Micro stutter while moving

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Hello. I came back to playing this game after long long time. Back then I was using 85hz crt monitor. Now I use 144hz BenQ XL2430T. I installed median xl 2017 with plugy, glide and D2SE.I have a problem no matter what settings I use either full screen, windowed, scaled resolution, locked or not fps, compatibility settings etc... each time I move and look on some other character or monster on screen while moving he stutter horribly. I don't really know how to describe it.. It is most apparent while moving left or right... Kashya for example when I move around her it looks like 5 or more sprites of her at the same time each in a little different place and little more or less transparent. It drives me crazy. Is this common issue from horrible low frame rate cap (25) and I just need to get used to it? Or is something wrong on my side? I noticed that faster I move it stutter more.
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Try hosting a TCP/IP game, do you get stutters there?
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Astral Guardian
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First, try the most obvious thing. Update your video drivers or re-install them.
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I tried both TCP/IP and drivers reinstall, nvidia control panel settings, I experimented with frame rates, different vsync settings, monitor and game hz rates, directdraw, 3d, glide... this is wast of time i think.. I would need to see game running on some other pc to be certain but I would say it is just very low framerate game is designed around. Other people must be used to it.
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can you try using another video mode for D2? Direct Draw for example?
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He said he tried all three, but did you you try -nosound? Performance tends to be better with it. Although your kashya example makes it unlikely.
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running in windows xp compatibility mode?
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Yes to all. I don't think it is about performance. TCP/IP play get me above 1k fps whe they are uncapped. I need to buy a laptop soon so I will check how game runs on it.
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i am having the exact same problem. Ive tried everything and i cant get Median to run as smooth as vanilla. If im standing still its totally smooth. as soon as i move its like the image gets staticky and fuzzy to the point i cant even read the names of items on the ground. I cant enjoy this mod because it actually hurts my eyes. Any fix??
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Son of Lucion
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can u record a movie about all u said ? maybe we can catch a error