Ideas for endgame extension of Median

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Rust Claw
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Crash wrote:
Darkstorn wrote:mb my turn . . . :cheers:
- remove magical items - they are useless :cheers:
- remove all high runes - bring back Zod uniqueness :cheers:
- bring back hammerdin :cheers:
- bring back enchant-sorc :cheers:
- bring back assassin d2lod traps :cheers:
- bring back druid woolves, bear and spirits :cheers:
do you like it?

I've heard of a game like this. it's called Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction. I recommend you try that one out

Glad you have. After all, you play this every time you login to the Sin War.

Anyway, what topic related connections did you share in you post . . . ?
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FARM FARM FARM FARM until my hands bleed
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Jukebox452 wrote:FARM FARM FARM FARM until my hands bleed

Not much different from current median then, just with more options for farming, which I definitely feel are lacking in the current dimensional labyrinth. What are your ideas for something that doesn't require/isn't connected to farming? (honest question)

Also, I wanna mention that I've reworked my ideas (last update 4 days ago). Removed "lore", heavily reduced amount of information and details and made a better structure with only 2 main sections Hardmode Charm/Lab Suggestions. Any feedback (positive/negative) for the 4 main points in the TLDR is appreciated.
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Hey loosecontrol, I, for one, don't belong to the pool of never-ending grinding players, but still, you brought up some absorbing ideas there! Hopefully, it can attract some devs into it in the long run, if not immediately. Last month, they already announced that they want to revamp monsters, including super uniques, so that is good timing, I'd say.

I also have a couple of ideas for the endgame, but they need some more time to be steeped for the presentation. So this post can be considered a bump than actual feedback since it deserves attention. But go for it either way and elaborate it as much as you can!
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BrecMadak wrote:Hey loosecontrol, I, for one, don't belong to the pool of never-ending grinding players, but still, you brought up some absorbing ideas there! Hopefully, it can attract some devs into it in the long run, if not immediately. Last month, they already announced that they want to revamp monsters, including super uniques, so that is good timing, I'd say.

I also have a couple of ideas for the endgame, but they need some more time to be steeped for the presentation. So this post can be considered a bump than actual feedback since it deserves attention. But go for it either way and elaborate it as much as you can!

Hello, thank you. I know devs are very busy currently and probably won't have time to go through my ideas. I'm not sure to what you refer as grindy, but I think if devs happen to like any of the ideas, they will know better how to refine them and adapt them to be better received by the player base. In that sense I've simply elaborated several concepts which I find cool, but they can be reused in different ways and might appear differently in the end.
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Bump. After playing a bit of the live 2.0 patch, I want to share my thoughts again on the endgame. Of course, thanks to the devs for all the hard work. There have been numerous changes everywhere and as the focus was not laid on the dimensional labyrinth, I’d like to point out the obvious problems again and give my suggestions in hope they will get heard and maybe implemented in future. First of all, I like that the number of tiers is reduced, that we’re now able to reach 150 lvl and that the T10 map has been reworked. Here’s some of the problems which we still have and my suggestions:

1) Entrances & map choices: I’m not sure of the reason why entrances are still swarmed with mobs, but it might be because the map is randomly generated and there is no way around it. I would prefer a custom map that guarantees there will be no mobs/bosses at the entrance. Also I think everyone would agree that Jail (T8) map is the worst and needs to be exchanged. In T8 you also have the hardest time guessing where Phoboss would be, which brings us to the next problem..

2) “The Phoboss problem”: it certainly brings up the adrenaline every time you see this guy’s health bar. He might jump at you without any notice. He often spawns near the entrance, so you might be forced to fight him in a small rectangle, or he might even jump at you when you enter the rift, both of which are totally unfair. Why should this be part of the game? I suggest the following:
  • Remove Abyssal Shrine and lock all mini-bosses behind pillars, which can be unlocked only with purify. Add annoying auras/spells to these pillars, so the bosses are still an obstacle even if not engaged. A pillar can be made to summon a random boss or one shown on its tooltip. For example the Phoboss pillar can have its warp skill cooldown increase. In this way Phoboss would no longer jump at you when you enter the rift, but you will need to unlock his pillar anyway if you want the loot.
  • Make a differentiation between mini-bosses and corrupted heroes. Corrupted heroes can be walking around freely, so we still have bosses that are not locked. Add corrupted heroes of all classes. Add more interesting mini-boss fights similar to Phoboss, Anomaly, Navigator.
  • Last step: add rewarding loot! People would need incentive to unlock the pillars. Take look at the next point.
3) Loot drops: although it seems that the area drops are better than before, mini-bosses are still not worth killing except for Phoboss and Navigator, because of their guaranteed drops. The rest are simply annoying, take time and drop only signets, which are not worth anything. The anomaly states it should drop sacred uniques, but in fact it sometimes drops rare axes. The only purpose to kill the other bosses is to collect the dream fragments/star charts, but after spending 2 weeks in the labs, even these are not worth anything. The upgrade of the dim key that adds only 2 skills also makes sure people don't strive for it anymore. I suggest the following:
  • As a continuation of the dimensional labyrinth, add "mystic riftstone" drops to the mini-bosses. These would open rifts with harder versions of A1/A2/A3/A5 and would only drop from specific group of 2 mini-bosses in labs that are associated with that act. Thus there would always be incentive to kill all mini-bosses.
  • Bring back the old diablo clone event, but this time as a whole A4 rift with a special recipe, requiring to collect Dimensional Key and Complete Star Chart to start the event a single time (star charts moved to end-bosses in the A1/A2/A3/A5 rifts). With such an extended endgame, we would also extend the season length.

For more details you can read the first post. Any feedback is welcome & thx for your time.