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Dark Huntress
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After looking forward to what I had hoped to see in a game of this type, i.e. a multilevel dungeon that becomes increasingly difficult with each new level; I entered the Dimensional Labyrinth as a level 130 Barbarian in Bear Stance with decent gear. Overcame a few trash mobs at the entrance, took 5 steps to the left and was blasted to death by 3 floating mobs in two blasts. To my horror I discovered that if you die, you cannot re-enter without finding another depleted rift stone. I do understand making a game be challenging and a real experience. So my questions are, to get to the final level (15), must you complete each and every level without dying? and must all 14 levels be completed in one game?
Rust Claw
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I am attempting to build a Strength Bow Druid but was unsure of some mechanics. As far as procs go, does "On striking" mods proc with Druid skills (Laughing/Nova Shot)? Also, does life/mana leech and life on striking work for these abilities as well?

Also, any additional advice on endgame would be appreciated as I am not experienced with Druid as well as bows in general.
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Nomad wrote:I am attempting to build a Strength Bow Druid but was unsure of some mechanics. As far as procs go, does "On striking" mods proc with Druid skills (Laughing/Nova Shot)? Also, does life/mana leech and life on striking work for these abilities as well?

Also, any additional advice on endgame would be appreciated as I am not experienced with Druid as well as bows in general.

"On striking" procs, leech and life/mana on striking all work with skills that deal weapon damage so all of these will work with skills in the bow tree.
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Elemental druid question: Is hunting banshee meant to do low damage, or am I specced wrong? And should I just supplement elementals with poison avagar?
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Sicne new patch was for making sets great again, I will still suggest change to fix druid treewarde fortress proc from on melle to on attack/kill, thornstrike is projectile skill and its almost 90% time in use, so having 10% to spawn fortress after kill would be much more efficient.
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Hi i had a question in the new patch is it possible to make something indestructebel and how?
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Monkey King
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ixvid_ wrote:Sicne new patch was for making sets great again, I will still suggest change to fix druid treewarde fortress proc from on melle to on attack/kill, thornstrike is projectile skill and its almost 90% time in use, so having 10% to spawn fortress after kill would be much more efficient.

'On attack' is 'on melee', what you really want is low chance 'on striking' or higher chance 'on kill'.

But don't forget there is more than one damage skill you can use as treewarden.
Aegipan (Xis)
is a really fun build, Wildfire will not proc 'on kill' and then there is a hundred O-skills you could use as well.
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Monkey King
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jeroentju wrote:Hi i had a question in the new patch is it possible to make something indestructebel and how?

Rust Claw
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jeroentju wrote:Hi i had a question in the new patch is it possible to make something indestructebel and how?

Finding/Crafting a Jewel with the Indestructible property on it.
Stone Warrior
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Does the new Edyrem set have a specific drop location?
Also, do reanimates of summons that normally have hard volume limits obey said limits? As in, would an 11th reanimated Edyrem replace the 1st reanimated one?