What I learnt from PoE experiences that might be needed here.

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First of all, you should know that Im SSF player who crazily hoarded alot of stuff and play mxl once a while when there is new patch came out. I never wanted to play on realm, mostly because of limited stash & requirement of making a lot of mules, as well as several clunky mechanic because of old d2 engine. I dont expect all my points or expectation can be reached here, but I thought I just wanted to voice up stuff I learnt from my past 2 months playing PoE full time.

Before I begin, I would like to bring you to important points that I wanted to bring here.

PART 1 : My observations so far
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PART 2 : My personal hot takes
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PART 3 : My bombastic suggestions
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I dont expect all my points here to be reasonable, it is just stuff that have been on my mind for a while. I personally have issue with current medianxl because it have become multiplayer / elitist focused games, but I can understand why it have been done that way.

I also made some ridiculous suggestions that might not doable with limitation on d2 engine or simply too costly to run a server that manage the database, regardless, I just wanted some way to make it is frictionless to start trading in the game.

If you somehow read through all those wall of text until the end, thank you. (I think it took me 2 hours maybe to think about it while writing)
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Inb4 someone comment "pooe"
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As a fellow PoE player, i see where you are coming from, largely agreed, i don't have special thoughts or great idea, so, won't be touching those points.

I'll be sharing my view on the "multiplayer / elitist" aspect portion.

I'm a SP player at core, also classified as a pleb that knows enough to know that i dont know.
I love hoarding as you are, at one point i even have an excel sheet to keep track of items i owned or yet to be found.

From what i've seen, SP players are somewhat seen as a stigma, largely due to there is no control of what you do in SP, like doing some TCP/IP stuffs or running a certain specific unnamed tools, and best of it, there is no proof that you are playing SP in a genuine fashion, and even if you did, there are always doubtful peoples.

Hence people tends to respect more on realm players playthrough.


I remember in the old days there was one passionate SP player that always keeps his SP "mini guide" updated, but getting lots of beef from all direction, while i don't personally know if that person holds a toxic personality that drew all the heat, but generally seen him being bashed for sharing his concept build with SP decked gear, saying something like not newbie friendly, or not unreasonable to get on such decked gear etc etc.

My interaction with him when i was asking some basic question in his thread was generally smooth though.

As for the Elitist portion, i'd say that comes down to individuals, not all Vets acted as such.

Although rare, there are still people that are willing to help, but sadly, most reply was seen in this format "this mofo dont even know what he's talking about and is whining like a baby hurr durrr, GIT GUD LUL"

Now i understand that keeping some secret tech for his/her own to gain advantage on ladder climbing or TG advantage of selling said build/charm packs.

No one is obligated to help, if they chose to keep it to themselves, it's totally understandable, but if you have nothing good to say, say nothing, instead of going full toxic mode and bash on newbies/plebs alike.

I think this is kinda bad for the community image.

That said, new players often get overwhelmed with MXL and don't even know how to ask the proper question, which also contributes to frustration when the vets are trying to help, remember, no vets are obligated to help, you simply cannot and shall not fault them for not helping, everyone's time should be respected.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zy7xXkR ... trifeHayes
The video have a interesting take on how guides ruined MMO, some players just don't or won't take their time to learn or explore, which should be part of the experience of the game.

New players should also buckle up a little bit on this portion.

Now, no vets should be held responsible for providing free helps, and newbie is so lost.

I'd reckon some tweak for the documentation on MXL might be needed, like grabbing a few total blank newbies and toss them the documentation, and interview/survey on their perception on said documentation

We might have grown to accustomed to said documentation and mostly gotten the information baked in, they might see otherwise.
For example the recent minion res question i answered, i was surprised to learn that the 15% minion res per soft point is so baked into my head, and i didn't even think about newbies couldn't find a solid source to confirmed it.

Another encounter is there was once i joined a Properly titled Act 1 Normal, melee necro fresh start game, as i was doing one.
Found that the host was a complete newbie, so i tried to twink him up with some ACs, wanted him to experience the cube recipe for TU creation, handed base, ac and oils, asked him to read cube recipe section and go for it, guess what, he fucked up.
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Regarding your suggetions:
1,2,3) I'd say some of the points you've made regarding the trading system are not valid, since you've never played realm/traded at all.
  • Price checks are available in the trading center. They are approximate but somewhat accurate.
  • The three alternatives for listing items are: auctions, forum topics and discord. Using discord is the preferable choice, since 1) it doesn't cost you the auction fee, 2) it allows you to list your absolute best items and 3) allows you to search for any item via keywords. Forum threads are also an option, but as you said it's a bit clunky to open every thread and search in them, so I think many people do not use them.
  • There is not really a downtime in trading in Discord. It allows for a competitive system, since you can search for items and buy them before others do. It allows for bargaining, etc. Making trading any easier than that is not necessary in my opinion, since people who invest more time in trading should be rewarded for that. This means posting your best items frequently and searching for items frequently as well.
  • I understand the hoarding aspect, though knowing which items are good is also a part of the game that you need to learn. Hoarding after that is not necessary, because the sad thing is not many items are worth something and that is another problem.. Also, even if you scatter your items in different mules, finding them is pretty easy with Notarmory, somewhat similar to how you can find your items with the offline tools.
  • There are many ways to obtain TG and using it is much more straightforward than trading item vs item as in vanilla.

3) I have to agree having season challenges makes things more interesting, though the problem is coming up with the challenges and being able to deliver rewards. There should definitely be more frequent official challenges and I think they will make the game more lively. I do not understand why this is not done and don't see the reason devs wouldn't be able to "generate" TG to host such challenges.

4) This is also something that would make the seasons lively, depending on how it is implemented.

5) "In all content" doesn't really make sense in Median in my opinion, since people are getting to Fauzt in about 10 hours from starting the season and are already "after the gate of certain level". Doing content lower than lvl 120 to obtain drops would just be easy and boring, unless there are some changes to how that works. Maybe you just mean to add more chase drops, which doesn't necessarily mean to add new items, but to balance builds and rework existing items too.

Median can't really be compared to PoE in terms of trading and there are various problems.
  • 1: The early/mid game of Median has become easy and most people are able to complete it with almost no problems in a low amount of time.
  • 2: The playerbase is much smaller, so the demand for items is not as big. Builds are unbalanced and there are few that are able to complete the end game easily, while others struggle or aren't able to do anything at all. Most people will play the meta chars and this has effect on item prices as well. Apart from the rare chase drops and the items required for these meta builds that will have high prices, the drop rates are high enough so that the other items are abundant enough.
  • 3: High drop rates create the illusion that you're getting something good frequently. In reality, the more people that get these items, the more these items start feeling insignificant and their price drops. Also, people obtain their items quickly in the season and this means they also progress quickly to the end-game.
  • 4: People reach the end-game in 1-2 weeks of the start and to be honest, there is currently not much to do, since it has been the same for a long long time. The economy starts to die with every player that leaves.
  • Final step: the game is stale in 2 weeks after season start.

The game needs more balanced builds, more reworked useful items, slower and harder mid-game and more end-game content. It also needs some incentive to play in party. Though, with a small dev team like this, reaching these goals will be a gradual process, so the direction is what's important.
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The team definitely has some ideas in the works to address trade friction and TG hoarding. Not my projects and I don't know how close they are to done, but rest assured we hear you on that.

As far as chase items - Relics can drop anywhere, and I think you neglect to mention that some of PoE's most useful items (influenced rares of high enough item level to roll t1 affixes) do drop only in certain high level areas. They definitely have us beat on the variety of those areas but I think we can agree the budget is a little different between us and them. :lol:

Marrt wrote:more reworked useful items

Wouldn't you guess it but that's my first project. Hopefully I can get at least a handful of reworked or new uniques out in 2.4 for everyone to play with. :bounce:
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Marrt wrote:
The game needs more balanced builds, more reworked useful items, slower and harder mid-game and more end-game content. It also needs some incentive to play in party. Though, with a small dev team like this, reaching these goals will be a gradual process, so the direction is what's important.

Such as the very old version of uldy? 30 mini bosses + purify boss ? I think the develop team is continuously doing a thing that is make the game easier for at least early and mid game. For now as we come to this version, the ultra goal -- deimoss, basically I think can be deleted from the end-game goal caz the award is too small.

As for the balance issue, I think it will never come to a point as you expect. At least for myself I don't expect every char has the same potential ability to defeat deimoss. It will be a pain in the ass for both develop team and player. Personally I can accept some IMBA build that ez for the end-game content and that is all diablo-like game situation. But I do expect some more various build that a suitable for specific situation, such as a boss that is vulnerable for caster but hard for WDM. Or some melee-ez bosses and some range-ez bosses.

In general I do agree with you but I highly doubt whether the develop team will do the change to the direction you said.
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perhaps elitis is a bit strong word, it is just all things / changes done in multiplayer realm also affected in the single player. we used to have better drop in SP because it was intended to be playable with SSF in mindset, albeit with assumption you can carry progression more than 1 season. on other hand, MP / realm player will have access to juicy seasonal content, even sometimes realm-only runeword.

the main with documentation is that game will get overhauled quite often making it is hard to keep documentation up to date. i personally have issue with documentation, mainly how to search for specific keyword (i remember like i like the old offline documentation in older median) especially how many pages i need to click

yeah, I know i dont have the knowledge about current trading system in the game but my suggestion is merely to have more like automated system in situation like last month of the season. imagine everyone already quiting, and you have harder to find specific you wanted. Im sure those mules (i hate mules tbh) or notarmory is still required manual action from both player (again, unless i misunderstood how system works)

on discord / trading part, personally i would love if it was more like index on the server side (notarmory)
where you can search item list, either online / offline player like on poetrade
but again, im aware this need some dedicated web / database developer to implement

Relic is one thing definitely one item im aware that is powerful after their rework (i think in 2.1?)
But i personally the game need more than that.
is there any item-sink recipe for rare stuff like enchanted rune, great rune, elemental rune etc?
I remember there was some ubercharm recipe for item, and i think it is pretty cool
you mentioned about rare influenced, but have rare ever be useful in medianxl at all?

there were many stuff I didnt touch since I dunno if it can be doable
but medianxl is all game about stat-check with some variance of boss drops
once you get good boss farmer earlier in the league, you pretty much can be ahead on the curve
there is no cost to enter aside from time walking around
I was thinking more toward using trophy as some sort item cube recipe
so there is purpose for it, despite 100% of population of player already got upgraded charm

no doubt, i like the rework done in sigma 2.0 so far
especially more bosses no longer have those annoying heroic shield or immunity
the progression was so good until i reached fauzt (level 130?)
then the game became sloth-fest where you need gears required tons of RNG to progress

one thing i hate in 2.0 was removal of many player options, most specifically 100++ runewords
you could just farm elemental runeword or get decent high rune
but 2.0 made that you need both, bad especially when you dont get specific rune your build needed
im talking from ssf factor of course
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100% support a total overhaul of rare item suffix/prefixes. I adored finding GG rare items in CLOD and, with almost no exceptions, they aren’t even worth picking up in MXL.

Make a Rare item patch and fix mercs and I guarantee you’ll see more season longevity.
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Kind of a random thought after reading this thread:
I wonder how big a role metagaming has had in poisoning people's experiences and killing the "fun factor," not just in Median, but in ARPGs in general.

Like, a lot of people seem obsessed with the "meta," and it seems to get worse every season. It doesn't help that players seem heavily incentivized to play only meta builds--at least, when starting out (this seems especially true for Ladder climbers and MP in general, but SP and/or SSF players kinda get stuck in the meta trap, too). It's the same for itemization. Like, there could be a half-dozen items that work for your build (like what @iwansquall mentioned with the old elemental RWs), but the "meta mentality" kinda pushes players toward the idea that items aren't even worth considering if they're not BiS for whatever stage their build is currently in. (And just to be clear, I fall into this trap a lot, too.)

Idk, maybe it's always been this way, even back in the old D2 Battle.net/private server days (I never played MP D2, and I don't play MP games in general). It just seems like this cringe meta trend has really ramped up in the last year or two, and I wonder if there's any correlation between that and the apparent increase in player dissatisfaction (despite all the really great things Sigma has brought). Idk though. Like I said, just a random thought.


Also, just to add: I do like what @RyougiShiki said about making it so certain build archetypes are more suitable for certain situations than others (as they said, some bosses could be easier for casters than for WDM, while other bosses could be easer for melee than rangers, and so on). That sounds like it would be a lot more interesting (and potentially easier for the devs to balance) than trying to balance all builds against each other, and then trying to balance them against all content. After all, if there's effectively no difference between playing a Fire Sorc and a WW Barb, then what's even the point of having different builds in the first place?
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I think i want to give shoutout to this tools
This is exactly what i meant for decent way to search runewords that is missing
Ability to filter stuff easily without needing to scroll through huge amount of pages
now we just need same thing for TU, SU, SSU & SSU
