Suggestions for upcoming patch

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Instead of giving the player the quest-related Horadric Cube from the get-go, create a cloned cube that doesn't have the associated quest flags or triggers, but still functions like normal. Then, when it's time to actually receive the cube as you would normally in the base game, the cube regains its quest flags/triggers. This would solve some dialogue and quest issues in acts 1 and 2.
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I have lots of ideas these are just a couple of them.

Features(i would like and love to see at least thought of or maybe even implemented in the future or present):

1# Movable screen location./would enable you to move your field of view from your character to anywhere you want. Acts like moving the mini-map around with arrow keys but your screen instead. For functionality you can have an initiation hotkey that freezes your character then pan around with your mouse or arrow keys.

Why: Reduces eye strain when trying to read mini-map, visually pleasing; can reduce mini-map GUI clutter if used instead, gives you a visual mental map before fighting hard bosses or doing hard quests... There are nothing but pros if this was a feature. Hell if you wanted to watch others duel without getting in their way... I.E maybe a Spectate version(for party members)/option of this implementation or even turning the existing mini map into a clickable screen location jump with hotkey(kind of like Starcraft's clickable mini-map).

2# Mini-map draw paths./ like all the know maphacks through of the years draw paths were really quite an amazing feature.

Why: To find teammates without scrolling mini-map looking for them, Maybe quests(questionable), Waypoints(already unlocked waypoints ofc), lots of options here you just have to be creative.

3# Marked Chests/Urns/Movable rocks/etc on mini-map. Ever forget keys? Simple 1 pixel mini-map representation and or maybe actual chest gfx and or for the big ones/ and or (gold gfx's for golden chests). ONLY AFTER LOCATING THEM FIRST

Why: Cow levels/Kurast there are a lot of places with high chest density. Don't want to miss valuable loot.

4# Marked Super-unique/Champion/Bosses on mini-map. If in range of your character or members of the party these monsters will show on the mini-map. Would be like telepathy without even talking.

Why: Simply would be another thing to get your heart jumping especially in hardcore. Would be really fun!
Edited by zykoz 5 years.
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Kraken Guard
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So you basically want features that most maphacks give you to get an edge in game. There's a couple of reasons why that will never happen. For one it would imply coding lots more superfluous lines into the engine and not saying its impossible but its probably more of a hassle than what its worth, and second reason is, and most important one, thats considered cheating in TSW, at least when it comes to marking whichever monster types in the map and moving the screen around to check whats up ahead while way out of LoS from monsters 2 or 3 screens ahead, its the main reason why MultiRes is bannable on TSW.
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zykoz wrote:Would be like telepathy without even talking.

telepathy by definition doesn't include talking.
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Prime_Evil wrote:So you basically want features that most maphacks give you to get an edge in game. There's a couple of reasons why that will never happen. For one it would imply coding lots more superfluous lines into the engine and not saying its impossible but its probably more of a hassle than what its worth, and second reason is, and most important one, thats considered cheating in TSW, at least when it comes to marking whichever monster types in the map and moving the screen around to check whats up ahead while way out of LoS from monsters 2 or 3 screens ahead, its the main reason why MultiRes is bannable on TSW.

I wouldn't make it so you could see monsters ahead of you(for obvious reasons). Your negative opinion is really close-minded; i.e Diablo 2 has so many little nuances that you would most likely miss because the way you assert yourself; from the looks of it, you just glance over every realm of possibility with negative content.

"marking whichever monster types in the map" ???
"moving the screen around to check whats up ahead''

(You said "ahead" as in monsters where "ahead" I meant was just map intuition; like the fog of war type strategy games. I.E Starcraft and others.)

Basically all i get out of your paragraph of garbage text is that you're closed minded and doubt others in their ability. I'll make a note of being even more specific in the future.

Negative low dopamine losers got a lot to say.
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Aero wrote:
zykoz wrote:Would be like telepathy without even talking.

telepathy by definition doesn't include talking.

You're kind of right but mostly wrong. Think about it this way telepathy is most renown for communicating sub-vocalized thought and expression. Synonyms thought transference; extrasensory perception, ESP; clairvoyance, sixth sense; psychometry. Subvocalization (also known as auditory reassurance) is a very common habit among readers. It involves saying words in your head while reading and it's one of the main reasons why people read slowly and have trouble improving their reading speed. <-- Inner dialogue and thought via subvocalization is talking.(to yourself or others via telepathy) TAKE THAT KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYAAAAAHH

Definition is always subjective and I believe this works well in my favor.
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zykoz wrote:
Prime_Evil wrote:So you basically want features that most maphacks give you to get an edge in game. There's a couple of reasons why that will never happen. For one it would imply coding lots more superfluous lines into the engine and not saying its impossible but its probably more of a hassle than what its worth, and second reason is, and most important one, thats considered cheating in TSW, at least when it comes to marking whichever monster types in the map and moving the screen around to check whats up ahead while way out of LoS from monsters 2 or 3 screens ahead, its the main reason why MultiRes is bannable on TSW.

I wouldn't make it so you could see monsters ahead of you(for obvious reasons). Your negative opinion is really close-minded; i.e Diablo 2 has so many little nuances that you would most likely miss because the way you assert yourself; from the looks of it, you just glance over every realm of possibility with negative content.

"marking whichever monster types in the map" ???
"moving the screen around to check whats up ahead''

(You said "ahead" as in monsters where "ahead" I meant was just map intuition; like the fog of war type strategy games. I.E Starcraft and others.)

Basically all i get out of your paragraph of garbage text is that you're closed minded and doubt others in their ability. I'll make a note of being even more specific in the future.

Negative low dopamine losers got a lot to say.

Its considered CHEATING by the people who RUN the mod, you retard of cataclysmic proportions. And no amount of text coloring to make yourself look smarter than you really are is changing that. Normally i dont pay much attention to that number but in your case theres a reason why you have negative cookies lul. Keep being irrelevant, fuckboy.
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Lol, don‘t get trolled by someone who thinks a definition isn‘t definite.

Just neg that troll and let‘s move on with our lifes. Not like the devs would implement something like that anyway lol
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For resetting we use mostly belladonnas.

But at the next season - Sigma - there will be lot of or - all chars will be "trial and error" types. There is no guides for everyone, etc.

So - ONLY for the next season - maybe sellable belladonnas or craftable belladonnas please.
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HechtHeftig wrote:Lol, don‘t get trolled by someone who thinks a definition isn‘t definite.

Just neg that troll and let‘s move on with our lifes. Not like the devs would implement something like that anyway lol

Telepathy the supposed communication of thoughts or ideas by means other than the known senses

^^ supposed as in made up or not real. There is no definitive definition for something made up or not known to be real and at the present fictional. Read a book *****.

Stop going off topic with insulting negative comments about something you have no terms or constructive criticism. I've never slandered anyone in offense.