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madgod wrote:Is a Twin Fang Strike with a few in Noctule for some physical dmg a viable assassin build? Never played a sin and am kinda just flying blind and it seems fun, but wondering about its efficiency later in destruction.

There‘s a guide for a TFS assa. Also it‘s better to use only one skill. Either TFS or noctule.
193 | 11
HechtHeftig wrote:
madgod wrote:Is a Twin Fang Strike with a few in Noctule for some physical dmg a viable assassin build? Never played a sin and am kinda just flying blind and it seems fun, but wondering about its efficiency later in destruction.

There‘s a guide for a TFS assa. Also it‘s better to use only one skill. Either TFS or noctule.

I definitely missed the guide ill take a look for it, thanks
Dark Huntress
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New player at Median XL (Lots of hours in normal D2) and I'm having a blast with this mod (specially with the crafting), mostly play SP because the TSW put me in american servers (most of nearly all the times) and my ping skyrocket because that.

Started as Thornwarden because they are very durable and have some questions...

Thornwarden can reach to get all challengers and uber charms or is better to have it to farm things?

What is the max of "Crafting Orbs" you can cube with a item?

What things can I put in the sockets of Tiered Uniques I have already?

What I do with the surplus of Runes? Upgrade them to save space?

Exist better Jewels or can be crafted?

Thanks for the help!
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you can pick server you want to play on, check Multiplayer-Server info
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Balded_Hige wrote:New player at Median XL (Lots of hours in normal D2) and I'm having a blast with this mod (specially with the crafting), mostly play SP because the TSW put me in american servers (most of nearly all the times) and my ping skyrocket because that.

Started as Thornwarden because they are very durable and have some questions...

Thornwarden can reach to get all challengers and uber charms or is better to have it to farm things?

What is the max of "Crafting Orbs" you can cube with a item?

What things can I put in the sockets of Tiered Uniques I have already?

What I do with the surplus of Runes? Upgrade them to save space?

Exist better Jewels or can be crafted?

Thanks for the help!

You arent stuck to one build on same class, you can still respec with Akara once on each difficulty, plus Belladona Elixir will start drop on second difficulty Terror which also respecing stats/skills, so you can test on your own and have fun discovering without need of releveling same class.

Mystic orbs can be cubed up to five times per type (normal ones from NPC) and without restrictions (unique mystic orbs, which can be only droped). In both cases cap is level requirement (you decide), normal ones add +4 and unique add +10 required level per orb.

Early you want to put perfect gems (Amber, Onyx, Bloodstone, Turquise) into remaining sockets in your armour because it add resistance and +2max resistance. For weapons Perfect Rainbowstones for crushing blow, Amethysts for attack raiting or Perfect Rubys/Saphire if got problem with sustaining life/mana.

If you and your mercenary are already good with runewords then runes was used to make gold, you simple was putting single rune into throwing knives/axes and resell to NPCs with profit.

There is list of regular unique and sacred jewels under Items in Documentation on site. Rare jewels droped or magic jewels rerolled with Oil of Renewal can be useful for filling remaining sockets with runewords, before you will be able to craft the ones suitable for your build. Jewelcrafting requires in some cases higher runes and good amount of arcane crystals (using one shard per try).
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It looks like you need some jewels with high ilevels for jewel crafting.

Where do I get them? I only get stuff with 60- ilvl jewels
Monkey King
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what the requirement to make dimensional key? (Samael)
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Pulsating Worldstone Shard + The Glorious Book of Median + Uldyssian's Sword + Sigil of the 7 Deadly Sins + Assur's Bane + Mystic Shard => Pulsating Worldstone Crystal

Pulsating Worldstone Crystal + 4 x Greater Signet of Learning + Taha Rune + Ghal Rune + Qor Rune => Pulsating Worldstone Crystal + Dimensional Key
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I'm looking to make a bow runeword (Ice Breaker) for my bowa, which base-type of bow would be the best to use for the RW?
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Flying Polar Buffalo
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it's no like you got many options since it is a class only RW . you can only do it in amazon only bows , and there are only 2 of them available . Get the Reflex bow