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Pit Knight
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Hello, does the lemuries skill at the paladin attack the one deals damage 1 time or more when all the ghosts attack together?

And how much it needs the attack speed in the superbest items to make it decent.
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I am an old median player coming back to the game. Just go a message Diablo walks the earth on destruction at act 2.

Where can I find him and does it still exist?

Thank you

(NVM) Just found that it has been disabled. Sorry
151 | 0
what kind of damage is the spreading attack made by the cow shamans, or cow honcho's? I need to build a stronger def against that.
65 | 2
I think you are referring to thunderslam or diseased cattle. So, respectively: phys/magic, and poison

When in doubt, imo, % dr and flat dr are your best defense.
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Acid Prince
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If anyone knows about instakill mobs on Nihlatak Runs or other place(Like mobs with return aura/blue goats act2/demons with a fiery ring(road to baal...) give more information/write a short guide, pls. It's very hard to play on hardcore without having such information. All the time I have max hp(80-100% bar), max resist(75-82%), block(10-15%), dr 10%+ by the end of the 5th act of hatred with tu5-6 and it does not insure me from instakill/crush 3/4hp.
P.s: last death on the paladin with the presence of 20% of the absorbers light, fire, cold - insta kill minus 2.1khp 1 hit from rusty fury (Nihlatak Runs), i know about steel crushers but after their -def(5-6k def, 6-7% chance monster hit). My ass in fire because this is just arcane crystal farm, what about ubers or other shit places.
P.p.s: I understand that the characters for hardcore without overclocking hp are not playable (regardless of dr/def and block/resist), i belive in mele hc, of course any summon/range top. But how to survive without knowledge? The wiki is empty.
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PindlskinVova wrote:If anyone knows about instakill mobs on Nihlatak Runs or other place(Like mobs with return aura/blue goats act2/demons with a fiery ring(road to baal...) give more information/write a short guide, pls. It's very hard to play on hardcore without having such information. All the time I have max hp(80-100% bar), max resist(75-82%), block(10-15%), dr 10%+ by the end of the 5th act of hatred with tu5-6 and it does not insure me from instakill/crush 3/4hp.
P.s: last death on the paladin with the presence of 20% of the absorbers light, fire, cold - insta kill minus 2.1khp 1 hit from rusty fury (Nihlatak Runs), i know about steel crushers but after their -def(5-6k def, 6-7% chance monster hit). My ass in fire because this is just arcane crystal farm, what about ubers or other shit places.
P.p.s: I understand that the characters for hardcore without overclocking hp are not playable (regardless of dr/def and block/resist), i belive in mele hc, of course any summon/range top. But how to survive without knowledge? The wiki is empty.
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Play this mod on softcore few times until you have more experiece where is danger and what kind of danger that is. Ебать kопaть - дa.
310 | 2
PindlskinVova wrote:If anyone knows about instakill mobs on Nihlatak Runs or other place(Like mobs with return aura/blue goats act2/demons with a fiery ring(road to baal...) give more information/write a short guide, pls. It's very hard to play on hardcore without having such information. All the time I have max hp(80-100% bar), max resist(75-82%), block(10-15%), dr 10%+ by the end of the 5th act of hatred with tu5-6 and it does not insure me from instakill/crush 3/4hp.
P.s: last death on the paladin with the presence of 20% of the absorbers light, fire, cold - insta kill minus 2.1khp 1 hit from rusty fury (Nihlatak Runs), i know about steel crushers but after their -def(5-6k def, 6-7% chance monster hit). My ass in fire because this is just arcane crystal farm, what about ubers or other shit places.
P.p.s: I understand that the characters for hardcore without overclocking hp are not playable (regardless of dr/def and block/resist), i belive in mele hc, of course any summon/range top. But how to survive without knowledge? The wiki is empty.
Ебать жопа сгорает от смерти на лоу лвл контенте с 1 удара при наличии большинства капов для текущего месторасположения.

Niklathak temple has a monster with a curse that reduce your HP to 1 for a short amount of time when they hit you in melee (forget the name). So you can't let them hit you.
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Acid Prince
46 | 2
it's not interesting, even for the sake of experience, the more the same experience I will get many times dying on hardcore. The problem is that knowing the dangerous places I do not have information on monsters to understand how to resist this, why it happens. The number of deaths is not important, the absence of a lesson after death is bad.
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Acid Prince
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Still there is a question, what for monsters in the 4th act, which throw as far as I understood the curse on the minus stats = you become partially naked :) thx, tranvanhieu, I think I found the reason, it was next to Nihlatak and Image was buffed by .
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PindlskinVova wrote:it's not interesting, even for the sake of experience, the more the same experience I will get many times dying on hardcore. The problem is that knowing the dangerous places I do not have information on monsters to understand how to resist this, why it happens. The number of deaths is not important, the absence of a lesson after death is bad.

Существует бестиарий медиана где можешь посмотреть каждого моба и его способности. "официального" бестиария, насколько мне известно, нету.
Их есть несколько по просторам интернета, вот тебе один вроде бы самый новый (но он не полный):

по поводу курсы с моба четвёртого акта это зомбак такой knight of death он эту курсу вешает при атаке насколько я знаю, иногда ты можешь просто снять и обратно надеть оружие и всё курсы нету. Такие мобы есть в конце третьего акта, в начале четвёртого и в самом начале пятого

edit: бафф от нилатака это Rathma's Unchosen, смотри:
"Rathma’s Unchosen-> No kidding, that’s how the .txts call it. It actualy makes sense, since it’s a different skill.
It targets a monster close to him, turning it invulnerable to all damage (but Damage over Time) and adding 10-15K magic damage to his attacks. For 5 ridiculous seconds."