Σ 2.0.6 Patch Notes

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Thanks everyone for your patience. It's finally here!


We are looking into the SP savefile corruption and the suboptimal server performance issues.


- Potential fix for SP save corruption (i.e. weapon/item disappearance)
- Putting cube into stash has been disabled temporarily to see if this also contributes to the save corruption issues


- Added more extensive logging to help with SP save corruption debugging (we need your logs (they begin with D2Debug-) if you experience items disappearing on SP)
- Reduced monster singularity damage


- Applied a temporary workaround to SP save file corruption
- It is backwards compatible for saves that were previously corrupted (does not include pre-2.0 characters)
- Some of your items may be missing from these characters
- Report when your items go missing starting with this patch (logs required)
- Solitude mystic orb now is now correctly an on striking proc (old orbs will update to new version)
- Life regen MO on rings/amu now correctly adds 1 per
- Implemented Gem Clusters
- Fauztinville: increased density by 6.25%
- Increased rune drops in nightmare and early hell
- Slightly decreased Torajan Jungles rune drops
- Added rune numbers on rune containers
- Fixed a bug that allowed using hunter skills while morphed
- Greatly reduced necromancer minion AI delay, making them more responsive and attacking more frequently
- Skills that deal weapon damage and had the "spell" tag were changed to "projectile" and now clarify they scale with cast speed
- Judgement Day: removed Crystal Arch lockdown
- Xazax: reduced endless duration of poison attacks from worms prior to boss
- The Void: increased AI delay between Soul of Greed spells
- Uldyssian: added Soulstealer description
- Tran Athulua: greatly increased amazon defender drops, can now drop shards as well
- Riftwalker bonus quest clarified on charm it must be cubed alone
- Fixed certain states turning damage blue on char screen
- Charms can no longer be sold to vendors to prevent accidental selling
- Uldyssian's Chamber: replaced wall segments that impacted visibility
- Thunder King of Sescheron: Orange next now works as intended


- Fixed a bug causing characters wearing the collector, serenthia's scorn, wintry majestry to crash on death
- Old items will no longer work. Cube these items by themselves in order to get them rerolled to the updated version

- Snake bite:
- Doubled damage gain per skill level above level 27
- Now scales in damage up to character level 150, instead of 110
- Snake Stance:
- Now scales in damage up to character level 150, instead of 100
- Prismatic cloak now has correct skill description
- Stormcall mana cost per level reduced by 18%
- Askari lightning base mana cost reduced by 27% and mana cost per level reduced by 14%
- Angelhost - Fixed delay on the cherubim proc (will require a freshly dropped item)
- Splintered soul - (fixed + updated orange text effect), removed flat physical damage reduce

- Increased monster density in Hell side areas by 25%
- Toxotes: reduced damage

- Fixed Navi walking
- Fixed Trap rat monster names
- Fixed Lister's explosions not doing damage
- Fixed reanimates being too tanky
- Fixed Moonstrike not being melee only
- Fixed weird amber gem issues
- Fixed Pathfinder not working with tiered Maple & Short Battle bows (requires freshly found versions of these items)

Previous version logs:

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