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ChuckNoRis wrote:some/most of the hints i've seen so far about Sigma , including this post , are strongly indicating to me that Sigma might be some kind of Median-Easy_mode as most of the things that were pushing the player gaming skills and median knowledge to the limit are either getting removed or heavy toned down for the cost of making new players more comfortable . i very much hope that i am wrong

the changes are however very interesting

The mechanics being removed really only provide a clunky amount of artificial difficulty. It can be rebalanced in ways that make the overall gameplay smoother and retain a similar level of difficulty, without having build-limiting mechanics like monster immunities.
Stygian Watcher
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So if a monster was previously immune to cold (e.g. Ice Clan) - now it will have 35% cold resistance on Hell (affected by pierce as usual) and will absorb 75% of all cold damage taken. So a 100 cold damage hit with 135% pierce would end up doing 50 damage (100*2/4).

Oh, now I get it. Had to read several times. Immunites are replaced by absorbtion - at Hell 75% of incoming cold dmg is absorbed. Enemy pierce on my items still works on inbuilt X% cold/whatever elemental resistance.
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So, are there going to be a lot of changes to the maps/existing locations? What about itemization? Are all items being altered to match the level 150 level constraint?
Onyx Knight
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Most of the changes you introduced here are reasonable and thank you for clear explanations.

The changes Im against is removal of debuffs like miasma and spellbind (player got that skills from tree or procs, so should accept the fact monsters are capable of using one too), my first thought was its taking off some spice and variety mod had but maybe you got plans for future which can add monsters who will be able to reflect (cast back) players/mercenaries debuffs.

About 1HKO's I hope you didnt removed Detonators and Firebloods, as mentioned above its spice that mod needs, even on hardcore.

This is personal opinion based on non-Sigma experience as I dont participate in tests or talk with current testers about features.
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Errr is this for current upcoming patch in Median XL or Sigma?
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Acid Prince
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Nice to end this shit, this allows you to have human being gameplay on HC, who so late? Unhealing and Disable aura simpe annoyingly, but 1 all stats on nightmare or hell 4-5act(3 act when farm meph) its bullshit, especially for mele, especially for HC.

Curses reducing player stats, glitching character equipment
Curses preventing character healing and using potions
Auras that disable the use of ranged skills and spells


What about rhatma minion on nihlatak, detonators, invisible corpus eater with rolling fireball, full screen of blood pools in jungle? And other

And when this patch will be implant?
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Wulf wrote:Errr is this for current upcoming patch in Median XL or Sigma?

Both. Next patch should be sigma, if everything works out as planned.
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Probably the most looked forward to post of my time playing MXL
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Unda wrote:Most of the changes you introduced here are reasonable and thank you for clear explanations.

The changes Im against is removal of debuffs like miasma and spellbind (player got that skills from tree or procs, so should accept the fact monsters are capable of using one too), my first thought was its taking off some spice and variety mod had but maybe you got plans for future which can add monsters who will be able to reflect (cast back) players/mercenaries debuffs.

About 1HKO's I hope you didnt removed Detonators and Firebloods, as mentioned above its spice that mod needs, even on hardcore.

This is personal opinion based on non-Sigma experience as I dont participate in tests or talk with current testers about features.

On the outset, I also agree with you and HechtHeftig regarding debuffs, and always felt they were an intricate part of Diablo 2. In classic D2, when you got cursed with Amplify Damage and/or Iron Maiden on, you didn't just charge into a group like a retard unless you had a death sentence. So, having said that, its seems to me that removing this basic part of the game is like playing this game with a handicap for toddlers... however, it can't be knocked until it's tested. I just feel it removes a lot of diversity in difficulty and decision making (i.e. Risk vs Reward) just to cater to those who have literally never played d2 before, because every d2 player is familiar with curses. I'm taking a guess here, and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I think this has more to do with balancing reanimates than anything.