Trade Gold

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Hi, what sense is start season if people have 1-10k tg on acc? Items, charms and others are worthless after few days and people do end game in few days, it is no good. It goes the same way as Diablo 3, where all is simple. Imo start season should be start with 10% or less base tg on acc, but it is only my small opinion. ;)
206 | 16
Let's not invent communism. You can also earn a lot of money and enjoy :)
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66 | 2
right...but how they play doesnt affect you. i played ssf until 130 just cuz thats how i like to play, people were already 140 by that point. do i care if im not getting 8 man fauzt juice 24/7? no. should you care that some dude bought full malth set on season start? no.

saying every item in the game is worthless because vikan has 999k trade gold is dumb. saying this game is like d3 in any way shape or form is dumb. also your suggestion to fix the "issue" is dumb; tg would need to be completely locked or you're just moving the goalpost.
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Bone Archer
79 | 4
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Also, Trade Gold, amongst other things, can be obtained through donating to TSW. Would you consider it fair for 10% of your donation-earned trade gold to be taken away?