Suggestions for upcoming patch

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There are several solution to making this fun.

Give hades gate 0 cd + queen of blades gets spawns corpses on striking. Try it and tell me this isn't fun
Give shunpo a spot in the skilltree.
Make broadside great again.
Give scorpion blade a 500% poison dmg boost.
Give ways a self synergy -1 enemy res per hard point (way of the gryphon for soft points too or 1.5 per hard point.)
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Broadside is still good in its current stage.

the hades gate and shunpo thing wont happen because pouncezon and they're trying to avoid making too many things like that. (already sky siege, pounce, shunpo, harbinger, and more I think)
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Cow Ninja
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Hades gate with cooldown could work under one condition - really high wdm so it deals massive poison damage via wots, I mean comparable to snake stance stampede levels. -poison resist synergy would be another way to do it, if skill like that is possible.
I remember back in the day where hades gate + broadside switch nagi build was a thing that was main reason it worked, but it was not to high hades gate multipler, but just simply wots was overtuned as hell, and it was dealing more damage than snake+eagle (60points).
It would be probably better to have flat cooldown on hades gate but really high like 150% WDM mod, so that poison really stings. But at same time because of cooldown it wouldn't really benifit from high naginata damage or other ways, since you hit with it once per few seconds. There is that hades gate proc that should be taken into consideration with such change of course. One factor that "balances" it is that it teleports you randomly which can kill you in place like duncraig or straight up slow you down if it teleports you back in area you already killed everything.

As for broadside, I think it can work ok, but as it always did early game with it sucks with massive cooldown.
Very lategame pure broadside with 6s capped cd and full xis setup insane gear it is still not that impressive, kinda slow kill speed in p1 duncraig, but I think it comes down to lowish damage from wotp and wotg, because mechanically skill is the same as it used to be, and it used to melt things really hard.
I think for the endgame cooldown could go bit lower too, 5s wouldn't break the game and make it little more viable.
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L H wrote:Broadside is still good in its current stage.

the hades gate and shunpo thing wont happen because pouncezon and they're trying to avoid making too many things like that. (already sky siege, pounce, shunpo, harbinger, and more I think)

well even tho shunpo is allready invented and is allready there so there is nothing they would add to the game just make it more accessable. i think shunposin with released weapon would be very fun to play :)
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Cow Ninja
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It's delicate balance imo, because if nagisin survival baseline is "pounce" style attack, so teleporting around @ 7fpa rate, then any form of normal melee nagisin will be squishy as hell (similar to what it is now). If you make it more tanky to be more playable in melee, it will be immortal if you let it teleport with pounce/shunpo.

I personally agree with this decision that there is no need for more pounce clones, because that completely dominates the farming game, you have spearzon, you have wolf druid. Diversity in farming builds or rather how they work is good.
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how come bull shield has lowest defence but biggest velocity penalty of all the barb shields?
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Fighter Mage rework:
Lv 1: Divine Judgment
Lv 12: Fortress
Lv 18: Trinity Beam
Lv 24: Mythal
Lv 90: Trinity Nova

Necrolyte rework:

Cold/Poison set:
Lv 1: Frigid Sphere / Ice Whirl + Devouring Cloud / Lolnado
Lv 12: Plague Avatar / Winter Avatar / Ice Bolt Nova
Lv 24: Nightmare / Rust Storm / Force Wall
Lv 90: Shadow Avatar / Liche Form

Cold/Magic set:
Lv 1: Magic Missile + Ice Whirl / Frigid Sphere
Lv 12: Ice Bolt Nova
Lv 24: Nightmare / Rust Storm / Force Wall
Lv 90 : Orb of Annihilation
Edited by kissofaries 6 years.
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Lv 1: Death Pulse
Lv 12: Sadist
Lv 24: Heartstopper Aura
Lv 90: Reaper's Scythe

Gekko64 wrote:how come bull shield has lowest defence but biggest velocity penalty of all the barb shields?

Because it's BULLSHIELD
310 | 2
1/Increase Thunder Bear (Spirit Mask tier unique summon) stat. Command Tree gone and it dies instantly now. I remember when Commend tree was a thing, that bear can turn into a T-34 tank with SOR attack.
2/Make a new Thunder Slam (same as it is now but work with all melee weapon) for item that can yield it (like "Fal" assassin shield, Druid helm,....)
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if its possible bring back the jewel dupe recipe.....
