kingdom of shadow is the worst thing ever designed

Discuss Median XL!
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That's all.

To the mod that edited my original post, and all other people in this topic, i'm still amazed by today thinking that if somebody critize/hate/dislike/wathever a thing in the game, they always assume that's a skill issue and can only answer thing about getting gud or whatever.
It's really fucked up and stupid, and remove any possibility of dislinking anything.
Because if you like something, it's ok and you're good.
If you don't, you just suck and you have to like it and get gud.

So i guess every immune mechanics, purify thing, gated content in median xl is very good and greatly designed, and if you disagree, git gud scrubs you suck.
The game dropped from a peak 16k players to 4K in few season, but that probably mean that was 12 000 scrubs that need to get gud, not bad game design and bosses that keep pushing players aways. Just noobs that are bad.

edited by AI
Edited by domah 3 months.
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To whoever had the idea of making it, on a hack and slash game, thank you for adding something different than 24/7 afk fauzt runs. That's all.

This season KoS is harder because of porkchops being part of the seasonal event, so maybe that's a part of your frustration.
15 | 1
Marrt wrote:To whoever had the idea of making it, on a hack and slash game, thank you for adding something different than 24/7 afk fauzt runs. That's all.

This season KoS is harder because of porkchops being part of the seasonal event, so maybe that's a part of your frustration.

So they purposefully adds things to make the game harder while it's know for already being hard, and you have to deal with ladder seasonal bullshit even when you play offline ?

Yeah no, again, i hope for the worst to happens to the dude who decided of this, it's so fucked up.

If you are happy to run in the dark for your life on a game designed to fight and farm, you have a mental disorder, that's all.
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I think everyone who doesn't agree with me has a mental disorder.
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Core Lord
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Bro there are literally thousands of other games you can play. You're the one choosing to play one of the more difficult D2 Mods, and I promise you it's far easier than it used to be. Take some ownership of your own decisions, recognize that you can either learn the game mechanics and get better, or choose to spend your time on something else. Wishing the worst on someone's family because you're having a hard time with a video game is nonsense, and indicates far more about your own mental health than the person who designed KoS. Fuck right off with your nonsense.
15 | 1
Crosby4HyG wrote:Bro there are literally thousands of other games you can play. You're the one choosing to play one of the more difficult D2 Mods, and I promise you it's far easier than it used to be. Take some ownership of your own decisions, recognize that you can either learn the game mechanics and get better, or choose to spend your time on something else. Wishing the worst on someone's family because you're having a hard time with a video game is nonsense, and indicates far more about your own mental health than the person who designed KoS. Fuck right off with your nonsense.

"git gud this, git gud that"

I finished this shit show of a dungeon, i got the charm, so yeah, I'm "gud enough" to do it, yet it's still utter trash.
Most bosses on this game are utter trash with gimmick mechanics, but kingdom of shadow is the worst of the worst.

I play median xl because many people tell everywhere how good and incredible the mod is, and while it is pretty good, it's balanced like shit, and bosses are the worst i have even seen.

I just saw the game is only getting harder and harder each season to sell more gold for trading to makes money so big lulz with the incredible "game mechanics"
And the only thing people can say is "git gud".
This mod is a shit show and a joke, i don't know why so many people praise it lmao
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No one is making you play, and it's very clear you've done little to no work on your own development as a person. Criticism is fine, there are ways to present it that are logical and allow the devs something to work with for future patches. Bringing people's family into your complaints is garbage, and is the kind of toxicity MXL doesn't need.
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domah wrote:
I just saw the game is only getting harder and harder each season

Are you high or something? Almost all, if not all the recently reworked builds starting from like 2.0 have so much baseline power from their kit that you can play with your eyes closed until lvl 125 content. Also they repeadetly and gradually nerfed (almost?) all the endgame content, meking them so much easier to complete. If you dont count the seasonal thing, the game is easier than ever.
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KoS was stupid and badly designed in the past with the infamous small corridor, but the new map removed it. Since then the uber was too easy and straightforward, literally just a walk. This season pokshop added a simple, easy to counter difficulty that unlike the old corridor isn't random or bullshit. I think it's a great uber rn.
You seems to not like gimmicky uber but as long as it's a very small part of the gameplay I personally don't mind at all. Kingdom is something that take a few minutes inside a few 10s of hours character. Beside, if there's no gimmicks or other things at all beside kilingl simple mobs it's just too easy to outgear and mindlessly do the game, i'd be boring.

Though of course things can be improved, the biggest one for me would be some changes to do in toraja, this uber is severely weird as it's a 120 uber that is only doable normally after killing uldy, a 130 uber, it's just fucked.
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domah wrote:That's all.

To the guy who had the idea of making it, on a hack and slash game, fuck you.
Just fuck you, I hope for the worst for you and your whole family.

That's all.

I agree with the other mates here.
Why you play a game you hate so much lol? Go just deinstall, leave the forum and let us people alone. Us peoples who enjoying this mod and are skillfull enough for this easy, baby under lvl130 Uber cause its just hard when you not know what to do. In that case communiy is kind enough on everytime to give advices when you ask em like a normal one :'-)
2nd: the mod gets easier and easier and if you dont believe you don't know how this mod was in beginning and the first many years. Cause it was kinda impossible.
3rd of all: for tg you don't need to spend real cash! Most people just do that to support the dev team. You can easily make thousends tg's by just playing the game in first 2 weeks of ladderreset, farm some items and sell em in disco or auctionhouse. Ofcourse that doesnt work when you play and still under lvl 125 after 2 weeks ;-P