Σ 1.7 Bugs&Feedback

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Stone Warrior
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Playing poison druid right now, mana issues are overwhelming. Roots and harvesters cost way too much mana at least for early game (lvl 106 so far). Yes, i use mana sweep RW on switch and mana regen MOs on jewelry and 1-2 rows of mana pots, had to add them to loot filter.
Also roots cannot be casted on non "land" surface, so you cannot target mobs that are flying over rivers and such (Ioss, arcane sanctuary etc etc).
Pit Knight
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Can someone tell me why I can't start the game? Error 1383, let me point out that I am not a new person to the Median , I went through the agony more than once to get this great mod to run, but now I tried literally everything ... as always, I remember 2 seasons couldn't get started..now I don't know what to do anymore
Acid Prince
46 | 0
Fumbles wrote:Sometimes the weird red Quill Storm animation and the quills themselves show up, other times they don't. Even when they don't enemies are still getting hit/killed. Not sure how to recreate this bug.

same here
Pit Knight
102 | 3
villur wrote:This is more of a general "suggestion" rather than 1.7 specific and thats morphs.

Im one who generally dislikes all morphs and even in other games too because generally morphs kill all customization/expression options.

I used to love trap and wolf druid but nowadays I just cant stand the morphs in D2 so would it be possible for example to have some vendor sell a charm of some sorts so that when you morph into traprat you dont turn into a rat and stay in your human druid form? There already have been some of these changes over the years where morphs have been removed. For example the short lived catlady for assassin, tittydragon for HMP and death knight for necro.

I get that morphs for druids are a very thematically sound concept, but theres very little to improve the models. I would love to quillstorm all day without any kind of morph or teleport around with a 2H sword as wolf. Unholy also has some weirdness going on where at lvl 90 I go from a heavy plate wearing paladin to some strage beast thing and the coolest model in the game for me is a paladin with a big ass shield and a crystal sword so thats just sad.

Im sure some people think morphs are cool and im also sure a lot of people would like to play these builds without morphs. Even WoW made a glyph that changed moonkin(fat owl) form to a blue see-through version of your "base" model so to speak and I loved that I wasn't forced to look silly.

So would it be feasible to give us an option to choose? Now my idea of a 1x1 charm might not be the best solution, maybe it would just involve an outside patch that replaces the morphs or a consumable, either way these morphs are keeping me from enjoyng some old favorites of mine and im sure there are many others.

I second this. I don't want to go through the game as a rat/bear/chicken/clunky robot necromancer/whatever. Just look how cool druid helms look. Well, that's a shame 'cause you're never gonna see it...
5 | 1
Blue traps on the ground sometimes are invisible (you re instant dead meanwhile nothing is attacking you, box is not exploding or projectiles doesnt fly)
It happened to me before 1.7 too sometimes
Bone Archer
75 | 3
Bow Druid's bear's Heart of the Pack is SO annoying. Either have the ability be the bear's aura or remove the ability. It's basically useless, even if I have the bear, I almost always have to use Steady shot. Honestly, I really like the bow druid better without the Bear's ability. Switching constantly between steady shot and other skills is fun for me.
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Thunder Beetle
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As a trapsin, Quov Tsin is targeting my placed shockwave traps and I am taking damage when they are being hit.
302 | 8
I don't know if it's a bug or something else, but I play with totem necromancer. I think the new frostclaw totem attack is awesome. But every time, when I return to the town, the frostclaw totems "die" instantly. The two other totems stay like in the old patches, but the frostclaw. It happens always, no matter how I return to the town (TP, waypoint or walking)
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adiabloplayer wrote:Bow Druid's bear's Heart of the Pack is SO annoying. Either have the ability be the bear's aura or remove the ability. It's basically useless, even if I have the bear, I almost always have to use Steady shot. Honestly, I really like the bow druid better without the Bear's ability. Switching constantly between steady shot and other skills is fun for me.

Same,I found the new bow skills good (especially we now have homing nova shota aka Heartseeker as base ability) but I agree with Bear situation, either aura of efect or not at all.
Bone Archer
75 | 3
ixvid_ wrote:
adiabloplayer wrote:Bow Druid's bear's Heart of the Pack is SO annoying. Either have the ability be the bear's aura or remove the ability. It's basically useless, even if I have the bear, I almost always have to use Steady shot. Honestly, I really like the bow druid better without the Bear's ability. Switching constantly between steady shot and other skills is fun for me.

Same,I found the new bow skills good (especially we now have homing nova shota aka Heartseeker as base ability) but I agree with Bear situation, either aura of efect or not at all.

Something I forgot to add. If the ability is changed to an aura, the skills need to be rebalanced cause the rare occasions where it does trigger and you aren't out of range, you get a HUGE burst of damage. Aura with current dmg would be completely broken.