2.8 Bugs & Feedback

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Dominos9189 wrote:Loving this season, except for the new class-specific relic system. I can see how this system would work for non-SSF but I play SSF and getting a ton of relics my class can't use only to cube with the paragon stone to get a new one and have that relic also be something my class can't use just feels bad. I've found 20+ relics so far with only one usable for my class, and it's just for the passive effect. Either remove the class only relic system or if it's going to become a core part of the game, make it so the 5 relics you cube with the paragon stone to get a different one guarantees a relic for your class. Maybe even make it so SSF characters only find relic drops for their class. I'm just spitballing potential solutions and other than the relic system for SSF characters, you guys knocked it out of the park this season!

That change to relics was made because you can find like 5-10 times as many relics this patch and they didnt want everyone to have bis relics. Its gonna be gone next season.
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Доброго времени суток, выкидывает при наведении на Ворона на кладбище и в третьей локации наведение на етти и волка оранжевого.
Подскажете решение проблемы?
Ни ошибок, ничего другого не выдает, просто игра зависает и через 5–10 секунд закрывается, это происходит в b-net и одиночной игре.

Good day, throws out when pointing at a Raven in the cemetery and in the third location pointing at these and an orange wolf.
Can you tell me the solution to the problem?
There are no errors or anything else, the game just freezes and closes after 5-10 seconds, this happens in b-net and single player.
Edited by PuRgAtOrIuM 6 months.
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The EWD from whirlwind does not show on the character screen, and also not while whirlwinding like the defense bonus does. It does seem to apply something, it it's impossible to tell if it's accurate.
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Hello I was curious if the windforce bow as bugged. It says that it will knock back enemies if strength is over 1000 which mine is and I don't see mobs getting knocked back. I can understand that this probably won't work on bosses but even in regular areas like fautz/scos the knock back isn't happening.

Edit: Its worth noting that all of my base attribute points are in dex and my str is coming purely off charms/gear but even at lvl 146 (my level) I only get 1,140 base points and the bow uses dex as a damage modifier so I doubt the orange text is talking about base attribute points.
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everytime i mouseover this skill(idk even the name and description of it) game freezes as you can see on image. Solutions?
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Jitan, Come On
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rafako wrote:everytime i mouseover this skill(idk even the name and description of it) game freezes as you can see on image. Solutions?

Stygian Watcher
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I think it would be a good idea to put an additional table for overcap maximum resistance values.
If not in the table, maybe when you hover the mouse over the maximum resistance value, the overcap value would be displayed? This would make it easier to tune the character for the expected effect.
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Build: Assassin Claw
fight with Batstrike or Cherubim

Without weapons, the damage is actually higher
Seems to be due to both Strength and Dexterity bonuses simultaneously

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i think a cool QoL feature would be to have a feature where you can clear all existing filters, a button just to clear all filters would be better than going through several pages un-ticking previous filtered items.

i play sp so i dont know if this issue occurs on mp, all gambling filters are shared through all characters, though this isnt really an issue it can sometimes become quite annoying overtime.