Upcoming idea!

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Just played an Old mod for diablo2 . In this mod , you get certain stats based on x monsters killed, Also Bosses.
Would that be something of interest for mxl in the future?

Also, everyone complaining about mf online/single.
Could there be some expected drop from certain areas based on the above implementation, for example:
Kill 2500 slain souls in dunc, get some item, charm, or something. And Bosses instead of trophies, kill them x times to get stats. But! Based on the amount of times , get a bit better towards the 100% stat as final reward. Baal x5 times = 1/3 of final reward. Baal 15 times = full.

For me this Could work as a game-enchancer due to the mechanism where most are tierd and sees farming/throphy farming more as a choir then ”funny” playtime.

Just an idea !
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Ice Clan
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To me this sounds like a great idea, and would also motivate more players to actually try and get the trophies.
As long as the reward isn't game breaking, but just helps breaking potential walls, or lets you make a su/ssu item of chosen items for all builds.
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Whats the big difference to trophies? Sure you get parts of the stat bonus earlier, but killing a boss enough times gets you a trophy with a cap of 60 I think

Also, killing monsters also yields items. I dont think unique items should be deterministic to farm