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I finished Hunter X Hunter (Manga) and I gotta say, it's much better than the anime. the MC is still boring, but at least you don't see him smiling all the time. Plus the additional content is nice, as now finally Leorio and Kurapika get some more air time.

I started Maze Age Z (Manwha) now. It's from the same person who wrote the Gamer (which I liked a lot). But sadly you notice it's from the same author... It's mostly the same. Some guy thrown into a different world, hunting monsters in the dungeon while having a female penta mage (being able to combine 5 spells to cast stronger spells) as his teacher, using Water arrows (instead of Magic arrows in the Gamer), and mana Barrier (same as in gamer) plus learning how to use a sword (also the same as in the gamer).
The only difference is: in Maze Age Z, the MC already has peasants beneath him. And the MC gets made fun of by his butler (basically like baka prince in Gintama). Plus Maze Age Z is somewhat homoerotical. Also the Gamer was funnier due to his weird ability. I guess I'll finish the last 8 chapters and then leave it be. Since I already know the Gamer, Maze Age Z is rather boring. I can't recommend Maze Age Z.
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Kraken Guard
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^ that Youjo Senki gif is kind of a nice jumpscare.
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Huehue just as I wanted. :D
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Anonymous: wrote:- Break the seal of purity !
- But i don't want to !!!

OMG... Now that brings back memories.
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I rarely watch anime nowadays since I wanted to finish my steam backlog. With release of median new patch, now I have reason to dual gaming + watching anime at same time.
Im surprised I managed to clear couple of the series while mindless leveling my caster necro through hatred (and now stuck in terror for abit).

1. Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru
Simply said, magical girl show + slice of life that trying to add dark plot twist to the series. It gave the vibe of madoka magica series but it feel like world building the reason of the girls fighting not properly clear. I could smell the dark plot twist from mile away but because the series switch too much between cute + slice of life vs dark / serious made it feel not focused (like gakkou gurashi). I rather have it went to full blown dark + depressing though although it got good sad moment in the middle.

2. Sakamoto desu ga?
Imagine when you have too many swag and do everything as stylish as possible. That is sakamoto for you. The series went for absurd comedy that kinda made it hilarious and fun. Apparently there is some fan theory about the series that made it clear why sakamoto is acting as his is. The manga was short and the anime adapted most of the stuff.

3. Planetarian
Gosh, this story remind me of my early Key VN / Kyoto Animation anime series in mid 2000 that I loved so much. The series scope is much smaller and shorter compared to other, but it didnt fail to make me shed my tear. The additional movie also brought bittersweet ending to the main character.

4. Gabriel DropOut
A comedy series that in theory should be something that I liked but failed to catch me with its comedy. I guess the series a specific type of comedy / delivery that I didnt enjoy much. Many recommendation said this would be like another series I liked (Himouto Umaru) but I still feel "meh" for most of the time.

5. Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta?
I accidentally saw the score of this series so I kinda put low expectation for this series. I saw couple meme people made about it but I still dunno what the story all about. Objectively speaking this anime series speak loud "cliche & generic" but for some reason I feel connected the series. The anime focused half of airtime on MMORPG and unlike other series it focused much more on communication between team member in real life. End part of the series gave me flash back to my online experience with Ragnarok Online with it Guild Castle Siege.

I believe I still havent watched many of good series from 2017 yet. Im kinda reserving them when I can give full focus when watching them.
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not sure if theres many good 2017 series, not many that come to my mind so far
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Kakegurui strong contender for best 2017 anime so far.
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Watched Blade Runner Black Out 2022. It ties in the end of the 1982 sci-fi classic with the upcoming sequel (its gonna suck probably, calling it now).

This short episode is directed by Shinichiro Watanabe of Cowboy Bebop fame, so fans will be plenty satisfied with the outcome even if they never watched or didnt like Blade Runner. (heretics)

ez 7/10. would rate it an 8 or a 9 if it didnt suffer from pacing issues here and there but for a short ep its pretty solid.
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I don't watch enough anime to know what's good, so I just pick a series at random for something to watch on my lunch breaks. Will pretty much consider anything, as long as the description doesn't start with "<insert name here> was a normal high-school boy/girl, until one day..."

Most recently...

Boku no Hero Academia:
Doesn't seem that bad. I get a kick out of All Might's hero character being a western comic book hero cliché, light source-defying black shading and all. The way the artists draw hands kinda triggers me though.

Restaurant to Another World:
Not good. The food shtick got really old, really fast. Pretentious NYT food critic talk? I skip that.

Made in Abyss:
Kinda cute. Premise seems a little silly, but it has a nice art style. Has an old-school RPG feel (clichés, and all), but that's not a bad thing. Episode pacing is good, doesn't drag on unnecessarily. They usually end with a soft cliffhanger, but there's enough meat in each episode that I feel it was worth my time, while still being interested enough in what happens next. Music also has an RPG feel. Reminds me of Chrono Cross for some reason. I loved the music in that game. Maybe nostalgia is the only reason I keep watching this.

Tried watching 18if. It sucks horribly. Apparently there's a Castlevania anime. It also sucks horribly.

There are some others, but don't remember atm. Feel free to point and laugh at my poor viewing choices.
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Since last post, i watched couple of series

1. Attack on Titan S2
Superb continuation but raised a lot more questions rather than answering them. Really made me want to finish reading the whole manga once it all concluded. I still think 1st season is better though, but I liked the = encounter with 2 giants on top of the walls (telling more will spoiled it) in term of the animation.

2. Yuyushiki
Another relaxing slice of life with seinen (why there are couple seinen tag which is older men demography have many this cute slice of life stuff). It is still not the highest score in its own category but enough for me to be relaxing.

3. Haiyore Nyaruko-san W
Cthulhu in girl form. I dont remember much the 1st season but the 2nd season still failed to hook me. Basically just enough to watch through but I dont remember much of the details.

4. Tonari no Seki-kun
Last time I mentioned that there are many types of comedy and I only loved certain type of comedy only. By design, this anime should be same class like Nichijou but maybe excessive use of overdramatic expression and internal monologue kinda made me feel kinda like meh. I think Nichijou excel more in term of physicality joke or animation-wise. I saw the first episode in real life action, it is even more exaggerated there...

5. Shingeki no Bahamut Genesis
Probably among of recent anime that have unique character design. It feel like very different from normal anime. The anime have strong start until mid part which I just wondering how they gonna resolved the story nicely (which it didnt). It still a very good series but I kinda iffy with the MC since it reminded me way too much with Ronald McDonald.

Other anime added to list were mostly short special episode that I watched randomly since it would be tricky to find torrent for it, so I stream them while gaming.