120
Adds 100-150 Fire Damage
+25% to Fire Spell Damage
-15% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+200% Enhanced Defense
+50 to Strength
15% to Strength
Maximum Fire Resist +2%
+5 Fire Absorb
Socketed (4)
Henchmen Trophies
(Legendary Set) - Armor: FlameskinFlameskin
Scale Mail (Sacred)
Defense: (7200 - 8440) to (8922 - 10307)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 1150
Item Level: 120
Adds 5 - 7 Fire Damage to Weapon per 2% Attack Speed
Weapon Physical Damage -150%
1% Chance to cast level 6 Life Spark on Striking
-20% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+(150 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
+(1000 to 2000) Defense
Maximum Fire Resist +2%
(50 to 75)% Bonus to Defense
Requirements +100%
Socketed (6) - Gloves: FacebreakerFacebreaker
Chain Gloves (Sacred)
Defense: (1784 - 1939) to (2299 - 2469)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 575
Item Level: 120
+1% Attack Speed per 20 Strength
Stun Attack
+(130 to 160)% Enhanced Defense
+(600 to 1000) Defense
-15% to Dexterity
Physical Resist 5%
+2 Life on Striking
Socketed (4) - Belt: Celestia's Ribbon→ HonorificCelestia's Ribbon
Plated Belt (Sacred)
Defense: (3271 - 3680) to (3583 - 4031)
Required Level: 90
Required Strength: 675
Item Level: 1
+1 to Amazon Skill Levels
15% Attack Speed
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
(11 to 15)% to Strength
+(31 to 50) to Dexterity
Physical Resist 5%
Socketed (2)
Celestia's Myth
(Amazon Spear Set) - Boots: Knight's GraceKnight's Grace
Greaves (Sacred)
Defense: (2232 - 2481) to (2519 - 2799)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 780
Item Level: 120
2% Chance to cast level 35 Knife Throw on Striking
+1 to All Skills
25% Attack Speed
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
Adds 10-25 Damage
+(170 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
+(15 to 25) to all Attributes
Physical Resist 5%
Requirements +20%
Socketed (4)
- Amulet: Quov Tsin's TalismanQuov Tsin's Talisman
Required Level: 110
Item Level: 110
15% Innate Elemental Damage
-(20 to 30)% to Enemy Elemental Resistances - Ring: Seal of the Nephalem Kings→Seal of the Nephalem Kings
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 120
+(1 to 2) to All Skills
(10 to 15)% to Strength
(10 to 15)% to Vitality
(10 to 15)% Bonus to Defense
(10 to 20)% Gold FindOuroborosOuroboros
Required Level: 110
Item Level: 120
+1 to All Skills
(-15 to 25)% to Strength
(-15 to 25)% to Dexterity
(-15 to 25)% to Vitality
(-15 to 25)% to Energy

For safely farming lab's Fuppy recommends the physical variant which is in his guides.
Poison Whirlwind
Scosglen and Labyrinth 8 viable
Poison Whirlwind guide (2.2)
- Weapon: DemheDemhe
Maces, Scepters
Except Hammers
Runeword Level: 110
25% Chance to cast level 35 Infected Roots on Melee Attack
+(126 to 250) to Maximum Damage
Stun Attack
+(172 to 200)% Enhanced Damage
+(39 to 45)% to Cold Spell Damage
-(39 to 45)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
+(39 to 45)% to Poison Spell Damage
-(39 to 45)% to Enemy Poison Resistance
20% to Vitality
+(51 to 125) Mana on Striking
+15 Life after each Kill - Weapon: Grotesque BiteGrotesque Bite
Hand Axe (Sacred)
One-Hand Damage: 37 to 39
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 376
Item Level: 105
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.11 per Strength)%
+25% to Experience Gained Until Level 120
+15% Physical Resist After Level 120
100% Chance to cast level 40 Harvest on Melee Attack
+(2 to 3) to All Skills
50% Attack Speed
+(20 to 30)% to Poison Spell Damage
Maximum Poison Resist +4%
+100 Life on Melee Attack
Socketed (3) - Helmet: Crown of the Black RoseCrown of the Black Rose
Diadem (Sacred)
Defense: 870 to 983
Required Level: 110
Required Dexterity: 524
Item Level: 105
Orb Effects Applied to this Item are Doubled
+(2 to 3) to All Skills
+(20 to 30)% to Poison Spell Damage
-(10 to 15)% to Enemy Poison Resistance
+(14 to 20) to Black Lotus Strike
+(90 to 150) Life Regenerated per Second
Maximum Poison Resist +(2 to 3)%
(25 to 50)% Bonus to Defense
Cannot Be Frozen
Socketed (4) - Armor: Scales of the DrakeScales of the Drake
Ring Mail (Sacred)
Defense: (5239 - 5921) to (5764 - 6514)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 550
Item Level: 120
+(1 to 2) to All Skills
30% Cast Speed
+(25 to 38)% to Poison Spell Damage
-35% to Enemy Poison Resistance
+(14 to 18) to Lorenado
+(115 to 143)% Enhanced Defense
+300 to Life
Maximum Poison Resist +5%
Physical Resist (5 to 10)%
Socketed (6) - Gloves: MithridatismMithridatism
Runeword Level: 100
Gain 20% of your Poison Resistance as Poison Length Reduction
+1 to All Skills
25% Hit Recovery
Adds 300-400 Poison Damage over 2 seconds
-(7 to 10)% to Enemy Poison Resistance
+(141 to 171)% Enhanced Defense
+10 to all Attributes
Poison Resist +25% - Belt: Viper SkinViper Skin
Belt (Sacred)
Defense: (2860 - 3204) to (3036 - 3402)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 385
Item Level: 115
30% Attack Speed
(51 to 75)% Bonus to Attack Rating
-(11 to 20)% to Enemy Poison Resistance
Slow Target (3 to 8)%
+(141 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
Requirements -33%
Socketed (2)
Astrogha's Moon
(Wyrd Set) - Boots: DarklingDarkling
Heavy Boots (Sacred)
Defense: (1677 - 1879) to (1776 - 1989)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 550
Item Level: 115
+(0 to 1) to All Skills
(15 to 45)% Movement Speed
(7 to 12)% Life stolen per Hit
+(6 to 15)% to Poison Spell Damage
-(6 to 15)% to Enemy Poison Resistance
+(141 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
-100 to Life
Socketed (4)
Astrogha's Moon
(Wyrd Set)
Swap - RaptorRaptor
Throwing Axes
Runeword Level: 85
(Barbarian Only)
3% Chance to cast level 60 Thunder Slam on Kill
-19% to Enemy Poison Resistance
+(6 to 11) to Snake Stance (Barbarian Only)
+3 to all Attributes
5% to Vitality
Maximum Life +3%
Regenerate Mana +15%
+115 Life after each KillRaptorRaptor
Throwing Axes
Runeword Level: 85
(Barbarian Only)
3% Chance to cast level 60 Thunder Slam on Kill
-19% to Enemy Poison Resistance
+(6 to 11) to Snake Stance (Barbarian Only)
+3 to all Attributes
5% to Vitality
Maximum Life +3%
Regenerate Mana +15%
+115 Life after each Kill - 2x Mark of the wild crafted Mammen Axe
- ShamankaShamanka
Long Staff (Sacred)
Two-Hand Damage: 56 to 58
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 203
Item Level: 105
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.15 per Dexterity)%
+(3 to 6) to Sorceress Skill Levels
45% Cast Speed
45% Hit Recovery
+(21 to 25)% to Fire Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Cold Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Poison Spell Damage
+(6 to 16) to Bloodlust
Maximum Life +(10 to 13)%
Fire Resist +(50 to 70)%
Lightning Resist +(50 to 70)%
Socketed (4)
- Amulet: Angel of DeathAngel of Death
Required Level: 90
Item Level: 123
2% Chance to cast level 33 Punisher Bolt on Striking
+(0 to 2) to All Skills
+(11 to 30)% to Poison Spell Damage
-(6 to 15)% to Enemy Poison Resistance
Astrogha's Moon
(Wyrd Set) - Ring: Rares

Vizjerei 's Whirlwind
Scosglen and Labyrinth 8 viable
- Weapon: Vizjerei FuryVizjerei Fury
Short Spear (Sacred)
Throw Damage: 69 to 80
One-Hand Damage: 45 to 50
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 1386
Item Level: 120
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.11 per Dexterity)%
You may Only use Melee, Summon and Support Skills
25% Chance to cast level 60 Trinity Beam on Melee Attack
Ignore Target's Defense
-33% to Enemy Fire Resistance
-33% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
-33% to Enemy Cold Resistance
(20 to 25)% to Dexterity
(20 to 25)% to Vitality
Maximum Elemental Resists +2%
Physical Resist 10%
+(60 to 100) Life after each Kill
Requirements +200%
Socketed (3) - Weapon: Vizjerei FuryVizjerei Fury
Short Spear (Sacred)
Throw Damage: 69 to 80
One-Hand Damage: 45 to 50
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 1386
Item Level: 120
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.11 per Dexterity)%
You may Only use Melee, Summon and Support Skills
25% Chance to cast level 60 Trinity Beam on Melee Attack
Ignore Target's Defense
-33% to Enemy Fire Resistance
-33% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
-33% to Enemy Cold Resistance
(20 to 25)% to Dexterity
(20 to 25)% to Vitality
Maximum Elemental Resists +2%
Physical Resist 10%
+(60 to 100) Life after each Kill
Requirements +200%
Socketed (3) - Helmet: IndigoIndigo
Runeword Level: 110
+2 to All Skills
+100 Spell Focus
50% Cast Speed
-(15 to 20)% to Enemy Elemental Resistances
-500 Defense
Maximum Elemental Resists +2%
Elemental Resists +(13 to 15)%
Requirements -100% - Armor: Robe of SteelRobe of Steel
Full Plate Mail (Sacred)
Defense: (6692 - 7471) to (8202 - 9156)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 469
Item Level: 105
+(11 to 20)% Bonus to Spell Focus
25% Cast Speed
+(21 to 30)% to Spell Damage
+(115 to 140)% Enhanced Defense
+100 to Strength
+100 to Energy
Elemental Resists +20%
+250 Life after each Demon Kill
50% Bonus to Defense
Requirements -33%
Socketed (6) - Gloves: Lamha Na DraoitheLamha Na Draoithe
Gauntlets (Sacred)
Defense: (1339 - 1506) to (1567 - 1763)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 120
+2 to All Skills
+150 Spell Focus
30% Cast Speed
+(16 to 20)% to Spell Damage
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
+75 to Strength
-100 to Life
Elemental Resists +15%
Socketed (4) - Belt: Ashaera's Armor→ Crafted beltAshaera's Armor
Belt (Sacred)
Defense: 1687 to 1760
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 575
Item Level: 105
+(21 to 25) Spell Focus
+(11 to 15)% to Spell Damage
+500 Defense
(11 to 15)% to Energy
Elemental Resists +(10 to 15)%
Physical Resist 10%
Socketed (2) - Boots: Crafted Boots→ Spirit WalkerSpirit Walker
Heavy Boots (Sacred)
Defense: 696 to 737
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 550
Item Level: 120
+1% Physical Resist per 18% Mana Regeneration
+2 to All Skills
+(50 to 100) Spell Focus
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
Jitan's Gate Cooldown Reduced by 1 seconds
+35% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
-15% to Enemy Elemental Resistances
Socketed (4)
Swap - 2x Mark of the wild crafted Mammen Axe
- Amulet: The TesseractThe Tesseract
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 105
+2 to All Skills
25% Cast Speed
+(1 to 30)% to Fire Spell Damage
-(1 to 20)% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+(1 to 30)% to Lightning Spell Damage
-(1 to 20)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+(1 to 30)% to Cold Spell Damage
-(1 to 20)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
+(1 to 30)% to Poison Spell Damage
-(1 to 20)% to Enemy Poison Resistance - Ring: Rares → Bad MoodBad Mood
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 120
-20% Cast Speed
Adds 50-100 Fire Damage
Adds 50-100 Lightning Damage
Adds 50-100 Cold Damage
-(5 to 20)% to Enemy Fire Resistance
-(5 to 20)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
-(5 to 20)% to Enemy Cold Resistance

► Show Spoiler
Banshee/ Avalanche Seer
Scosglen and Labyrinth 6 viable
- Weapon: Spire of Sarnakyle(for farming) orSpire of Sarnakyle
Gnarled Staff (Sacred)
Two-Hand Damage: 59 to 62
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 218
Item Level: 120
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.15 per Dexterity)%
+(9 to 10) to All Skills
+(26 to 50)% to Cold Spell Damage
-(29 to 35)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
+(10 to 20) to Avalanche
Poison Length Reduced by 50%
+(201 to 250) Life after each Demon Kill
50% Bonus to Defense
Cannot Be Frozen
25% Gold Find
Socketed (4)The Biting Frost(for bossing)The Biting Frost
Flamen Staff (Sacred)
Two-Hand Damage: 48 to 51
(Druid Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 240
Item Level: 120
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.06 per Strength)%
Ember Spirit Nullified
+2 Hunting Banshee Projectiles
+(9 to 10) to Druid Skill Levels
+150 Spell Focus
25% Cast Speed
+(25 to 40)% to Cold Spell Damage
-(20 to 30)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
15% to Energy
Physical Resist 5%
5% Reanimate as: Random Monster
Socketed (4) - Helmet: Eyes of SeptumosEyes of Septumos
Circlet (Sacred)
Defense: 505 to 571
Required Level: 80
Required Dexterity: 262
Item Level: 105
1% Chance to cast level 10 Cold Fear on Death Blow
+(80 to 150) Spell Focus
-(15 to 20)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
+(14 to 22) to Avalanche
(10 to 20)% to Energy
Elemental Resists +(15 to 25)%
Socketed (4) - Armor: IcetombIcetomb
Field Plate (Sacred)
Defense: (5937 - 7017) to (7053 - 8335)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 105
+(1 to 2) to All Skills
+50 Spell Focus
+(20 to 30)% to Cold Spell Damage
-(20 to 25)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
+(120 to 160)% Enhanced Defense
+(31 to 40) to all Attributes
(11 to 15)% to Strength
Maximum Fire Resist -1%
Cannot Be Frozen
Socketed (6) - Gloves: Crafted Sacred gauntlets
- Belt: DementiaDementia
Belt (Sacred)
Defense: (3111 - 3348) to (3272 - 3524)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 690
Item Level: 120
-(15 to 20)% to Enemy Elemental Resistances
+(15 to 25) to Fowl Fight
Slow Target 5%
+(120 to 140)% Enhanced Defense
+500 Defense
Maximum Life +2%
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
Physical Resist 5%
Requirements +20%
Socketed (2) - Boots: Crafted Sacred greaves
Swap - SagespiritSagespirit
Compound Bow (4)
Two-Hand Damage: (7 - 8) to (16 - 32)
(Druid Only)
Required Level: 5
Required Dexterity: 57
Item Level: 10
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.15 per Dexterity)%
+1 to Druid Skill Levels
+5% Bonus Elemental Damage to Mark of the Wild
(31 to 50)% Duration Bonus to Mark of the Wild
15% Attack Speed
+(6 to 20) to Maximum Damage
(31 to 50)% Bonus to Attack Rating
+(18 to 35)% Enhanced Damage
+(16 to 25) to Dexterity
Socketed (2)
Two-Hand Damage: (25 - 28) to (52 - 75)
(Druid Only)
Required Level: 24
Required Dexterity: 92
Item Level: 36
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.15 per Dexterity)%
+(1 to 2) to Druid Skill Levels
+10% Bonus Elemental Damage to Mark of the Wild
(71 to 90)% Duration Bonus to Mark of the Wild
25% Attack Speed
+(21 to 40) to Maximum Damage
(71 to 90)% Bonus to Attack Rating
+(52 to 69)% Enhanced Damage
+(36 to 45) to Dexterity
Socketed (4)
Two-Hand Damage: (61 - 66) to (112 - 148)
(Druid Only)
Required Level: 42
Required Dexterity: 186
Item Level: 51
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.15 per Dexterity)%
+(2 to 3) to Druid Skill Levels
+15% Bonus Elemental Damage to Mark of the Wild
(111 to 130)% Duration Bonus to Mark of the Wild
35% Attack Speed
+(36 to 65) to Maximum Damage
(111 to 130)% Bonus to Attack Rating
+(87 to 103)% Enhanced Damage
+(56 to 65) to Dexterity
Socketed (5)
Two-Hand Damage: (81 - 88) to (142 - 182)
(Druid Only)
Required Level: 51
Required Dexterity: 370
Item Level: 85
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.15 per Dexterity)%
+(2 to 4) to Druid Skill Levels
+20% Bonus Elemental Damage to Mark of the Wild
(131 to 150)% Duration Bonus to Mark of the Wild
40% Attack Speed
+(43 to 75) to Maximum Damage
(131 to 150)% Bonus to Attack Rating
+(104 to 120)% Enhanced Damage
+(66 to 75) to Dexterity
Socketed (6)
- Amulet: The TesseractThe Tesseract
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 105
+2 to All Skills
25% Cast Speed
+(1 to 30)% to Fire Spell Damage
-(1 to 20)% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+(1 to 30)% to Lightning Spell Damage
-(1 to 20)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+(1 to 30)% to Cold Spell Damage
-(1 to 20)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
+(1 to 30)% to Poison Spell Damage
-(1 to 20)% to Enemy Poison Resistance - Ring: Rares

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/ ... -22-33.mp4
Cold Wolf
Scosglen and Labyrinth 7 viable
Cold Werewolf guide (2.0 Outdated: Changes in ias morph mechanics)
- Weapon: DawnDawn
Runeword Level: 100
10% Chance to cast level 32 Celerity on Kill
45% Hit Recovery
(301 to 500)% Bonus to Attack Rating
+(172 to 200)% Enhanced Damage
75% to Strength
75% to Dexterity
35% to Vitality
75% to Energy
+80 to Mana
60% Gold Find
+(2 to 4) to Light Radius - Helmet: TyphoonTyphoon
Druid Helms
Runeword Level: 100
Howl of the Spirits: +4 Seconds Duration
3% Chance to cast level 10 Shower of Rocks on Melee Attack
+10 to Maximum Damage
+(300 to 500) to Attack Rating
-(10 to 15)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
+(8 to 12) to Twisted Claw (Druid Only)
+(141 to 171)% Enhanced Defense
(20 to 25)% to Strength
Maximum Mana +10%
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
Physical Resist 5% - Armor: Hellfire PlateHellfire Plate
Body Armors
Runeword Level: 115
+1% Innate Elemental Damage per 250 Strength and Dexterity
15% Chance to cast level 9 Life Spark on Melee Attack
20% Attack Speed
+250 Fire Damage
-(11 to 15)% to Enemy Elemental Resistances
+(171 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
Maximum Life +(3 to 5)%
Maximum Elemental Resists +(1 to 2)%
Fire Resist +(10 to 20)%
Lightning Resist +(10 to 20)%
Cold Resist +(10 to 20)%
Poison Resist +(10 to 20)%
Physical Resist (7 to 10)% - Belt: DementiaDementia
Belt (Sacred)
Defense: (3111 - 3348) to (3272 - 3524)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 690
Item Level: 120
-(15 to 20)% to Enemy Elemental Resistances
+(15 to 25) to Fowl Fight
Slow Target 5%
+(120 to 140)% Enhanced Defense
+500 Defense
Maximum Life +2%
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
Physical Resist 5%
Requirements +20%
Socketed (2) - Shield: SvalinnSvalinn
Runeword Level: 115
-1% to Enemy Elemental Resistances per 150 Dexterity
8% Chance to cast level 7 Life Spark when Blocking
1% Base Block Chance
15% Block Speed
20% Hit Recovery
+(151 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
+(30 to 40) to all Attributes
(15 to 20)% to Dexterity
+200 to Life
Fire Resist +(20 to 25)%
Lightning Resist +(20 to 25)%
Cold Resist +(20 to 25)%
Poison Resist +(20 to 25)%
Fire Absorb (3 to 5)%
Physical Resist 5% - Gloves: Stareye's ClawsStareye's Claws
Gauntlets (Sacred)
Defense: 1674 to 1959
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 120
Adds 100-150 Cold Damage
+25% to Cold Spell Damage
-15% to Enemy Cold Resistance
+200% Enhanced Defense
+50 to Dexterity
15% to Dexterity
Maximum Cold Resist +2%
+5 Cold Absorb
Socketed (4)
Henchmen Trophies
(Legendary Set) - Boots: Craft (Dex)
- Amulet: Quov Tsin's TalismanQuov Tsin's Talisman
Required Level: 110
Item Level: 110
15% Innate Elemental Damage
-(20 to 30)% to Enemy Elemental Resistances - Ring: Bad Mood+Bad Mood
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 120
-20% Cast Speed
Adds 50-100 Fire Damage
Adds 50-100 Lightning Damage
Adds 50-100 Cold Damage
-(5 to 20)% to Enemy Fire Resistance
-(5 to 20)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
-(5 to 20)% to Enemy Cold ResistanceAdrenaline RushAdrenaline Rush
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 120
+1 to All Skills
40% Combat Speeds
40% Movement Speed
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%

Fire Bear
Scosglen and Labyrinth 8 viable
- Weapon: Instinctin a Balanced axeInstinct
One-Handed Axes
Runeword Level: 115
+6 to Druid Skill Levels
+(48 to 60)% Bonus Damage to Mark of the Wild
+(18 to 20)% Bonus Elemental Damage to Mark of the Wild
110% Attack Speed
(150 to 250)% Bonus to Attack Rating
+(45 to 55)% to Fire Spell Damage
-50% to Enemy Fire Resistance
Physical Resist (10 to 15)%
+(215 to 265) Life after each Kill - Shield: Wheel of FortuneWheel of Fortune
Large Shield (4)
Defense: 85 to 162
Chance to Block: Class%
Required Level: 4
Required Strength: 27
Required Dexterity: 45
Item Level: 10
+(21 to 30) to Vitality
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
Elemental Resists +(6 to 10)%
Fire Absorb 1%
Lightning Absorb 1%
Cold Absorb 1%
(4 to 7)% Gold Find
(5 to 10)% Magic Find
Socketed (1)
Defense: 240 to 405
Chance to Block: Class%
Required Level: 21
Required Strength: 53
Required Dexterity: 67
Item Level: 31
+(31 to 40) to Vitality
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
Elemental Resists +(11 to 20)%
Fire Absorb 2%
Lightning Absorb 2%
Cold Absorb 2%
(9 to 12)% Gold Find
(11 to 20)% Magic Find
Socketed (3)
Defense: 501 to 817
Chance to Block: Class%
Required Level: 39
Required Strength: 184
Required Dexterity: 139
Item Level: 51
+(41 to 50) to Vitality
Maximum Elemental Resists +2%
Elemental Resists +(21 to 30)%
Fire Absorb 2%
Lightning Absorb 2%
Cold Absorb 2%
(14 to 17)% Gold Find
(21 to 30)% Magic Find
Socketed (4)
Defense: 684 to 1113
Chance to Block: Class%
Required Level: 48
Required Strength: 368
Required Dexterity: 288
Item Level: 77
+(51 to 60) to Vitality
Maximum Elemental Resists +2%
Elemental Resists +(31 to 40)%
Fire Absorb 3%
Lightning Absorb 3%
Cold Absorb 3%
(17 to 19)% Gold Find
(31 to 40)% Magic Find
Socketed (4) - Helmet: Bremm's RetributionBremm's Retribution
Helm (Sacred)
Defense: 3912 to 4125
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 1150
Item Level: 115
+(0 to 2) to All Skills
+200% Enhanced Defense
Maximum Life +3%
Fire Resist +50%
+(25 to 100) Life after each Kill
Requirements +100%
Socketed (4)
Curse of the Zakarum
(Zakarum Set) - Armor: Arkaine's ValororArkaine's Valor
Splint Mail (Sacred)
Defense: (9532 - 10839) to (12577 - 14093)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 600
Item Level: 120
50% of Your Bonus to Defense Added as Vitality
+1 to All Skills
50% Hit Recovery
+(150 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
+(3000 to 5000) Defense
Physical Resist 10%
Socketed (6)Hellfire PlateHellfire Plate
Body Armors
Runeword Level: 115
+1% Innate Elemental Damage per 250 Strength and Dexterity
15% Chance to cast level 9 Life Spark on Melee Attack
20% Attack Speed
+250 Fire Damage
-(11 to 15)% to Enemy Elemental Resistances
+(171 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
Maximum Life +(3 to 5)%
Maximum Elemental Resists +(1 to 2)%
Fire Resist +(10 to 20)%
Lightning Resist +(10 to 20)%
Cold Resist +(10 to 20)%
Poison Resist +(10 to 20)%
Physical Resist (7 to 10)% - Gloves: Geleb's GreedGeleb's Greed
Light Gauntlets (Sacred)
Defense: 1608 to 1830
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 600
Item Level: 115
1% Chance to cast level 37 Fire Fountain on Death Blow
+1 to All Skills
-15% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+(23 to 31) to Pyroblast
+200% Enhanced Defense
+5 Fire Absorb
Physical Resist 5%
Socketed (4)
Curse of the Zakarum
(Zakarum Set) - Belt: Wyand's PerfidyWyand's Perfidy
Heavy Belt (Sacred)
Defense: 3825 to 4131
Required Level: 110
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 115
2% Chance to cast level 12 Nightmare when Struck
10% Attack Speed
+25% to Fire Spell Damage
+22 to Rising Dawn
+200% Enhanced Defense
10% to Energy
Maximum Fire Resist +2%
Socketed (2)
Curse of the Zakarum
(Zakarum Set) - Boots: Maffer's FrenzyMaffer's Frenzy
Light Plated Boots (Sacred)
Defense: 784 to 868
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 115
2% Chance to cast level 13 Psionic Scream on Kill
+1 to All Skills
25% Attack Speed
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
Adds 3-5 Damage
50% Bonus to Attack Rating
+18 to Wolf Companion
Elemental Resists +(20 to 30)%
+20 Life after each Kill
Socketed (4)
Curse of the Zakarum
(Zakarum Set)
Swap - ShamankaShamanka
Long Staff (Sacred)
Two-Hand Damage: 56 to 58
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 203
Item Level: 105
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.15 per Dexterity)%
+(3 to 6) to Sorceress Skill Levels
45% Cast Speed
45% Hit Recovery
+(21 to 25)% to Fire Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Cold Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Poison Spell Damage
+(6 to 16) to Bloodlust
Maximum Life +(10 to 13)%
Fire Resist +(50 to 70)%
Lightning Resist +(50 to 70)%
Socketed (4)
- Amulet: The TesseractThe Tesseract
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 105
+2 to All Skills
25% Cast Speed
+(1 to 30)% to Fire Spell Damage
-(1 to 20)% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+(1 to 30)% to Lightning Spell Damage
-(1 to 20)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+(1 to 30)% to Cold Spell Damage
-(1 to 20)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
+(1 to 30)% to Poison Spell Damage
-(1 to 20)% to Enemy Poison Resistance - Ring: Seal of the Nephalem KingsSeal of the Nephalem Kings
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 120
+(1 to 2) to All Skills
(10 to 15)% to Strength
(10 to 15)% to Vitality
(10 to 15)% Bonus to Defense
(10 to 20)% Gold Find

Owl Druid
Scosglen and Labyrinth 8 viable
- Weapon: Black RazorBlack Razor
Kriss (Sacred)
One-Hand Damage: (93 - 117) to (96 - 120)
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 454
Item Level: 120
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.11 per Dexterity)%
Innate Tri-Elemental Damage: (45.0% of Dexterity)
4% Chance to cast level 13 Claw Tornado on Striking
+(2 to 3) to Necromancer Skill Levels
+(2 to 3) to Druid Skill Levels
-(5 to 10)% to Enemy Fire Resistance
-(5 to 10)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+(140 to 200)% Enhanced Damage
-(5 to 10)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
Socketed (3) - Shield: SvalinnSvalinn
Runeword Level: 115
-1% to Enemy Elemental Resistances per 150 Dexterity
8% Chance to cast level 7 Life Spark when Blocking
1% Base Block Chance
15% Block Speed
20% Hit Recovery
+(151 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
+(30 to 40) to all Attributes
(15 to 20)% to Dexterity
+200 to Life
Fire Resist +(20 to 25)%
Lightning Resist +(20 to 25)%
Cold Resist +(20 to 25)%
Poison Resist +(20 to 25)%
Fire Absorb (3 to 5)%
Physical Resist 5% - Helmet: Witchhunter's HoodWitchhunter's Hood
Cap (Sacred)
Defense: (2136 - 2611) to (2161 - 2642)
Required Level: 90
Required Strength: 250
Item Level: 1
+(80 to 120)% Enhanced Defense
10% to Strength
10% to Dexterity
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
Elemental Resists +(31 to 40)%
Physical Resist 5%
(16 to 20)% Bonus to Defense
Requirements -50%
Socketed (4)
Witchhunter's Attire
(Assassin Claw Set) - Armor: Hellfire PlateHellfire Plate
Body Armors
Runeword Level: 115
+1% Innate Elemental Damage per 250 Strength and Dexterity
15% Chance to cast level 9 Life Spark on Melee Attack
20% Attack Speed
+250 Fire Damage
-(11 to 15)% to Enemy Elemental Resistances
+(171 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
Maximum Life +(3 to 5)%
Maximum Elemental Resists +(1 to 2)%
Fire Resist +(10 to 20)%
Lightning Resist +(10 to 20)%
Cold Resist +(10 to 20)%
Poison Resist +(10 to 20)%
Physical Resist (7 to 10)% - Gloves: Snowsquall→Snowsquall
Runeword Level: 105
+1% Maximum Cold Resist per 80% Cold Resist
+1 to All Skills
20% Hit Recovery
Adds 100-200 Cold Damage
(3 to 5)% Innate Elemental Damage
-(7 to 10)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
Slow Target 20%
+200% Enhanced Defense
+(21 to 25) to Dexterity
Cold Absorb (3 to 5)%Stareye's ClawsStareye's Claws
Gauntlets (Sacred)
Defense: 1674 to 1959
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 120
Adds 100-150 Cold Damage
+25% to Cold Spell Damage
-15% to Enemy Cold Resistance
+200% Enhanced Defense
+50 to Dexterity
15% to Dexterity
Maximum Cold Resist +2%
+5 Cold Absorb
Socketed (4)
Henchmen Trophies
(Legendary Set) - Belt: The Endless Loop→The Endless Loop
Light Belt (Sacred)
Defense: 1101 to 1143
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 550
Item Level: 105
40% Combat Speeds
+(10 to 19) to Charged Strike
Slow Target 10%
+50 to all Attributes
+75 Life Regenerated per Second
+(0 to 1) Mana on Striking
Socketed (2)Doomcloud SpineDoomcloud Spine
Plated Belt (Sacred)
Defense: 4089 to 4479
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 675
Item Level: 120
Adds 100-150 Lightning Damage
+25% to Lightning Spell Damage
-15% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+200% Enhanced Defense
+50 to Vitality
15% to Vitality
Maximum Lightning Resist +2%
+5 Lightning Absorb
Socketed (2)
Henchmen Trophies
(Legendary Set) - Boots: Lifecrusher→Lifecrusher
Runeword Level: 110
30% Hit Recovery
0.125% Chance of Crushing Blow (Based on Character Level)
+(171 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
(5 to 10)% to All Attributes
Maximum Life +(7 to 10)%
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
Elemental Resists +(15 to 25)%Fangskin ScalesFangskin Scales
Greaves (Sacred)
Defense: 2481 to 2799
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 650
Item Level: 120
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
Adds 6-8 Poison Damage over 1 seconds
+25% to Poison Spell Damage
-15% to Enemy Poison Resistance
+200% Enhanced Defense
+50 to Energy
15% to Energy
Maximum Poison Resist +2%
Socketed (4)
Henchmen Trophies
(Legendary Set)
Swap - Dead StarDead Star
Throwing Knives
Runeword Level: 100
13% Chance to cast level 25 Scorpion Blade on Kill
+2 to All Skills
15% Movement Speed
Adds 33-66 Damage
+(171 to 200)% Enhanced Damage
-24% to Enemy Poison Resistance
(3 to 5)% Chance of Crushing Blow
+2 Life on Striking
- Amulet: Beads of the Snake QueenorBeads of the Snake Queen
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 120
4% Chance to cast level 33 Scorpion Blade on Kill
Adds 5-10 Damage
Stun Attack
+(200 to 500) Defense
(20 to 25)% to Strength
(20 to 25)% to Dexterity
+100 Life after each KillQuov Tsin's TalismanQuov Tsin's Talisman
Required Level: 110
Item Level: 110
15% Innate Elemental Damage
-(20 to 30)% to Enemy Elemental Resistances - Ring: Bad MoodorBad Mood
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 120
-20% Cast Speed
Adds 50-100 Fire Damage
Adds 50-100 Lightning Damage
Adds 50-100 Cold Damage
-(5 to 20)% to Enemy Fire Resistance
-(5 to 20)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
-(5 to 20)% to Enemy Cold ResistanceEmpyrean GloryEmpyrean Glory
Required Level: 50
Item Level: 120
1% Chance to cast level 40 Singularity on Kill
(6 to 10)% to All Attributes
Maximum Life +5%
Maximum Mana +15%
15% Gold Find

Physical Bear
Scosglen and Labryinth viable 10
- Weapon: Crafted Giant Axe for HC, HeadsmanHeadsman
Hand Axe (Sacred)
One-Hand Damage: (316 - 331) to (420 - 435)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 376
Item Level: 120
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.11 per Strength)%
25% Chance to cast level 13 Shockwave on Melee Attack
25% Attack Speed
Adds 250-350 Damage
150% Bonus to Attack Rating
+(80 to 120)% Enhanced Damage
30% Gold Find
25% Magic Find
+(3 to 5) to Light Radius
Socketed (3)Gotterdammerungfor SC or more damageGotterdammerung
Great Axe (Sacred)
Two-Hand Damage: 496 to 673
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 5400
Item Level: 120
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.16 per Strength)%
Mega Impact
Area Effect Attack
50% Attack Speed
Adds 250-400 Damage
+200% Enhanced Damage
Requirements +800%
Ragh nar Rook
Socketed (6) - Shield: The IntrepidorThe Intrepid
Buckler (Sacred)
Defense: 1061 to 1101
Chance to Block: Class%
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 500
Required Dexterity: 469
Item Level: 105
7% Chance to cast level 36 Bloodlust when Blocking
20% Movement Speed
(15 to 35)% Block Speed
Adds (10 to 30)-(40 to 80) Damage
-500 Defense
Maximum Life +(2 to 8)%
Socketed (4)Wheel of FortuneWheel of Fortune
Large Shield (4)
Defense: 85 to 162
Chance to Block: Class%
Required Level: 4
Required Strength: 27
Required Dexterity: 45
Item Level: 10
+(21 to 30) to Vitality
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
Elemental Resists +(6 to 10)%
Fire Absorb 1%
Lightning Absorb 1%
Cold Absorb 1%
(4 to 7)% Gold Find
(5 to 10)% Magic Find
Socketed (1)
Defense: 240 to 405
Chance to Block: Class%
Required Level: 21
Required Strength: 53
Required Dexterity: 67
Item Level: 31
+(31 to 40) to Vitality
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
Elemental Resists +(11 to 20)%
Fire Absorb 2%
Lightning Absorb 2%
Cold Absorb 2%
(9 to 12)% Gold Find
(11 to 20)% Magic Find
Socketed (3)
Defense: 501 to 817
Chance to Block: Class%
Required Level: 39
Required Strength: 184
Required Dexterity: 139
Item Level: 51
+(41 to 50) to Vitality
Maximum Elemental Resists +2%
Elemental Resists +(21 to 30)%
Fire Absorb 2%
Lightning Absorb 2%
Cold Absorb 2%
(14 to 17)% Gold Find
(21 to 30)% Magic Find
Socketed (4)
Defense: 684 to 1113
Chance to Block: Class%
Required Level: 48
Required Strength: 368
Required Dexterity: 288
Item Level: 77
+(51 to 60) to Vitality
Maximum Elemental Resists +2%
Elemental Resists +(31 to 40)%
Fire Absorb 3%
Lightning Absorb 3%
Cold Absorb 3%
(17 to 19)% Gold Find
(31 to 40)% Magic Find
Socketed (4) - Helmet: Endless PrideEndless Pride
Cap (Sacred)
Defense: 1187 to 1201
Required Level: 120
Required Strength: 500
Item Level: 130
(Based on Restore Percentage)
+2 to All Skills
+50% Bonus to Defense
Maximum Elemental Resists +3%
Cube with Heavenly Soul: Restore +20%
+4 to Life (Based on Character Level)
+2 to Mana (Based on Character Level)
Elemental Resists +10%
(1 to 50)% Magic Find
Socketed (4) - Armor: Arkaine's ValororArkaine's Valor
Splint Mail (Sacred)
Defense: (9532 - 10839) to (12577 - 14093)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 600
Item Level: 120
50% of Your Bonus to Defense Added as Vitality
+1 to All Skills
50% Hit Recovery
+(150 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
+(3000 to 5000) Defense
Physical Resist 10%
Socketed (6)Arrogance(SC)Arrogance
Gothic Plate (Sacred)
Defense: (8308 - 9198) to (10078 - 11157)
Required Level: 120
Required Strength: 1350
Item Level: 130
(Based on Restore Percentage)
+50% Combat Speeds
Physical Resist +15%
Maximum Life +7%
Cube with Heavenly Soul: Restore +4%
25% Movement Speed
Adds 15-25 Damage
+(18 to 32) to Stormlord
5% Deadly Strike
+(171 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
+(40 to 50) to all Attributes
Requirements +100%
Socketed (6) - Gloves: MercyorMercy
Runeword Level: 110
10% Chance to cast level 18 Punishers on Melee Attack
10% Combat Speeds
+(59 to 69) to Maximum Damage
+26 Defense
+(151 to 200) to Strength
(15 to 20)% to VitalityHammerfistor HonorificHammerfist
Gauntlets (Sacred)
Defense: (1227 - 1450) to (1436 - 1697)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 105
Adds (1 to 15)-(20 to 30) Damage
5% Life stolen per Hit
+(15 to 25) to Spiral Dance
5% Chance of Crushing Blow
Weapon Physical Damage +(30 to 60)%
+(120 to 160)% Enhanced Defense
Elemental Resists +15%
Socketed (4) - Belt: Angelic Touchin a sacred plated beltAngelic Touch
Runeword Level: 120
+1000 Life Regenerated per Second While Under 7000 Life
(3 to 5)% Life stolen per Hit
(3 to 5)% Deadly Strike
+(200 to 220)% Enhanced Defense
+5000 Defense
(25 to 30)% to Strength
Maximum Life and Mana +(7 to 9)% - Boots: Honorific
Swap - ShamankaShamanka
Long Staff (Sacred)
Two-Hand Damage: 56 to 58
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 203
Item Level: 105
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.15 per Dexterity)%
+(3 to 6) to Sorceress Skill Levels
45% Cast Speed
45% Hit Recovery
+(21 to 25)% to Fire Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Cold Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Poison Spell Damage
+(6 to 16) to Bloodlust
Maximum Life +(10 to 13)%
Fire Resist +(50 to 70)%
Lightning Resist +(50 to 70)%
Socketed (4) - InstinctandInstinct
One-Handed Axes
Runeword Level: 115
+6 to Druid Skill Levels
+(48 to 60)% Bonus Damage to Mark of the Wild
+(18 to 20)% Bonus Elemental Damage to Mark of the Wild
110% Attack Speed
(150 to 250)% Bonus to Attack Rating
+(45 to 55)% to Fire Spell Damage
-50% to Enemy Fire Resistance
Physical Resist (10 to 15)%
+(215 to 265) Life after each KillCelestial BarrierorCelestial Barrier
Spiked Shield (Sacred)
Defense: (2525 - 2828) to (3012 - 3374)
Chance to Block: 1% + Class%
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 550
Item Level: 120
+(4 to 5) to All Skills
1% Base Block Chance
-50% Attack Speed
30% Cast Speed
-(20 to 25)% to Enemy Elemental Resistances
+(150 to 180)% Enhanced Defense
50% Bonus to Defense
1% Reanimate as: Random Monster
Socketed (6)The CollectorThe Collector
Bone Shield (Sacred)
Defense: 965 to 1119
Chance to Block: Class%
Required Level: 110
Required Dexterity: 527
Item Level: 120
(Bonus for each Socketed Great/Elemental Rune)
+1 to All Skills
+10 Life after each Kill
+25% Bonus to Defense
+8% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
Orb Effects Applied to this Item are Doubled
Socketed (6)
- Amulet: Dyers EveDyers Eve
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 120
5% Chance to cast level 5 Time Strike on Striking
+2 to All Skills
Adds 15-20 Damage
5% Life stolen per Hit
Elemental Resists +10%
Physical Resist (1 to 10)% - Ring: Empyrean GloryorEmpyrean Glory
Required Level: 50
Item Level: 120
1% Chance to cast level 40 Singularity on Kill
(6 to 10)% to All Attributes
Maximum Life +5%
Maximum Mana +15%
15% Gold FindGiant's KnuckleorGiant's Knuckle
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 120
20% Attack Speed
Adds 10-15 Damage
(5 to 10)% Life stolen per Hit
5% Deadly Strike
+25 Life Regenerated per Second
Physical Resist 5%RipstarRipstar
Required Level: 60
Item Level: 60
+0.5625 to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level)
+20 Life on Melee Attack

► Show Spoiler
Summon Necro Set
Scosglen and Labyrinth 6 viable
Summoner guide (2.2)
- Satanic MantraSatanic Mantra
(Necromancer Summoner Set)
Till We Have Heaven In Sight
Through Death's Veil
Lend Me Thy Light
Archangel Dark Angel
Set Bonus with 2 or more set items:
+75% to Summoned Minion Life
+200% to Summoned Minion Attack Rating
Set Bonus with 3 or more set items:
+2 to Necromancer Skill Levels
+50% to Summoned Minion Damage
Set Bonus with complete set:
+3 to Necromancer Skill Levels
+1 to Maximum Necromancer Minions
+17 to Dark Power
+25 to Void Archon
+100% to Summoned Minion Life
- Weapon: Archangel Dark AngelArchangel Dark Angel
Yew Wand (Sacred)
One-Hand Damage: 36 to 38
(Necromancer Only)
Required Level: 80
Required Dexterity: 168
Item Level: 1
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.06 per Dexterity)%
+(3 to 5) to Necromancer Skill Levels
50% Cast Speed
+(11 to 25)% to Summoned Minion Damage
+(11 to 25)% to Summoned Minion Resistances
+10 Defense (Based on Character Level)
Elemental Resists +(31 to 40)%
Socketed (2)
Satanic Mantra
(Necromancer Summoner Set) - Shield: Grim SilhouetteorGrim Silhouette
Gargoyle Head (Sacred)
Defense: (3694 - 4389) to (4792 - 5617)
Chance to Block: 2%
(Necromancer Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 443
Item Level: 105
Veil King: +100% Life and Damage
+(3 to 5) to Necromancer Skill Levels
+(31 to 60)% to Summoned Minion Damage
+(75 to 150)% to Summoned Minion Attack Rating
+(130 to 180)% Enhanced Defense
+(500 to 1000) Defense
Maximum Cold Resist +(1 to 2)%
Elemental Resists +(15 to 25)%
Socketed (4)GloomGloom
Necromancer Shields
Runeword Level: 105
Abyss Knights Reduce Enemy Magic Resistance by 10%
+(4 to 5) to Necromancer Skill Levels
+(20 to 25)% to Summoned Minion Life
+(50 to 60)% to Summoned Minion Damage
+10% to Summoned Minion Resistances
+200% Enhanced Defense
Elemental Resists +15%
Physical Resist 5%
(15 to 25)% Magic Find - Helmet: Through Death's VeilThrough Death's Veil
Mask (Sacred)
Defense: (1880 - 2350) to (2008 - 2510)
Required Level: 80
Required Strength: 330
Item Level: 1
+(1 to 2) to Necromancer Skill Levels
+(21 to 40)% to Summoned Minion Damage
+(100 to 150)% Enhanced Defense
Maximum Mana +20%
Requirements -45%
Socketed (4)
Satanic Mantra
(Necromancer Summoner Set) - Armor: Lend Me Thy LightLend Me Thy Light
Scale Mail (Sacred)
Defense: (4960 - 6200) to (5538 - 6922)
Required Level: 80
Required Strength: 575
Item Level: 1
+(1 to 3) to Necromancer Skill Levels
+(0 to 1) to Maximum Necromancer Minions
+(100 to 150)% Enhanced Defense
+250 to Mana
Physical Resist 10%
+2 to Light Radius
Socketed (6)
Satanic Mantra
(Necromancer Summoner Set) - Gloves: AiwassAiwass
Runeword Level: 105
+15% Malice Skill Damage
+3 to Necromancer Skill Levels
+293 Defense
(21 to 35)% to Strength
+(1 to 100) to Life
Regenerate Mana +(5 to 10)%
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
+15 Life after each Kill - Belt: Ashaera's ArmororAshaera's Armor
Belt (Sacred)
Defense: 1687 to 1760
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 575
Item Level: 105
+(21 to 25) Spell Focus
+(11 to 15)% to Spell Damage
+500 Defense
(11 to 15)% to Energy
Elemental Resists +(10 to 15)%
Physical Resist 10%
Socketed (2)TruceTruce
Runeword Level: 80
5% Combat Speeds
Stun Attack
Slows Attacker by 5%
+(172 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
Physical Resist 10% - Boots: Till We Have Heaven In SightTill We Have Heaven In Sight
Light Plated Boots (Sacred)
Defense: (1568 - 1960) to (1736 - 2170)
Required Level: 80
Required Strength: 375
Item Level: 1
25% Cast Speed
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
+(21 to 40)% to Summoned Minion Damage
+(100 to 150)% Enhanced Defense
+40 to Strength
10% to All Attributes
+40 to Energy
Requirements -40%
Socketed (4)
Satanic Mantra
(Necromancer Summoner Set)
- Amulet: Felblood→ RareFelblood
Required Level: 10
Item Level: 1
Metal Solace: Also Regenerates Totem Life
+(1 to 2) to Necromancer Skill Levels
5% Life stolen per Hit
+4 to Life (Based on Character Level)
3% Reanimate as: Random Monster - Ring: Der NebelringDer Nebelring
Required Level: 110
Item Level: 105
+(20 to 30)% to Summoned Minion Life
+15% to Summoned Minion Damage
+1000 Defense
+400 to Life
Physical Resist (4 to 6)%
+(40 to 50) Life after each Kill
+2 to Light Radius

Summon Necro Lazarus Set
Scosglen and Labyrinth 7 viable
Summoner guide (2.2)
- Archbishop LazarusArchbishop Lazarus
(Tribute Set)
Lazarus' Chasuble
Lazarus' Surplice Cap
Lazarus' Votive Lamp
Lazarus' Lamen
Set Bonus with 2 or more set items:
+25% to Summoned Minion Damage
+25% to Summoned Minion Resistances
Set Bonus with 3 or more set items:
+100% to Summoned Minion Life
+50% to Summoned Minion Attack Rating
Set Bonus with complete set:
+1 Extra Veil King
+2 to Necromancer Skill Levels
+100% to Summoned Minion Life
+50% to Summoned Minion Damage
+50% to Summoned Minion Attack Rating
- Weapon: Lazarus' Votive LampLazarus' Votive Lamp
Grim Wand (Sacred)
One-Hand Damage: 39 to 44
(Necromancer Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 172
Item Level: 120
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.06 per Dexterity)%
+(2 to 4) to Necromancer Skill Levels
1% Base Block Chance
50% Hit Recovery
-20% to Enemy Fire Resistance
-20% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
-20% to Enemy Cold Resistance
(16 to 20)% to Energy
(50 to 60)% Bonus to Defense
Socketed (2)
Archbishop Lazarus
(Tribute Set) - Helmet: Lazarus' Surplice CapLazarus' Surplice Cap
Cap (Sacred)
Defense: 3561 to 3603
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 500
Item Level: 120
+(1 to 3) to Necromancer Skill Levels
+(51 to 75)% to Summoned Minion Life
+(26 to 38)% to Summoned Minion Damage
+200% Enhanced Defense
Elemental Resists +35%
Socketed (4)
Archbishop Lazarus
(Tribute Set) - Body Armor: Lazarus' ChasubleLazarus' Chasuble
Light Plate (Sacred)
Defense: 8895 to 10548
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 650
Item Level: 120
+(1 to 2) to Necromancer Skill Levels
+(101 to 150)% to Summoned Minion Life
+(16 to 40)% to Summoned Minion Damage
+25% to Summoned Minion Resistances
+200% Enhanced Defense
+666 Defense
Maximum Elemental Resists +2%
Physical Resist 5%
Socketed (6)
Archbishop Lazarus
(Tribute Set) - Belt: Lazarus' LamenLazarus' Lamen
Plated Belt (Sacred)
Defense: 1363 to 1493
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 675
Item Level: 120
+(2 to 3) to Necromancer Skill Levels
(15 to 20)% Life stolen per Hit
+(10 to 15)% to Spell Damage
+(51 to 75)% to Summoned Minion Life
50% Bonus to Defense
Socketed (2)
Archbishop Lazarus
(Tribute Set) - Shield: Grim SilhouetteGrim Silhouette
Gargoyle Head (Sacred)
Defense: (3694 - 4389) to (4792 - 5617)
Chance to Block: 2%
(Necromancer Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 443
Item Level: 105
Veil King: +100% Life and Damage
+(3 to 5) to Necromancer Skill Levels
+(31 to 60)% to Summoned Minion Damage
+(75 to 150)% to Summoned Minion Attack Rating
+(130 to 180)% Enhanced Defense
+(500 to 1000) Defense
Maximum Cold Resist +(1 to 2)%
Elemental Resists +(15 to 25)%
Socketed (4) - Gloves: AiwassAiwass
Runeword Level: 105
+15% Malice Skill Damage
+3 to Necromancer Skill Levels
+293 Defense
(21 to 35)% to Strength
+(1 to 100) to Life
Regenerate Mana +(5 to 10)%
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
+15 Life after each Kill - Boots: Crafted Tainted Boots
- Amulet: Felblood→ RareFelblood
Required Level: 10
Item Level: 1
Metal Solace: Also Regenerates Totem Life
+(1 to 2) to Necromancer Skill Levels
5% Life stolen per Hit
+4 to Life (Based on Character Level)
3% Reanimate as: Random Monster - Ring: 2x Der NebelringDer Nebelring
Required Level: 110
Item Level: 105
+(20 to 30)% to Summoned Minion Life
+15% to Summoned Minion Damage
+1000 Defense
+400 to Life
Physical Resist (4 to 6)%
+(40 to 50) Life after each Kill
+2 to Light Radius

► Show Spoiler
Holy Caster paladin
Scosglen and Labyrinth 10 viable
Holy Caster paladin guide (2.1)
- Weapon: Deckard Cain's HeirloomDeckard Cain's Heirloom
Short Staff (Sacred)
Two-Hand Damage: 53 to 55
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 188
Item Level: 120
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.15 per Dexterity)%
+2.5% Spell Damage per 1% Additional Experience Gain
+1 to All Skills
-(20 to 25)% to Enemy Fire Resistance
-(20 to 25)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
-(20 to 25)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
Maximum Fire Resist +2%
Maximum Lightning Resist +2%
Maximum Cold Resist +2%
2% Reanimate as: Random Monster
(21 to 60)% Magic Find
''Knowledge is Power''
Socketed (3) - Helmet: Black MasqueradeBlack Masquerade
Bone Helm (Sacred)
Defense: (2420 - 2904) to (2622 - 3147)
Required Level: 80
Item Level: 120
+100 Spell Focus
+100% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
+(150 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
+200 Life Regenerated per Second
Physical Resist (0 to 10)%
Requirements -100%
Socketed (4) - Armor: Natalya's DeceptionNatalya's Deception
Quilted Armor (Sacred)
Defense: 2263 to 2331
Required Level: 80
Required Strength: 500
Item Level: 120
Orb Effects Applied to this Item are Quadrupled
Socketed (6) - Gloves: Crafted Exp Enchanted gloves
- Belt: Crafted Exp Enchanted gloves
- Boots: Binding TreadsBinding Treads
Light Plated Boots (Sacred)
Defense: (2224 - 2538) to (3909 - 4256)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 105
+100% Duration to Solar Flare
+(1 to 2) to Paladin Skill Levels
(20 to 50)% Movement Speed
25% Hit Recovery
5% Life stolen per Hit
+(8 to 20)% to Spell Damage
+(120 to 160)% Enhanced Defense
+(500 to 2000) Defense
+(75 to 150) to Mana
Socketed (4)
Swap - ShamankaShamanka
Long Staff (Sacred)
Two-Hand Damage: 56 to 58
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 203
Item Level: 105
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.15 per Dexterity)%
+(3 to 6) to Sorceress Skill Levels
45% Cast Speed
45% Hit Recovery
+(21 to 25)% to Fire Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Cold Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Poison Spell Damage
+(6 to 16) to Bloodlust
Maximum Life +(10 to 13)%
Fire Resist +(50 to 70)%
Lightning Resist +(50 to 70)%
Socketed (4)
- Amulet: WitchmoonWitchmoon
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 100
1% Chance to cast level 17 Mana Sweep on Death Blow
+(1 to 3) to All Skills
+(10 to 20) Spell Focus
+(10 to 20)% to Spell Damage
Maximum Mana +(30 to 40)% - Ring: Empyrean GloryEmpyrean Glory
Required Level: 50
Item Level: 120
1% Chance to cast level 40 Singularity on Kill
(6 to 10)% to All Attributes
Maximum Life +5%
Maximum Mana +15%
15% Gold Find

Fire Adjudicator
Scosglen and Labyrinth 8 viable
- Weapon: AdjudicatorAdjudicator
Goedendag (Sacred)
One-Hand Damage: 53 to 54
(Paladin Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 574
Item Level: 120
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.14 per Strength)%
Holy: Holy Fire Deals 4.5% of Strength as More Total Damage (max 250%)
Unholy: Blood Thorns: +40% Damage Multiplier
Nephalem: +25% Total Vessel Damage Bonus from Passives
+1 to Paladin Skill Levels
Adds 175-325 Fire Damage
Adds 1-600 Lightning Damage
Adds 200-250 Cold Damage
+800 Poison Damage over 1 seconds
-(15 to 25)% to Enemy Elemental Resistances
Socketed (3) - Shield: ZoharZohar
Paladin Shields
Runeword Level: 110
80% Attack Speed
Adds 3-5 Damage
+(75 to 95) to Maximum Damage
+(18 to 21) to Cherubim
Slows Attacker by 20%
+200% Enhanced Defense
10% to All Attributes
(10 to 15)% Chance to Avoid Damage
-10% to All Vendor Prices - Helmet: Bremm's RetributionBremm's Retribution
Helm (Sacred)
Defense: 3912 to 4125
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 1150
Item Level: 115
+(0 to 2) to All Skills
+200% Enhanced Defense
Maximum Life +3%
Fire Resist +50%
+(25 to 100) Life after each Kill
Requirements +100%
Socketed (4)
Curse of the Zakarum
(Zakarum Set) - Armor: Arkaine's ValorArkaine's Valor
Splint Mail (Sacred)
Defense: (9532 - 10839) to (12577 - 14093)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 600
Item Level: 120
50% of Your Bonus to Defense Added as Vitality
+1 to All Skills
50% Hit Recovery
+(150 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
+(3000 to 5000) Defense
Physical Resist 10%
Socketed (6) - Gloves: Geleb's GreedGeleb's Greed
Light Gauntlets (Sacred)
Defense: 1608 to 1830
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 600
Item Level: 115
1% Chance to cast level 37 Fire Fountain on Death Blow
+1 to All Skills
-15% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+(23 to 31) to Pyroblast
+200% Enhanced Defense
+5 Fire Absorb
Physical Resist 5%
Socketed (4)
Curse of the Zakarum
(Zakarum Set) - Belt: Wyand's PerfidyWyand's Perfidy
Heavy Belt (Sacred)
Defense: 3825 to 4131
Required Level: 110
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 115
2% Chance to cast level 12 Nightmare when Struck
10% Attack Speed
+25% to Fire Spell Damage
+22 to Rising Dawn
+200% Enhanced Defense
10% to Energy
Maximum Fire Resist +2%
Socketed (2)
Curse of the Zakarum
(Zakarum Set) - Boots: Maffer's FrenzyMaffer's Frenzy
Light Plated Boots (Sacred)
Defense: 784 to 868
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 115
2% Chance to cast level 13 Psionic Scream on Kill
+1 to All Skills
25% Attack Speed
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
Adds 3-5 Damage
50% Bonus to Attack Rating
+18 to Wolf Companion
Elemental Resists +(20 to 30)%
+20 Life after each Kill
Socketed (4)
Curse of the Zakarum
(Zakarum Set)
Swap - Spire of KehjanSpire of Kehjan
War Staff (Sacred)
Two-Hand Damage: 63 to 69
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 199
Item Level: 105
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.15 per Dexterity)%
+(8 to 10) to All Skills
+(101 to 150) Spell Focus
20% Cast Speed
(25 to 50)% to All Attributes
+250 Life Regenerated per Second
Elemental Resists +(30 to 40)%
+(201 to 250) Life after each Kill
250% Damage Reflected
Requirements -40%
Socketed (6) - Ignus Fatus crafted Paladin helm
- Amulet: Death WardDeath Ward
Required Level: 110
Item Level: 105
+(1 to 3) to All Skills
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
Poison Resist +30%
Poison Length Reduced by 30%
30% Curse Length Reduction - Ring: Seal of the Nephalem KingsSeal of the Nephalem Kings
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 120
+(1 to 2) to All Skills
(10 to 15)% to Strength
(10 to 15)% to Vitality
(10 to 15)% Bonus to Defense
(10 to 20)% Gold Find
IED Palazon(Cherudin)
Scosglen and Labyrinth 7 viable
Palazon guide (2.2)
- Weapon: Dawn→Dawn
Runeword Level: 100
10% Chance to cast level 32 Celerity on Kill
45% Hit Recovery
(301 to 500)% Bonus to Attack Rating
+(172 to 200)% Enhanced Damage
75% to Strength
75% to Dexterity
35% to Vitality
75% to Energy
+80 to Mana
60% Gold Find
+(2 to 4) to Light RadiusDawn+ 4Dawn
Runeword Level: 100
10% Chance to cast level 32 Celerity on Kill
45% Hit Recovery
(301 to 500)% Bonus to Attack Rating
+(172 to 200)% Enhanced Damage
75% to Strength
75% to Dexterity
35% to Vitality
75% to Energy
+80 to Mana
60% Gold Find
+(2 to 4) to Light RadiusElemental DominionElemental Dominion
Occult Effigy
Cube Reagent
Cube with a Elemental Melee Weapon to Add Bonus
4% Chance to cast level 5 Life Spark on Melee Attack
+5 Required Level
(Max 2 Uses per Item) - Shield: ZoharZohar
Paladin Shields
Runeword Level: 110
80% Attack Speed
Adds 3-5 Damage
+(75 to 95) to Maximum Damage
+(18 to 21) to Cherubim
Slows Attacker by 20%
+200% Enhanced Defense
10% to All Attributes
(10 to 15)% Chance to Avoid Damage
-10% to All Vendor Prices - Helmet: Blackskull's HornsBlackskull's Horns
Crown (Sacred)
Defense: 4437 to 4914
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 675
Item Level: 120
Adds 100-150 Fire Damage
+25% to Fire Spell Damage
-15% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+200% Enhanced Defense
+50 to Strength
15% to Strength
Maximum Fire Resist +2%
+5 Fire Absorb
Socketed (4)
Henchmen Trophies
(Legendary Set) - Armor: Arkaine's ValororArkaine's Valor
Splint Mail (Sacred)
Defense: (9532 - 10839) to (12577 - 14093)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 600
Item Level: 120
50% of Your Bonus to Defense Added as Vitality
+1 to All Skills
50% Hit Recovery
+(150 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
+(3000 to 5000) Defense
Physical Resist 10%
Socketed (6)Hellfire PlateHellfire Plate
Body Armors
Runeword Level: 115
+1% Innate Elemental Damage per 250 Strength and Dexterity
15% Chance to cast level 9 Life Spark on Melee Attack
20% Attack Speed
+250 Fire Damage
-(11 to 15)% to Enemy Elemental Resistances
+(171 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
Maximum Life +(3 to 5)%
Maximum Elemental Resists +(1 to 2)%
Fire Resist +(10 to 20)%
Lightning Resist +(10 to 20)%
Cold Resist +(10 to 20)%
Poison Resist +(10 to 20)%
Physical Resist (7 to 10)% - Gloves: Stareye's ClawsStareye's Claws
Gauntlets (Sacred)
Defense: 1674 to 1959
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 120
Adds 100-150 Cold Damage
+25% to Cold Spell Damage
-15% to Enemy Cold Resistance
+200% Enhanced Defense
+50 to Dexterity
15% to Dexterity
Maximum Cold Resist +2%
+5 Cold Absorb
Socketed (4)
Henchmen Trophies
(Legendary Set) - Belt: Doomcloud SpineDoomcloud Spine
Plated Belt (Sacred)
Defense: 4089 to 4479
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 675
Item Level: 120
Adds 100-150 Lightning Damage
+25% to Lightning Spell Damage
-15% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+200% Enhanced Defense
+50 to Vitality
15% to Vitality
Maximum Lightning Resist +2%
+5 Lightning Absorb
Socketed (2)
Henchmen Trophies
(Legendary Set) - Boots: LifecrusherLifecrusher
Runeword Level: 110
30% Hit Recovery
0.125% Chance of Crushing Blow (Based on Character Level)
+(171 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
(5 to 10)% to All Attributes
Maximum Life +(7 to 10)%
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
Elemental Resists +(15 to 25)%
Swap - ShamankaShamanka
Long Staff (Sacred)
Two-Hand Damage: 56 to 58
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 203
Item Level: 105
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.15 per Dexterity)%
+(3 to 6) to Sorceress Skill Levels
45% Cast Speed
45% Hit Recovery
+(21 to 25)% to Fire Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Cold Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Poison Spell Damage
+(6 to 16) to Bloodlust
Maximum Life +(10 to 13)%
Fire Resist +(50 to 70)%
Lightning Resist +(50 to 70)%
Socketed (4) - Ignus Fatus crafted Paladin helm
- Amulet: Quov Tsin's TalismanQuov Tsin's Talisman
Required Level: 110
Item Level: 110
15% Innate Elemental Damage
-(20 to 30)% to Enemy Elemental Resistances - Ring: Bad MoodBad Mood
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 120
-20% Cast Speed
Adds 50-100 Fire Damage
Adds 50-100 Lightning Damage
Adds 50-100 Cold Damage
-(5 to 20)% to Enemy Fire Resistance
-(5 to 20)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
-(5 to 20)% to Enemy Cold ResistanceEmpyrean GloryEmpyrean Glory
Required Level: 50
Item Level: 120
1% Chance to cast level 40 Singularity on Kill
(6 to 10)% to All Attributes
Maximum Life +5%
Maximum Mana +15%
15% Gold FindAdrenaline RushAdrenaline Rush
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 120
+1 to All Skills
40% Combat Speeds
40% Movement Speed
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%

Lemures by Rhys(Enigma)
Scosglen and Labyrinth 6 viable
Lemures guide (2.2)
Rhys(Enigma) Suggestions
- Weapon: SkylordSkylord
Paladin Spears
Runeword Level: 100
Lemures Explosion Radius Increased by 2 yards
+(8 to 10) to Paladin Skill Levels
+(10 to 15)% Bonus to Spell Focus
90% Attack Speed
(75 to 100)% Bonus to Attack Rating
+(40 to 60)% to Cold Spell Damage
(21 to 25)% to All Attributes
+(75 to 125) Mana on Melee Attack
+(100 to 150) Mana when Struck by an Enemy - Helmet: Crafted Helm with Ignus, spell bind, csd
- Armor: Robe of SteelRobe of Steel
Full Plate Mail (Sacred)
Defense: (6692 - 7471) to (8202 - 9156)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 469
Item Level: 105
+(11 to 20)% Bonus to Spell Focus
25% Cast Speed
+(21 to 30)% to Spell Damage
+(115 to 140)% Enhanced Defense
+100 to Strength
+100 to Energy
Elemental Resists +20%
+250 Life after each Demon Kill
50% Bonus to Defense
Requirements -33%
Socketed (6) - Gloves: Lamha Na DraoitheLamha Na Draoithe
Gauntlets (Sacred)
Defense: (1339 - 1506) to (1567 - 1763)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 120
+2 to All Skills
+150 Spell Focus
30% Cast Speed
+(16 to 20)% to Spell Damage
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
+75 to Strength
-100 to Life
Elemental Resists +15%
Socketed (4) - Belt: Lunar Eclipseor Crafted Abandoned beltLunar Eclipse
Light Belt (Sacred)
Defense: (2091 - 2422) to (2171 - 2514)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 550
Item Level: 120
+2 to All Skills
+(51 to 60) Spell Focus
25% Cast Speed
30% Hit Recovery
+(10 to 15)% to Spell Damage
+(90 to 120)% Enhanced Defense
+(40 to 50) to Energy
+100 to Life
Elemental Resists +15%
+5 to Light Radius
Socketed (2) - Boots: Binding TreadsBinding Treads
Light Plated Boots (Sacred)
Defense: (2224 - 2538) to (3909 - 4256)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 105
+100% Duration to Solar Flare
+(1 to 2) to Paladin Skill Levels
(20 to 50)% Movement Speed
25% Hit Recovery
5% Life stolen per Hit
+(8 to 20)% to Spell Damage
+(120 to 160)% Enhanced Defense
+(500 to 2000) Defense
+(75 to 150) to Mana
Socketed (4)
Swap - ShamankaShamanka
Long Staff (Sacred)
Two-Hand Damage: 56 to 58
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 203
Item Level: 105
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.15 per Dexterity)%
+(3 to 6) to Sorceress Skill Levels
45% Cast Speed
45% Hit Recovery
+(21 to 25)% to Fire Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Cold Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Poison Spell Damage
+(6 to 16) to Bloodlust
Maximum Life +(10 to 13)%
Fire Resist +(50 to 70)%
Lightning Resist +(50 to 70)%
Socketed (4)
- Amulet: Black Dwarf→Black Dwarf
Required Level: 110
Item Level: 105
+2 to All Skills
20% Cast Speed
20% Hit Recovery
+(15 to 25)% to Lightning Spell Damage
-(5 to 20)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+(15 to 25)% to Cold Spell Damage
-(5 to 20)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
+(21 to 29) to Supernova
(30 to 40)% Bonus to Defense
-5 to Light RadiusThe TesseractThe Tesseract
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 105
+2 to All Skills
25% Cast Speed
+(1 to 30)% to Fire Spell Damage
-(1 to 20)% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+(1 to 30)% to Lightning Spell Damage
-(1 to 20)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+(1 to 30)% to Cold Spell Damage
-(1 to 20)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
+(1 to 30)% to Poison Spell Damage
-(1 to 20)% to Enemy Poison Resistance - Ring: Rares

Scosglen and Labyrinth 7 viable
Neutraldin guide (2.0)
- Weapon: Aeterna→Aeterna
Broad Sword (Sacred)
One-Hand Damage: (101 - 118) to (105 - 124)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 488
Item Level: 105
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.11 per Strength)%
Amazing Grace
4% Chance to cast level 50 Blizzard on Death Blow
+(3 to 5) to All Skills
+100 Spell Focus
(20 to 50)% Cast Speed
+(20 to 40)% to Spell Damage
+(130 to 170)% Enhanced Damage
(10 to 20)% to Strength
Socketed (6)The Angiris StarThe Angiris Star
Angel Star (Sacred)
One-Hand Damage: 55 to 58
(Paladin Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 602
Item Level: 120
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.14 per Strength)%
Vessel of Retribution: 0.7% Damage Leeched as Life
3% Chance to cast level 40 Death Ripple on Death Blow
+(4 to 6) to Paladin Skill Levels
20% Movement Speed
+30% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
-50% to Fire Spell Damage
-50% to Lightning Spell Damage
-50% to Cold Spell Damage
-50% to Poison Spell Damage
(5 to 20)% to Vitality
(5 to 20)% to Energy
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
Socketed (3) - Shield: Crafted Enchanted Shield with Bear Stance or The CollectorThe Collector
Bone Shield (Sacred)
Defense: 965 to 1119
Chance to Block: Class%
Required Level: 110
Required Dexterity: 527
Item Level: 120
(Bonus for each Socketed Great/Elemental Rune)
+1 to All Skills
+10 Life after each Kill
+25% Bonus to Defense
+8% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
Orb Effects Applied to this Item are Doubled
Socketed (6) - Helmet: Yaerius' UntruthYaerius' Untruth
Great Helm (Sacred)
Defense: (3408 - 3834) to (3722 - 4187)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 781
Item Level: 1
+(1 to 3) to Paladin Skill Levels
10% Movement Speed
+15% Damage to Vessel of Justice
+15% Damage to Vessel of Retribution
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
+50 Life Regenerated per Second
Maximum Mana +10%
Requirements +25%
Socketed (4)
Yaerius' Grey Omen
(Paladin Neutral Set) - Armor: Yaerius' SimulacrumYaerius' Simulacrum
Breast Plate (Sacred)
Defense: (7484 - 8204) to (8504 - 9329)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 600
Item Level: 1
20% Cast Speed
+30% Damage to Vessel of Justice
+30% Damage to Vessel of Retribution
+(172 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
+500 Defense
Physical Resist (5 to 10)%
+(50 to 100) Life after each Kill
(51 to 75)% Bonus to Defense
Socketed (6)
Yaerius' Grey Omen
(Paladin Neutral Set) - Gloves: Yaerius' MediationYaerius' Mediation
Light Gauntlets (Sacred)
Defense: 336 to 410
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 600
Item Level: 1
+(0 to 1) to Paladin Skill Levels
+(16 to 20)% to Spell Damage
-200 Defense
(16 to 20)% to Strength
Elemental Resists +20%
Socketed (4)
Yaerius' Grey Omen
(Paladin Neutral Set) - Belt: Yaerius' AlembicYaerius' Alembic
Light Belt (Sacred)
Defense: (2202 - 2752) to (2286 - 2857)
(Paladin Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 825
Item Level: 1
+(41 to 50) Spell Focus
+15% Damage to Vessel of Justice
+15% Damage to Vessel of Retribution
+(21 to 25)% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
+(1 to 3) to Veneration of Justice (Paladin Only)
+(1 to 3) to Ward of Fate (Paladin Only)
+(100 to 150)% Enhanced Defense
(31 to 40)% to Energy
Requirements +50%
Socketed (2)
Yaerius' Grey Omen
(Paladin Neutral Set) - Boots: Wake of Destruction→ HonorificWake of Destruction
Greaves (4)
Defense: (90 - 102) to (135 - 152)
Required Level: 9
Required Strength: 17
Item Level: 19
+(4 to 6)% Bonus to Spell Focus
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
+(11 to 13)% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
+(6 to 8)% to Fire Spell Damage
+(6 to 8)% to Poison Spell Damage
+(24 to 40)% Enhanced Defense
+(21 to 25) to Energy
Requirements -20%
Socketed (1)
Defense: (333 - 369) to (462 - 512)
Required Level: 27
Required Strength: 33
Item Level: 36
+(7 to 9)% Bonus to Spell Focus
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
+(15 to 17)% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
+(10 to 12)% to Fire Spell Damage
+(10 to 12)% to Poison Spell Damage
+(58 to 75)% Enhanced Defense
+(26 to 30) to Energy
Requirements -25%
Socketed (2)
Defense: (854 - 930) to (1152 - 1254)
Required Level: 44
Required Strength: 158
Item Level: 59
+(10 to 12)% Bonus to Spell Focus
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
+(19 to 21)% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
+(14 to 16)% to Fire Spell Damage
+(14 to 16)% to Poison Spell Damage
+(92 to 109)% Enhanced Defense
+(31 to 35) to Energy
Requirements -30%
Socketed (3)
Defense: (1274 - 1378) to (1713 - 1853)
Required Level: 52
Required Strength: 272
Item Level: 85
+(13 to 15)% Bonus to Spell Focus
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
+(23 to 25)% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
+(18 to 20)% to Fire Spell Damage
+(18 to 20)% to Poison Spell Damage
+(109 to 126)% Enhanced Defense
+(36 to 40) to Energy
Requirements -40%
Socketed (4)
Swap - ShamankaShamanka
Long Staff (Sacred)
Two-Hand Damage: 56 to 58
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 203
Item Level: 105
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.15 per Dexterity)%
+(3 to 6) to Sorceress Skill Levels
45% Cast Speed
45% Hit Recovery
+(21 to 25)% to Fire Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Cold Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Poison Spell Damage
+(6 to 16) to Bloodlust
Maximum Life +(10 to 13)%
Fire Resist +(50 to 70)%
Lightning Resist +(50 to 70)%
Socketed (4)
- Amulet: Rares
- Ring: Rares

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABjheHXFE7c (Long video)
► Show Spoiler
Melee Sorc #SorcIsFine
Scosglen and Labyrinth 10 viable
Melee Sorc guide (2.2)
- Weapon: StarhawkStarhawk
Warp Blade (Sacred)
One-Hand Damage: 49 to 86
(Sorceress Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 400
Item Level: 105
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.13 per Dexterity)%
Innate Tri-Elemental Damage: (45.0% of Dexterity)
Area Effect Attack
25% Chance to cast level 50 Magic Missiles on Melee Attack
+(3 to 5) to Sorceress Skill Levels
50% Attack Speed
Adds 400-500 Magic Damage
-(25 to 35)% to Enemy Elemental Resistances
10% Chance to Avoid Damage
Socketed (6) - Shield: Vaetia's Wall→Vaetia's Wall
Tower Shield (Sacred)
Defense: (4603 - 5157) to (5543 - 6210)
Chance to Block: -1% + Class%
(Sorceress Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 460
Required Dexterity: 471
Item Level: 105
-1% Base Block Chance
-(11 to 15)% to Enemy Elemental Resistances
+(4 to 8) to Vengeful Power (Sorceress Only)
+(4 to 8) to Warp Armor (Sorceress Only)
+(4 to 8) to Snow Queen (Sorceress Only)
+(4 to 8) to Living Flame (Sorceress Only)
+(141 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
Maximum Mana +(11 to 25)%
Maximum Elemental Resists +(0 to 1)%
Requirements -20%
Socketed (4)Shield of Hakan II→Shield of Hakan II
Gothic Shield (Sacred)
Defense: (6995 - 7994) to (9190 - 10428)
Chance to Block: 1% + Class%
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 600
Required Dexterity: 619
Item Level: 105
1% Base Block Chance
-25% Cast Speed
-50% to Spell Damage
Slows Attacker by 25%
+(150 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
+(2000 to 3000) Defense
Maximum Life +(3 to 5)%
Maximum Elemental Resists +(0 to 2)%
Physical Resist 5%
Socketed (4)SvalinnSvalinn
Runeword Level: 115
-1% to Enemy Elemental Resistances per 150 Dexterity
8% Chance to cast level 7 Life Spark when Blocking
1% Base Block Chance
15% Block Speed
20% Hit Recovery
+(151 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
+(30 to 40) to all Attributes
(15 to 20)% to Dexterity
+200 to Life
Fire Resist +(20 to 25)%
Lightning Resist +(20 to 25)%
Cold Resist +(20 to 25)%
Poison Resist +(20 to 25)%
Fire Absorb (3 to 5)%
Physical Resist 5% - Helmet: Blackskull's HornsBlackskull's Horns
Crown (Sacred)
Defense: 4437 to 4914
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 675
Item Level: 120
Adds 100-150 Fire Damage
+25% to Fire Spell Damage
-15% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+200% Enhanced Defense
+50 to Strength
15% to Strength
Maximum Fire Resist +2%
+5 Fire Absorb
Socketed (4)
Henchmen Trophies
(Legendary Set) - Armor: Lachdanan's VisageLachdanan's Visage
Banded Plate (Sacred)
Defense: (8973 - 10165) to (14769 - 16229)
(Sorceress Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 627
Item Level: 120
Mana Shield: 65% less Mana Drained when Hit
You may Only use Melee, Summon and Support Skills
Adds 200-300 Magic Damage
Adds 150-200 Fire Damage
Adds 150-200 Lightning Damage
Adds 150-200 Cold Damage
-30% to Enemy Elemental Resistances
+(161 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
+(1000 to 5000) Defense
Socketed (6) - Gloves: Stareye's ClawsStareye's Claws
Gauntlets (Sacred)
Defense: 1674 to 1959
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 120
Adds 100-150 Cold Damage
+25% to Cold Spell Damage
-15% to Enemy Cold Resistance
+200% Enhanced Defense
+50 to Dexterity
15% to Dexterity
Maximum Cold Resist +2%
+5 Cold Absorb
Socketed (4)
Henchmen Trophies
(Legendary Set) - Belt: Doomcloud SpineDoomcloud Spine
Plated Belt (Sacred)
Defense: 4089 to 4479
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 675
Item Level: 120
Adds 100-150 Lightning Damage
+25% to Lightning Spell Damage
-15% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+200% Enhanced Defense
+50 to Vitality
15% to Vitality
Maximum Lightning Resist +2%
+5 Lightning Absorb
Socketed (2)
Henchmen Trophies
(Legendary Set) - Boots: Fangskin ScalesFangskin Scales
Greaves (Sacred)
Defense: 2481 to 2799
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 650
Item Level: 120
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
Adds 6-8 Poison Damage over 1 seconds
+25% to Poison Spell Damage
-15% to Enemy Poison Resistance
+200% Enhanced Defense
+50 to Energy
15% to Energy
Maximum Poison Resist +2%
Socketed (4)
Henchmen Trophies
(Legendary Set)
Swap - Weapon: CirceorCirce
Sorceress Orbs
Runeword Level: 100
+3 to All Skills when using an Apple
+3% Bonus to Spell Focus
+44% to Lightning Spell Damage
+44% to Poison Spell Damage
+24 to Bloodlust
(61 to 75)% to Energy
Fire Resist +40%Cold Blood(outside lab)Cold Blood
Crystal Sword (Sacred)
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 1020
Item Level: 120
Innate Cold Damage: (45.0% of Dexterity)
Regens 15% Life Over 5 Seconds Upon Taking Weapon Damage
100% Chance to cast level 50 Shatter the Flesh on Kill
1% Chance to cast level 63 Blizzard on Striking
25% Attack Speed
Adds (460 to 660)-(750 to 950) Cold Damage
+150% to Cold Spell Damage
-(20 to 30)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
Maximum Mana -50%
Requirements +100%
Socketed (6) - Shield: CloudladderCloudladder
Spiked Shield (4)
Defense: (102 - 116) to (203 - 230)
Chance to Block: Class%
Required Level: 7
Required Dexterity: 55
Item Level: 10
+1 to All Skills
+1 to Druid Skill Levels
+1 to Sorceress Skill Levels
+(41 to 60)% Enhanced Defense
+20 to all Attributes
+10 Life Regenerated per Second
Socketed (1)
Defense: (372 - 414) to (629 - 699)
Chance to Block: Class%
Required Level: 24
Required Dexterity: 81
Item Level: 36
+(1 to 2) to All Skills
+(1 to 2) to Druid Skill Levels
+(1 to 2) to Sorceress Skill Levels
+(71 to 90)% Enhanced Defense
+30 to all Attributes
+20 Life Regenerated per Second
Socketed (4)
Defense: (920 - 1007) to (1503 - 1645)
Chance to Block: Class%
Required Level: 42
Required Dexterity: 170
Item Level: 51
+2 to All Skills
+2 to Druid Skill Levels
+2 to Sorceress Skill Levels
+(101 to 120)% Enhanced Defense
+40 to all Attributes
+30 Life Regenerated per Second
Socketed (5)
Defense: (1443 - 1687) to (2346 - 2743)
Chance to Block: Class%
Required Level: 51
Required Dexterity: 353
Item Level: 85
+2 to All Skills
+2 to Druid Skill Levels
+2 to Sorceress Skill Levels
+(131 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
+50 to all Attributes
+40 Life Regenerated per Second
Socketed (6)
- Amulet: Locket of Dreams→Locket of Dreams
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 105
+(2 to 3) to All Skills
+100 to Vitality
+(150 to 200) Life when Struck by an Enemy
25% Gold Find
+10 to Light RadiusQuov Tsin's TalismanQuov Tsin's Talisman
Required Level: 110
Item Level: 110
15% Innate Elemental Damage
-(20 to 30)% to Enemy Elemental Resistances - Ring: Bad Mood/Bad Mood
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 120
-20% Cast Speed
Adds 50-100 Fire Damage
Adds 50-100 Lightning Damage
Adds 50-100 Cold Damage
-(5 to 20)% to Enemy Fire Resistance
-(5 to 20)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
-(5 to 20)% to Enemy Cold ResistanceEmpyrean Glory/Empyrean Glory
Required Level: 50
Item Level: 120
1% Chance to cast level 40 Singularity on Kill
(6 to 10)% to All Attributes
Maximum Life +5%
Maximum Mana +15%
15% Gold FindAdrenaline RushAdrenaline Rush
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 120
+1 to All Skills
40% Combat Speeds
40% Movement Speed
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%

Fire Sorc
Scosglen and Labyrinth 8 viable
Fire Sorc guide (1.8 Outdated)
- Weapon: Habacalva's Legacy(for farming)Habacalva's Legacy
Eagle Orb (Sacred)
One-Hand Damage: 35 to 36
(Sorceress Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 171
Item Level: 105
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.11 per Dexterity)%
Flamefront: +3 Maximum Projectiles
-(11 to 25)% to Enemy Fire Resistance
-50% to Lightning Spell Damage
-50% to Cold Spell Damage
-50% to Poison Spell Damage
+(8 to 15) to Living Flame (Sorceress Only)
+(8 to 15) to Pyroblast (Sorceress Only)
+(8 to 15) to Flamestrike (Sorceress Only)
+(8 to 15) to Flamefront (Sorceress Only)
Socketed (2)Minefield(for bossing)Minefield
One-Handed Swords
Except Two-Handed Swords, Two-Handed Swords
Runeword Level: 100
If you have 90% Fire Resist: +50% Fire Spell Damage
40% Hit Recovery
+(25 to 30)% to Fire Spell Damage
-60% to Enemy Fire Resistance
Fire Resist +30%
Fire Absorb (1 to 2)%
Attacker Takes Fire Damage of (400 to 500) - Shield: Vaetia's WallVaetia's Wall
Tower Shield (Sacred)
Defense: (4603 - 5157) to (5543 - 6210)
Chance to Block: -1% + Class%
(Sorceress Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 460
Required Dexterity: 471
Item Level: 105
-1% Base Block Chance
-(11 to 15)% to Enemy Elemental Resistances
+(4 to 8) to Vengeful Power (Sorceress Only)
+(4 to 8) to Warp Armor (Sorceress Only)
+(4 to 8) to Snow Queen (Sorceress Only)
+(4 to 8) to Living Flame (Sorceress Only)
+(141 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
Maximum Mana +(11 to 25)%
Maximum Elemental Resists +(0 to 1)%
Requirements -20%
Socketed (4) - Helmet: IndigoIndigo
Runeword Level: 110
+2 to All Skills
+100 Spell Focus
50% Cast Speed
-(15 to 20)% to Enemy Elemental Resistances
-500 Defense
Maximum Elemental Resists +2%
Elemental Resists +(13 to 15)%
Requirements -100% - Armor: Armor of the Old ReligionArmor of the Old Religion
Ceremonial Armor (Sacred)
Defense: (8437 - 9306) to (10452 - 11529)
(Sorceress Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 722
Item Level: 105
+(4 to 5) to Sorceress Skill Levels
+200 Spell Focus
50% Hit Recovery
+(35 to 50)% to Fire Spell Damage
+(35 to 50)% to Lightning Spell Damage
+(35 to 50)% to Cold Spell Damage
+(9 to 12) to Sacrifices
+(172 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
Elemental Resists +25%
10% Chance to Avoid Damage
+(101 to 150) Life after each Kill
Socketed (6) - Gloves: Lamha Na DraoitheLamha Na Draoithe
Gauntlets (Sacred)
Defense: (1339 - 1506) to (1567 - 1763)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 120
+2 to All Skills
+150 Spell Focus
30% Cast Speed
+(16 to 20)% to Spell Damage
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
+75 to Strength
-100 to Life
Elemental Resists +15%
Socketed (4) - Belt: Ashaera's ArmororAshaera's Armor
Belt (Sacred)
Defense: 1687 to 1760
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 575
Item Level: 105
+(21 to 25) Spell Focus
+(11 to 15)% to Spell Damage
+500 Defense
(11 to 15)% to Energy
Elemental Resists +(10 to 15)%
Physical Resist 10%
Socketed (2)DementiaDementia
Belt (Sacred)
Defense: (3111 - 3348) to (3272 - 3524)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 690
Item Level: 120
-(15 to 20)% to Enemy Elemental Resistances
+(15 to 25) to Fowl Fight
Slow Target 5%
+(120 to 140)% Enhanced Defense
+500 Defense
Maximum Life +2%
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
Physical Resist 5%
Requirements +20%
Socketed (2) - Boots: Honorific or crafted boots → Spirit WalkerorSpirit Walker
Heavy Boots (Sacred)
Defense: 696 to 737
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 550
Item Level: 120
+1% Physical Resist per 18% Mana Regeneration
+2 to All Skills
+(50 to 100) Spell Focus
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
Jitan's Gate Cooldown Reduced by 1 seconds
+35% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
-15% to Enemy Elemental Resistances
Socketed (4)VisionVision
Runeword Level: 120
10% of Total Energy Gained as Life
+1 to All Skills
+15 Spell Focus
+10% Bonus to Spell Focus
-(10 to 15)% to Enemy Elemental Resistances
+(141 to 171)% Enhanced Defense
+10 to all Attributes
Maximum Life and Mana +(1 to 5)%
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
Physical Damage Reduced by (10 to 20)
Swap - Weapon: Circe,Blood fury crafted weaponCirce
Sorceress Orbs
Runeword Level: 100
+3 to All Skills when using an Apple
+3% Bonus to Spell Focus
+44% to Lightning Spell Damage
+44% to Poison Spell Damage
+24 to Bloodlust
(61 to 75)% to Energy
Fire Resist +40% - Shield: CloudladderCloudladder
Spiked Shield (4)
Defense: (102 - 116) to (203 - 230)
Chance to Block: Class%
Required Level: 7
Required Dexterity: 55
Item Level: 10
+1 to All Skills
+1 to Druid Skill Levels
+1 to Sorceress Skill Levels
+(41 to 60)% Enhanced Defense
+20 to all Attributes
+10 Life Regenerated per Second
Socketed (1)
Defense: (372 - 414) to (629 - 699)
Chance to Block: Class%
Required Level: 24
Required Dexterity: 81
Item Level: 36
+(1 to 2) to All Skills
+(1 to 2) to Druid Skill Levels
+(1 to 2) to Sorceress Skill Levels
+(71 to 90)% Enhanced Defense
+30 to all Attributes
+20 Life Regenerated per Second
Socketed (4)
Defense: (920 - 1007) to (1503 - 1645)
Chance to Block: Class%
Required Level: 42
Required Dexterity: 170
Item Level: 51
+2 to All Skills
+2 to Druid Skill Levels
+2 to Sorceress Skill Levels
+(101 to 120)% Enhanced Defense
+40 to all Attributes
+30 Life Regenerated per Second
Socketed (5)
Defense: (1443 - 1687) to (2346 - 2743)
Chance to Block: Class%
Required Level: 51
Required Dexterity: 353
Item Level: 85
+2 to All Skills
+2 to Druid Skill Levels
+2 to Sorceress Skill Levels
+(131 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
+50 to all Attributes
+40 Life Regenerated per Second
Socketed (6)
- Amulet: The TesseractThe Tesseract
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 105
+2 to All Skills
25% Cast Speed
+(1 to 30)% to Fire Spell Damage
-(1 to 20)% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+(1 to 30)% to Lightning Spell Damage
-(1 to 20)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+(1 to 30)% to Cold Spell Damage
-(1 to 20)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
+(1 to 30)% to Poison Spell Damage
-(1 to 20)% to Enemy Poison Resistance - Ring: Rares
Atanna Khan's Dress
for max familars)
Atanna Khan's Dress
Ceremonial Armor (Sacred)
Defense: 10306 to 14529
(Sorceress Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 722
Item Level: 120
+8 to Maximum Raven Familiar Base Level
5% Chance to cast level 60 Magic Missiles on Death Blow
30% Movement Speed
+(20 to 40)% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
+(8 to 13) to Arcane Swarm
+200% Enhanced Defense
+(1000 to 3000) Defense
Physical Resist (5 to 10)%
10% Chance to Avoid Damage
Socketed (6)
Ceremonial Armor (Sacred)
Defense: 10306 to 14529
(Sorceress Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 722
Item Level: 120
+8 to Maximum Raven Familiar Base Level
5% Chance to cast level 60 Magic Missiles on Death Blow
30% Movement Speed
+(20 to 40)% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
+(8 to 13) to Arcane Swarm
+200% Enhanced Defense
+(1000 to 3000) Defense
Physical Resist (5 to 10)%
10% Chance to Avoid Damage
Socketed (6)