Σ 2.2 Bugs&Feedback

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Lionheart tooltip is wrong on IED bonus. It starts at 10% and says it gives 1.2% per base level. If this were true, it should give 40% IED (10 base + 25*1.2) at lvl 25, but only gives 30% at lvl 25.
Rust Claw
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This is probably a longstanding issue and might be unfixable but Runemaster's per rune defense multiplier bonus persists through respeccing. As long as the runes stay "equipped" the defense bonus will apply, so dying or unequipping or swapping out gear will clear the bonus.
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fr0gbug wrote:This is probably a longstanding issue and might be unfixable but Runemaster's per rune defense multiplier bonus persists through respeccing. As long as the runes stay "equipped" the defense bonus will apply, so dying or unequipping or swapping out gear will clear the bonus.

Does the LCS reflect this, or did you discover this some other way? I never noticed that, but I'm not saying it's inaccurate, only that I never noticed it.

Would you mind clarifying what this means? Sounds like you get the defense bonus when you begin a new game so long as you don't die, or level up, but if you die or swap gear, you lose the bonus. Is that correct in how the bug works? If so, that really hampers the usefulness of Runemaster...
Rust Claw
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Taem wrote:
fr0gbug wrote:This is probably a longstanding issue and might be unfixable but Runemaster's per rune defense multiplier bonus persists through respeccing. As long as the runes stay "equipped" the defense bonus will apply, so dying or unequipping or swapping out gear will clear the bonus.

Does the LCS reflect this, or did you discover this some other way? I never noticed that, but I'm not saying it's inaccurate, only that I never noticed it.

Would you mind clarifying what this means? Sounds like you get the defense bonus when you begin a new game so long as you don't die, or level up, but if you die or swap gear, you lose the bonus. Is that correct in how the bug works? If so, that really hampers the usefulness of Runemaster...

No it would only work if you stay in the same game and dont die/unequip. When you enter a new game your gear is "re-equipped".
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When using life cost (crimson dream), you still need enough actual mana to use the skill, the game checks that first. This is only really a problem trying to use high cost skills like ooa. Anything that does mana burn (or using antimass, which comes with the shield) prevents me from casting ooa.
I have to dump energy until I get 4k mana, then it uses life. Otherwise I can just infinitely spam the skill and it does 0 dmg.
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The Tier Unique Brainhack has deathgaze oskill but deathgaze requires conflux. conflux requires elemental wepon. Brainhack is not elemental based wepon per dex or strength.
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cannot unsocket a "Malus Domestica" socketed with 3 "Ghal" runes. can unsocket another Malus with Ghal or anything else i tried. both are corrupted.. i don't know what the one that can't be unsocketed rolled, looks like spell damage?, or no bonus..
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Can we get flash working as a "melee spell", like lemures or blood thorns?
Would be helpful if it could name lock and walk to casting it in range of the enemy you've clicked on. It already gets melee devo so I feel like this would mostly be a qol improvement.
Unsure if it's possible to retain the cast frames but allow it to function like an attack, as using attack frames for the skill would nerf any non-superbeast builds.
Pit Knight
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Sigil of Absolution doesn't work with white items.
I tried it with completed rw, and with white item without sockets. Both has some "+required lvl" and in both cases it just return sigil and item. No decreasing of lvl :( .
Thunder Beetle
55 | 1
when will we have bosses reworked?especially the very easy and easy ones?they are so easy i dont even understand why deckard cane cant just give us the charms :D
am i the only one who thinks that catacombs and jail levels in nightmare and hell are ridiculous with 9/10 mobs being ranged?
will we ever have act bosses be the gatekeepers to the next act and be hard so that you would be forced to stop for a minute and upgrade your gear rather than continue to run around with early runewords and 1-2 uniques smashing everything until hell?
im still very pissed for being lied to that leveling experience will be better in 2.0 but its still not fun,not hard and its still just a race to hell.
"Making Nightmare more interesting and engaging" /cry