Arkaine's Valor needs rewording

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So you don't have noobs like me dropping a lot of TG on one thinking youll be strutting around with 90,000 vitality. I know for a fact other people think it is based on your characters defense number as well.
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what's it based off exactly anyway?
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Your "Total Character Defense XX%" you get from items. AKA i think best case scenario you can only get several hundred vitality from the Arkaine's bonus.
Stone Warrior
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Donated 1 time it not based off defense? What numbers are you looking at with yours? I assumed it was just crazy rare (like maybe 2-3 drop total per ladder) but those characters would get like 50k life or something so it would be worth using if possible.
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There are 3 up for auction currently, not super rare just super poorly worded. I havent had the one delivered yet that i paid out the ass for but I had someone pm me tellign me to temper my expectations since its not based on the stat most people believed it was.
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"50% of Your Total Character Defense Added as Vitality"

So, if your total character defense is 300k, u get 150k hp? If not the case, it definitely needs rewording.

The only other scenario I can imagine is this: you have gear and MOs that give xx% to Total Character Defense. And this chest takes 50% of whatever that number is and gives you it as Vitality. Which is low. AF. Probably not even 1k.
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there's literally a stat called "Total Character Defense" how can it be more clear?
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Dribskram wrote:there's literally a stat called "Total Character Defense" how can it be more clear?

you're the worst kind of people
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double91 wrote:
Dribskram wrote:there's literally a stat called "Total Character Defense" how can it be more clear?

you're the worst kind of people

At least provide an example of how you would reword it. I am not sure what you would change its very clear.
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I can see the confusion but i would never think id get 400k vita on my spearzon. If its too good to be true, it most certainly is.