Σ 2.7.3 Patch Notes

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Acid Prince
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Patch notes for season 35 and patch 2.7 are out. Enjoy!


2.7.3 Notes

- Catalyst of Transference: now starts with 5 charges and set to
Abandoned shrine. If you have an unusable catalyst (generated by
creating it and then using the inventory cleanup button) you can
cube it by itself to set it to Abandoned shrine. Also fixed a bug with it that prevented conversion of a single creepy shrine.
- Frostborn: fixed display of max life
- Clear Mind (sorc blood relic):
- no longer shows AR
- fixed synergy and damage scaling
- Lemures, Blood Thorns, Wildfire, Glacial Torrent now show your AR
- Armageddon and Frigid Domain now mention that they can't be used
- Added mana cost to death star description

2.7.2 Notes

- Anathema: fixed desc issue with IED
- Arcane Torrent: fix damage overflow at high gear level
- Survival Instinct: fixed physical resist desc
- Catalyst of Transference:
- Fixed a bug where you could input random stuff to withdraw shrine charges
- Now works with the Collect button
- Zerae's Holy Wrath: reduced proc rate to 1% to reduce visual spam
- Fixed missing empty line in Quiet Shrine desc
- Fixed emerald cluster life regen desc
- Fixed Kukri orange text not working with EWD
- Viz-jun:
-Vorpal Elytron: Slow on hit reduced to 10%, from 30%
- Blood of Creation (Sorceress): clarified that Clear Mind recieves quadratic scaling from unspent skill points, not exponential
- Iron Spiral: clarified that the damage per base point increases quadratically, not exponentially
- Screaming Eagle: removed tornado sound effect from debuff state
- Fixed a bug where Hexblades could not be made into tiered uniques using the cube recipe
- Dimensional Labyrinth: fixed an issue where the Void Armor oskill was displaying as a missing string
- Havoc:
- Total damage reduced by 25% -signed gato
- We're aware that Havoc has release overtuned and this nerf does not address it in full. It will remain as is until 2.8 where it will recieve another full balance pass
- Reduced visual intensity of first two explosions
- Fixed a bug where the cooldown display could go negative

2.7.1 Notes

- Workaround for the launcher not downloading updated Fog.dll

2.7.0 Additional Notes

- Mirror Temple:
- Nemesis (all): Life reduced by 20%
- Nemesis (Sorceress): Damage with Forked Lightning and Flamefront halved
- Nemesis (Assassin): Damage with Mind Ripple reduced by 25%
- Nemesis (Necromancer): Increased delay between using skills
- Mummy:
- Density slightly reduced
- Chance to cast Crucify on death reduced to 50%, from 100%
- Vampire: Damage with Charged bolt reduced by 25%
- Vile Mother: Life reduced by 25%
- Blood of Creation (Amazon):
- Reworked, now grants a skill that fires different projectiles based on your currently held weapon; between bow, javelin, or spear
- All version deal weapon damage with 50% cold conversion
- Skill can be used with Lioness, but not with Melee Devotion
- Blood of Creation (Sorceress):
- Reworked, now grants a new skill: Clear Mind
- Clear Mind deals magic damage in small novas around the target for a duration
- Skill scales with regular spell damage stats, but additionally gains exponentially more damage per unspent skill point available
- Also gains increased radius and hit rate for every 25 unspent skill points available
23 | 3
Why, since the beginning of Sigma, can't you buff RoF + Elemental druid to playable level?
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Nice one, I think I will start with Malice Necromancer or Lightning Sorceress !!!
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Haaarmageddon druid !!
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It seems we get a lot of life regen, at least it looks like a lot at first glance. Speaking of life regen, I think there is a typo in here:
Reduced life regen from -0.5 to -1,
Increased level of Magic Missile proc from 10 to 15

Right now it has life regen of -1 so the numbers should be swapped.

Also do I get this right that quivers, throwing knifes etc. are now infinite? Not that it makes much of a difference, since only normal attacks drainged your ammo wich you do like 5 minutes and then never again. But it is nice that the low ammo count is gone as well. :mrgreen:
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Anathema: replaced nonfunctional enemy damage multiplier with +1% maximum elemental resists

you make going for Deimoss 3 and 5 pillars considerably easier ;) for a class that is already very stronk on elemental defenses #notacomplaint

also, excited to see changes to Druid and Malice Necromancer in action!

also no. 2, life regen upgrade, nice. more sustain for elemental builds without Life on melee attack, very nice.