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As for mercy: I know and I don't blame Blizzard for that. I blame the community for being so stupid and using such a bad strategy. I don't get why anyone would want to literally just stand around and do nothing for the whole game. The people who did this basically ruined Mercy for everyone who loved to play her. And for no benefit at all since they usually still sucked as a player and quickly dropped in rank after is was fixed.

As for sym: Yeah what I said. She's good at distracting people because she can zone a lot with her ult and her turrets. The teleporter isn't that useful though unless you have a team of pros. So for the regular people the teleporter is good for only 1 thing: Getting to places. There's also the problem of the teleporter's life. If you position it not 100% correctly, a few rockets and Junk grenates are enough to destroy it before it becomes useful. So again, if you place it in the middle of a fight, it's good to distract the enemy fire...
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GD - normal difficulty done. 3 death in total at the moment (all my fault for rushing into high lvl areas to check them out), game is hc friendly. Now just checking google for shrine/quest/bounty locations, gathering more materials to craft next level relic. Build is simple - warder, most of the stuff was put into defense like resists, two proc on low hp that give hp back and/or more regen/leach + pots = fights are slow but safe, then some procs on melee atack with +170% IAS = lots of aoe procs that take care of crowds. And boss fight looks mostly the same - if tanky enough then lock on boss and let aoe kill stuff, if not tanky enough - go back and farm to become tanky or abuse location to have minimum minions around you and still tank it. Gears - some legendaries are already dropping on normal after lvl 50, not sure for best locations but will give it some tries.
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HechtHeftig wrote:As for mercy: I know and I don't blame Blizzard for that. I blame the community for being so stupid and using such a bad strategy. I don't get why anyone would want to literally just stand around and do nothing for the whole game. The people who did this basically ruined Mercy for everyone who loved to play her. And for no benefit at all since they usually still sucked as a player and quickly dropped in rank after is was fixed.

As for sym: Yeah what I said. She's good at distracting people because she can zone a lot with her ult and her turrets. The teleporter isn't that useful though unless you have a team of pros. So for the regular people the teleporter is good for only 1 thing: Getting to places. There's also the problem of the teleporter's life. If you position it not 100% correctly, a few rockets and Junk grenates are enough to destroy it before it becomes useful. So again, if you place it in the middle of a fight, it's good to distract the enemy fire...

For Mercy i do blame blizz for her old ult, i mean, mass rez being available for an ult? You had to constantly track Mercy's ult on the other team, sacrifice one or two ults on your team to have her mass rez the enemies and THEN commit to team wipe play and assume she hadnt had her ult farmed all the way back again. It was bad design and im glad they did away with it. The thing that i dont agree though is how they are constanty shafting her heal per second. To me her rez was her hugest problem, now that its not there anymore she should go back to her old 60 heal per second instead of the 50 or 55 she has now, i dont get it... maybe they did so to push more different healers like Ana into play which is fine, but its being done at Mercy's expense on viability. I dont really like that notion very much but it is what it is mang...

Sym's teleport is crazy good even with a team full of bronzes if you know what youre doing. Mei pops her ult, you E towards the far side and press F, suddenly youre not a free kill anymore. Like i said you can teleport nearly everything with them. Place teleport behind the spot where you know enemies with pop out of (like Hanamura's first point choke) and throw your sentries into it, they will show up behind enemy lines and i guarrantee they will disrupt their push if only for a seconds but its enough for your team to go in. Telepoter life doesnt matter much since its on a short cooldown anyway, you use it as either a teleport-shit-towards-a-point or to teleport the team in a one off moment.....or you can use it to spam F on it and troll the enemy hitscan LUL. If youre on a potato bot team though thats probably not gonna happen because no coordination. Its like Sombra, she's a hero that needs to coordinate , especially calling out her hacks and her EMP. Without that in comp its useless to play her as a strict dps player. Sym is the same way, you need to coordinate at higher brackets. At lower brackets its a gamble, even if you call out your teleports or not.

I was a dps main but now changing into tank main, so its in my interests to see Mercy be more viable as a healer rather than Ana+Lucio.

Jesus the wall of text is real.
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Since I played Mercy about half of my overwatch career, I can guarantee you that rezzing more than 2 people happened maybe once in 8 games. Rezzing more than 3 people happened once in 50 games. And no I didn't play in bronze. But if you just constantly healed, you were able to keep the people alive, which made the mass rezz less of a gamechanger. The only part about that old mercy that I would agree was bad design is: The more useful you are to the team, the less people die at the same time, making your old ult tremendously underwhelming if you played correctly. Which is why that abused happened to begin with.

However this whole problem could've been solved if they just adjusted the maximum amount of people you can rezz. More than often I used that rezz just to stay alive myself thanks to the 1 second immunity you had when you used your ult. When you rezz someone now, you are basically doing nothing, not even moving for about 2 or 3 seconds (dunno the exact time). And that's enough time to get yourself killed. So you can't even rezz someone if your team is under pressure and the guy died in the open, which makes you wonder: Wouldn't a shield or something along those lines be better than that rezz?

As for symmetra: yeah you basically agreed with me. It needs a great communication and coordination. For me that means that it's mostly an ability used by pro's. Even the symmetras I saw online never used the teleporter at all, simply because it's not useful if everyone is just soloing instead of playing as a team.

Anyway, she was fine after her first rework. But people cried because they couldn't aim and now symmetra plays so completely different... It's just not fun anymore.
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Well remember one of the most glaring points of Mercy was that she rez'd people almost instantly regardless of mass rez or not, that alone made her a must pick for every comp game. She was the most picked hero in the game second only to Dva because dive meta was the thing back then, and for a reason. Mass rez happened all the time in my games from Plat all the way to Masters, and it was even nuttier in GM/top 500. It was silly on how the meta was dive comp and part of that meta required everyone to track on much ult the enemy mercy had so you could bait her out to mass rez a troll ult in order to really push later. Now she has a casting time i think 1.5 secs not sure, so she has to think before GA'ing into a fight to rez someone which is better imo than "LUL press E and youre instaback" ; like i said, very bad design when the game is centered around team wipe plays at higher ranks because if not then chances are the game becomes a stalemate when you pit very good players against very good players, something needs to tip the balance and thats 3-4-5-6 kills in one play. Mass rez basically said "you know that play you guys did that wiped 5 of my team mates? lol all for nothing now problem?" ; happened pretty consistingly, not at lower ranks mind you just plat and up for me.

I def agree Sym needs calls at comp. She's one of those heros that does nothing on her own if you dont let her do her own thing, so she needs to rely on her team more, unlike other dpses like Reaper who can just be a one man army with his life leech, even torb can do that managing his E properly. Also torb's base health got an extra 50 armor now.....so overall id say he's in a better spot of a builder type of hero than Sym if comms are non existant.
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What happens in GD when you switch difficulties ? Same as median, all map reveals gone, rift ports gone ? I am at the point where normal is done except one quest - hidden path. Which i cannot do at the moment, spider boss heals too fast and deals insane dmg. So if i switch - quest gone ? New difficulty - new undiscovered map all over again ? What if i go normal + veteran ? Tried googling, but all it gives is about AI changes.
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Anonymous: wrote:What happens in GD when you switch difficulties ? Same as median, all map reveals gone, rift ports gone ? I am at the point where normal is done except one quest - hidden path. Which i cannot do at the moment, spider boss heals too fast and deals insane dmg. So if i switch - quest gone ? New difficulty - new undiscovered map all over again ? What if i go normal + veteran ? Tried googling, but all it gives is about AI changes.

Unsure but considering you have to reactivate devotion shrines in further difficulties using different components than normal i'd say probably a wipe of everything like d2 for each difficulty.
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Well at the very beginning Mercy's rezz was not that great honestly. It only became great when they added the immunity to the rezz.

I still have a replay somewhere in my dropbox where I rezzed 5 people right at the end of the game. But my team couldn't keep up with suddenly appearing and they all died 5:0 again. That's how useful the rezz was in the beginning. The instant rezz worked rather in the enemies favor back then, because they were able to position well, while the rezzed team had to reorganize themselves and their thoughts again and aim again, while the enemy team still had their aim on the rezzed team.

So an invulnerability of a second or smthg was granted to everyone and mercy. And that was what made it so OP. They could've added a 2 second delay for the rezzed people or reduced the amount of people rezzed or something, but no, they decided to completely fuck that ability up.

Anyway, it's not only the rework of the rezz that destroyed mercy for me. It's the new ult because it's just so lame compared to other healer ults.

What really destroyed mercy for me is rather the implementation of Ana, since her anti-heal bomb is a one-of-a-kind tool of pure OPness. An anti-healer healer. Add to that the implementation of more CC thanks to other new characters... CC in a competitve game is never good because nothing is less fun than being unable to react to the enemy.

And yeah in my best times I played in platinum, too, but I didn't aim higher that's why I just left myself there. The season afterwards I got to plat right after my first 10 games and basically finished my goal right on day 1.

And yes I definitely feel what you're saying about sym. I just played again and I was so damn useless. No tanks, so I died even in the rear. Then suddenly a 1vs1 against a reaper.... guess who won. She's so dependant on the team and the map now. It's insane. It used to be the exact opposite (as in she was dependant on the enemy team). You just had to somehow crawl behind your enemies, pick up the healers and then you had some nice free kills with the DD's until only the tanks were left. But now... ughh it's just so anti-fun.
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Anonymous: wrote:What happens in GD when you switch difficulties ? Same as median, all map reveals gone, rift ports gone ? I am at the point where normal is done except one quest - hidden path. Which i cannot do at the moment, spider boss heals too fast and deals insane dmg. So if i switch - quest gone ? New difficulty - new undiscovered map all over again ? What if i go normal + veteran ? Tried googling, but all it gives is about AI changes.

Now, it has been some time since I last played GD, but IIRC the map is always the same, it just gets reshrouded and enemies and loot gets leveled up. All quests are reset, but you keep anything connected to your character like faction reputation scores, quest rewards, stats and items, et cetera. Any quests that you left incomplete or unfound on Normal will be reset on higher difficulties, however you can return to Normal mode from the main menu which will allow you to complete them and get the rewards. And yes, you have to reopen the riftgates from scratch again in higher difficulties.

Veteran mode is an extra challenge for the leet, AFAIK, all it does is increase enemy stats and numbers and possibly improve loot a bit.

Anything you've done on Normal mode when you go to a higher difficulty stays done, and you can return to a lower difficulty to complete a quest you missed or didn't have the stats to complete later. Oh, and devotion shrines you've completed on Normal stay completed, but there are fewer of them on higher difficulties and they require better materials to repair.