Σ 1.1.0 + 20th Season Announced

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yeah,i'll skip necro for few weeks coz item prices will be ridiculous, its fun but you'll have to pay 4k tg for items like goetia , or the new items for nec
Azure Drake
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Prime_Evil wrote:Iron golem Kreygasm.

Cant wait for threads about necro-trolls coming into open muleing games and iron golem'ing items on the floor. Remember to PASSWORD your mule games....oh who am i kidding.

Dont give them ideas :mrgreen:
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suchbalance wrote:Items cannot be orbed above +150 level requirement.

But can a low level necro iron golem a high level item?
Bone Archer
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Pain wrote:
Prime_Evil wrote:Iron golem Kreygasm.

Cant wait for threads about necro-trolls coming into open muleing games and iron golem'ing items on the floor. Remember to PASSWORD your mule games....oh who am i kidding.

Dont give them ideas :mrgreen:

more necro memes incomming for sure :flip: :flip: :flip:
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Core Lord
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Very much! :clap:
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Rust Claw
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....but can be created new skill based on golem creation mechanic. It can converts droped item to gold. Good wile Lili farm for cleanup and overall gold collect.
Some alchemist stone, why not. )
Jungle Hunter
26 | 2
Everyone can support the following changes:
- Add plugy support
- Add /players 8 sp
- Remove level requiments from ubers
- Nerf barbarian
- Remove deathtimer, it is annoying
- Remove sprint or double/triple stamina
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Everyone but devs (:
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Rust Claw
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Sigma launch was a bit rough. This new patch really seems nice tho!

Plz make nagisin a viable class for all content
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1. Don't speak for everyone, there is a substantial amount of sane players out there who find some of these changes to be good for the game.
2. There is another significant part of the community who would support the devs no matter what, even if devs decide to shit down their throats.
3. You are missing the most crucial part from you assumption, developers' ego.
4. And last but not least, devs should never listen to their community, although that doesn't mean they should stay deaf.