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Aeronic wrote:
sebas264 wrote:Please tell me this doesn't mean we won't be able to use our current character anymore or evertyhing will be lost... I just started about 2 weeks ago and i don't want to loose everything i've done so far

I understand the feeling of losing everything but think of it as starting a whole new game (which with this update it will pretty much feel like). i doubt any of your skills will be or act the same and item ID's and such will be different so if you could load an old character on it it may just have a sword in your helm or wearing potions on your feet. Not to mention that it's a whole new core introduction so things will work differently. If you're new to the mod then consider yourself lucky as adapting to the new setup should be easier than those who've been playing for years.

All in all, a character wipe is needed but don't get concerned with the loss of past achievements, rather get hyped for all the cool new stuff to check out!

I understand what you mean, but at the same time, there is so valid reason right now the keep grinding my characters if in 8-10 days i'm gonna loose everything, and that mean If I stop for a week and start playing path of diablo for exmaple i'll probably get hooked on it and won't have any more interest on median which is a shame
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@sebas: I wouldn't give up on Median. If anything, you'll realize that there's so much more to this mod, especially now, that the amount of time that you just put in which you thought was a lot really wasn't much and it'll be so worth it to start from scratch with all the new changes.
I don't mean to dwell...but I can't help myself.
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sebas264 wrote:I understand what you mean, but at the same time, there is so valid reason right now the keep grinding my characters if in 8-10 days i'm gonna loose everything, and that mean If I stop for a week and start playing path of diablo for exmaple i'll probably get hooked on it and won't have any more interest on median which is a shame

It can be annoying, and you just happened to start at a bad time, that's all.

There isn't normally a wipe like this, but since a new core is being introduced, and it seems like a lot of things will change, such as items, skills, and more, that the current items won't work with the new patch.

Typically, characters will simply get moved to non-ladder, and you can retain your work, but since the new core is coming into effect, it's a full wipe.

Perhaps you can use this last week or so to learn something new in the game or pick the brains of veteran players or browse around on the forum and do sometbing now that will allow you to do it more easily and quickly when the new ladder begins.
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holy shit yes the hype is real
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sebas264 wrote:Please tell me this doesn't mean we won't be able to use our current character anymore or evertyhing will be lost... I just started about 2 weeks ago and i don't want to loose everything i've done so far

First of all, its announced that old chars won't work after update, so you missed it. Secondly you wrote by youself that you started 2 weeks ago so maybe you will not loose so much items. Just tak a 1 week break and be ready for fresh start with alot of active people and completely new patch.
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What better way to have the game fresh in your mind than by playing right before a reset? All the pros do it.
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when do we get to preorder
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EEEEEEEE Good news! :thumb:
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:yay: :cheese: longest week comin,please 26.05 at 00:00:01