Breaking down uniques

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So I haven’t played in the last few years and decided to give it a go again. Ran into a small issue with breaking down uniques with the Catalyst of Disenchantment. I put the CoD and a Unique in the cube (tried probably 15 different ones) and hit transmute and nothing happens on any of them. What am I missing can’t seem to find a step I’m missing in any change logs or videos. Thanks everyone. BTW it’s like this on all my characters.
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Sand Maggot
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Median XL Team Member
I have the feeling you used the TUs from the gift box. Those are not transmutable with the Catalyst of Disenchantment, either you use them and uptier them or just drop them.
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Ha ha ..... ok so I figured that but I found 3 drops that were also able to be found in the gift box and I guess the game tags them the same way because I just took my quiver off thinking..... “I guess we will see” and no more quiver lol but I got shards. Thanks
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Restarted the game and those 3 broke down too.....