Is there ever going to be an easier way to get SU's in SP?

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The good thing about realm play is that you can spend a bit of money or trade some other SU's/runes you find in order to get the build enabling SU you are searching for.

But for those who like to play SP because they don't want to deal with lag and/or needing a constant internet connection, is pretty much out of luck if they are trying to find a certain SU out of 1000s. It's pretty difficult if you are just looking to play a certain build. You have to spend days maybe even weeks to get the item you are looking for, I think that's kind of stupid seeing how now many SU are very build enabling, not just something to have for more power.

If I want to get back into this game after a new content patch is released and there is a certain build I want to play and try out and it requires 1 or 2 certain SU, why should I have to make a completely different character (mf farmer) to play instead in hopes of finding those items just so I can mule them and start all over again?

I understand Sacred Unique's are suppose to be that, unique. But with so many more SU being released that are very diversified and build enabling, acquiring them shouldn't be just up to luck, at least for single player. If I want to try out a new cool build idea and just getting back into the game, I'm at the mercy of the luck gods and don't think that is good game design.

I'm assuming many people will just say, it' SP... Just cheat/copy them into your game, no big deal. Most people, I hope, like to play the game legit and if you start cheating, what's the point of even playing if you can just import in anything you want...

Would it be so bad to introduce new SP only recipes that lets you make all the SU's? Of course it wouldn't be like creating a Tier item that just needs 2 arcane crystals. Maybe to create a SU you would need higher level of ingredients like 50 arcane crystals + 100 stat signets + 1 great rune + 1 elemental rune + 10 trophy fragments or something along those lines.

This way you can still play the char you are intending on building up to, all the while farming with a purpose to get the item you need, in case you never ever get the item you are farming for in Duncraig because of bad luck.
17 | 3
I always felt the same except it should be both multi and single. I can understand keeping ssu/sssu gated to pure chance but giving a path to su through time spent farming/ dropping would be a good improvement. Plus say if it was 50 AC it would give a good baseline currency to the game similar to SoJ back in the day.
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I would love something like this I also play alone most of the time. Breaking down SU's into their own crafting material would be better IMO so you are just trading X number of SU item rolls for the 1 you want(and you can't/will not just farm nath in actV). I do think the added cost of great and or elemental runes/trophy fragments is a good idea, as an added cost to keep the game from being too accessible.As much as I want a path to it, there definitely needs to be some kind of hard gating to maintain what is supposed to be a more exclusive end game experience.
Azure Drake
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What does suck is that item changes work in an asshole way in this mod. If an item gets nerfed, my legacy version is ending up with a stupid level requirement like 666 or something. But if an item is buffed it doesn't change into the buffed version. I found Starhawk in last patch and have it saved in my offline tools shared stash. Now Starhawk received a significant buff, the orange text adding a lot of elemental damage based on your dexterity.

Starhawk isn't a common item, even if this is just a SU, not SSU or SSSU. Now I need to re-farm this and it may be hundreds of hours of grinding to see another one drop.

I play SP primarily because of this shared stash advantage and no seasonality. My characters stay there for good, as well as the items. The drawback is ofc much less opportunities to trade.
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Pit Knight
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Maybe i'm the odd one out but I found SU drop rates to be just fine. I had a lvl 139 melee sorc before my pc crashed and I found at least 4 starhawks, a steel punisher and tons of random SUs, SSUs, and SSSUs in a couple months of playing. I pretty much had full bis gear, on single player. Once you have a decent amount of MF% Duncraig runs will yield anywhere from 2 to 4+ SUs per run. And I used my main character for mf farming, I just swapped out like 3 items while farming: Hratl's, Dacana's, and Lilith's with some mf rings.

I think adding a shortcut to sacred uniques would severely gimp the replayability of the mod. It would take a week MAX to get a full set of best in slot gear, save 1 or 2 slots, if SUs could be broken down for a material used for SU crafting. Shrine crafted items and runewords are meant to fill the gap between early and endgame gear and they do a fine job of it. If anything, runewords need a buff. I play Diablo 3 and I don't want this game to be a cakewalk like it, that's why I play Median. But that's just me.
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Ericksonius wrote:Maybe i'm the odd one out but I found SU drop rates to be just fine. I had a lvl 139 melee sorc before my pc crashed and I found at least 4 starhawks, a steel punisher and tons of random SUs, SSUs, and SSSUs in a couple months of playing. I pretty much had full bis gear, on single player. Once you have a decent amount of MF% Duncraig runs will yield anywhere from 2 to 4+ SUs per run. And I used my main character for mf farming, I just swapped out like 3 items while farming: Hratl's, Dacana's, and Lilith's with some mf rings.

I think adding a shortcut to sacred uniques would severely gimp the replayability of the mod. It would take a week MAX to get a full set of best in slot gear, save 1 or 2 slots, if SUs could be broken down for a material used for SU crafting. Shrine crafted items and runewords are meant to fill the gap between early and endgame gear and they do a fine job of it. If anything, runewords need a buff. I play Diablo 3 and I don't want this game to be a cakewalk like it, that's why I play Median. But that's just me.

I'm not saying you're wrong, and I am not asking for a d3 kind of system(though even with it the two experiences would be vastly different even if you could craft in the same way)where you can be done in a week, however just because you got lucky does not mean this what most people are dealing with.

I really do not see the issue, especially in single player only, to allow someone who has poured through 100s of su's to trade those in for 1 they need.

Also we have a game/mod that allows crafting options for every part of the game but the end game which feels weird to me. I've been taught through 100s of hours of play that if I do not find what I need I can craft something and then I just can't anymore.

To your point of buffing runewords, Would that not just serve the same purpose but just be faster?(I am not trying to be a smart ass, I mean this a legit question and would like to know if I'm wrong) If you just have to get 1 greater rune to make something as good or better then shrine crafting you only need to farm or trade for the one rune vs having a use for the SU's you've framed up and do not need.
Onyx Knight
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I have two ideas:
1. I could envision a system where you trade in something like 5 SUs for a random SU (that wasn't one you traded). And same for SSU & SSSU.

2. Restrict build-enabling items to SU tier. Save SSU and SSSU for just those godly "any-build" items.

The big limitation to any idea is that you couldn't have it where you upgraded tiers, otherwise in the first example above it would only take 25 SUs to get a SSSU, which would break a huge aspect of the game... those top-tier super-rare items need to be preserved somehow.

I agree with OP for single player purposes only, but it would be walking a very fine line to implement something like this.
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It's a similar problem that I have with shrines in single player, you're bound to end up with piles of shrines that you have no use of, on realm you would trade the leftover shrines for the ones you need. On single player you have no such option and are forced to farm shrines for days. I don't want changes that discourage trading shrines on realm, but maybe some conversion mechanic could work, obviously with a large price but you would end up with a shrine you can use.
6 | 0
While we're on the single player topic..

Is there any way to salvage a bricked characters inventory because of a patch / item changes?
Assuming its what that is: "Bad Inventory Data, etc, Incompatible with this version of median"
I lost 3 full (Full) mule characters of SU's this patch in singleplayer, and a couple high level builds.
And it sucks because none of the changes this patch benefited me or any of my builds lol, so its like, here, now you don't have any sacred uniques any more :) gl hf :) btw, a couple of your fav characters are just gone now too. :)

I'm also fairly new, 5 characters to 120 or so,and its been a mad struggle trying to get through ubers on all of them, farming my ass off looking for the required uniques.

And now They're all gone lmao.

Does this character bricking happen continuously?
If it does... Can I somehow play Sigma without the launcher and its forced updates?
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asplendidchaos wrote:
I lost 3 full (Full) mule characters of SU's this patch in singleplayer
use the offline tools to put the items from your mules in a shared stash . even if the characters get screwed , you will be able to acces the items from the stash with new characters
asplendidchaos wrote: 5 characters to 120
And now They're all gone
again , use the offline tools to move the items to a shared stash . respec the skills via the offline tools , and after that you will be able to use your lvl 120 characters again

some of the affixes in 1.4 got new level requirements , which have screwed your characters . it could be from jewels , rare rings/amulets , crafts , etc.

use the offline tools to equip only TU or SU items that have empty sockets (no jewels inserted)