The Uber's Bible. (XVc)

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This is he XVc version of the ubers bible, to read the new one, click here

by Somnus


Greetings, ladies and gentlemen, to another ''bible'' edition. This time I bring something really special, ''The Uber's bible''. In this edition we are gonna cover ALL the Ubers, challenges and minigames.

What does this bible has to offer?
  • A comprehensive/straight to the point Uber's guide.
  • A simple/easy way for new players to understand all the ubers in this game and, at the same time, a deep knowledge for advanced players.


This is an introduction to MedianXL. To summon him just cube the ''read me'' statue from your inventory and you will have access to the ''Level challenge 0 quest skill''.
► Show Spoiler
Be careful, this skill only works for level 5.

How does this Boss works?
  • Traps around Volrath makes him invulnerable. Kill them to remove Volrath immunities.
  • Volrath shoots a constant death ray(1HKO) that spins clockwise. This ray starts at 4 o'clock when Volrath is summoned and it stops at the same spot after he dies (wait for the ray to disappear before picking up the gem).
  • Once he's dead, you'll get a swirl aura(Swirls, in MedianXL, activate ''hidden'' cube recipes) this recipe allows you to transmute the ''Gem'' (you dont have to identify it) and the chipped gem together in the cube to make the ''Harkon Crystal Gem''. Be careful, you have 30 seconds to cube it or the swirl will go off. Dying will also turn it off.
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Fastest ways to do Volrath:
  • Amazon: One of the fastest ways to do Volrath with her, Sunstrike. I found the other skill trees weaker than this one. I use 27 dex (for hunter bow) and the rest on energy for mana.
  • Assassin: Here you can use Cluster mine or Bat strike, I personally prefer Cluster mine because it’s really much faster to me (All points in Energy)
  • Necromancer: You can use boneyard for cleaning up most of the traps and buckshot for the remaining ones and Volrath.
  • Barbarian: Earthquake on left button and Lion stance on right button.
  • Paladin: Vessel of retribution + Retaliate. You can try Dragon oath for the AoE flames too.
  • Sorceress: Immersion all the way, with 25 points on Energy…TONS OF DMG.
  • Druid: Laughing ghost for the traps and Elementals or Poison flash (your choice) for Volrath
    Elementals are ranged and safer, Poison flash is melee and stronger.
Unlike D2:Original&LoD, you can use a recipe to get an elixir that refunds your skill and attribute points at any moment in the game.
[Oil of Absolution + any rune → Belladonna Elixir]


Alright, LC1(LevelChallenge1) is the second challenge you'll have to face on Hatred difficulty. Fear do not!
What do I need for this uber?
  • Level 50 or lower.
  • 6k defense for ranged character and 8k + for melee. Use mystic orbs from akara to improve your gear.
  • You need to know ''where'' [A2 → Dry hills → Halls of the dead → Twin seas → Tran Athulua]
  • This place has no mini-map, so you need a good one → MAP!
  • It's useful to have Blink (or any teleport source) to jump over the walls. A way to get blink is cubing character orb (you can find it completing A1:Q1) with the ''read me'' statue for LC0. Or just use a ''Pax Mystica'' runeword on your 2nd weapon. You can do this uber without blinks/teleports.
How does this uber work?
  • TA(Tran Athulua) is filled with Amazon archers (they deal decent damage) and some snakes.
  • There is a ''boss'' on the entrance, a ''Pirate of the Twin seas''. He drops a charm called ''Sunstone of the Elements'', you'll need it to complete the challenges. And as always, you don't need to identify to transmute stuff.
    ► Show Spoiler
  • These 3 bosses are surrounded by armies of Amazon archers, so dont jump into big packs.
  • Each boss drops an unique Sunstone and gives you an unique swirl(you cant use fire priestess swirl to cube the ice sunstone with the sunstone of the elements and so on) cube it with the Sunstone of the Elements. Be careful, you have 30 seconds to cube it or the swirl will go off. Dying will also turn it off, as always.
    ► Show Spoiler
  • Each boss (priestess) is immune to its named element. Priestess of fire(fire immune), priestess of ice(cold immune) and priestess of thunder(lightning immune). They use Phalanx skill(Avoid at all cost or R.I.P), tremor(lowering your hp by %) and ice, fire or thunder nova on death.
You dont get experience in Tran Athulua, so, dont worry leveling up over 50 in here.


Last challenge on Hatred difficulty. This one its easy if you know how it works, so, let's go.

What do I need for this uber?
  • Maximum level 80.
  • Two maps :D New one & Old one. Make sure to check it out to know where are the totems.
  • Gear check.
How does this uber work?
  • There are totems across the map, they give full immunity to all enemies in a radius. Destroy them so you can kill the mobs.
  • The map is full of skeletons archers, skeletons warriors.
  • There are 3 Bosses(Ennead Necromancers), one necromancer per corner but the one you appear on. They use Miasma(poison skill that reduces movement speed)
  • Each Boss will randomly drop one class charm, sometimes it's a bit frustrating. Just keep trying till you get yours. Once you have your ClassCharm, cube it with a jewel (maximum level 80). This time you dont need swirls or have a timer.
For further information about stats and bonuses, click here.
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As you could read, unlike LC1(LevelChallenge1), there's not much into this challenge. Just make sure you dont get swarmed by immune skeletons(you will need %faster hit recovery, so cube your gear with some Mystic orbs)


First challenge on Terror difficulty, often known as Binding of Baal, it's a bit harder for some classes(MeleeQQ) but dont worry, you can do it!

What do I need for this uber?
  • Maximum level 90.
  • For this challenge you are gonna need to cube a new recipe, the Book of summoning recipe: [Sacrificial Heart x3 + Meditation Candle x3 → Book of Summoning] This will give you a summon skill, keep it for Summoning Ubers in destruction.
  • Terror Act2 → Lost City → Valley of Snakes
  • Make sure you always have resistances maxed out.
  • Any perfect gem ready to cube with your class charm.
How does this uber work?
  • Using the Book of summoning on Valley of snakes will summon Tal Rasha and some mages (around 15~). Mages use lightning novas and fire golems, dealing high damage. They give Tal Rasha immunity (via aura) so make sure you kill them before going in for Tal Rasha.
  • Safest way to do this uber is by luring them 1by1 away from the pack so you dont get insta pew-pew.
  • Once you killed Tal Rasha you'll get a swirl, as always, you have a timer to upgrade the charm, and if you die you'll lose it. Cube the CC with the Perfect Gem and voilà! Now it's upgraded :)
For further information about this, click here.

You dont get experience by killing the mages or Tal Rasha, so don't worry leveling up over 90 in here.


There are 3 minigames:





There are 2 kinds of Monster Tokens:

► Veteran Tokens

► Act Boss Tokens


This is the last challenge on Terror, 2 of the 5 stages are a bit difficult without lvl 120, some basic charms from Destruction and some signets (around 200~) get as much as you can. Difficulty might vary depending on the class you are using. I'm gonna list the stages ordered by difficulty:
► Show Spoiler


If you are reading this, congratulations, you've made it! :) Here's where MedianXL shines, DESTRUCTION. Tons of ubers and content.

How are they listed?
  • Ubers will be listed by documentation order.
  • Colors from green to red for difficulty levels.


  • To get these charms you must be in Destruction difficulty.
  • Killing Ubers like Vizjun, Startled Witch and Uldyssian requires Purify skill from
    Assur's Bane
    (can be found in Duncraig Uberlevel) or from Uldyssian's Sword (Uldyssian's charm).

► Death Projector

► Creature of Flame

► Infernal Machine

► Rathma Square

► Azmodan

► Cathedral of Vanity

► Vizjun

► Toraja

► Startled Witch

► Uldyssian

► The Void


What do I need for these ubers?
  • Book of summoning. [Sacrificial Heart x3 + Meditation Candle x3 → Book of Summoning]
  • To get these charms you must be in Destruction difficulty.
  • Brother Laz requires Purify skill from
    Assur's Bane
    (can be found in Duncraig Uberlevel) or from Uldyssian's Sword (Uldyssian's charm).
► The Butcher

► The Binding of Baal

► Assault on Mount Arreat

► Akarat

► Legacy of Blood

► Lord Aldric Jitan

► Judgment Day

► Zorun Tzin

► Brother Laz

► MarcoNecroX

► Secret Inarius Revenge


  • To get these charms you must be in Destruction difficulty.
► Kurast 3000 BA

► Island of the Sunless Sea

► Khalimgrad

► Tran Athulua

► Fauztinville

► The Triune

► The Unformed Land

► Kingdom of Shadow

► Ghosts of Old Bremmtown

► Duncraig

► Yshari Sanctum

► Wretched Hive


  • To get these charms you must be in Destruction difficulty.
  • Ubers like Bull Prince Rodeo, Belial and Astrogha can appear on the map randoml and they can be summoned by Dark Summoning skill from the Book of Summoning
    [Sacrificial Heart x3 + Meditation Candle x3 → Book of Summoning]

► Bull Prince Rodeo

► Quov Tsin

► Belial

► Athulua

► Astrogha

► Kabraxis


Laz and Marco for this mod.
Rishab for the ubers images and icons from bestiary.
All the people who made the maps I used in this guide.
YOU! for reading this bible and desiring to improve in this mod.
This ladder reset it's gonna be legend...wait for it...
Edited by Somnus 6 years.
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Saving just in case.

Edit1: Added veteran monsters, astrogha, kabraxis, fixed description on some ubers and fixed Sunless Sea.
Edit2: Added Vizjun, Toraja and Startled Witch (without the info)
Edit3: All ubers added. Only Info left. Working on it :D
Edit4: Tons of shit added, for edit 5, vizjun, toraja and startled witch will be added, hopefully for edit6 will be finished :D
Edit5(21/dec/2016): All guide has been improved accordingly with the dark theme of the forum (black font changed to green/sky blue).
Broken spoilers has been fixed, all guide must work now again.
Edited by Somnus 7 years.
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U can use the images of vet monsters from bestiary since newbies also have trouble in knowing what monster they r looking for to get that token.

► vet pics

Code: Select all

Edited by Rishab 8 years.
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There are a lot of uber guides out there, but this one is by far the most concise and noob friendly. Thumbs up :mrgreen:
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Rated this one high, for effort and great initiative. Thanks man :)
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Thanks guys, @annihilus5 @muilpeer, really appreciate it ^^
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"Once you killed Tal Rasha you'll get a swirl, as always, 30 seconds and if you die you lose it. Cube the CC with the Perfect Gem and voilà! Your ennead skill is now available :)"

Something feels off about this particular statement :\
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Kurne wrote:"Once you killed Tal Rasha you'll get a swirl, as always, 30 seconds and if you die you lose it. Cube the CC with the Perfect Gem and voilà! Your ennead skill is now available :)"

Something feels off about this particular statement :\

then post here telling what should be changed in it (-:
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1. It's not always 30 seconds swirlies
2. Tal rasha isn't ennead challenge