Finding the right character

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Lava Lord
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Metalistas wrote:Scenario without pummel or wildfire ? Doubtfully, since those skills work wonders against single/mass targets.

I was asking if you can EITHER ignore Pummel OR Wilfire since they both seem to do the same, one is physical, the other one is magical.
Right now at level 50 after doing Tran Athulua and getting the Sunstone, which was ridiculously easy as a treant, I think I am good enough with rainbow damage so I don't need to use Wildfire for it's fire damage component.
Also Pummel does the same max damage while having higher minimum damage with Anthem de Frost and Jitan's Kamon.

Edit: Pummel does 10% Physical damage as magical damage, I just read the tooltip.

Edit2: Force of Nature or Faerie Fire?
60 | 1
Consensus seems to be pummel is the way to go, a long aoe stun is awesome. As far as which uberskill to choose FoN would be the offensive choice and FF would be more defensive. FoN gets more powerful when you boost str and tree is a str build so theres that. People used to use nimmenjushin axe with faerie fire since it strikes 13 times per sec and gives a lot of procs. Not sure how that works now since ff trail duration isnt as long as it used to be.. if you end up dying a lot the dodge could be useful. Pummel is easier to aim but it does require atk rating to hit. Wildfire doesn't use atk rating but if your facing a fire immune, well its not cool. There are a lot of fire immunes so beware. Maybe a balefire crafted weapon would be good to help with phys immunes using pummel
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Lava Lord
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I created a new Treant to see how much difference it is to level with a twohander (Edge of Extinction) - it feels way better.
Keys into Character Orb gave me 750 Attack Rating, which is okay.
I guess nowadays you just get the full set for Treewarden and be fine.
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Edited by Wulf 3 years.
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Lava Lord
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Melee Necro is awesome and under the "Chuck Norris Compilation" there's actually a miniguide for this called "Earthshaker".
Also a slight note, remember to disable running when you get your shapeshift form, you won't lose running speed and actually get your defenses active.