High Performance Median XL

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Lava Lord
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Hi guys

I was wondering what settings people use to get high performance on median XL

obviously... using some of the third party tools a lot of dramatic modifications
can be made to enhance the visual aspects of the game, but they can also
be used to enhance performance which in areas with lots of monsters
and spell effects is important for staying alive : D

Right now I\m experimenting with the glide wrappers settings to enhance performance
I'll report my findings after doing some tests throughout the day :P
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Lava Lord
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Lava Lord
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Not realy getting OP point? But I'm guessing bro, you're rocking a real potato Laptop no? Base Diablo + glide on 25FPS can run smoothly on the most shitty computer without GPU, can't squeeze any more performance out of that. MXL recent patches did pretty ok-ish on reducing visual bombastic and they did some CPU related optimazation mods on their 'engine' as well. If I've completly missed your point , please check out the D2GL thread (for 60fps+,HD text among other things).
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well, i run mxl on a potato engine and i figured thats the reason why i cannot play deimoss "as intended", i.e. actually dodging chaos novas, because i cannot see them half of the time and also every explosion makes my game buckle down to like 3 fps. I gave it some thought and the only solution i came up with was "old laptop". thx to the makers there is assassin class who can with good equip tank the chaos novas (if theres no barb around) ;) its a minor nuisance though.

and obvsly cannot play in a game with totemancer/summoner of any kind. its fps hell.
sappersummoner is that what you meant?
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Lava Lord
94 | 2
So im still testing some things but

it appears that with some very

simple modifications

Median XL can be made to perform very well.

I'll give you an example,..

I'm running through the duncraig uber and while explosive barrels

are being thrown at my character the game freezes entirely

so for maybe a second, then after a second again, another second,

the frames are freezing and I cant see what my character is doing,

how units positions have changed in these little moments in time,

and how to avoid dying at all

The common phrase we use here in median land: is spell lag.

We should introduce a new phrase: bad game settings

which are generally the culprit for bad video game performance
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Lava Lord
94 | 2
So i gotta be honest

the game looks alot better with 32 bit color depth

but turning it down to 16 bit color depth

bumpin up the texture memory

turning down the texture buffer

and turning off all the extensions that add texture rendering whatsoever

and, turning on gamma correction

make for the perfect median xl experience...

we used to say back in the old median days,

that if the game was freezing due to spell lag

that meant you were winning the game,

it was obvious then as it is now that getting better performance

out of the tools we have available makes for a much happier experience,

the time delays, i.e.: the game literally freezing completely due to spell/sprite overload

is literally cut in half using 16 bit color depth,

obviously u need to crank up the FPS to even notice a difference in any case

25 fps will look like a stop motion picture movie regardless of what you do...