MXL2017 v1.3 errors/solutions (OUTDATED)

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Are you trying to use items from pre-m2017?
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Flying Polar Buffalo
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i'm trying to have a large space to deposit the things i've found . it feels bad not being able to store nice things as rares with oskills /shrines/other stuff so i may use them with other characters . i might make some mules instead untill this gets fixed
7 | 0
cowking wrote:
zalgo wrote:My steps:
1) Download and install from blizzard.
2) Download mod files from moddb.
3) Install.
4) Run D2. Median loads fine. Hit Multiplayer. "Unknown version"
5) Download the plugy 1.13c from this thread
6) Get error I posted above.


zalgo wrote:
cowking wrote:How to join TSW

You're running the wrong version of the game.

No I'm not.

The guy that posted after me shows the other error I'm getting.

By your own account you never downgraded to 1.13c before trying to play on realm as per the instructions I linked you. You're then overriding MXL install with wrong 1.13c patch (I have no idea why that link is in OP btw), ending up with something that is neither MXL or 1.13c.

:cry: gyis help pls

Jesus the link in the OP isn't even the right patch?

What the fuck.

I got it to work like I said above and then when I tried to run it again I get the Storm.dll bullshit. This is hilarious. Alright off to search I go.
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cowking wrote:
Aslaii wrote:Well this is really frustrating me. I'm stuck at error "c00005". I've tried all fix that is written in the post those DEP, -ns, compatibility, -w, running the game as admin,patch1.13c, reinstalled/redownload the game and the mod but none of it fix the problem. I'm stuck at Act 1, error shows up when I try to move up in Act 2.

OS: Windows 10

Copy the video/music .mpq files from the cds (both classic and d2x) into your D2 folder, I have a vague memory this helped someone.

Also try with/without glide.

Tried removing glide including selecting other option in the Vidtest and deleting the glide's files itself but still same results. I also tried using both Direct3D and DirectDraw 2D or something but the error still shows up.

I just tried to reinstall my graphics driver because that's what I saw on google but still the error shows up.

Ill try the music .mpq files that you're saying.

Will edit later.

EDIT: Music.mpq doesn't work.

I just got frustrated and re-downloaded the d2installer and the mod for the third time.

I tried using D2SE with plugY and I don't get any problems yet. Thanks for helping me!
Edited by Aslaii 7 years.
2 | 0
I've gotten everything to work fine using 1.13c core, except for Multires (using the 1.13c compatible version).
The game crashes right after selecting a resolution in the options in-game.

Thus, I tried the old Multires using core 1.12a. Works fine using vanilla D2.
After installing the Median XL mod and PlugY10.0 the game crashes upon character selection with unhandled exception: access_violation (c00000005).

Can someone please confirm if the newest Median XL 2017 mod only works with 1.13c core?
2 | 1
Multires is not supported by mxl 2017
18 | 0
If you are using D2SE and it is ok with single player but get error with multiplayers, make sure in your D2SE launcher, mark "using plugY". I thought we cannot use plugY in multiplayers so I unmark "using plugY". The game crashes when starts with code "c000000005" or "2239". When I tried again with "using plugy" marked, the game works normally
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vantheanh wrote:If you are using D2SE and it is ok with single player but get error with multiplayers, make sure in your D2SE launcher, mark "using plugY". I thought we cannot use plugY in multiplayers so I unmark "using plugY". The game crashes when starts with code "c000000005" or "2239". When I tried again with "using plugy" marked, the game works normally

You cannot use PlugY (various functions) in MP, the error you encountered was probably because you're running the mod through D2SE and PlugY loads the MXL.dll core.
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ChuckNoRis wrote:i'm trying to have a large space to deposit the things i've found . it feels bad not being able to store nice things as rares with oskills /shrines/other stuff so i may use them with other characters . i might make some mules instead untill this gets fixed

The only way i got plugy to work is through d2se. Make sure to rememberr to load MXL.dll in both folders just in case.
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Stygian Watcher
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Hello all,
Can you help me?

I success to play in SinglePlayer with D2SE and PlugY 10.00,
when i play in MultiPlayer (play online The Sin War), at the welcome screen i see PlugY has loaded but when i play, Stash ony have one page
How do I want to use multi stash??
