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Post them here. Being as specific as you can helps.
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As some of you might have noticed, docs version 2.95 has been released. Ctrl+F5 to see all the changes.
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neat :)

btw. tell me when it's safe to add the global site header there.
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Quirinus wrote:As some of you might have noticed, docs version 2.95 has been released.

Great! :thumb:

little feedback, isn't more correct to write "Keep in Inventory to gain bonuses" instead of "Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus"? In several occasion if not all there are several bonuses not just one. Sorry in advance if I've wrote something stupid.
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The following can be found near the bottom of the initial page that loads in the docs.


If you see anything that's incorrect, incomplete or ill-formatted, please help by posting it on the forum so it can be corrected in the next version! You might even get a cookie!"

The "on the forum" link, goes to the old forum and not this one.
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Items -> Gift & Special Box in the recipe "Special Box + Oil of Enchantment → 1 to 3 Signets of Learning" Oil of Enchantment should be Oil of Enhancement.

Same thing in the quest reference, for the rewards/recipe section of the void the recipe "Enchanting Crystal + Enchantment Oil + SU/SSU/SSSU → SU/SSU/SSSU (rerolled, same type, can be different tier)" should list Enhancement Oil instead of Enchantment.

Sorry, this is *very* minor stuff, I hope it's not a problem.
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void pic is pretty bad, just black box
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Thanks guys.

mahitovec wrote:void pic is pretty bad, just black box

I agree, but our benevolent overlord and some other people thought it was a good idea. If you squint just right, you'll see a sign in there. The idea was Void = Nothing = Black.

I guess I could try to brighten the pic a bit for the next release. That kinda kills the concept though.
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I personally would love if the monster stats was updated, and if reanimate stats could be added as well? Or is it there and I am missing it? :oops:
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jamielynn7483 wrote:I personally would love if the monster stats was updated, and if reanimate stats could be added as well? Or is it there and I am missing it? :oops:

i m making a bestiary with the help of binary/quiri/marco/suchbalance in which all monsters and their relevant data will be written but every now and then some stuff gets in the way and work stops..
we have already collected all monster pics and now i m waiting to receive monster data from Marco / Quiri but they r both busy in either rl or forum related stuff.. blame them for delay :P