newbie here got lots of questions, love it so far

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hey all,

first off i want to say that i already love this mod and i am willing to learn. you don't have to explain everything to me, some kind of guides or stuff and i would be good to go aswell.

what i DO know bout MXL:
My Character (fire Sorc) is around lvl 50 and i just beat Diablo act4 Normal
i know that it's a total conversion with lots of new things and features not very good explained (crafting f.e.)
i should disentchant every single unique ii dont need for Archane crystals (What are they needed for exactly? )

which questions do i have ?

lets get started:

* What are Sacred items and how can i get them since almost every single guide is telling me that item x/y is best for that build while item x/w almost always being Sacred?

* How exactly does Crafting work in this game ? (I know i can rightclick crafting items to get short tut but i cant help myself but scratch my head ^^)

* How does Shrine Crafting work and where do i farm shrines ?

* Is Itemfarming like we all know it from d2 LOD still the way to go (i.e. Baaling or meph farming)?

* How does endgame farming work ?

* To reach endgame i still have to beat hell, correct ?

there are many more questions i just don't remember them all rn.

Sorry for bothering you with such an amount of questions guys. however any help is welcomed, be it a nice detailed answer or links to comprehensive guides because i cannot find any no matter what.

thank you for reading, i really appreciate your time and effort!
A fellow LOD vet.
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Tyraelmx wrote:hey all,

first off i want to say that i already love this mod and i am willing to learn. you don't have to explain everything to me, some kind of guides or stuff and i would be good to go aswell.

what i DO know bout MXL:
My Character (fire Sorc) is around lvl 50 and i just beat Diablo act4 Normal
i know that it's a total conversion with lots of new things and features not very good explained (crafting f.e.)
i should disentchant every single unique ii dont need for Archane crystals (What are they needed for exactly? )

which questions do i have ?

lets get started:

* What are Sacred items and how can i get them since almost every single guide is telling me that item x/y is best for that build while item x/w almost always being Sacred?

* How exactly does Crafting work in this game ? (I know i can rightclick crafting items to get short tut but i cant help myself but scratch my head ^^)

* How does Shrine Crafting work and where do i farm shrines ?

* Is Itemfarming like we all know it from d2 LOD still the way to go (i.e. Baaling or meph farming)?

* How does endgame farming work ?

* To reach endgame i still have to beat hell, correct ?

there are many more questions i just don't remember them all rn.

Sorry for bothering you with such an amount of questions guys. however any help is welcomed, be it a nice detailed answer or links to comprehensive guides because i cannot find any no matter what.

thank you for reading, i really appreciate your time and effort!
A fellow LOD vet.

First of all, welcome to the mod ;D
Alot of information can be found in the documents, so be sure to read them.
Since there is alot to take in when u first start this mod, I suggest having docs open in a tab so u can just ctrl + F there for the various questions u will encounter. But here are some of the asnwers at least:
Sacred items start dropping somewhere in nightmare, and these will have alot higher requirements than the regular (tiered 1,2,3,4) items that u will have found up until this point.
While leveling tiered items are the way to go, for the most part, until u get some charms, and with that free stat points.
Once u are in hell and got ur char going the sacred items will drop quite alot, and most builds will want u to get crafted items or sacred uniqes.
Crafted items are made using shrines that can be found in most (?) of nightmare and hell. Different kinds of shrines give different affixes, so be sure u read up on which is the right one(s) for your build.
Sacred uniques are, as the name suggests, sacred items that are unique :O These can NOT be made using arcane crystals (unlike tiered unique, be sure to make tiered uniques, TUs, if u havent already). Only way to get them is by farming areas, and different areas will be able to drop different quality sacred uniqs. Read more about different kind of sacred uniqs, SUs, in docs, aswell as area level which u can see ingame. Beware that guides in some cases recommend gear that will take a long time to farm if u don't plan on trading on the forum.

As u might have guessed from this info the farming is very different from LoD. Here u target uber areas that u farm. They have different drop biases (again, see Docs -> ubers for more info on this, very important!), and u can farm areas without playing through the regular game. in fact baal is a level 120 area now, and he's not the easiest boss even at that level (:

Hopefully that answered the questions u have for now, and like I said, be sure to check documents whenever u get stuck. If you can't find the information u need, use The short questions thread and I'm sure people will be happy to help. Another idea might be to ask in the specific character guide that u are following since the guide creator might have some nice insight to progression/farming areas suited for ur class/spec.

hf gl!
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Tyraelmx wrote:
which questions do i have ?

lets get started:

* What are Sacred items and how can i get them since almost every single guide is telling me that item x/y is best for that build while item x/w almost always being Sacred?

* How exactly does Crafting work in this game ? (I know i can rightclick crafting items to get short tut but i cant help myself but scratch my head ^^)

* How does Shrine Crafting work and where do i farm shrines ?

* Is Itemfarming like we all know it from d2 LOD still the way to go (i.e. Baaling or meph farming)?

* How does endgame farming work ?

* To reach endgame i still have to beat hell, correct ?

1 - Sacred items are a tier above Tier4, they are drop only and drop in Nightmare+, but you will only really find them in usable quantities in late NM and Hell. They have higher requeriments than Tier4 but have same sockets and more base damage/defense; but main difference is that shrines work on them (so you can turn yellows into crafts and bless crafts/sacred honos). Sacred uniques are drop only unlike tiered uniques.

2 - Basically check cube recipes HERE. For a tldr:

Blue oil is used in unique recipe (2xAC + tiered item + blue oil = tiered item is now unique).
Green oil is used to roll any item into a Superior, this is used to make good bases for runewords.
Pink oil is used for a 20% chance to add extra bonuses to any item, you always want to use these on every item and when you're crafting bases for runeword you will reroll it until you get a good superior with succesful pink oil.
Gray oil is used to remove socketed gems/runes/jewels (you keep them). Can also be used to reroll runewords but you need to add 3 perfect gems to the recipe.
Arcane Crystals are made by sharding tiered uniques with a catalyst of disenchantment, and its used earlygame to make your tiered uniques and uptier them, and later its used to craft jewels and shrine bless crafts/honos.
Red oil is used to craft jewels (oil + jewel + rune + arcane shard or crystal = crafted jewel + rune and consumes one shard, crystals are 5 shards), check cube recipes in docs page to see what each rune does to the jewel. And to make containers (arcane cluster for AC, shrine vessel for each vessel type).

3 - Shrines drop anywhere, main places to farm them are cows and fauzt, other ubers will also drop some shrines. They basically reroll a sacred rare item and add preset bonuses depending on the shrine. The resulting item is crafted which is basically a rare with max sockets and the added shrine bonuses. After you get a good craft, you can bless it once with a shrine (doesnt have to be the same shrine) to add that shrine's bonuses to it without rerolling the item. (To bless its 2xAC+craft+shrine).

4 - No. I mean it can be done but you will get better results farming in the Rifts (check HERE).

5 - Endgame farm places are: Duncraig (lvl 120, fast to run and drops SSU), Teganze (lvl 120, drops exclusive materials to create elemental and xis runes which are used for endgame runewords), Toraja (lvl 125, painful to run without dedicated builds like summoners, can drop 3 Great Runes used for endgame runewords), Fauzt (lvl 125, drops other 3 Great Runes used for endgame runewords, and overall best place to farm endgame).
As you can see you cant just jump into those right when u get to hell, so you'll to level up and gear up in other rifts of lower level.

6 - Endgame starts as soon as you reach level 105, which is somewhere in a1 or a2 hell. At 105 you get access to dungeons and rifts, which are the endgame content. You do dungeons which are boss fights to get unique charms and then farm rift until you level up enough to go to the next tier (105 - 110 - 115 - etc) and repeat until you have all charms and gear you need. RIFTS and DUNGEONS links.

If you need any help consult the DOCS, they have a lot of information. Most important reads are cube recipes and quests section to do your lvl 50 and 90 challenges and then endgame. I would just keep them handy in case you need to check something.
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The one other thing I don't see other folks mentioning yet that's relevant to crafting/gearing is Mystic Orbs (MOs). You can buy the basic ones from vendors* and they cube with an item for some small stat bonus but increase the item's level requirement by 4. The bonus is doubled on Honorific items (made by cubing a blue item with the drop from Shenk), so a lot of builds will use honorific gloves or boots or whatever to get some extra stats while you're looking for something else - 50 strength, 50 dex, 30 all res is sometimes better than any of the TU gloves or trash rares you'll find. There's also unique ones (UMOs) with bigger stats but +10 level requirement.

* - Gheed, Drognan, Alkor, Halbu, and Larzuk.
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the informations you gave me are a gamechanger. I didn't even know about the DOCS.
Sick. all the information i ever need in one place.

Thanks for giving me insight on most of my questions. seriously helped out alot. especially since i just reached lvl 105 and unlocked hell just about 10 minutes ago.

very good mod so far. makes tons of fun. thanks again! :)
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Tyraelmx wrote:BIG THANKS TO YOU ALL

the informations you gave me are a gamechanger. I didn't even know about the DOCS.
Sick. all the information i ever need in one place.

Thanks for giving me insight on most of my questions. seriously helped out alot. especially since i just reached lvl 105 and unlocked hell just about 10 minutes ago.

very good mod so far. makes tons of fun. thanks again! :)

Be sure to look through the section with ubers. They start at lvl 105 and the docs will tell you where to find them, if there's a drop bias and will give you a rough idea of what you will be up against.

Edit: It's called dungeons and rifts. You might want to take a look under challenges as well and make sure that you did everything there.
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already did but noticed that i got to be req. lvl to enter them ^^