Starter Tier List for Season 35

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fuppy wrote:
boozek wrote:I played multiple Tier0 and Tier1 builds and I cannot agree with Cold Sorceress being Tier0 its too slow with lvling comparing to others.
Survivabilty is good but kill speed nahhh.
For example Lightning sorc was much easier for me.

First time I'm hearing it's this way around. I was told cold sorc is mega squishy but killspeed is fast.

Wonder why the discrepancy...? :?

I did cold sorc this ladder (leveling to scosglen). It wasn't good until I got the majority of the end game gear. Before end game gear is both squishy and slow. :? - just my experience
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any idea about when begins a new ladder? I'm thinking on play SP or MP, and for MP I think it would be ideal play in the beginning of a new ladder
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Kadazzle wrote:I will the update the TIER LIST as it is all MESSED up
Blood - Fire Amazon - EASY
Naginata Assassin - If you like pressing buttons this is a GOOD class but I wouldn't say it is STARTER friendly
Earthquake Barbarian Melee play style
Werewolf Druid EASY
Summoner Necromancer EASY
Unholy Melee Paladin I have no idea never played one
Cold Sorceress - Can be done starting out might struggle a little but with Tu's and getting into late game maybe one of the best characters in the game
I WILL now fix Tier 2
I will color list them as what is hard to play and what is easy to play IF it is not in a color then one of two choices either it SUCKS or I have never played it
Dont play
Storm - Caster Amazon, Blood - Magic Missiles Amazon, Javelin Amazon, Psionic Assassin, Throwing - Scorpion Blade Assassin, Elementalist Barb, Whirlwind Poison Barbarian, Summon Barbarian, Wereowl Druid, Poison Druid, Hunter - Elemental Druid, Totem Necromancer, Neutral Paladin, Holy Melee Paladin**, Unholy Caster Paladin*, [Rising Dawn Paladin], Melee Sorceress, Lightning Sorceress, Fire Sorceress

Werebear Druid, [War Cry Barbarian], [Guard Tower Barbarian], Malice Necromancer, Melee Necromancer, Seer - Cold Druid**

Bow - Physical Amazon, Storm - Hammer Amazon, Throwing - Storm Crows Assassin, Spear Amazon, Trap Assassin, Whirlwind Physical Barbarian, Warmonger Barbarian, Bow - Physical Druid, Crossbow Necromancer, [Orb of Annihilation Necromancer], Arcane Sorceress, Seer - Fire Druid

Holy Caster Paladin, Seer - Hurricane Druid

Hope this helps

Ty bowzon is green and easy.
Op please update bowzone to reflect this new information.
Also someone donate this guy beta chat discord access so he can assist the other knowledgeable bowzon feedback givers on assuring bowzone gets more dogshit in this upcoming patch.
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I was bored, here's some data on the fastest leveling builds. Take this data with a grain of salt, it's just data and doesn't necessarily indicate how powerful a build is, just how fast the people playing it are leveling their characters. This doesn't include characters from the start of the season, just the last half or so of patch 2.4. Hopefully the information is interesting and can inform tier lists & decisions going forward.

Fastest* Time to 100

* actually 2nd or 3rd fastest with over 10k kills, because some times were rushed or extremely twinked.

1. Summon Barb (3:10)
2. Werewolf (3:28)
3. Clawsin (3:42)
4. Holy Melee Pala (3:54)
5. Summon Necro (3:55)
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Fastest* Time to 120

* 2nd fastest with over 25k kills

These are twinked times but aren't record setting. Lynderika has done it in 5 hours on clawsin before, and mortimer_85 rushed RollsRoyce to 125 in under 1:30.

1. Javazon (6:04)
2. Werewolf (6:46)
3. Summon Necro (7:25)
4. Summon Barb (7:28)
5. Holy Melee (7:58)
6. Unholy Caster (8:08)
7. Stormzon (8:19)
8. Lightning Sorc (8:34)
9. Whirlwind Barb (8:41) [all kinds - phys, poison, other procs if anyone is playing ice lance or anything]
10. Wereowl (8:49)
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Median* Time to 100

* with between 10k and 20k kills, to remove characters who were rushed or spent a lot of time farming inefficiently. builds with <12 characters not ranked

1. Melee Necro (6:03)
2. Clawsin (6:50)
3. EQ/GT Barb (7:08)
4. Wereowl (7:15)
5. Summon Necro (7:19)
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Median* Time to 120

* with between 25k and 50k kills, builds with <10 characters not ranked

1. Psisin (11:39)
2. Neutraldin (12:44)
3. Whirlwind Barb (13:29)
4. Summon Barb (13:56)
5. Wereowl (13:58)
6. Clawsin (14:24)
7. Melee Necro (15:08)
8. Werebear (15:15)
9. Lightning Sorc (15:19)
10. Scorpblade (16:07)
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Arbitary Tier List (1-120)

Ranked by (2 * fast time + 1 * median time)/3. Keep in mind this does not take into account anything past getting to level 120. No farming, no bossing, nothing about how strong it is when geared up, just pure leveling speed. Some builds like Scorpblade are significantly more powerful at higher levels than 120, and some builds that are really good for getting to Hell (like Melee Sorc and Melee Necro) are ranked lower due to their iffy performance from level 100-120.

Also keep in mind that some lower player count builds might be ranked higher than you might expect because they're played only as twinked builds or by people who really enjoy the build and got good at it.

S Tier (577 - 620)
Summon Barb, Werewolf, Psisin, Javazon, WW Barb

A Tier (620 - 650)
Summon Necro, Wereowl, Neutraldin, Mana Sorc, Holy Melee, Lightning Sorc

B Tier (650 - 720)
Unholy Caster, Stormzon, Clawsin, Werebear, Scorpblade, Banshee Druid

C Tier (720 - 800)
Unholy Melee, EQ/GT Barb, Melee Sorc, Cold Sorc, Melee Necro, Totem Necro, Bloodzon

D Tier (800 - 900)
Poison Sorc, Nagisin, Fire Sorc, Bowazon, Bow Druid

F Tier (900+)
Malice Necro, Crossbow Necro, Holy Caster, Spearzon
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Siosilvar wrote:I was bored, here's some data on the fastest leveling builds.

Cool job. Finally, statistic data tells some truth. Good to know.
Siosilvar wrote:S Tier (577 - 620)
Summon Barb, Werewolf, Psisin, Javazon, WW Barb

It makes sense.
Siosilvar wrote:C Tier (720 - 800)
Unholy Melee, EQ/GT Barb, Melee Sorc, Cold Sorc, Melee Necro, Totem Necro, Bloodzon

This is the right rank for unholy melee, not levelling fast before lvl 120, not fast between lvl 120-140, and not fast in scos and labs, definitely not in tier 1 or S/A tier. Fewer and fewer players around me do unholy melee since 1.6/1.7, until now, not a single one I know. Pally enjoyers will only respec to it when they need to do laz.(Not including few crazy unholy melee lovers on ladder, I guess? They even give it Tyrael, which I dont understand. I reckon it is just a big waste.)

Totem Necro is very fast before lvl 120. I feel it is even faster than claw sin before lvl 120, may be close to werewolf. Dont know why it is ranked C but that is what data shows. I personally will rank it top tier.
Siosilvar wrote:D Tier (800 - 900)
Poison Sorc, Nagisin, Fire Sorc, Bowazon, Bow Druid

Bowzon is in her right place. Ama needs a 750 ewd open access to all specs like Druid at the cost of around 40 skill points. (No need to worry about javazon op, cause not enough skill points for her to spare. But gt zon surely will be better.)

Clearly, the 750 ewd is benefitting wolf, owl and bear much more than bow druid ;)
Not saying it is weak. 750 ewd is a strong buff, but not the key problem why ppl dont play bow druid. The problems lie most in bow druid skills' mechanics.
Siosilvar wrote:F Tier (900+)
Malice Necro, Crossbow Necro, Holy Caster, Spearzon

Very true.
Edited by cnlnjzfjb 1 year.
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cnlnjzfjb wrote:
Siosilvar wrote:I was bored, here's some data on the fastest leveling builds.

Cool job. Finally, statistic data tells some truth. Good to know.

I would be careful of making too many conclusions like this. Just for a few examples -

UHM is #11 on the fastest runs (which would be bottom of A Tier or top of B if I ranked purely off of that) and is barely gear dependent, but it's also frequently recommended to newer players because it's so simple which drags down its median time.

Spearzon is bottom of the barrel not because it's trash for leveling, but because it's completely unplayed by veterans due to being memed on for years (some of which is genuinely true, it's not really capable of killing big trees in Scosglen). I don't know if I have it in me to put down a 1-120 time but it would surprised me if I couldn't do it significantly faster than these times even untwinked.

Bowazon's time will dramatically differ between phys bow leveling,


Runeword Level: 50
Up to Level 100: +2-4 Lightning Damage per Character Level
Above Level 100: +6-12 Lightning Damage per Character Level
2% Chance to cast level 3 Life Spark on Striking
10% Attack Speed
-15% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+(6 to 9) to Tantrum
5% to Dexterity
Lightning Resist +30%
+(20 to 40) Life after each Kill
untwinked, and twinked honorific stag bow with 400 sigs.
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Siosilvar wrote:
cnlnjzfjb wrote:
Siosilvar wrote:I was bored, here's some data on the fastest leveling builds.

Cool job. Finally, statistic data tells some truth. Good to know.

I would be careful of making too many conclusions like this. Just for a few examples -

UHM is #11 on the fastest runs (which would be bottom of A Tier or top of B if I ranked purely off of that) and is barely gear dependent, but it's also frequently recommended to newer players because it's so simple which drags down its median time.

Spearzon is bottom of the barrel not because it's trash for leveling, but because it's completely unplayed by veterans due to being memed on for years (some of which is genuinely true, it's not really capable of killing big trees in Scosglen). I don't know if I have it in me to put down a 1-120 time but it would surprised me if I couldn't do it significantly faster than these times even untwinked.

Bowazon's time will dramatically differ between phys bow leveling,


Runeword Level: 50
Up to Level 100: +2-4 Lightning Damage per Character Level
Above Level 100: +6-12 Lightning Damage per Character Level
2% Chance to cast level 3 Life Spark on Striking
10% Attack Speed
-15% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+(6 to 9) to Tantrum
5% to Dexterity
Lightning Resist +30%
+(20 to 40) Life after each Kill
untwinked, and twinked honorific stag bow with 400 sigs.

I would never recommend others to start with UHM or do UHM. I really see no major advantages or much potential in this build in recent versions. Simple to new players? Its kinda true in terms of its playstyle and skill mechanics, but nothing more. It is not the real simple.

Spearzon, another build that barely no one plays. Maybe it is not weak before lvl 120, but just no one plays.

Bowzon's leveling curve is not smooth. Pros and cons are both significant.
Thunder Beetle
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this realy helps me a lot for learning this game ,,, thanks dude
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Just hope Bowzon got buff for the next season :(
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PhucHung wrote:Just hope Bowzon got buff for the next season :(

Same, I tried it this season with the best gear I could find. It was okay, but very slow and squishy. I have played bowzon in the past and remember it being a lot stronger. Same goes for bow druid.

Let's wait and see! :)