MXLS: Development Progress

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The private beta test phase is currently in progress.

Old post:

When the MXLS project started, we all underestimated it. It started as a dream, a project on the side. This collaboration between me and Marco started out as a joke in the staff section of the old forums. And eventually, as it began progressing, and as we were slowly seeing it's potential, it turned into something really big. And we wanted to push it so much, and the task list grew, and grew and kept growing.

Obviously, it ended up taking much more time than planned. And every deadline I've tried to give were not met. There are a few reasons for that, but the main one is we underestimated the project, more than once. Not only we were too ambitious and ended up with an impossible task list (which we broke down some time ago), but we also underestimated the fact that.... It's D2. Most tasks end up taking ten times the time it should take. Often because of bugs from blizzard, because of code that was written (by Blizzard) with no future scalability in mind, overly interlinked pieces of code (when you need to rewrite a dozen of things for one feature.... something's wrong), etc. I've also started the project with rookie modding/programming experience, and with the experience I've earned over time, a lot of what was done in the beginning of the project was rewritten. There's also the fact that, in the beginning of the project, things were messy. We had no actual task list, the project wasn't on git, and my development flow back then, basically stem down to "I want to work on x feature today".

Still, I keep working on the project. Yes it will come out. When? That's what this thread is all about: I don't know when, so stop asking.
The Median XL project keeps getting updates, and it keeps getting better with every patch, sigma or not. So stop waiting for it, and it will come out when it's ready.

We don't have any ETA. The time I have to work on this project varies a lot, and every time I work on a new task, I come across new surprises in Blizzard's code. There is no way we can properly determine a date for the completion of this project in it's current stage. Still, I've worked out something for those who may want to follow the general progress towards completion of the project.

This list here, is the complete task list. You may notice it also contains bugfix tasks. Since new bugs are bound to be found during development, and during testing phases, this task list may vary with time. But what you need to understand basically is, as long as this list isn't empty, the project is not finished.

Here you can see an overview board that lists every tasks classed under three different "task types"

And finally, here you'll be able to see the milestone overview. This features a completion percentage of the project, number of opened tasks (issues) and number of closed tasks, etc. This is a global overview of the project's progress. Of course this doesn't include all the tasks that were already completed, or it would have hundreds of tasks. I've created the task list from the remaining tasks, as of today. I will also try to consistently log the time I spent under each individual task, so that you can have an idea of how much dev time was spent on each task.
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I love it!
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Thanks so much for the effort you're putting in this. Really.
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props whist!! upvoted. will donate more soon. also now i know your name :twisted: .
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You're doing god's work, friend. Setbacks or no setbacks, you're helping a lot of nastalgiac millenials relive and rediscover the best game of their childhood. Stay golden, ponyboy.
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Great post whist, now we can finally track all the works that's going in and the actual stage of the project, big props.

Hopefully this will also reduce the spam regarding the "when stigna" and so on. On a side note, I noticed another interesting project in your gitlab them filters which I wonder if you're still working on :)

Cookie for you and will definitely follow the project.
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Wicked wrote:On a side note, I noticed another interesting project in your gitlab them filters which I wonder if you're still working on :)

I no longer maintain or provide support for this project. But the project was somewhat continued by members of the community, that's why I open sourced it in the first place. I think this project uses an improved version of it, so you may want to use this instead.
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In reality blizzard is just waiting for you to finish the core, then they use that and release a D2 hd remake. Would be awesome if you could sell it to them one day.
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love you whist keep up the good work and good luck to the whole mxl smegna team.
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Nah, probably only get some goodies or invite to Blizzard Irvine HQ ... 1794897125