Is genderswap a posibility?

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enanoakd wrote:Hi all!

I was thinking if there is the possibility of developing something like the gender swap in the classes. It would be interesting, like in Diablo 3. Everything would be the same for stats and skills, except for the character's sprite.

What I am referring to is the possibility of the playability of:

    A male Amazon (ok, we would need another name).
    A male assassin
    A female necromancer
    A female barbarian
    A sorcerer
    A female paladin
    A female druid

I do not know if this has been discussed in another thread. If so, I apologize. Thank you!

this is kinda interesting... But I don't know if most people will like it because I think maybe the gender lock in the game is mostly liked by people
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This write up on extracting character animations gives insight into some of its complexity, specifically '2.7. Player Character’s Mode': ... ations.pdf
Edited by ryunp 5 years.
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We want 99 equal genders!
Pit Knight
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notforkeeps wrote:This would require finding/animating from scratch,a total of 7 sprites, plus armor looks and overlays. So, probably a non starter, since it is only cosmetic. I If you have the capabilities to render the 7 new sprites yourself and come to the devs with a at least a rough draft, maybe they would consider it.

7 sprites. That's funny.
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Pit Knight
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I'm wondering who would want to do such a job ...
It's just a lot of time and effort to make something that won't influence gameplay in any noticeable way.

Considering how D2 sprite system works, I doubt anyone would want to do that.
Additionally, it could make some further shortcomings with vanilla D2 dialogues. Also, male amazon is quiet strange idea :D
Dark Huntress
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omg no nonononono, this will re-write d2 history, nonoononnoonon get out SJW!

this is a troll thread for sure
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Core Lord
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It would be nice if the OP had a brain swap.
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Stone Warrior
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sneakybeaver wrote:omg no nonononono, this will re-write d2 history, nonoononnoonon get out SJW!

this is a troll thread for sure

This is not a troll thread and I'm not a SJW, just a random player with a random idea.

Also, this wouln't re-write any D2 History since this is just a mod. And also in the Book "Legacy of Blood" released in 2000 along with the game, the main character is a female Necromancer, so I don't see your point.