Σ 2.6 Bugs & Feedback

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Siosilvar wrote:
inori92 wrote:2.6 Feedback

Came back after a few seasons of absence, was quite excited after the recent Diablo 4 disappointment in endgame, a bit disappointed here as well.


I think you vastly overestimate both our intent and most of our math skills :lol:

Ben's done his math, and the playerbase still thinks

Barbarian Two-Handed Axes

Runeword Level: 115
Earthshaker Skills Have Their Cooldowns Reduced by 20%
+(3 to 4) to Barbarian Skill Levels
80% Attack Speed
+140 Damage
+200% Enhanced Damage
Slow Target 20%
4% to Vitality
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
5% Chance to Avoid Damage
is bad for some reason neither of us can figure out. I've done my math, and Psicrown's damage was straight up doubled on an energy-stacking build - I don't know if it clears Scos, it almost certainly doesn't clear labs, but I don't really pay attention to labs because that's SB's baby.

And melee sorc is in the state it is because SB and Marco made some throwaway changes once to try to fix the build's issues and we're slowly ramping them back because decent size nerfs even to things that are blatantly overperforming generate an enormous outcry - even as we push other stuff up to par. There's no meta we're trying to push, we're just trying not to have people rant at us, you know?

Psicrowns issue was it was made good in the past by relic stacking which is no longer achievable - thus a huge rework to its scaling needed to be. Maybe next season.

grief is ok runeword, but think the core problem revolves more around earthshaker tree/abilities and not the itemization.

However late game, most WDM builds are built very similarly. I think thats part of the issue, theres not a whole lot of builds that stand out. More unique scaling vectors to builds would be neat. Wyrd was an example of a uniquely scaling ability that freshened up the meta, abelit it was op. More things like that could be very fun...Builds that scale attack damage from defense, or TCD, block, AR, overcapped res etc etc would do alot for more wide spread meta imo and more diverse build selection.

Itemization is kind of struggling. Some of the SU's/SSU's/Runewords are never used, ive played for a long long time and some of the items are quite literally dust every season or a sig. I believe there does need to be shit items in order for other items to be good, but the scale is way to shifted towards to many not good items vs the good ones. Also UMOs... i really liked the solitude design - Id rather have it only 1 umo per item total, not 1 of this umo - and the umos be stronger. Hopefully more in this direction.

Lastly - socketables are a bit lacking - jewel option craft wise are fine, unique ones are pretty under welming late game, and in labs/135+ content filling your sockets with lvl 18 gems for res is super uninteresting/not fun. to be efficient(assuming your going to lab or do schesron/sammy) its not worth upgrading to the Erune version of sockets because most of those will just be dedicated to Resistances/Max resistance.

Overall though, the game is getting better every season and i appreciate that.
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God_of_Magic wrote:
nemmate wrote:
Jammy wrote:
Sfp4 wrote:Something I would like to see added in the future is the ability to reroll a set item to a different piece within the same set.

Not sure how possible it would be, but I like this idea.

Just like in Grim Dawn ?

It's in D3.

Oh, I didn't know that. Maybe it's because I never played with D3 :) but I like a lot Grim Dawn. Btw it's a good idea. Cheers
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New Blood of creation relic for druid doesnt allow Ranged Egg trap with strixclaw even though not specifying
Without relic
With relic

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Not sure if these bugs related to the "Incarnation" Paladin build have been reported before :

(1.) By far the most annoying bug is, if you have "Dragon Jaws" set as your left-mouse skill, and you try to go up or down stairs (including some similar portals like the opening leading to Duriel's lair), or if you try to left-click on the Tree in Act 1, or if you even try to just walk through some doorways, you cannot. You just bounce back and there is no error message displayed as to what went wrong.

Yet, if you remap your left-click skill to just "normal attack" or "move only", the problem goes away and you can move through these portals normally (or click on the Tree to get the Scroll). But this is far from optimal if for example you are arriving in a dangerous area and have to waste time re-re-mapping your left-click skills.

(2.) Randomly, the "Dragonbone Armor" skill (the one that gives the physical damage absorbing bone armor aura to the Paladin, similar looking to Bone Armor for the Necro in cLOD), does not show a whole circle of bone armor and instead just shows a third to a quarter of the circle -- BTW I have much more mana than is needed to cast the spell so it can't be a deficiency in that area. Repeated re-castings of this spell / skill do not fix the problem, it seems stuck at just showing you a fragment of the entire circle of bone armor.

I can't tell if the armor is really crippled and is only providing 25-30% of the protection that it should be providing, or if this is purely a display bug.

(3.) The "Dragon Jaws" skill seems to be mostly ineffective against enemies that have their backs against a wall (or other barrier like the forests in Act 3, for example). You can cast it and cast it again and again and although the graphic effects of the big red spikes do come up from the ground (seemingly right under your targets), the enemies don't take any damage at all. (To be fair, however, this attack is very effective against enemies that aren't thus situated, so it's still a pretty good skill.)

These aren't the worst bugs that I have ever seen in D2-series games but they are frustrating, I hope the developers will address them.
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Dark Huntress
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Bug/Oversight: Jared's Stone Sorc Orbs aren't listed in the gamble filter system.
Semi Related Feedback: A reset filter button would make using it so much easier

Second minor bug/oversight/maybe I am blind: Can't seem to find mastercrafted gear in the docs at least under bases
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juniperleafes wrote:Suggestion: Add mechanic from D3 to use existing set pieces to reroll into missing ones. I'm at about 120 Duncraig runs and 50 Trans Athula runs with 500 MF and still haven't gotten the Vizjerei Dominion gloves to drop. If it doesn't drop soon I'm just going to stop playing
try kurast3kBA if you haven't quit yet, it rains sets so your odds are best there
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I defeated the riftwalker of lvl 115 and cubed the riftwalker eye, it only provided 2% life and mana but no extra plus skill is it a bug or the extra +1 skill level was removed?
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Thorinori wrote:Bug/Oversight: Jared's Stone Sorc Orbs aren't listed in the gamble filter system.

They are, but for some reason they're called "Dragon Stone".
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Dark Huntress
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Siosilvar wrote:
Thorinori wrote:Bug/Oversight: Jared's Stone Sorc Orbs aren't listed in the gamble filter system.

They are, but for some reason they're called "Dragon Stone".

Ahhh ok. Dragonstone is the name of the Jared's Stone TU, so maybe that is why
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Dark Huntress
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Suggestion: The Ljosalf Runeword is interesting mechanically, but the Bloodstar on Death Blow feels a bit hard to use since they fire from you. If they fired from where the unit died, I think it would feel much smoother to use while also making the procs feel more consistent. If you are kind of far away, they currently either just miss everything due to the slow projectile speed, or fire off in weird directions if they fire at all due to targets being nearby. It is a very interesting item for sure though, but the casting location for the proc makes it feel a bit rough to use unless it is specifically intended to be like a weird melee caster kind of idea?