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In the past 2 weeks I tried a couple of games.

First hearthstone. I dropped it when I noticed that you simply can‘t win with a self-made deck

Then heroes of the storm. I played a couple of games with azmodan in the new season. THen I started Hero League mainly with kharazim and thrall, my favourites. Won 9 of 9 (max 10) placement matches. Then a bug occurred at blizzard and they wiped my progress. Got into hero league again, lost the first 2 matches and lost interest.

Then I made the mistake to reinstall diablo 3. got bored before I reached level 60 cause the servers were basically empty.

Then I tried out a different game. Somehow a YouTube video made me try out wildstar. Good game, but the servers are basically empty. Then somehow lagg occurred even though the engine is old af and looks ugly even on highest graphic settings. —> very bad engine. Dropped it after half an hour.

Now I‘m bored af. I guess I‘ll just watch YouTube videos until the new median patch is released.
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Currently playing Returning 2.0 a mod for G2notr and im totaly into it.
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Dark Huntress
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Gothic 2 mods are awesome.

Try the "tricky gothic 2 notr mini balance mod", which implements a lot of quality of life tweaks and other improvements to the game. For example it removes the problem that consumables would increase the learn costs. Without the mod you would be forced to delay the use of the permanent boni consumables up until basically end game, sothat you do not spend more points than you would need to. Also a lot of early game items are only accessible in mid / late game, which fixes the mod aswell and those early game items are now available in the early game already.

Though, I do only know the German version of the mod and I do not know if it works with other language versions aswell or if there are any translations :/
Edited by RisingSun 6 years.
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Gothic is awesome. The first version without NOTR was near impossible, once you have NOTR you can get so much better items so much earlier.

Also summon goblin skeleton and summon skeleton is like the most imba spell in the game.
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Dark Huntress
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What, bro, I think you're mixing it up!

Notr was created by Piranha Bytes, because the base game got the feedback of being waay too easy and Notr turned Gothic 2 basically into a hardcore game :D

Oh, man, the nostalgia, I think I gonna start playing Gothic 1 again.
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SUmmons OP? Guess I need to check out gothic 2

Thanks you 2
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Shadowgate Totem
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if you're into gothic you can check out ELEX, or the Enderal total conversion mod for Skyrim
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Currently playing lightly modded skyrim, call of duty ww2 and assassins creed origins.
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Kraken Guard
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Playing Planescape : Torment again. Best story in any game. The combat system sucks tho. But best story.
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Jungle Hunter
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Just bought Escape from Tarkov a few days ago. Love it so far. Really getting me that darksouls adrenaline feel again. I typically keep a gun for about 25 mins before dying and losing everything lol. Then hop back in with just a pistol and take some fools out.