What would bring you back to Median XL?

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Lava Lord
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Zennith wrote:TLDR What's the single thing (New or from a previous version) that would bring you back to Median?

:bounce: :flip: Get Rid Of The Trade Gold System! :flip: :bounce:
302 | 8
Tankier mercs. I love to grind/farm/play with mercs.
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For me, currently game lost most of fun in early leveling, in old times we had more options for orbs, more fun skills etc.
215 | 19
Nomad wrote:- Removing level requirements on most if not all ubers/dungeons. Just a recommended level would be fine.
- Somehow shortening or changing the Normal/Nightmare difficulty grind, it is way too repetitive to keep people interested in doing it every season. Maybe some ways to shorten it/speed it up

Old cube recipe to create act 2 staff ang act 3 khalim's thing
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Tyrannus Discordus
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You know what stops me dead in my tracks every single time I play this mod? Level 125+

I have been playing this mod for absolutely forever now, and have seen it change time after time and have NEVER breached the hard content, at least in any true significant way. Maybe it's me as a player, maybe not, but even following the most detailed guides (as I am a guide follower) I feel like the person who made the guide gets to this part of the game and says "yeah just get good gear, I guess."

To this day I have never beaten Laz and Uldy, for example, and I haven't even dreamed of reaching Scosglen or Samael. I think the barrier to entry is just too much. Let me be able to struggle-bus my way through a hard boss on skill alone instead of every next encounter being a harder DPS check than the last. Let me go to places earlier instead of random level restrictions which were only made because it was annoying when new players accidentally waltzed into Fauztinville and complained at the devs.

For one season, even if it became the most unrewardingly easy season, I would like to experience the entire mod, and stop mentally checking out after I realize that even after all this time spent with this mod, I still have no clue what the hell I'm doing.
7 | 0
Naabaanit wrote:You know what stops me dead in my tracks every single time I play this mod? Level 125+

I have been playing this mod for absolutely forever now, and have seen it change time after time and have NEVER breached the hard content, at least in any true significant way. Maybe it's me as a player, maybe not, but even following the most detailed guides (as I am a guide follower) I feel like the person who made the guide gets to this part of the game and says "yeah just get good gear, I guess."

To this day I have never beaten Laz and Uldy, for example, and I haven't even dreamed of reaching Scosglen or Samael. I think the barrier to entry is just too much. Let me be able to struggle-bus my way through a hard boss on skill alone instead of every next encounter being a harder DPS check than the last. Let me go to places earlier instead of random level restrictions which were only made because it was annoying when new players accidentally waltzed into Fauztinville and complained at the devs.

For one season, even if it became the most unrewardingly easy season, I would like to experience the entire mod, and stop mentally checking out after I realize that even after all this time spent with this mod, I still have no clue what the hell I'm doing.

well i would not say that they are that much too hard (melee sorc is my suggestion, you can do them/reach them relative easy even with just the set)

but what i have to critisize is the insane grind you have to do for levels 130 and more .... it takes forever
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Naabaanit wrote:For one season, even if it became the most unrewardingly easy season, I would like to experience the entire mod, and stop mentally checking out after I realize that even after all this time spent with this mod, I still have no clue what the hell I'm doing.

Now's your chance, play Havoc. Melee sorc to 120, get the fire set from the Mirror Temple, and you're golden. You're not going to see another season where it's so easy to access this skill on 0 cooldown.
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Amazon Warrior
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Siosilvar wrote:
Naabaanit wrote:For one season, even if it became the most unrewardingly easy season, I would like to experience the entire mod, and stop mentally checking out after I realize that even after all this time spent with this mod, I still have no clue what the hell I'm doing.

Now's your chance, play Havoc. Melee sorc to 120, get the fire set from the Mirror Temple, and you're golden. You're not going to see another season where it's so easy to access this skill on 0 cooldown.

Why didn't you guys just tone that down right after the start? And now you are even advertising it.

I kinda agree with Naabaanit but then again this is an ARPG. You're supposed to get challenged with gear-checks and grinding. If it bores you, there are a lot of Bioware/Bethesda games that I enjoy for example. Still always returning to this mod but I don't make a life of it.
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Dark Huntress
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I just want to preface this by saying that I really appreciate all the hard work the devs have put into Median over the last few years. The quality of life changes are great, and definitely made for a more pleasant overall experience. Most mod makers would have long abandoned the project by this point, so your continued dedication is very commendable.

That being said, the direction the devs have taken with Sigma is not something that I agree with, or would want to continue to play. As others have said, normal and nightmare difficulties are a slog to get through. I find myself getting bored about halfway through nightmare. There's little difficulty until you get to mid-level ubers. The removal of the level 0 challenge, gift box from Griswold, and the character orb (I know these were gone ages ago), make getting to hell a chore.

For me, the sprint and level-gating mechanics detract from the mod's enjoyability. I used to love farming act 2 sewers for SUs due to the pack mob and crazy density, but the best thing you can get there now is sets. I should also be able to enter an uber as soon as I get there. While I understand the argument about trading and noob-friendliness, this still bothers me a lot. I also miss themed seasons, despite them being horribly unbalanced.

I downloaded Ultimative XVc yesterday, and I'm having a great time with it. I understand that you can't please everyone, and I have no animosity towards the devs. I also don't have as much time to play as I used to, so that also has something to do with it I suppose. I'll probably check out Sigma again in a year.
