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darkstorm wrote:
HechtHeftig wrote:Imho ther are only 2 best classes (...) necromancer.

Because (...) have true freedom in skilling

have skills for every situation

which is what helps (...) getting to the point where you can easily farm.

Now I'm sure which class is the best. Assassin got no skill freedom (especially assassin), druid got no skill freedom. Asssassin got no skills for every situation. Amazon, druid cannot easily farm (especially them).
Let's finaly set the sacred items drop only from uber bosses and we will see what character can farm ''easily''.

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Wow I've never seen such a notorious hypocrit like you. First you basically say it's okay to share ur ideas and your explanations and then you go ahead and facepalm all over. Just now I facepalmed hard to your hypocrisy.

Now to your "arguments". If you've ever played assassin, you would know that every wdm build skills the ways and perfect being --> every wdm build is built the same skillwise. Castersin is the exception but the exception confirms the rule, so my point remains: There is not much variety in assa builds.

Druid has 3 skilltrees that unlock almost all other skills. Variety or freedom? Not really. The only things that work for every druid build is poison flash, pagan rites mythal and Elfin weapons. Again, not even close as much variety as barb or necromancer. And I'm not even counting the strong wdm or spell damage buffs Necro and barb have to make even the useless oskills somewhat useful.

Assas do have skills for every situation, but most of them are timered and lock each other out.
Just because treewarden still remains OP doesn't make the character as a whole good. Let's face it: Both treewarden and traprat are downright boring. (1-skill click adventures hooray!).

And I never said that barb and nec are the only ones to be able to farm good. That's simply misreading my comment on purpose. I said that barb and necro can easily get to the point where they can farm easily. (Barb: tons of free defense and DR --> most ubers with lots of wdm enemies can easily be finished --> easy time getting the early charms. Nec: trololol just totem and gg half the charms. The active caster build is strong af as well, even melee nec can manage without much investment. The only thing that's lacking is xbow tree.)
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So is this a:
1) new feeding place for trolls
2) best place to spit out your awesome balance ideas
3) another random chance for people to get attention
4) all the above

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5) A thread to ignore and stop posting into
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Gay muscle barb is best class rn imho tbqh onii-fam
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Wow I've never seen such a notorious hypocrit like you. First you basically say it's okay to share ur ideas and your explanations and then you go ahead and facepalm all over. Just now I facepalmed hard to your hypocrisy.

I am not a hypocrite - I am a despot ^^

If you've ever played assassin, you would know that every wdm build skills the ways and perfect being --> every wdm build is built the same skillwise. Castersin is the exception but the exception confirms the rule, so my point remains: There is not much variety in assa builds.

Before I found myself on sin war, I played median for quite some time alone. For a long time I learned the mechanics of the game by trial and error, discovering my own build for assassin.
At the beginning I called it '' ninjassin '' because it was based largely on the then "ninja" tree, which then had little to do with the naginata.
Through many versions of MXL my build evolved, also changed its name because in the meantime, the name of the character's skills has changed. Eventually, my assassin, which I always called '' Bodkin '', became a representative of the build currently called '' spiderssin ''.
What I am aiming at - imagine that my assassin is a caster and in addition relies on weapon damage and does not need damage from ways. And she could do uberquests, farming, and in addition it was great for pvp.
Let me quote your unmasking statement again:
every wdm build skills the ways and perfect being --> every wdm build is built the same skillwise.

and let me get a comment appropriate to yours: if you ever played an assassin, you would probably know that you can build a character like I did.

Druid has 3 skilltrees that unlock almost all other skills.

And a necromancer can be freckled with a crossbow in one hand, with a scythe in the other, and in addition, when transforming into a death lord, he can spam pestilence without spelltimer at the same time. Necromancer has a lot of flexibility, I agree, but do not make him an assassin - I checked my build with assassin on necro in this ladder, and despite the success I assure you that the assassin will never be.
A druid can at the same time shoot a bow / crossbow, cast 12 spells from a pool of druid spells and use many useful oskills, which makes it quite a sensible range character (albeit much weaker than in previous versions, currently).
The melee necromancer is practically non-existent - I just found out about it; there is no comparison with that of the Ultimative. A necromancer crossbow ... addicted to minions ...: / maybe I do not know, I do not feel free spamming Widowmaker / Voodoo shot / whatever it is now called.
The necromancer can at most combine several skills creating something new, but he is still very limited - even with equipment.
And forgive me, but calling spamming teleportation with an entire army the "freedom" or running with one maximally buffed psn-hurricane with the possibility of clicking on the endless totems and minions ... somehow I am not convinced by the concept of "freedom" of such a character.

(...) not even close as much variety as barb or necromancer. And I'm not even counting the strong wdm or spell damage buffs Necro and barb have to make even the useless oskills somewhat useful.

And again I can be wrong because I do not like playing a barbarian, but last time I played it there was something full of these spelltimers.
Even now, when I was playing with a friend who played a barbarian, he could not mix many weapons with himself through skill limitations. Something like this is less free even in comparison to the Diablo 2 himself: Lord of Destruction, where the barbarian could run with two sets of two different weapons and mix his skills abundantly.

(1-skill click adventures hooray!).

This time i totally agree.

And I never said that barb and nec are the only ones to be able to farm good. That's simply misreading my comment on purpose.

Apology accepted.
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Your freedom lies in your chosen build. For example, There's nothing more free than a necromancer running as wild as he likes and things die. You don't need deathlord for that pestilence build, but if you choose to be a Deathlord, then you're choosing your own restriction for melee/summon only.

Any questions?
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this thread is dumb
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no u
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Somnus, :* ^^
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shnurr214 wrote:this thread is dumb

yep way too much autism even for my standards