Short Questions Thread

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Some newbie questions here.

Playing with a harbinger druid at the moment. I'm not really sure about the IAS, I think I read somewhere that I need 240 IAS on a great sword to hit 3 fpa, but only 110 of the IAS had to be on the weapon? Can someone clarify this?

Also what about the jewels in my weapon - besides the IAS what should I look to craft? Lifeleech (ber crafted jewels)? Or does that not work with Harbinger?

I also found an amulet with the Lightning Arena skill and I have read that it's a decent skill - is it purely for the stun effect or am I missing something that makes this skill so good?

Hope someone can help me
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oski89 wrote:in 1 account can have only 8 character??

16 characters per account, on realm you must scroll with arrows to see them.
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Unda wrote:
oski89 wrote:in 1 account can have only 8 character??

16 characters per account, on realm you must scroll with arrows to see them.

actually max is 18 chars - TSW realm stats (& Quests, NotArmory, HC chars)
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Thanks Thraxis I'll try that tomorrow.
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Does anyone know if there is a list that tells you skills that "increased buff duration" works on? Also, would this work for skills that are proc'ed and not actually casted? Like Burning Veil? I'd assume no
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Is it even possible to kill soul of pride with melee sin or I should try another character?
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Does everybody gets his own drop from monsters when in realm? or are the items from the ground the same for everyone?
Onyx Knight
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Drops are visible and available to pick by anybody in your game, even if not in your party.
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Rules on muling, majority of the time I just transfer the items and logoff, however sometimes I found it easy when crafting jewels etc to leave my mule in the game so I dont risk losing the items on the ground. Is this not allowed as sometimes the warning message comes up and I'll log the mule off. Other question on same topic is if I kill a uber and get a better roll on a charm for my alts Is it okay to log them in to pick them up (I guess same scenario if farming charms for alts?)

Thanks for any information
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1. Mulling is for item transfer between chars. There is no hidden message here. Just transfer items and end it. Crafting happens inside cube - how will you lose items is a real question. If you have a habit to throw items out of cube after craft on ground - things might happen (server goes down, ect).
2. If an alt matches requirements to join your charm game -> drop charm in town, go to uber and pick better one -> log alt to pick other charm from town.