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It's possible to reset stats/skills?
I started in median xl today.
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After finishing the first quest, the den of evil you can reset with Akara in town. You can do this once in normal, once in nightmare, and once in hell. The other way is to drink a potion called Belladonna Extract. They are fairly rare to find but if you're playing online it's not too hard to get someone to donate one to you if you ask nicely ;)
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Thank you for your help! :mrgreen:
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For crafting mf jewels the docs say this


But sometimes I get 6% mf jewels and I have seen 8-10% on trade forums.

Is the documentation outdated or is there another way to craft mf jewels that yields higher %?

Or is this a case where the tir craft jewel gets its 1-3 and the crafted jewel had rolled MF also?
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Temptaz wrote:For crafting mf jewels the docs say this


But sometimes I get 6% mf jewels and I have seen 8-10% on trade forums.

Is the documentation outdated or is there another way to craft mf jewels that yields higher %?

Or is this a case where the tir craft jewel gets its 1-3 and the crafted jewel had rolled MF also? check here. Jewels can naturally roll 1-5 mf, and the 1-3 mf from tir rune gets added to it. But getting a 8% roll is 6.66% chance, IF magic find rolls on the jewel (1/3*1/5), so good luck with that :D
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Thanks for the info.

From the affix list I see this


So is this saying there is chance (however low it maybe) that the jewel gets BOTH the affixes AND the Tir craft 1-3% bonus meaning hypothetically like winning the lottery you could get a jewel with 13% MF perfect on all 3?

Or am I mistaken and it can only get one of the affixes for 1-5 maxing at 8. If that is the case how are the 10% jewels being crafted.
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Temptaz wrote:Thanks for the info.

From the affix list I see this


So is this saying there is chance (however low it maybe) that the jewel gets BOTH the affixes AND the Tir craft 1-3% bonus meaning hypothetically like winning the lottery you could get a jewel with 13% MF perfect on all 3?

Or am I mistaken and it can only get one of the affixes for 1-5 maxing at 8. If that is the case how are the 10% jewels being crafted.

Theyre in the same group so you cant roll both. 10mf jewels are legacy from before that was nerfed.
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Sorry to keep asking questions but if they are legacy how are they in ladder currently?

Unless that was a really recent patch
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it was a hotfix, ladder had already started